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Kennedy D. — Academic Duty
Kennedy D. — Academic Duty

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Íàçâàíèå: Academic Duty

Àâòîð: Kennedy D.


Examining teaching, graduate training, research, and their ethical context in the research university, Donald Kennedy, former President of Stanford University and currently a faculty member, suggests that meaningful reform cannot take place until more rigorous standards of academic responsibility are embraced by both faculty and the administration. With vision and compassion, he offers an important antidote to recent attacks from without that decry the university and the professoriate.

ßçûê: en

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ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: vard Business School Publishing

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1997

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 310

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.03.2007

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Harvard University, investments by      256—257
Harvard University, promotions at      136
Harvard University, research at      27 221 262 281
Health and Human Services Department      179 229—230 234—236
Health benefits      141—142
Higher education      see “Colleges and universities”
hiring      see “Recruitment and hiring of faculty”
Hispanic students      6
Historically Black Colleges and Universities      4
hoaxes      218
Honor codes      84—85 87—88
Hopkins, Mark      116
Housing costs      12
Howard Hughes Medical Institute      261
Hutchinson, G. Evelyn      135—136
Imanishi-Kari, Thereza      175 229 232—236 239
Independent study      63
Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis      286
Indirect costs      16 164—175 236
Industry involvement      50 150—151 161—162 182 184
Inflation, impact on endowments      122—123
Inman, Bobby      207—208
Institute of Medicine      226
Integrity audits      240
intellectual property      98—100 103 177 182 195 197 202 212 214—215 242—243
Interdisciplinary studies      277
International concerns      269—270
International Council on the Future of the University      68
Internet      190 268—269
investments      121—122 250 256—257 261
Israel      130
Jackson, Jesse      9
James, William      26 283—284
job searches      51—57
Job seminars      52
Johns Hopkins University      26
Jordan, David Starr      124
Journal of Biochemistry      206
Journals, scholarly      188—191 193—195 198 203 213 225
Justice Department      13 167 173—174 237
Justice Department, Civil Investigative Demand served on universities      281
Kammerer, Paul      218
Kennedy, Donald: "On Academic Authorship"      101—102
King, Martin Luther, Jr.      65 148
Laboratory work      70 97 102—103 141 217
Land-grant institutions      4—5
Land-use decisions      143
Large-class settings      77
Leary, Timothy      279
Lecturers      138
Lectures      61—62 71 77
Letters of recommendation      62 91—93 129—130
Lewis, Anthony      175 236
Liability for work      195
Libertarianism      66
Libraries      189—190
Library of Congress      157
licensing      250 256 261
Lou Henry Hoover House, Stanford University      170—172
Lyell, Charles      200
Lyman, Richard      132
Marine Biological Laboratory      219
Martin Luther King Papers      148
Massachusetts Institute of Technology      150 201—202 232—233 239 281
Massy, W.F.      50
Mellon Foundation      284
Memoranda of understanding      172—174
Mentoring      60 78 89 97—116
Merit Systems Protection Board      174
Military research      28 207
Minority students      6 9 65 80 125
Misconduct      179 210—240
Modern Language Association      54
Modified total direct costs      165 167
Moewus, Franz      219
Moral relativism      65
Morrill Act      4 266
National Academy of Engineering      226
National Academy of Sciences      78 96 154 178 187 189 226 229 231 274 284
National Aeronautics and Space Administration      160
National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities      5
National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges      5
National Cancer Institute      179
National Center for Atmospheric Research      160
National Collegiate Athletic Association      58 140
National Defense Education Act      28—29 46
National Endowment for the Humanities      10 157—158
National Geographic Society      152
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute      178
National Institutes of Health      36 46 103 150 153 155—156 159 162 164 166 178—179 191 214 221 226 228—229 231 233—234 252 254—255 264
National Labor Relations Board      49
National Opinion Research Center      14
National Press Club      207
National Research Council      31—32 58
National Science Board      284
National Science Foundation      16 28 35 46—47 78 150—153 155—156 162 191 216 264 284
Nature      187 189
Needleman, Herbert      237—239
New England Journal of Medicine      195 222 237
New York Times      7 172 175 204 211 216 220 223 234 236 256 279
Noll, Roger      189
Notre Dame University      278—279
Oates, Stephen      216
Office of Management and Budget      174
Office of Naval Research      168 170 172—174
Office of Research Integrity      179 214 228—231 234—235 238—239
Office of Scientific Inquiry      228—229 234 236—238
Office of Technology Licensing      252 260
OMB Circular A-21      164 171
Oral examinations      89
Oregon Health Sciences University      154
Ownership      199 207 212 243
Oxford University      78
O’Toole, Margot      233—234 239
Pajaro Dunes conference      246 256
Panel on Scientific Responsibility and the Conduct of Research      226
Papers, student      61—62 78 81—82 88—89
Parafaculty      138
Patents      99—100 177 198 207
Peer review      153—155 161 182 201—203 231
Permissiveness      65
Personal relationships      107—109
Pew Trusts      284
Phi Beta Kappa      64
Philanthropy      27 120
Physical plant      272
Plagiarism      199 212 214—216 219 230
Pluralism      4 65 273—274
Political correctness      6 93 278
Popovic, Mikulas      229 235
Populism      124
Portland State University      286
Postdoctoral fellowships      47—48
Powell, Lewis F.      118—119 123
Presidential Young Investigators      284
Presidents, college      25 125—126 128 271 278—279 281—282 287
Prestige, institutional      24 29—33 45 191—192
Princeton University      27
Professional ethics      19—20 68
Professional misconduct      211
Professional schools, recommendations for      92—93
Professors      see “Faculty”
Programs, advocates of      271—272
promotions      30 34 65 73—75 130 136 187
Ptashne, Mark      256—257
public domain      197—198
Public Health Service      264
Public intellectuals      247—248 278
Publication      98 101—103 105 186—209
Publishers, scholarly      188—189 191 204
Questionnaires on mentor-student relationship      98 103—104
Racial tension      6
rankings      31—32
Recruitment and hiring of faculty      23 32 34 40 51 57
Reed College      31
Regents      117 121 124 287
Regrading      83
Religious convictions      69—70
Research      26 97—98 156—159 181 207
Research and age      42
Research and appointment/promotion      65
Research and industry      12 50 150—151 161—162 182 184
Research and peer review      153—155
Research and scholarship      59 147 184—185
Research and teaching      29 33 94—96
Research assistants      47 49 149
Research evaluations      73
Research misconduct      211 217—228 240
Research scholars      48
Research Service Awards      103
Research universities      17 28 46 148
Research, competition in      182—183 204—206 208
Research, freedom      179—180
Research, government regulation of      13 18 29 100 140—141 176—178
Research, government support of      16 41 45 150
Research, grants for      18 36 49 148—152 155 160—162 166 190—191 207
Research, indirect costs of      164—175
Research, multiauthor projects      102
Research, resistance to      27
Research, structuring of      48
Research, university costs of      163—164
Responsibility      19—23 25 59 66—68 79
Retirement      30 42—44 47 135 142 267
Review journals      213
Riesman, David      286
Rockefeller University      232 234—236
Rockefeller, John D.      27 120
Role models, teachers as      60 68
Romantic relationships      109—111
Rosovsky, Henry      62—63 94 110 139 247
Rosovsky, Henry, The University: An Owner’s Manual      131
Ross, Edward      124—125
Rudenstine, Neil      279
Rules of conduct      66
Sabbatical leaves      137
Salaries, faculty      12 32—34 75 95 137
Salary equity      33—34
Scarr, Sandra      237—238
Scholarship      26 185 274
Scholarship and academic duty      154 184
Scholarship and publication      186 188 212
Scholarship and research      59 147 184—185
Scholarship and teaching      65
Scholarship, competition in      182—183
Scholarship, faculty-student collaborations      98—99
Scholarship, government regulation of      207
Scholarship, meaning of      64
Scholarship, public perceptions of      210
Scholarship, sponsorship of      181
science      19 52 127 172 184 189 219—221 223 230
Science, research grants for      160—161
Scientific Integrity Advisory Board      226
Scientific literacy      181
Scientific publication      186—187 194—195 205
Secret Service      233—235
Secretness in research      206—207
Seminars      27 52 75 77 89 95
Senior lecturers      138
Service learning      275—276
Sexism      115
Sexual harassment      6 16—17 111—115 142
Sexual issues      65
Sexual relationships      109—111
Shapiro, Harold      94
Shils, Edward      42 68
Shulman, Lee      72 142
Simpson, Rob      172—174
Skeff, Kelley      75
Socialism      66
Sonneborn, Tracy      219
Sosa, J.A.      47
South Africa      121 283
Sponsored research      149
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center      160
Stanford University      20 26 65 131 136 150 280 282 286
Stanford University and animal rights movement      180
Stanford University, appointments/tenure      130—131 133 142
Stanford University, authorship lecture      103—104
Stanford University, balance between teaching and research      94—95
Stanford University, Djerassi case      261—262
Stanford University, evaluations      73—76 95
Stanford University, faculty      41 44 94—95 144—145 247—248 250 258
Stanford University, founding of      120—121
Stanford University, Franklin case      67—68 132—134
Stanford University, grading system      7
Stanford University, grants      141 178—179 207
Stanford University, honor code      85 88
Stanford University, indirect cost controversy      16 167—175 236
Stanford University, King Papers project      148
Stanford University, library      190
Stanford University, presidency of      125—126
Stanford University, problems at      16—17 115
Stanford University, professorial responsibility course      21
Stanford University, reforms      271 275
Stanford University, size of campus      143
Stanford University, student housing      6 143
Stanford University, trustees      124—125
Stanford University, Weissman case      260—261
Stanford University, Western culture curriculum      6 8—9 279
Stanford, Jane      124—125
Stanford, Leland      120
State University of New York      247
Stengel, Casey      5
Stewart, Walter      221—222 229 233
Stigler, Stephen      193
Student-teacher relationship      67—69 82 96 97—98 106—111 116
Students and group learning      89 276
Students, cheating by      84—85 87—88
Students, educational objectives of      60—61
Students, friendships with faculty      107—109
Students, grading of      7 62 71 78—84 86—89
Students, graduate      26—28 30 45—46 49—51 90 108 149
Students, involved in governance      126
Students, minority      6 9 65 80 125
Students, religious convictions of      69—70
Students, research done by      197 212—213
Students, sexual harassment of      111—115
Students, sexual relationships with faculty      109—111
Students, teaching one another      77—78
Students, writing of      82
Sullivan Principles      121 283
Sullivan, Leon      283
Superfund Act      237
Supreme Court, U.S.      118—119 133
Swazey, Judith      223
Syracuse University      77
SyStemix      260—261
Tau Beta Pi      75
Tax laws      11 160
Teacher-student relationship      67—69 82 96 97—98 106—111 116
Teachers      see “Faculty”
teaching      29—30 33 42 59—96
Teaching assistants      46 49 72 77 87
Teaching evaluations      73—76 95
Teaching loads      61—63
Teaching-improvement seminars      75 77
Technical reports      197
Technological developments      96 180 266—269
Technology transfer      241 256
Television      268
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