Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Compressibility, isothermal
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Cardy J. — Scaling and renormalization in statistical physics | | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 419.B | Wilson A.H. — Thermodynam Mechanics | 39 | Winterbone D.E. — Advanced thermodynamics for engineers | 114—115,122, 125 | Fermi E. — Thermodynamics | 32, 33 | Yeomans J.M. — Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions | 18 | Dorlas T.C. — Statistical mechanics, fundamentals and model solutions | 19—20 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics | 419.B | Adkins C.J. — Equilibrium Thermodynamics | 37, 115 | Dalvit D.A.R., Frastai J., Lawrie I.D. — Problems on statistical mechanics | 5, 2.4. 2.5 | Guggenheim E.A. — Thermodynamics | 38 | Kubo R., Toda M., Hashitsume N. — Statistical physics II. Nonequilibrium statistical mechanics | 174 | Kubo R. — Statistical Mechanics: An Advanced Course with Problems and Solutions | 165, 377, 399 | Huang K. — Introduction to Statistical Physics | 31, 177 | Pathria P.K. — Statistical Mechanics | 101, 189, 228, 412, 454, 458 | Thompson Philip A. — Compressible-fluid dynamics | 63 | Eliezer Sh., Ghatak A., Hora H. — Fundamentals of Equations of State | 160 | Callen H. — Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatistics | 84, 191 | Richards P.I. — Manual of Mathematical Physics | 37, 215 | Callen H.B. — Thermodynamics | 54 | Borówko M. (ed.) — Computational Methods in Surface and Colloid Science | 264, 266, 267, 301, 513, 815 | Haile J.M. — Molecular Dyanmics Simualtion: Elementary Methods | 146, 243, 269—270, 273, 294 | Haile J.M. — Molecular Dyanmics Simualtion: Elementary Methods | 146, 243, 269—270, 273, 294 | Reichl L.E. — Modern Course in Statistical Physics | 54, 380 | Plischke M., Bergersen B. — Equilibrium statistical physics | 27, 156, 366 | Ferziger J.H., Kaper H.G. — Mathematical theory of transport processes in gases | 373, 393 |