Ãëàâíàÿ    Ex Libris    Êíèãè    Æóðíàëû    Ñòàòüè    Ñåðèè    Êàòàëîã    Wanted    Çàãðóçêà    ÕóäËèò    Ñïðàâêà    Ïîèñê ïî èíäåêñàì    Ïîèñê    Ôîðóì   

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Allen M.P., Tildesley D.J. — Computer simulation of liquids
Allen M.P., Tildesley D.J. — Computer simulation of liquids

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Íàçâàíèå: Computer simulation of liquids

Àâòîðû: Allen M.P., Tildesley D.J.


A first in its field, this book is both an introduction to computer simulation of liquids for upper level undergraduates and a how-to guide for specialists. The authors discuss the latest simulation techniques of molecular dynamics and the Monte Carlo methods as well as how to avoid common programming pitfalls. Theoretical concepts and practical programming advice are amply reinforced with examples of computer simulation in action and samples of Fortran code. The authors have also included a wide selection of programs and routines on microfiche to aid chemists, physicists, chemical engineers, and computer scientists, as well as graduate and advanced students in chemistry.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1987

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 385

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.02.2005

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$G_2$      57 306
Acceptance ratio      121—123
Averages      33
Averages, calculation of      46
Averages, correction of      198
Averages, errors in      192
Averages, non-equilibrium      242
Averages, quantum      277—278
boundary conditions      24
Boundary conditions, periodic      see “Periodic boundary conditions”
Boundary conditions, spherical      32
Boundary conditions, using walls      27 72—73 287 312ff
Brownian dynamics      257ff 283 318
Brownian dynamics in quantum simulations      282—285
Brownian dynamics with hydrodynamic effects      266
Brownian dynamics with memory      264
Bulk viscosity      61
Bulk viscosity, calculation of      204ff 250
chemical potential      42; (see also “Free energy”)
Chemical potential, calculation of      49—50 166 217 219
Cluster identification      288
Computer hardware      320—322
Conservation      72
Conservation of angular momentum      72 108
Conservation of energy      73 98—99
Conservation of linear momentum      72
Constraints      16 47 68—70 92ff
Constraints, RATTLE method      96
Constraints, SHAKE method      95
Density profile      287 313
dielectric constant      see “Relative permittivity”
Diffusion coefficient      60
Diffusion coefficient, calculation of      204ff 251
Direct correlation function      199—201
Distribution functions      54ff 299 337
Distribution functions, calculation of      168 183—185
Distribution functions, errors in      195
Distribution functions, extending      199—203
Distribution functions, smoothing      203
Distribution functions, spherical harmonic expansion      56
Dynamic structure factor      63
Einstein frequency      62
Einstein relation      59—61 204—208
Ensembles      33ff; (see also “Molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo”)
Ensembles, constant-$\mu VT$ or grand-canonical      42
Ensembles, constant-NPH or isobaric isoenthalpic      233
Ensembles, constant-NPT or isothermal-isobaric      41—42
Ensembles, constant-NVE or microcanonical      39—40
Ensembles, constant-NVT or canonical      40—41
Ensembles, non-equilibrium      242
Ensembles, transforming between      43ff
Equations of motion for hard systems      102 108
Equations of motion, Hamiltonian form      71
Equations of motion, Lagrangian form      71
Equations of motion, non-equilibrium      241 248ff
Equations of motion, quaternion      88—90
Equations of motion, rotational      86—87 91
Equilibration      168 171—173
Error estimation      191ff
Euler angles      86—88
Euler’s equations      86—87
Ewald sum      156ff 164 315
Finite-difference methods      73ff
Fluctuations      45 51
Fluctuations, errors in      195
force      71 140ff 329ff;
Force, mean squared      62 66
FORTRAN      18 322ff 343
Fourier transform      336ff
Fourier transform, calculation of      338
Fourier transform, discrete      337
Fourier transform, spatial      58 63
Fourier transform, temporal      63 67 188—191 208—211
Free energy      40; (see also “Chemical potential”)
Free energy, calculation of      49—50 128 213ff 295
Friction coefficient      259
Friction coefficient, dynamical      230
Gear algorithm      see “Predictor-corrector”
Gibbs Monte Carlo method      239
Hamiltonian      6 71 229 233 270
Hamiltonian, non-equilibrium      242
heat capacity      51ff
Importance sampling      see “Monte Carlo”
Initial configuration      168—170
Initial velocities      170
Input/Output      174
Interfaces      26—27 286—291 312—318
Intermediate scattering function      63
Intermolecular potential      see “Potential”
Isothermal compressibility      51ff
Kirkwood g-factor      57 161—162
Ladd’s method      164
Lagrangian      71 229 233 237
Langevin equation      259 318
Lattice sum      see “Ewald sum”
Leap-frog algorithm      80 231 234
Leap-frog algorithm for quaternions      89
Leap-frog algorithm for vectors      91
Liouville equation      35 257—259
Liquid crystals      300ff
Liquid drops      286ff
LISTS      see “Neighbour lists”
Long-range corrections      64—65 125
Long-range forces      see “Potential”
Long-time tails      204—205 310ff
Lorentz — Berthelot rules      21
Markov chain      114
Maximum entropy method      209—211
Melting      292ff
Memory function      258
Metropolis method      see “Monte Carlo”
Microscopic reversibility      116
Minimum image convention      28—29
Model      see “Potential”
Molecular Dynamics      71ff; (see also “Ensembles”)
Molecular dynamics of atoms      71ff
Molecular dynamics of hard molecules      101ff 167
Molecular dynamics of non-rigid molecules      92ff
Molecular dynamics of rigid linear molecules      90ff
Molecular dynamics of rigid non-linear molecules      85ff
Molecular dynamics with changing box      232
Molecular dynamics with pressure constraint      234
Molecular dynamics with stochastic collisions      227
Molecular dynamics with temperature constraint      230
Molecular dynamics with thermal reservoir      228
Molecular dynamics with three-body forces      154
Molecular dynamics with wavepackets      279ff
Molecular dynamics, accuracy      76—78 98—101
Molecular dynamics, constant-NPH      232ff
Molecular dynamics, constant-NPT      232ff
Molecular dynamics, constant-NVT      227—232
Molecular dynamics, debugging programs      98—101
Molecular dynamics, multiple time-step method      152—155
Molecular dynamics, non-equilibrium      240ff 312
Molecular dynamics, path integral methods      275ff
Monte Carlo      110ff; (see also “Ensembles”)
Monte Carlo of hard molecules      123 126 134 167
Monte Carlo of non-rigid molecules      135
Monte Carlo of rigid molecules      131
Monte Carlo on lattices      16—18 131—132 137—138 303
Monte Carlo, acceptance ratio      121—123
Monte Carlo, asymmetrical solution      116
Monte Carlo, Barker method      117
Monte Carlo, cavity-bias      223
Monte Carlo, constant-$\mu VT$      126ff
Monte Carlo, constant-NPT      123ff
Monte Carlo, constant-NVT      118ff
Monte Carlo, force-bias      224—225
Monte Carlo, Gibbs method      239
Monte Carlo, importance sampling      114
Monte Carlo, many-atom moves      122
Monte Carlo, Metropolis method      116 118ff
Monte Carlo, non-Boltzmann sampling      213ff
Monte Carlo, path integral methods      275ff
Monte Carlo, preferential sampling      220
Monte Carlo, quantum random walk method      282
Monte Carlo, sample mean method      112
Monte Carlo, simple integration      111
Monte Carlo, smart method      225—226
Monte Carlo, symmetrical solution      117
Monte Carlo, umbrella sampling      213ff
Monte Carlo, virial-bias      226
Multiple time-step method      152—155
Multipoles      13
Neighbour lists      146ff
Neighbour lists, linked      149—152 247 314
Neighbour lists, Verlet      147—149
Order parameter, rotational      171 304—306
Order parameter, translational      171
Pair distribution functions      see “Distribution functions”
Pair potential      see “Potential”
Particle insertion      50 166—167 217
Particle-particle particle-mesh (PPPM) algorithm      164
Partition function      37ff
path integral      272
Periodic boundary conditions      24ff 326
Periodic boundary conditions, cubic      25—32
Periodic boundary conditions, non-cubic      26—27
Periodic boundary conditions, sheared      246
Phase transistions      25—26 239 292—296 300—306 316—317
Polymers      137—139
Potential      7
Potential, argon      7
Potential, atom-atom      12 20—21 126
Potential, atom-surface      315
Potential, bond-bending      330
Potential, calculation      18ff
Potential, construction      20ff
Potential, effective      9
Potential, electron gas      7
Potential, electrostatic dipole-dipole      155 165 333
Potential, electrostatic ionic      11—13 155 164 297 315
Potential, electrostatic multipolar      332
Potential, flexible molecules      16 97—98 135—139 330—332
Potential, Gaussian overlap      15 302
Potential, hard ellipsoid      302 304
Potential, hard spherocylinder      302
Potential, hard-sphere      9 102 310 313
Potential, Lebwohl — Lasher      303
Potential, Lennard — Jones      9 11
Potential, long-range      155ff; (see also “Electrostatic”)
Potential, quantum      270
Potential, repulsive Lennard — Jones      11 287
Potential, restricted primitive model      298 314
Potential, rough sphere      106
Potential, shell model      12
Potential, shifted      145—146
Potential, site-site      12 20—21 126
Potential, soft-sphere      10
Potential, spherical cutoff      29
Potential, square-well      10 313
Potential, tabulated      143—145
Potential, tapered      163
Potential, three-body      8 334—335
Potential, torsion      16 330
Potential, Tosi — Fumi      298 314
Potential, truncation      27—29 145—146
Predictor-corrector method      74
Predictor-corrector method, Gear version      82 340—342
Pressure      47—49 56
Pressure, calculation of      167 201—203
Pressure, tensor      290 312
Quantum corrections      65—68 166
Quantum potential      270
Quantum simulations      270ff
Quaternions      88 134
Radial distribution function      see “Distribution functions”
Random force      258
Random variables      345ff
Random variables, exponential      348—349
Random variables, Gaussian      191 225—226 260—269 347—348
Random variables, uniform      119 124 129 345—346
Random variables, von Neumann method      349
Random vectors      133—134 349
RATTLE algorithm      96
Reaction field method      162ff
Recurrence effect      197—198
Reduced units      327—328
Relative permittivity      157 162
Relative permittivity, calculation of      161—163 165 253
Rotation matrix      85—88
SHAKE algorithm      95
Shear viscosity      60
Shear viscosity, calculation of      204ff 243 247
Specific heat      see “Heat capacity”
Spectra      336
Spectra, smoothing of      208
Spherical cutoff      see “Potential”
Statistical inefficiency      117 193
Structure factor      58 337;
Structure factor, dynamic      63
Surface tension      289
Surface tension, calculations of      290—291
Temperature      46
thermal conductivity      61
Thermal conductivity, calculation of      204ff 250
Thermal expansion coefficient      51ff
Thermal pressure coefficient      51ff
Thermodynamic integration      50 219—220
Thermodynamic properties      see “Averages and fluctuations”
Time correlation functions      58ff 167
Time correlation functions, angular velocity      307
Time correlation functions, calculation of      185—191
Time correlation functions, errors in      196—198
Time correlation functions, Fourier transforms of      188—190 336
Time correlation functions, linear velocity      60 62
Time correlation functions, long-time tails      204—205 310ff
Time correlation functions, orientational      64 306ff
Time reversibility      73
torque      85 329 333—334
Torque, mean squared      66
Transition probability      115 220ff
Transport coefficients      58ff
Transport coefficients, calculation of      204ff 240ff
Umbrella sampling      see “Monte Carlo”
Underlying matrix      116 118 128 220ff
Verlet algorithm      78ff
Verlet algorithm, leapfrog version      80 231 234
Verlet algorithm, velocity version      81
Virial coefficient      22—23
Virial function      47—49
Virial theorem      46
viscosity      see “Bulk viscosity and shear viscosity”
Wetting      314
Windowing functions      208—209
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