Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Mott N.F. — Metal-insulator transitions |
Предметный указатель |
Ioffe — Regel hypothesis of minimum mean free path 30
Ioffe — Regel principle 28 30 32 56
Ioffe — Regel regime 32
Ioffe, A.F. 28
Itskevich, E.S. 22
Jaccarino, V. 103
Jarrett, H.S. 193 197
Jaswold, S.S. 257
Jayaraman, A. 22 184
Jellium 213
Jones, H. 8 10 11 71
Jones, W.H. 103
Jortner, J. 245 254
Joshi, G.M. 172
Jullien, R. 21
Jura, G. 22
Kahn, D.C. 90
Kamimura, H. 221
Kanamori, J. 116
Kao, S.S. 235 241
Kaplan, T.A. 83
Kasowski, R.V. 191
Kastner, M. 2 254
Kasuya, T. 93 96 148
Katsumoto, S. 150
Katzuki, A. 111
Kaveh, M. 4 39 40 43 45 49 73 153 155 156 165 166 238
Kawabata, A. 40 47 50 116 155 158
Kawai, N. 172
Kawano, S. 204
Keldysh, L.V. 124 125
Kelly, K.K. 215
Kerlin, A.I. 184
Kevan, L. 247
Kimball, J.C. 139 175
Kirk, J.L. 23
Kirkpatrick, S. 199
Kittel, C. 96
Kiwi, M. 22
Klein, M.W. 102
Klipstein, P.C. 68
Knapp, G.S. 112
Knight shift 211 230 234
Kohn, W. 115 237
Koida, S. 148
Kolber, M.A. 172
Komoto, T. 190
Kondo effect 104 135
Kondo effect in amorphous materials 158
Kopaev, Yu.V. 125
Kossut, J. 96
Kouvel, J.S. 112
Kramer, B. 34 36
Kramers — Kronig relationship 158
Kraus, C.A. 245
Kreiger, J.B. 2
Krill, G. 197
Kubo — Greenwood formula 29
Kubo, R. 29
Kugler, A.A. 213
Kuiper, P. 174
Kwizera, P. 197
Lagowski, J.J. 244
Lalouse, P. 62
Landau — Baber scattering 72 74 114 144 248
Landau, L.D. 60 71 72 238
Langer J.S. 139
Laredo, E. 65
Leavy, J.F. 43
Lederer, P. 112 119 187
Lee, P.A. 48
Liang, V.K.C. 109
Lichiardello, D.C. 189
Lifshitz, I.M. 55
Lightsey, P.A. 208 209
Liquid alloys 231
Localization length 44 151
Localized moments 99
Logan, D.E. 160
Long, A.P. 162 165
Lonzarich, G.G. 116
Loram, J.W. 120
Lorenz, B. 216 218
Lowde, R.D. 189
Lucas, J.M. 120 122
Ludwig, R. 209
Lukes, T. 39 172
Lukovsky, G. 175
Lundquist, S. 136
Luttinger, J.M. 72
Lyo, S.K. 118
Mabata, A.K. 197
MacCrone, R.K. 172
MacKinnon, A. 36
Mackintosh, A.R. 22 209
Mackleit, C.A. 114
MacMillan, W.L. 48
Magnesium-bismuth films 205
Magnetic semiconductors 93
magnetite 68 215
Magnetoresistance of doped semiconductors 160
Mahan, G.P. 76
Maliepaard, M.C. 154 160 163
Manganese oxide 171
Mansfield, R. 163
Maple, H.B. 23
March, N.H. 213
Marezio, M. 68 182 187
Marko, J.R. 122 140
Marshall, W. 118
Martin, R.M. 23
Martino, M. 2
Mase, S. 125
Matho, K. 108
Matlion, J. 116
Mattiess, L.F. 241
Mattis, D.C. 98 104
Maule, C.H. 91
McAloon, B.J. 247
McDonald, W.J. 250
McWhan, D.B. 21 22 132 144 176 177 178 179 187 189
Mean free path 26 28
Meijer, J.A. 231
Menth, A. 69 176 180
Mercury, transition in liquid 55 238
Mermin, N.D. 8
Metal-ammonia solutions 128 242
Metal-rare-gas alloys 209
Metallic glasses 63 256
Micklitz, H. 209
Milchberg, H.M. 32
Miles, P.A. 215
Miller, A. 57 148
Milligan, R.F. 157
Mills, D.L. 112 114
Ming-Way Lee 66
Minimum metallic conductivity 38
Minimum metallic conductivity in liquids 232
Miyahara, Y. 217
Mizutani, U. 258
Mobility edge 36
Mochizuki, S. 174
Monecke, J. 73 144
Monod, P. 108
Monroe, D. 54
Moon, R.M. 176
Morgan, G.J. 29 40 73 231
Mori, N. 193
Morigaki, K. 124
Morin, F.J. 185
| Moriya, T. 111 116
Mott g-factor 33 37 56 235
Mott — Hubbard transition 123 127
Mott, N.F. 1 2 4 10 12 23 32 38 43 57 73 75 82 90 94 102 110 123 145 153 158 166 171 185 189 213 222 230 235 245 254
Mueller, K.A. 221
Murawski, L.M. 61
Mydosh, J.A. 120
Myers, H.P. 111
Nagaev, E.L. 93
Nagai, T. 125
Nakajima, S. 98
Nakamura, A. 124
Nasby, R.D. 251
Naugle, D.G. 62
Nearly free electrons 15
Neddermeyer, H. 76
Neel temperature 119
Neel temperature of spin glasses 121
Nickel 110
Nickel ferrites 54
Nightingale, M. 2
Nimtz, G. 214
NiO 19 91 138 171
NIS 189
Norris, C. 111
Norwood, T.E. 204
Nozieres, P. 71 76 78
O'Bryan, H.M. 70 76
Odeh, I. 268
Ogawa, S. 193
Ortuno, M. 57 158
Ovchinnikov, S.G. 189
Overhof, H. 39 42 51 59
Paalanen, M.A. 156 157 159 164
Pai, M. 172
Palladium 100 111
Paramagnons 114
Parent, C. 140
Parks, G.S. 215
Parmenter, R.H. 102
Pasturel, A. 231
Paul, W. 186
Peierls transition 69
Peierls, R.E. 1 28 69 73
Penn, D.R. 109
Penney, T. 96
Pepper, M. 163 165
Percolation theory 199
Perlstein, J.H. 69
Perron, J.C. 240 254
Pettifor, D.G. 110
Phillips, J.C. 17
Phonons 59
Pichard, J.L. 30
Pitt, G.D. 193
Polarons, degenerate gas of 67 168
Polarons, dielectric 59
Polarons, spin 92 96 130 131
Polarons, thermopower resulting from 68 222
Pomeranchuk, I. 72
Potter, C. 73
Pouget, J.P. 187
Prelovsek, P. 222
Pseudogap 55 57
Pseudopotentials 15
Quantum interference 40 251
Quantum interference, absence in liquids 232 257
Qui, C. 39 152
Quirt, J.D. 122 140
Ramesh, T.G. 22
Ramirez, R. 22 139
Rare earth metals 22
Rashba, E.I. 75
Raz, B. 80
Reed, T.B. 93
Regel, A.R. 28
Remeika, J.P. 54
Rentzsch, R. 54
Resonating valence bonds 91
Rhodes, P. 102 112
Rhyne, J.J. 121
Rice, T.M. 2 92 123 125 132 134 167 176
Rivier, N. 106
Rizzuto, C. 106
RKKY interactions 96
Rodbell, D.S. 193
Rogachev, A.A. 124
Ron, A. 112
Rosenbaum, T.F. 153 214
Rousseau, J. 213
Rowland, T.J. 117
Ruderman, M.A. 96
Ruthruf, T.L. 73
Sakai, T. 125
Samara, G.A. 217
Sarma, G.L. 36
Sawatzky, G.A. 71 174 222
Sayer, M. 201
Scaling theory 45
Schiff, L.I. 82
Schindewolf, U. 248
Schindler, A.I. 114
Schinkel, G.J. 114
Schlenker, C. 68 175 219
Schoenhammer, K. 36
Schoenherr, G. 239
Schreiber, M. 36 39
Schrieffer, J.R. 98 106 112 139 224
screening 24
Seitz, F. 13
Senemaud, C. 76
Shafarman, W.N. 52 54 154
Shapira, Y. 93
Shapiro, B. 160
Sharvin, Yu.V. 152
Shimizu, M. 111
Shin, S.H. 172
Shklovskii, B.L. 52 148 160 163
Sienko, M.J. 133 150 160 243
Sik, M.J. 205
Silicon phosphorus, transition in 156
Simpson, A.W. 120 122
Singh, A.K. 22
Skinner, H.W.B. 70 76
Slater, J.C. 9 111 136 172
Slovik, J.W. 75
Smith, T.F. 116
Sodium tungsten bronze 54
Sokoloff, J.B. 217
Solid rare gases alloyed with metals 209
Solvated electrons 245
Somerford, D.J. 213
Sommerfeld, A. 5
Souers, P.C. 22
Soukoulis, C.M. 41
Soules, T.F. 168
Souletier, J. 109
Sparks, J.T. 190
Specific heat, 176
Specific heat, doped semiconductors 164
Specific heat, free electron gas 179
Specific heat, transitional metals 118
Spin glasses 117
Spin-orbit scattering 41 165
Spriet, J.P. 160 163
Squires, G.L. 237
Stocks, G.M. 111
Stoner enhancement factor 112 114 116
Stoner, E.C. 111
Street, R.A. 254
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