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Guyon E., Hulin J., Petit L. — Physical Hydrodynamics
Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå
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Íàçâàíèå: Physical Hydrodynamics
Àâòîðû: Guyon E., Hulin J., Petit L.
Àííîòàöèÿ: In the course of the last twenty years, teaching and research in fluid mechanics has expanded considerably into the physics and chemistry communities, who in their turn developed new approaches to the teaching of this topic. These approaches are mainly oriented towards the comprehension of fluids of different hierarchies, the development of various experimental tools, and explanations in terms of elementary physical mechanics. Physical Hydrodynamics presents this original approach for the first time. The elementary microscopic basics of the statistical theory of fluids is discussed, as are the classical aspects of deformation and pressure and the laws of conservation. The problem of Low-Reynolds-Number Flows will be addressed, its applications to suspensions and porous media explained. A discussion of the aspects of boundary layers, high-velocity flows and instabilities conclude this presentation of incompressible fluid hydrodynamics. The present book provides a thorough introduction into the topic from a primarily physical point of view and will be a useful textbook and reference work for graduate students, lecturers and researchers.
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ed2k: ed2k stats
Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 2001
Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 528
Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 23.02.2014
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Absolute instabilities 83
Acceleration, particles 91—93
Added mass "Dressed particles"
Aerodynamics, aeroplane wings 412—417
Aerodynamics, boundary layers 412—420
Aerodynamics, separation phenomenon 415
Aeroplane see "Airplane"
Air tables 2—4
Airplane wings see "Wings"
Ampere's law 269
Amphiphilic compounds 37
Analogy, potential flow 248—251
Anemometry 55 122—125 425—427 454 477
Anisotropic particles 97
Antisymmetric component deformation 104—106
Applied forces, symmetry 327—333
Arrhenius-type relation 69
Asphalt industry 139
Asymptotic matching 396
Atomic scale scattering 42—46
Automobiles 417—419
Axially symmetric, conduits 194—196
Axially symmetric, elongational flow 295—297
Axially symmetric, flows 121—122 345—346
Axially symmetric, object wakes 436—438
Bacterial propulsion 332
Baffles 420
Benard — Marangoni instability 97 459—462
Benard — von Karman vortex street 77 299 303—305
Bernoulli's equation, applications 180—189
Bernoulli's equation, conservation of energy 176—189
Bernoulli's equation, curvilinear flow 187—189
Bernoulli's equation, Froude number 207
Bernoulli's equation, one-dimensional flows 182—183
Bernoulli's equation, potential flow 181—182
Bernoulli's equation, stationary flow 180—181
Bingham fluids 136—137 166
Biot and Savart law 277—278
Blasius equation 393—396
bodies see "Moving solid bodies"
Bond number 35 38 461
Borda's mouthpiece 192 193 194
Bores, tidal 248
Bose — Einstein condensation 482
boundary conditions 144—147
Boundary conditions, ideal fluids 145
Boundary conditions, solid walls 144—145
Boundary conditions, surface tension 145—147
Boundary conditions, two fluids 145—147
Boundary layers see also "Laminar boundary layers"
Boundary layers, aerodynamics 412—420
Boundary layers, aeroplane wings 384
Boundary layers, concentration 428—431
Boundary layers, constant thickness 406—407
Boundary layers, control 416—420
Boundary layers, displacement thickness 398—399
Boundary layers, drag 397 409—412
Boundary layers, flat plates 385—390
Boundary layers, inlet effect 387
Boundary layers, mass 420—431
Boundary layers, momentum thickness 399
Boundary layers, Prandtl number 422—425
Boundary layers, pressure gradients 400—412
Boundary layers, re-attachment 411
Boundary layers, Schmidt number 421 429
Boundary layers, self-similar velocity 401—405
Boundary layers, semi-infinite plates 385—387
Boundary layers, separation 400 20
Boundary layers, stagnation points/zones 403—404 406 408
Boundary layers, thermal 420—431
Boundary layers, thickness 397—399
Boundary layers, uniform flow 385—387
Boundary layers, velocity profiles 402—404
Boundary layers, velocity profiles within layers 393—400
Boundary layers, velocity profiles, self-similarity 390—393
Boundary layers, vorticity 390
Boussinesq approximation 450
Boycott effect 358
Bragg condition 53 54
Breaking waves 241—245
Brillouin scattering 52—55
Broken symmetry 81
Brownian particles 21—22 29 351—353 355
Bubble tracking 95
Bulges see "Hydraulic jumps"
Bulk viscosity 135
Capillaries 35 370—372 377—378
Carman — Kozeny relation 372—373
Cartesian co-ordinates 167
Cat's paws 241—245
Catamarans 406 417 418
Catastrophe time 298
Cauchy — Riemann conditions 258
Channels discharge 205—207
Channels discharge, divergent 408
Channels discharge, porous media 373—376
Channels discharge, sluice gates 205—207
Chaotic behaviour 445 471—476
Chimneys 444
Circulation dynamics 279—289
Circulation dynamics, compressible fluids 284—289
Circulation dynamics, conservation 280—284
Circulation dynamics, non-conservative forces 284—289
Circulation dynamics, sources 284—289
Circulation dynamics, viscosity effects 284—289
Co-ordinate systems 167—169
Coanda (teapot) effect 189
Coaxial vortex rings 309 310
Coefficients, drag 324 338—339
Coefficients, molecular diffusion 24—27 29—30
Coefficients, tensors 328—329
Colloidal aggregates 37
Compactness 2—4
Compensated gravity 35
Complex velocity potential 252—266
Complex velocity potential, conformal mapping 256—266
Complex velocity potential, corner flow 254—256
Complex velocity potential, definition 252—253
Complex velocity potential, dipole flow 254
Complex velocity potential, Joukowski transformation 261—264
Complex velocity potential, solid planes 263—264
Complex velocity potential, stagnation point 254—256
Complex velocity potential, uniform parallel flow 253
Compressible fluids 284—289
Concentration boundary layers 428—431
Conductivity, porous media 375—376
conduits 194—196
Conformal mapping 256—266
Conservation of circulation 280—284
Conservation of energy 189—207
Conservation of kinetic energy, Bernoulli's equation 176—189
Conservation of kinetic energy, dissipation through viscosity 178—179
Conservation of kinetic energy, equation derivation 177—178
Conservation of kinetic energy, incompressible fluids 177—179
Conservation of kinetic energy, Newtonian fluids 179
Conservation of mass 18—19 110—115 170—171
Conservation of momentum 171—176
Conservation of momentum, applications 189—207
Conservation of momentum, integral expression 172—176
Conservation of momentum, local equation 171
Conservation of momentum, simple flows 174—176
Conservation of vorticity 293—295
Continuity equations 167—169
Continuity hypothesis 89—90
Control, boundary layers 416—420
Control, separation 417
Convection mechanism comparison 71—76
Convective fluid motion 286—287
Convective momentum transport 57—64
Convective transport 73—76 439—440
Coriolis forces 140 284—285
Corner flow 254—256 259
Couette flow 60 148—149
Couette flow, cylinders 163—166
Couette flow, low Reynolds numbers 321
Couette flow, non-Newtonian fluids 136
Critical slowing, Reynolds number 86
Cubes, Stokes equation 342—343
Cubes, symmetry example 330—331
Curved interfaces 32—35
Curved vortex lines 278—279
Curvilinear flow 187—189
Cyclone-type motion 285
Cylinders, convective 445
Cylinders, Couette flow 163—166
Cylinders, drag 225 411
Cylinders, flow 152—155 221—225
Cylinders, forces on 346
Cylinders, frictional drag 154—155
Cylinders, geometry 17—18
Cylinders, heat diffusion 17—18
Cylinders, Joukowski transformation 262—263
Cylinders, laminar wakes 435
Cylinders, lift 225
Cylinders, pores 370—373
Cylinders, Reynolds numbers 346
Cylinders, rotation 120
Cylinders, streamlines 222—225
Cylinders, transient heat diffusion 17—18
Cylinders, vortices 79—88
Cylinders, wake flow 77—79
Cylindrical co-ordinates 167—168
Dams 198
Darcy's law 366—370
De Broglie relation 40—41
de Laval nozzles 202
Deborah number 139
Deep-water waves 242 245
Deformations, antisymmetric components 104—106
Deformations, flow 99—110
Deformations, infinitesimal 106
Deformations, large 106 109—110
Deformations, rotation 104—106 119
Deformations, small 106—109
Deformations, streamlines 93—95 119—120
Deformations, velocity-gradients 101—104
Density, instabilities 465—469
Diffraction, X-rays 42—46
Diffusion, coefficients 24—27 29—30
Diffusion, conservation of mass 18—19
Diffusion, equations 13
Diffusion, equilibrium 295—298
Diffusion, mass 18—20 21—24
Diffusion, mechanism comparisons 71—76
Diffusion, momentum equations 61—64
Diffusion, thermal 14 17—18 27—28
Diffusion, vorticity 295—298
Diffusive transport 57—64 73—76
Diffusive transport, coefficients comparison 31
Diffusive transport, liquids 28—31
Dimensional-analysis 323—324
Dimensionless form 143—144
Dimensionless numbers 75
Dipole flow 219—220 254
Direct analogue of flow 249
Discharge sluice gates 205—207
Discontinuities, tangential-velocity 301 302
Displacement forces 326—327
Displacement thickness 398—399
Distributions, vorticity 298—310
Doppler anemometry 122—125 454 477
Doppler scattering 52—54
Double alternating vortex streets 303—304
Doubly connected volume 213—214
Drag, boundary layers 397 409—412
Drag, coefficients 324 338—339 397 411
Drag, crisis 411
Drag, cylinders 225 411
Drag, laminar wakes 435—438
Drag, spheres 338—339
Drag, turbulent boundary layers 409—412
Drag, two dimensional obstacles 231—234
Drainage flow 378—380
Dressed particles 237 240
Drilling muds 137
Drops in immiscible fluids 340—341
Dry water see "Ideal fluid"
Dyes, tracking 95
Dynamic viscosity 60
Einstein relation 30
Einstein summation convention 102 131
Einstein's law 356
Elastic scattering of light 46—52
Electrical analogies 248—251
Electrodes in walls 428—430
Electrolytic tank simulation 249—250
Electromagnetic analogues 114—115 268—279
Elementary representative volume 364
Elongation, vorticity 291—293 295—298
Energy dissipation 179 484—485
Equation of continuity 167—169
Equations of motion, fluids 140—144
Equations of motion, laminar boundary layers 388—393
Equations of motion, near flat plates 388—390
Euler's equation 143 177
Eulerian description 90—91
External pressure gradients 400—412
Extrusion 139
Falkner — Skan equation 401—402
Fastback profile 417—419
Fick's equation 19
Filaments see "Vortex filaments"
Flat plates, Blasius equation 393—396
Flat plates, boundary layers 385—390
Flat plates, equations of motion 388—390
Flat plates, frictional forces 397
Flow see also "Couette flow" "Instabilities" "Poiseuille "Potential
Flow, aeroplane wings 413—414
Flow, axially symmetric 121—122
Flow, corner flow 254—256 259
Flow, curvilinear flow 187—189
Flow, cylinders 77—79 152—155 221—225
Flow, Darcy's law 366—370
Flow, deformations 99—110
Flow, drainage 378—380
Flow, examples 221—225
Flow, gradient driven 160—163
Flow, incident at angle on flat plate segment 261—263
Flow, laminar 76
Flow, laminar flow 73
Flow, near solid wall 62—64
Flow, one-dimensional flow 147—148
Flow, oscillating 155—160
Flow, parallel planes 62—64 150—151 158—160 261
Flow, particle trajectories 69—71
Flow, porous media 361—382
Flow, potential 208—267
Flow, quasi-parallel 347—351
Flow, regimes 76—88
Flow, Reynolds numbers 77—79 82 87—88
Flow, Reynolds numbers, large 383—438
Flow, Reynolds numbers, low 311—382
Flow, tubes 152—155
Flow, turbulent 76
Flow, visualisation 95—99
Flow, vortex-generation threshold 82—83
Flow, wakes 77—79
Flow, weirs 199—202
Fluid kinetic energy see "Conservation of kinetic energy"
Fluidized beds 351