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Adkins C.J. — Equilibrium Thermodynamics |
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-Brass 82—83
-points 197
-transition 197
Absolute zero 23
Absolute zero, unattainability of 245—247
Absorptivity, spectral 147
Accessibility 88—92
Adiabatic changes 4
Adiabatic changes, uniqueness of reversible 60—61 72 92
Adiabatic demagnetization 134—136
Adiabatic demagnetization, cooling by 136—143
Adiabatic demagnetization, microscopic significance of 138
Adiabatic walls 4
Adiathermal changes 4
After-burners 48
Air standard cycles 65
Allotropic transformations 247—249
Arrow of time 74
Availability 107
Bernoulli's theorem 490
Binary mixtures 231—240
Binary mixtures, phase separation in 231—236
Binary mixtures, solid/liquid equilibrium 236—240
Black body 149
Black body radiation 148—149
Boltzmann relation 79—81
Boundaries 4
Boyle temperature 116
Boyle's law 116
Caloric theory 30
Caratheodory's principle 88
Carbon resistance thermometers 26
Carnot cycle 51—53
Carnot's theorem 56—58
Cells, electric 125—129
Cells, fuel 128
Celsius temperature 23
Centigrade temperature 23
Change of phase 180—212
Change of phase, Ehrenfest classification 193
Change of phase, first order 183
Change of phase, first order, Gibbs functions in 186—187
Change of phase, higher order 193—194
Change of phase, higher order, interpretation of 203—205
Charle's law 118
Chemical potentials 218—221
Chemical potentials in ideal gas mixtures 215 219 221
Chemical reactions 222—223
Chemical reactions in ideal gas mixtures 228—230
Clausius — Clapeyron equation 182—184
Clausius — Clapeyron equation, integration of 184—185
Clausius' theorem 68—71
Compliance coefficients 104
components 3
Components, systems of several 213—240
Compressibility, adiabatic 114—115
Compressibility, isothermal 37 115
Compression ratio 67
Condensation nuclei 211
Configuration 89
Conservation of energy 30 33
Constant-flow calorimeter 47—48
Corresponding states, law of 192 267
Cosmic black-body background 270
Countercurrent heat exchanger 169—170
Critical constants 122
Critical constants of Dieterici gas 266
Critical constants of van der Waals gas 267
Critical constants, table of 122
Critical magnetic field 200
Critical points 121 188—192
Critical temperature 121
Critical temperature of superconductors 200
Critical temperature table 122
Curie temperature 136—140
Curie — Weiss law 140
Curie's law 27 140
Curie's law, breakdown of 243
Curve differentials 43
Cyclic processes 50—53
Dalton's law 214
Daniel cell 125—126
Degradation of energy 76—77
Degrees of freedom 10—12 103 223—224
Demagnetizing factor 135
Diathermal walls 4
Dieterici equation 121
Dieterici equation, critical constants of 266
Dieterici equation, reduced form of 267
Differentials, exact 15
Differentials, inexact 16
Differentials, partial 13
Diffusion of ideal gases 216—218
Dilution refrigerator 236
Direct observables 3
Displacement law 156
Efficiency of heat engine 51
Efficiency of heat pump 63
Efficiency of refrigerator 62
Ehrenfest's equations 194
Elastic rod 124—125
Electric cells 125—129
Emissive power, spectral 147
Emissivity, spectral 149
Empirical entropy 88—92
Empirical entropy and heat 93
Empirical temperature 18—20
Endothermic reactions 128
Energy density of black body radiation 150—152
Energy density of radiation 145
Energy density, spectral 147
Energy density, spectral, of black body radiation 157
Energy of mixing 232
Enthalpy 45—46 100
entropy 68—81
Entropy and degradation of energy 76—77
Entropy and heat capacities 81—84
Entropy and order 77—81
Entropy in irreversible changes 72—74 95—97
Entropy of ideal gas 119—120
Entropy of ideal gas mixtures 215—216
Entropy of mixing 231
Entropy, a function of state 71—72 95
Entropy, definition of 71 95
Entropy, empirical 88—92
Entropy, empirical, and heat 93
Entropy, form of first law 74—76
Entropy, increase in diffusion 216—218
Entropy, law of increase of 74
Equal temperature enclosure 147
Equation of reaction equilibrium 223
Equation of state 20
Equation of state of a van der Waals gas 120
Equation of state of an ideal gas 117—118
Equation of state of Dieterici gas 121
Equilibrium 7—8
Equilibrium in mixtures 231—240
Equilibrium, constant 228 251—252
Equilibrium, fluctuations 157—161
Equilibrium, general conditions for 106—111 221—222
Equilibrium, heterogeneous 231
Equilibrium, metastable 7 187
Equilibrium, radiation 147—148
Equilibrium, types of 7—8
Equipartition 120
Equipartition and fluctuations 160
Eutectic composition 240
Eutectic temperature 240
Exact differentials 15
Exchanges, theory of 146
| Exothermic reactions 128
Expansion engine 172
Expansion ratio 67
Expansivity, cubic 37 114 131
Expansivity, linear 124
Extensive variables 5
ferromagnetism 83
Figure of merit of heat pumps 63
Figure of merit of refrigerators 62
First law 31
First law, differential form of 33—34
First law, entropy form of 74—76 96
First order phase change 183 193
First order phase change, Gibbs functions in 186—187
Flow processes 46—49
Flow work 47
Fluctuations 7 157—161
Fluctuations and equipartition 160
Fountain effect 205—208
Free energy 100 103
Free expansion 116 162—165
Frost 149—150
fuel cells 128
Full radiation 148
Functions of state 6
Gas constant 118
Gas thermometry 20—23 118
Gibbs function 100
Gibbs function in change of phase 180—182
Gibbs function in first order transitions 186—187
Gibbs function near critical points 188—192
Gibbs paradox 217—218
Gibbs — Helmholtz equation 101
Glass-houses 150
Glasses 249—251
Heat 32—33
heat capacity 42—45 81 112—114
Heat capacity anomalies 81—84
Heat capacity, specific 43
Heat content 46 100 127
Heat engines 51 56—58 64—65 97—98
Heat exchangers 169—170
Heat of reaction 46 127 229 251—252
Heat of solution 227
Heat pumps 62—63 98—99
Heat, caloric theory of 30
Heat, molecular motion theory of 30
Helium 192 196—197 205 244—245
Helium as refrigerant 137
Helium, fountain effect with 205—208
Helmholtz function 100
Henry's law 224
Heterogeneous equilibrium 231
Hotness 34
Hotness and temperature 20 55 97
Hysteresis 9—10
Ideal gas 116—120
Ideal gas mixtures 213—218
Ideal gas mixtures, entropy of 215—218
Ideal gas mixtures, Gibbs functions in 216
Ideal gas mixtures, partial potentials in 218
Ideal gas mixtures, pressure of 213—214
Ideal gas mixtures, reactions in 228—230
Ideal gas mixtures, reversible mixing of 214—215
Ideal gas, adiabatic equation of 118—119
Ideal gas, compression of 36—37
Ideal gas, definition of 116
Ideal gas, entropy of 119—120
Ideal gas, equation of state 117—118
Ideal gas, internal energy of 116—117
Ideal gas, temperature scale 20—21 118
Ideal solutions 224—228
Ideal solutions, solubility in 226—227
Ideal solutions, vapour pressure of 226
Indicator diagram 9
Inexact differentials 16
Intensive variables 5
Internal combustion engine 64—67
Internal energy 32
Internal pressure 121
Internal work 121
International Practical Temperature Scale 28—29
Inversion curve 167
Inversion temperature, maximum, table of 168
Iron 195
Irreversible changes 72—75 95—97 162—179
Isolation 4
Isotherms 18284
Jet engines 48
Joule coefficient 164
Joule cycle 263
Joule expansion 162—165
Joule — Kelvin coefficient 166
Joule — Kelvin expansion 165—168
Joule — Kelvin expansion and gas liquefaction 168—172
Joule — Thomson expansion 165
Joule's law 116 121
Kelvin 22
Kirchhoff's law 148—150
Knocking 67
Latent heat and order 85
Lattice temperature 142
Laws of thermodynamics 2—3
Laws of Thermodynamics, First 31
Laws of Thermodynamics, Second 53 88
Laws of Thermodynamics, Third 241 245 252
Laws of thermodynamics, zeroth 17
Legendre differential transformation 103—104
Lever rule 235
Liquefaction of gases 168—172
Liquid expansion thermometers 24
Liquidus 237
Magnetic energy 253—255
Magnetic work 40—42 253—255
Magnetocaloric effect 134—142
Mass action, law of 228—230
Maxwell relations 104—106
Meissner effect 198
Metastable equilibrium 7—8 186—187
Mixtures, binary 231—240
Mixtures, method of 34
Mixtures, solubility gaps in 231—236
Nernst statement of third law 252
Neutral equilibrium 7—8
Nozzle, ideal 48
Nuclear demagnetization 142
Nucleation 211—212
Order and entropy 77—81
Order change by deformation 86
Order, range of 205
Order-disorder transitions 81—84
Osmotic equilibrium 227
Osmotic pressure 227—228
Otto cycle 65—66
p-V-T relations 121—124
Paramagnetic salts 83
Paramagnetic salts, adiabatic demagnetization with 134—142
Partial differentials 13—15
Partial potential 218
Partial potential, molar 221
Partial pressure 214
Peltier effect 174
Perfect differentials 15
Perfect gas 116—120
Perfect gas mixtures 213—218
Perfect gas mixtures, entropy of 215—218
Perfect gas mixtures, Gibbs function in 216
Perfect gas mixtures, partial potentials in 218
Perfect gas mixtures, pressure of 213—214
Perfect gas mixtures, reactions in 228—230
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