Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Mott N.F. — Metal-insulator transitions |
Предметный указатель |
see "Magnetite"
84 219 224
Aberenkov, I.V. 17
Abou-Chacra, R. 37
Abrahams, E. v 38 42 45 51 148
Acrivos, J.V. 250
Adachi, K. 194
Adkins, C.J. 164
Afonin, V.V. 43 238
Ahmed, S. 219
Alexander, M.N. 150 166
Alexander, S. 23 111
Alexandrov, A.S. 225
Allen, J.W. 172
Alloys of transitional metals 109 256
Altshuler, B.L. v 152 153 154 155
Ammonia, solution of alkali metals in 242
Amorphous metallic alloys see "Metallic glasses"
Anderson localization 35
Anderson transition 3 36 128 241
Anderson, P.W. v 20 25 28 36 86 88 91 99 111 117 118 125 143 217
Andres, K. 176
Antiferromagnetism 86 119 137
Appel, J. 60
Aronov, A.G. 152 153 154 155
Asdente, M. 13
Ashcroft, N.W. 8
Ashkenazi, J. 173 184
Auger broadening 72
Austin, I.G. 60 67 176 178
Baber scattering see "Landau — Baber"
Baber, W.G. 72
Bader, S.G. 23
Ball, M.A. 23
Band-crossing transitions 20 124 125 169
Banus, M.D. 202 231 232
Bargeron, C.B. 89
Barnes, A.C. 232
Bartel, L.C. 116
Bass, J. 73
Battles, J.W. 91
Bayn, G. 237
Beal-Monod, M.T. 114
Bednorz, J.G. 231
Beille, J. 116
Belertser, B.I. 259
Bergland 186
Bergmann, G. 39
Berk, N.F. 98 114
Besnus, R.N. 112
Bipolarons, dielectric 68 218
Bipolarons, spin 222 224
Biskupski, G. 54 161 162 163
Bismuth 22 157
Bjerrum effect 246
Bjerrum, N. 246
Blandamer, M.J. 246
Blandin, A. 23
Bloch, F. 7
Bloembergen, N. 117
Blue bronzes 69
Bogomulov, V.N. 60
Boltzmann theory of conduction 26
Borg, R.J. 120
Bosman, A.J. 66 67 172
Bosons 222
Bragg, W.L. 22
Brandow, B.H. 172
Brandt, N.B. 22
Brenig, M.A. 36
Briggs, A. 54
Brillouin zones 7
Brinkman, W.F. 2 92 123 125 132 134 176 180 202
Brodsky, A.M. 247
Brog, K.C. 103
Bronovoi, I.L. 152
Brout, T. 121
Brown, F.C. 75
Brusetti, R. 192
Burow, D.F. 244
Buschow, K.H.J. 109
Buyers, W.J.L. 117
Cabane, B. 23 257
Caesium, transitions in liquid 128 241
Callaway, J. 9
Callen, E. 216 217
Camphausen, B.L. 217
Cannella, V. 120
Caplin, A.D. 106
Care, C.M. 213
Caroli, B. 24
Casalot, A. 200
Castner, T.G. 52 54 160
Cauchois, Y. 78
Cerium sulphide 43
Chandrashekhar, G.V. 174
Chao, K.A. 134
Chen, H.L.S. 221 224
Chieux, P. 242
Chouteau, G. 114
Chromium dioxide 193
Chuchens, T. 175
Clausius — Mossotti relationship 159
Cobalt 110
Cobalt oxide 90 91 138 172
Coey, J.M. 192
Cohen, M.H. 36 102 244 248 254
Cohen, M.L. 18
Coles, B.R. 109 112 114
Collings, E.W. 102
Comly, J.D. 112
Compensation 146
Compton, W.D. 148
Conwell, E.M. 148
Coqblin, B. 23
Cottrell, A.H. 18
Coulomb gap 53
Crevecoeur, C. 172
Critical points 126 242
Cuevas, M. 148
Cullen, J.R. 216 217
Cutler, M. 43 56 94 232 233 235 239 257
Cyrot, M. 221
Cyrot-Lackman, F. 55
Damay, P. 252 253
Davies, J.H. 37
Davis, E.A. 30 148
de Boer, F.R. 112
de Boer, J.H. 1 73
de Chatel, P.F. 114 116
De Dominicis, P.T. 71 75 78
de Dood, W. 114
De Gennes, P.G. 92 97 108
De Haas, W.J. 73
De Witt, H.J. 172
Density of states of disordered system 55
Dernier, P.D. 182
Dersch, U. 39 59
Devreese, J.T. 60
| Dielectric catastrophe 157
Dielectric catastrophe, constant for doped semiconductor 158
Dimers, formation in metal-ammonia solutions 252
Donally, J.M. 232
Doniach, S. 98
Dougier, P. 200
Doumerc, J.P. 208 209
Dreirach, O. 25 102
Drickamer, H.G. 21 22
Dubois, H. 163
Dugdale, J.S. 110 152 259
Dumas, J. 175
Durkan, J. 213
Dye, J.L. 245
Eagles, D.M. 62
Economou, E.N. 36 37 41 118
Edwards cancellation theorem 33 56
Edwards, D.M. 110 114
Edwards, J.T. 36
Edwards, P.P. 127 150 160
Edwards, S.F. 30
Efros, A.L. v 52 148 160 163
Einstein relation 66
Electron-hole droplets 124
Elliott, R.G. 90 121
Elyutin, P.V. 36
Emery, V.J. 221
Emin, D. 60 66 225
Enderby, J.E. 231 232
Endo, S. 194
Engelsberg, S. 98
Ericson, R.H. 90 138
Europium oxide, resistivity of 22
Evans, R. 17 111
Excitonic insulator 241
excitons 74
Faber, T.E. 229 237
Falicov, L.M. 22 173
Fan, J.C.C. 180
Fermi energy 70
Fermi glass 36 59
Fermi surface 27 70
Ferre, D. 161
Ferrier, R.P. 205
Fibich, M. 112
Field, M.E. 232
Finkelstein, A.M. 153
Fischer, R. 22
Fluitman, J.H.J. 116
Foeex, M. 176
Fogle, W. 69
Franck, E.V. 21 239
Franz, J. 54
Frederikse, H.P.R. 168
Freed, K.F. 37 39 244
Frenkel exciton 75
Frenkel, J. 73 75
Freyland, W. 239
Friedel sum rule 25
Friedel virtual bound state 24
Friedel, J. v 13 24 25 76 92 110 111 233 257
Friedman, L. 32 60 252
Friend, R.H. 226
Fritzsch, G. 40
Fritzsche, H. 148
Fry, J.L. 204
Fuchs, R. 209
Fukuyama, H. 125
Fulda, P. 109
Furdyna, J.K. 96
g-factor see "Mott g-factor"
Gardner, J.A. 102 257
Gaspard, J.P. 55
Geertsma, W. 33 231
Gefen, Y. 163
Gill, J.C. 69
Glausinger, W. 8
Gleismann, J.R. 146
Goetze, W. 159
Goncalvez da Silva, C.E.T. 22
Goodenough, J.B. 90 91 142 182 184 193 215 217
Goodrich, R.G. 192
Gossard, A.C. 96 176
Gourmala, M. 219
Graener, H. 208 217
Green, M.P. 2
Greene, M. 237
Greenwood, D.A. 29
Gruber, O.F. 102
Gruener, G. 103 110
Guenault, A.M. 110
Guggenheim, H.J. 186
Gurney, R.W. 75 160
Gutzwiller, M.C. 134
Haayman, P.W. 215
Hafner, J. 257
Hagenmuller, P. 200 208
Hall effect for polarons 66
Hall effect in metal ammonia 249
Halperin, B.I. 125
Hamann, D.R. 18
Harrison, W.A. 17
Hartree interaction term 153 157
Hasegawa, r. 122
Heap, B.R. 121
Heavy fermion materials 109
Hedin, L. 136
Heeger, A.J. 97 102 107
Heikes, R.R. 68 222
Heine, V. 17
Hensel, F. 238 239
Hensel, J.C. 124
Herr, A. 112
Herrell, D.J. 204
Herring, C. 2
Hertel, G. 150
Herzfeld, K.F. 160
Hickami, S. 103
Highly correlated electron gas 133 143 144
Hillery, M.S. 225
Hindley, N.K. 32
Hirsch, M.J. 167
Holcomb, D.F. 150 166 167
Hollinger, G. 209
Holstein, T. 32 66
Holtzberg, F. 94
Honig, J.M. 32 138 185 214
Hopfield, J.J. 76
Hopkins, P.F. 163
Hopping conduction by polarons 61
Hopping conduction in 251
Hopping conduction, Hall effect in 266
Hopping conduction, nearest neighbour 57 148
Hopping conduction, variable-range 50 148
Howat, B. 247
Howson, M.A. 257
Hubbard Hamiltonian 2 123
Hubbard U (intra-atomic energy) 80 82 116 132 189 214 216 243
Hubbard, J. 2
Huefner, S. 172
Hung, C.S. 146
Huster, E. 244
Ihle, D. 216 217
Impurity band 146
Impurity band merging with conduction band 150
Impurity conduction 146
Imry, Y. 40 163
Indium phosphide 161
Indium telluride (liquid) 230
Inelastic diffusion length 42
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