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Raizer Yu.P. — Gas Discharge Physics
Raizer Yu.P. — Gas Discharge Physics

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Название: Gas Discharge Physics

Автор: Raizer Yu.P.


Both a textbook for beginners and a handbook for specialists in plasma physics and gaseous electronics. Gas discharges of all important types are discussed: breakdown, glow, arc, spark and corona, radio frequency, microwave and optical. The interaction between plasma electrons and electrostatic and electromagnetic fields, low temperature plasma generation, and applications to high power gas lasers are treated in detail.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1991

Количество страниц: 449

Добавлена в каталог: 30.06.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Absorption coefficient of electromagnetic waves in plasma      48 308
Acquiring of energy by electron in electric field      14 38
Anchoring of arc on anode      267
Arc, Gerdien      248 284
Arc, hissing      251 267
Arc, hollow-cathode      258
Arc, low voltage      269
Arc, voltaic      249
Aston dark space      169
Attachment coefficient      64 135 205 340
Attachment of electrons to dielectrics      171 380 395 400 402
Avalanche, electron of      53 128 328 331
Avalanche, multiplication      340
Avalanche-streamer transition      336
Binding energy of electrons in atoms and molecules (affinity)      59
Boys’ patterns      371 373 375
Breakdown by $\mathrm{CO_{2}}$ laser radiation      154
Breakdown criteria, nonsteady      155
Breakdown criteria, steady      141
Breakdown of air      135 154 338 359
Breakdown, Townsend      131
Breakdown, voltage, static      342
Cathode sputtering      389
Channel model of arc      279
Characteristic energy      21
Characteristic length, diffusional      67 436
Characteristic length, electron energy relaxation      19
Child — Langmuir law of three-halves      118
Clusters      67 365
Coefficient of turbulent diffusion      209
Collisions, effective frequency of      9
Collisions, electron-electron      14 40
Collisions, electrons with atoms and ions (comparative roles)      13 286
Continuity equations for charge densities      20
Contraction      239
Convective heat removal      200 419
Conversion of atomic ions into molecular ions      60
Corona, flashing      351
Corona, streamer      354 365
Coulomb logarithm      13
Coulomb radius      13
Criteria of plasma, electroneutrality      30 32
Critical electron density in plasma      49
Cross section for momentum transfer      9
Cross section for momentum transfer, derivation from kinetic equation      84
Cross section, charge transfer      24
Cross section, Coulomb      13
Cross section, Coulomb, of electrons      10
Cross section, Coulomb, of ions      25
Cross section, photoionization      59
Cross section, polarization      23
Current, displacement      42 396
Current, non-self-sustaining in discharge gap      130 426 427
Current, polarization      41
Current, space-charge-limited, bipolar      270
Current, space-charge-limited, with collisionless motion of charge carriers      116
Current, space-charge-limited, with drift motion of charge carriers      255
Detachment      66 206 208 365
Dielectric cell in breakdown field      380
Dielectric permittivity of plasma and dielectric (comparison)      45
Diffusion coefficient of thermal electrons      22
Diffusion, longitudinal and transverse      23
Discharge in resonator      301
Discharge of long line to ground      369
Discharge, optical      151 306
Discharge, sliding      325
Discharge, Townsend dark      132 173 175
Discharge, tube      2
Discharge, waveguide      299
domains      216 228
Double layer      117 264
Drift of ions, abnormal      27
Drift of ions, ambipolar      32
Druyvesteyn’s distribution      97
Effective oscillating field      94
Einstein relation      20
Emission due to metastable atoms      71
Emission, explosive      264
Emission, field      69
Emission, ion-electron      71
Emission, photoelectron      71 73
Emission, potential      71
Emission, secondary electron      71
Emission, thermionic      62
Emission, thermionic field      70 263
Equation, diffusion      31
Equation, Elenbaas — Heller, for arc column      278
Equation, Maxwell’s      41
Equation, motion of electrons in various fields      8 35 36
Equation, Saha      434
Equivalent heat flux, voltaic      257
Erosion of arc cathode      258 261
Faraday dark space      171 192 193
Fluxes integral for equilibrium discharge      290 295 302
Fowler — Nordheim formula      69
Frequency of diffusional loss (removal)      67
Frequency of electron energy loss      19
Frequency of energy gain by electron in a field      148
Generation of low-temperature plasma      288
Geometrical potential fall      266
Glow discharge with hollow cathode      193
Glow discharge, abnormal      183
Glow discharge, non-self-sustaining, in lasers      426 427
Glow discharge, normal      181
Glow discharge, obstructed      184
Glow discharge, oscillating-current (ac)      430
Glow discharge, subnormal      183
Ignition (initiation) and sustainment of discharge; why the former requires higher field      162
Induction heating      293
Inductively coupled plasma torch      316 319
Industrial frequency      378
Interpolation formula for conductivity of equilibrium plasma at atmospheric pressure      281
Inversion of level population      416
Ionic trail of electron avalanche      329
Ionization frequency      52
Ionization frequency, in oscillating field      385
Ionization of excited atoms      58
Ionization potentials      59
Ionization, associative      59
Ionization, cross section      52
Ionization, natural background      141
Ionization, oscillation and waves      231
Ionization, Penning      59
Ionization, stepwise      57 228
Ionization, thermal      275
Lichtenberg figures      325
Liouville’s theorem      79
Loading curve      172
Long laser spark      159
Margenau distribution      97
Maxwell (plasma) time      218
Maxwellization of electrons      229
Maxwell’s equations      41
McCown’s formula      254
Meek breakdown condition for streamer breakdown      337
Metallic cylinder model for inductively coupled discharge      293
Metastable atoms      58
Microwave propagation, geometrical treatment of      305
Minimum power principle      184
Mobility of electrons      11
Mobility of ions      25
Molecular vibrations      100 203 415
Negative glow      168 193
Nonlocal electron spectrum      101 187
Normal velocity of discharge propagation      319 323
Pashen curve for breakdown threshold      133 134
Peck’s formula for corona ignition      349
Penning effect      59
Photorecombination      60
Plasma frequency      50
Plasma, equilibrium and nonequilibrium      3
Plasma, high- and low-temperature      7
Plasma, nonuniform in a field      30 198
Plasma, quantitative definition of      30
Potential and vortex fields (comparative estimate)      397
Potential of heat flux      278
Potential, floating      115
Potential, water droplet      371
Poynting vector      43
Principle of minimum power      184
Probability of collisions      10
Radiation from very-high-pressure arc      275
Rate of space-charge spreading      218 384
Recombination coefficient, definition      60
Recombination coefficient, effective in electronegative gases      207
Recombination, dissociative      60
Recombination, triple collision, radiative      60
Reduction of work function by external field      68
Reflection of electromagnetic wave from plasma      49 303
Relation between drift and random velocities      18
Repulsion of electrons, electrostatic      333
Schottky effect      68
Seeliger’s rule      171
Similarity laws      11 53 94
Skin effect      49
Skin layer in inductively coupled rf discharge      294 297
Solenoid producing rf current      160 291
Space charge distorting the external field      176
Spark, long laser      159
Stoletov’s constant      57
Temperature of optical discharge      309
Temperature of “conduction onset” (ionization)      280 295 303
Temperature vibrational      100
thermal conductivity      277
Thermal, electronic      34
Thermal, electronic reactive      278
Threshold of continuous optical discharge      309
Threshold, microwave discharge      305
Threshold, sustaining inductively coupled plasma      297
Townsend condition of discharge initiation in a gap      131
Townsend’s formula, for ionization coefficient      56
Trichel’s pulses      351
True changes in electron energy in collisions      15 39
Tunneling transition of electron from the metal      69
Turbulent transport of charge      209
UHF therapy      162
Unstable states on V-i characteristic      201
Vacuum breakdown      137
Voltaic arc      249
Voltaic equivalent of heat flux      257
Wave equation      46 302
work function      68
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