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Поиск книг, содержащих: Einstein relation
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Cardy J. — Scaling and renormalization in statistical physics | | Doi M., Edwards S.F. — The theory of polymer dynamics | 49, 61—62 | Allen M.P., Tildesley D.J. — Computer simulation of liquids | 59—61, 204—208 | Frenkel D., Smit B. — Understanding Molecular Simulation: from algorithms to applications | 88, 513 | Doi M., See H. — Introduction to Polymer Physics | 68—70, 71 | Parisi G. — Statistical field theory | 329 | Huang K. — Statistical Mechanics | 49 | Honerkamp J. — Statistical Physics | 193 | Kwok K.Ng. — Complete guide to semiconductor devices | 636 | Weiss U. — Quantum Dissapative Systems | 147, 394, 401 | Imry Y. — Introduction to Mesoscopic Physics | 17, 23—24 | Chaikin P.M., Lubensky T.C. — Principles of condensed matter physics | 373—375, 385, 668 | Isihara A. — Statistical physics | 194, 370 | Rammer J. — Quantum transport theory | 345 | Domb C., Lebowitz J.L. — Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena (Vol. 19) | 215 | Dittrich T. (ed.), Hanggi P. (ed.), Ingold G.-L. (ed,) — Quantum transport and dissipation | 3, 229 | Rubinstein M., Colby R.H. — Polymer Physics | 309 | Kubo R., Toda M., Hashitsume N. — Statistical physics II. Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics | 2, 6, 31, 37, 146, 183 | Aoki K. — Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in semiconductors | 428 | Kubo R. — Statistical Mechanics: An Advanced Course with Problems and Solutions | 402 | Verdeyen J.T. — Laser electronics | 752 | Raizer Yu.P. — Gas Discharge Physics | 20 | Kittel C. — Introduction to solid state physics | 309 | Englert B.G. (Ed) — Quantum Mechanics | 22 | Kittel Charles, Kroemer Herbert — Thermal Physics | 406 | Cowan B. — Topics In Statistical Mechanics | 266 | Animalu A.O. — Intermediate Quantum Theory of Crystalline Solids | 337 | Mazo R.M. — Brownian Motion: Flucuations, Dynamics, and Applications | 58, 229 | Cherrington B.E. — Gaseous Electronics and Gas Lasers | 101 | Scully M.O., Zubairy M.S. — Quantum optics | 276, 283, 454 | Cotterill R.M.J. — Biophysics: An Introduction | 78 | Ashcroft N.W., Mermin N.D. — Solid State Physics | 602 | Riley, Hobson — Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering | 442, 642, 703 | Wurfel P. — Physics of Solar Cells: From Principles to New Concepts | 96 | McQuarrie D.A. — Statistical Mechanics | 577 | Chaikin P., Lubensky T. — Principles of condensed matter physics | 373—5, 385, 668 | Singh J. — Semiconductor Optoelectronics: Physics and Technology | 150 | Davies J.H. — The physics of low-dimensional semiconductors : an introduction | 3 | Datta S. — Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems | 39—42, 59, 62 | Grosso G. (Ed), Parravicini G.P. (Ed) — Solid State Physics | 418, 493 | Guyon E., Hulin J., Petit L. — Physical Hydrodynamics | 30 | Mott N.F. — Metal-insulator transitions | 66 | Pan G.W. — Wavelets in Electromagnetics and Device Modeling | 485 | Kardar M. — Statistical physics of fields | 190, 195, 202 | Honerkamp J. — Statistical physics: an advanced approach with applications | 193 | Helander P., Sigmar D.J. — Collisional Transport in Magnetized Plasmas | 30 |