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Adkins C.J. — Equilibrium Thermodynamics |
Предметный указатель |
Perfect gas mixtures, reversible mixing of 214—215
Perfect gas, adiabatic equation of 118—119
Perfect gas, compression of 36—37
Perfect gas, definition of 116
Perfect gas, entropy of 119—120
Perfect gas, equation of state 117—118
Perfect gas, internal energy of 116—117
Perfect gas, temperature scale 20—21 118
Perpetual motion 54—55
Petrol engine 65—67
Phase 3
Phase change 180—212
Phase change, Ehrenfest classification 193
Phase change, first order 183
Phase change, first order, Gibbs functions in 186—187
Phase change, higher order 193—194
Phase change, higher order, interpretation of 203—205
Phase rule 223
Phase separation 231
Piezoelectricity 132—134
Pinking 67
Planck radiation law 157
Porous plug 48 165
Potentials, chemical 218
Potentials, partial 218 221
Potentials, thermodynamic 100—111
Prevost's theory of exchanges 146
Primary variables 103
Principal heat capacities 112
Proper variables 101
Pyroelectric effects 132—133
Pyrometers 27
Quasistatic changes 8—9
Radiation, black body 148—149
Radiation, equilibrium 147—148
Radiation, full 148
Radiation, pressure of 145
Radiation, thermal 144—157
Raolt's law 226
Reaction equilibrium, equation of 223
Reactions, chemical 222—223
Reactions, chemical, in ideal gas mixtures 228—230
Reciprocal theorem 13
Reciprocity theorem 13
Reduced variables 167—168 267
Reference points, table 24
Refrigerators 62 98—99
Refrigerators, dilution 236
Regular solutions 233
Resistance thermometers 25
Resistance thermometers, carbon 26
Resistance thermometers, semiconductor 26
Reversibility 8—10
Reversible adiabatics, uniqueness of 60—61 72 92
Rubber 86 125
Second law 50—61 87—99
Second law, Caratheodory statement 88
Second law, Clausius statement 53
Second law, Kelvin statement 53
Seebeck effect 173
Semiconductor thermometers 26
Semipermeable walls 5 206 227
Semipermeable walls and reversible mixing 214—215
Solubility gaps 231—236
Solutions, ideal 224—228
Solutions, ideal, solubility in 226—227
Solutions, ideal, vapour pressure of 226
Solutions, regular 233
Specific heat capacities 43 112—114
Specific variables 6
Spectral energy density 147
Spectral energy density of black body radiation 157
Spin temperature 142
Stable equilibrium 7—8
Statistical probability 78
Statistical probability and entropy 78—79
Steam engines 64
Stefan — Boltzmann laws 152
Stefan's laws 152
Stiffness coefficients 114
Streamline flow 49
Superconductivity 197—203 205
Supercooling 187 203 211 247—251
Superfluid 196—197 205 206—208
Superheating 187 203 211—212
Superleak 206
Supersaturation 187 211
Surface adsorption 131
Surface effects 208—212
Surface energy 132
Surface tension 128—132 208—212 243
Surface tension, work against 38—39
Surroundings 4
Susceptibility thermometry 27 142—143
| system 3
Temperature 18—20
Temperature, Celsius 23
Temperature, centigrade 23
Temperature, critical 121
Temperature, empirical 20
Temperature, International Practical Scale of 28—29
Temperature, lattice 142
Temperature, magnetic 142
Temperature, measurement below 1K 142—143
Temperature, perfect gas scale of 20—21
Temperature, scales of 20
Temperature, spin 142
Temperature, thermodynamic 21—23 58—60 95
Thermal contact 4
Thermal efficiency of heat engine 51
Thermal efficiency of heat pump 63
Thermal efficiency of refrigerator 62
Thermal equilibrium 7
Thermal radiation 144—157
Thermocouples 173
Thermocouples as thermometers 25
Thermodynamic coefficients 12
Thermodynamic equilibrium 6—7
Thermodynamic equilibrium between phases 180—182
Thermodynamic equilibrium in binary mixtures 231—240
Thermodynamic equilibrium in gas reactions 228—230
Thermodynamic equilibrium, general conditions for 106—111
Thermodynamic potentials 100—111
Thermodynamic temperature 21—23 5860 95
Thermoelasticity 132
Thermoelectric coefficients 173—174
Thermoelectric coefficients, table of 175
Thermoelectricity 172—179
Thermoelectricity, essential irreversibility in 175—177
Thermoelectricity, Kelvin's treatment of 177—179
Thermomechanical effects 132
Thermometers 23—28
Thermometers, carbon resistance 26
Thermometers, gas 20—22 118
Thermometers, liquid expansion 24
Thermometers, pyrometer 27
Thermometers, resistance 25
Thermometers, semiconductor 26
Thermometers, susceptibility 27
Thermometers, thermocouple 25
Thermometers, vapour pressure 27
Thermopower 173
Third law 241—252
Third law, elementary consequences 242—245
Third law, Nernst statement 252
Third law, Simon statement 241
Third law, unattainability statement 245
Thomson coefficient 174
Thomson heat 174
Throttle valve 48 165 170
Triple point 123 183 186
Triple point of water 22
Trouton's rule 85
Turbine 49
Two-fluid models 205
Unattainability of absolute zero 245—247
Units, electrical 39
Units, magnetic 40
Van der Waals equation 120
van der Waals equation, reduced form of 267
van der Waals fluid 188—191
van der Waals fluid, vapour pressure of 190
Van der Waals gas 120
van der Waals gas, critical constants of 267
van't Hoff isobar 229
Vapour pressure of ideal solutions 226
Vapour pressure of van der Waals fluid 190
Vapour pressure over curved surface 208—212
Vapour pressure thermometry 27
Variables, extensive 5
Variables, intensive 5
Variables, primary 103
Variables, specific 6
Virial coefficients 116
Virial expansion 116
Walls 4
Wien's laws 152—157
Work 4 32
Work against surface tension 38—39
Work by electric field 39—40
Work by hydrostatic pressure 35—36
Work by magnetic field 40—42 253—255
work function 100
Work in various systems 35—42
Working substance 46 51
Young modulus 115
zero point energy 196
Zeroth Law 17
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