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Yeomans J.M. — Statistical Mechanics of Phase Transitions |
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26 27 116
, mean-field theory 54 56
26 27 116
, mean-field theory 53 56
26 27 117
, mean-field theory 54 57
-expansion 140 ff.
20 26 27 117 121 136
, mean-field theory 59
26 27 117
, mean-field theory 54 57
26 27 117 135
, mean-field theory 59
Antiferromagnet 5
Argon 1
Basin of attraction 115 135
Beta-brass 36 ff.
Binary alloy 6 36
Binary fluid 5 29
Block-spin transformation 13 ff. 136 139
Boltzmann weight 86
Boltzmann’s constant 15
boundary conditions 67 86
Boundary conditions, Monte Carlo 99
canonical ensemble 15
Cerium antimonide 4
chemical potential 39 137
Chiral clock model 49 75
Classical limit 45
Clock model 49
Coexistence curve 1
Complex eigenvalues of transfer matrix 75
Compressibility, exponent 27
Compressibility, isothermal 18
computer simulations 95 ff.
Concave function 19
Conformal group 120
Conformal invariance 120
Conjugate fields 108
Continuous phase transition 21
Convex function 19 22
Convexity of free energy 19
Cooperative behaviour 35
Corrections to scaling 26 32 89
Correlation function 20 ff.
Correlation function, and transfer matrix 70 ff.
Correlation function, exponents 26 27 117
Correlation function, one-dimensional Ising model 73
Correlation function, Ornstein — Zernike theory 57
Correlation function, power law decay 20
Correlation function, scaling behaviour 108 117
correlation length 10 20
Correlation length, and transfer matrix 70 ff.
Correlation length, at fixed point 108
Correlation length, exponent 26 27 117
Correlation length, one-dimensional Ising model 74
Correlation length, scaling behaviour 108 117
Critical isotherm exponent 26 27
Critical opalescence 13
Critical point 10 22
Critical point exponents 25 ff. 31
Critical point exponents, and conformal invariance 120
Critical point exponents, and scaling 115 ff.
Critical point exponents, definitions 26 27
Critical point exponents, equalities 116
Critical point exponents, inequalities 29
Critical point exponents, mean-field 53 5G
Critical point exponents, one-dimensional Ising model 130
Critical point exponents, table of values 46
Critical point exponents, universality of 27 45
Critical point of ferromagnet 1
Critical point of fluid 1
Critical point, behaviour of correlation function 20
Critical slowing down 100
Critical surface 111
Critical surface, example 113
Critical temperature see “Critical point”
Crossover 47 112
Decimation, and Migdal — Kadanoff approximation 141
Decimation, and transfer matrix 141
Decimation, inconsistency of 135
Decimation, one-dimensional Ising model 125
Decimation, spin-1 Ising model 142
Decimation, two-dimensional Ising model 132
density 1
Detailed balance 96
Dilute Potts model 137
Disconnected diagrams 83
Disorder, substitutional 36
Disorder, topological 36
Duality 92
Eigenvalues of renormalization group 109
Eigenvalues of renormalization group, and critical exponents 115 ff.
Eigenvalues of renormalization group, example 115
Eigenvalues of transfer matrix and correlation length 72
Eigenvalues of transfer matrix, and free energy 69
Eigenvalues of transfer matrix, and partition function 68
Eigenvalues of transfer matrix, complex 75
Eigenvalues of transfer matrix, one-dimensional Ising model 72
Eigenvectors of renormalization group 110 ff.
Eigenvectors of transfer matrix and correlation function 72
Eigenvectors of transfer matrix, one-dimensional Ising model 72
Energy, internal 16 ff.
entropy 17 18 25
Europium sulphide 44
exchange interaction 8 35
Exponents see “Critical point exponents”
Ferrimagnet 4 5
Ferroelectric 5
Ferromagnet 1 5 22
Ferromagnet, mean-field theory 50 ff.
Ferromagnet, phase-diagram 1 3 22
Field, magnetic 16
Field, scaled 118
Finite-size effects and Monte Carlo renormalization group 139
Finite-size effects in Monte Carlo simulation 99 102
First law of thermodynamics 16
First-order transition 1 3 21
Fixed point 108
Fixed point, example 113
Fixed point, Gaussian 140 144
Fixed point, Ising 140 144
Fixed point, one-dimensional Ising model 127
Flow diagram 110
Flow diagram, example 113
Flows, example 113
Flows, one-dimensional Ising model 127
Flows, renormalization group 108
Fluctuations 10 21
Fluid 1
Fluid, Monte Carlo simulations 103
Fluid, order parameter 1
Fluid, phase diagram 2
Fluid, thermodynamic variables 18
Free energy 16 ff. 22
Free energy, and high temperature series 83
Free energy, and renormalization group 107
Free energy, and trajectory sum 131
Free energy, and transfer matrix 69
Free energy, convexity 19
Free energy, ferromagnet 22
Free energy, Landau expansion 54 ff.
Free energy, mean-field 51
Free energy, one-dimensional Ising model 73 129 130
Free energy, scaling 116
Free energy, singular part 115
Gaussian fixed point 140
Generalized homogeneous function 116 121
Gibb’s free energy 22
Graphs, and high temperature series 81 ff.
| Graphs, disconnected 83
Ground state 48
Guggenheim plot 27
Heisenberg model 43
Heisenberg model, three-dimensional exponents 46
Helmholtz free energy see “Free energy”
High temperature series 80 ff.
Higher order transition 22
Hydrogen on iron 39 ff. 48
Hyperscaling relation 117
Importance sampling 96
Inequalities, critical exponents 29
Inequalities, Rushbrooke 29
Internal energy 17 18
Irrelevant variable 110 116
Irrelevant variable, example 113
Ising fixed point 113 140
Ising lattice gas 49
Ising model 8 35
Ising model, equivalence to lattice gas 39
Ising model, mean-field theory 50 ff.
Ising model, one-dimensional, correlation function 73
Ising model, one-dimensional, correlation length 74
Ising model, one-dimensional, decimation transformation 124 ff.
Ising model, one-dimensional, exponents 129
Ising model, one-dimensional, free energy 73 129 130
Ising model, one-dimensional, high temperature series 86
Ising model, one-dimensional, low temperature series 88
Ising model, one-dimensional, magnetization 73
Ising model, one-dimensional, transfer matrix 67 ff.
Ising model, one-dimensional, zero-temperature phase transition 73 92
Ising model, spin-1 41 75 one-dimensional two-dimensional three-dimensional”)
Ising model, three-dimensional, and beta-brass 36 ff.
Ising model, three-dimensional, exponents 46
Ising model, three-dimensional, Monte Carlo 102
Ising model, three-dimensional, universality class 27 ff.
Ising model, two-dimensional 8 35
Ising model, two-dimensional, and hydrogen on iron 39
Ising model, two-dimensional, duality 92
Ising model, two-dimensional, exponents 30 46
Ising model, two-dimensional, high temperature series 80 ff.
Ising model, two-dimensional, low temperature series 86
Ising model, two-dimensional, magnetization 10
Ising model, two-dimensional, renormalization group 13 132
Krypton on graphite 41 ff.
Landau theory 54 ff.
Latent heat 1 22 25
Lattice gas 39
Lattice gas and hydrogen on iron 39
Lattice gas, Ising 49
Lattice types 33
Length scaling 10 107
Linear scaling fields 110 115
Linear scaling fields, example 113
Linked cluster theorem 83
Liquid crystal 5
Localized spins 44
Long-range order 13 20
Low temperature series 85 ff.
Low temperature series, one-dimensional Ising model 88
Low temperature series, Potts model 93
Low temperature series, two-dimensional Ising model 86
Magnesium fluoride 29 43
Magnet, thermodynamic variables for a 17
Magnet, uniaxial anisotropy in 29 (see also “Ferromagnet”)
Magnetic field 16
magnetization 4 17 22
Magnetization of ferromagnet 22
Magnetization of one-dimensional Ising model 73
Magnetization, exponent 26
Magnetization, fluctuations in 21
Magnetization, scaled 118
Magnetization, spontaneous 24
Magnetization, zero-field 24
Majority rule 14
Marginal variable 110
Markov chain 96 99
Maxwell — Boltzmarm statistics 16
Mean-field theory 50 ff.
Mean-field theory, classical 59
Mean-field theory, exponents 53 ff. 56
Mean-field theory, for correlation function 57
Mean-field theory, for Ising model 50 ff.
Mean-field theory, validity 61 (see also “Landau theory” “van “Weiss
Metropolis algorithm 96
Micelles 7
Migdal — Kadanoff transformation 141
Models 33 ff.
Models, antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Ising 49
Models, chiral clock 49
Models, Heisenberg 43
Models, Ising lattice gas 49
Models, Ising with second neighbour interactions 76
Models, lattice gas 39
Models, p-state clock 49
Models, q-state Potts 41 49
Models, solid-on-solid 77
Models, spin-1 Ising 41 49
Models, spin-1/2 Ising 35 ff.
Models, X-Y 43
Momentum-space renormalization group 140 144
Monte Carlo 8 10 13 95
Monte Carlo renormalization group 139
Monte Carlo, accuracy 101
Monte Carlo, boundary conditions 99
Monte Carlo, choice of initial conditions 99
Monte Carlo, critical slowing down 100
Monte Carlo, finite-size effects 99 102
Monte Carlo, for fluids 103
Monte Carlo, for polymers 103
Monte Carlo, for three-dimensional Ising modei 102
Monte Carlo, influence of starting configuration 100
Monte Carlo, practical details 97
Monte Carlo, random numbers 100
Monte Carlo, statistical errors 101
Nobel prize 106
One-dimensional Ising model see “Ising model one-dimensional”
Onsager 35
Opalescence, critical 13
Operators 108
Order parameter 1
Order parameter, exponent 26 27
Order parameter, ferromagnet 4
Order parameter, fluid 1
Order parameter, of beta-brass 36
Order parameter, scalar 29
Order parameter, symmetry of 27
Order-disorder transition 5 36
Pade approximant 92
Pair correlation function see “Correlation function”
Paramagnet 31 35 73
Parameter space 108 113
Parameter space, example 113
Parameter space, size of for Potts model 137
Parameter space, truncation 134 139
Partition function 15 17 18
Partition function from high temperature series 83
Partition function from low temperature series 86
Partition function from transfer matrix 68
Perron — Frobenius theorem 70
phase diagram 1
Phase diagram, ferromagnet 1 22
Phase diagram, fluid 1
Phase diagram, two-dimensional Ising model 10
Phase separation 5 29
Phase space 95
Phase transition 1
Phase transition, continuous 1 22
Phase transition, critical 22
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