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Ferziger J.H., Kaper H.G. — Mathematical theory of transport processes in gases |
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-Space 33 70
-Integral, averaged, for asymmetric molecules 305
-Integral, definition of 205
-Integral, expressions for model potentials, attractive-repulsive model 252—259
-Integral, expressions for model potentials, point center of repulsion model 250—252
-Integral, expressions for model potentials, rigid sphere model 207 249—250
-Integral, expressions for model potentials, truncated Coulomb potential model 452 453
-Integral, quantum mechanical calculation of 259—264
-Integral, recursion relation for 206
-Integral, reduced see "Transport integral ratios"
-Integral, reduced, definition of 207
-Integral, reduced, tables for model potentials, Lennard — Jones potential 522—525
-Integral, reduced, tables for model potentials, modified Buckingham (6-exp) potential 511—519
-Integral, reduced, tables for model potentials, Morse potential 534—535
-Integral, reduced, tables for model potentials, Stockmayer potential 522—525
-Integral, reduced, tables for model potentials, Stockmayer potential, orientation averaged 526—527
-Integral, tables of bracket integrals in terms of 208—212
-Integral, temperature dependence of 255
Accomodation coefficient 469 471
Afanas'ev, A. M. 334 554
Alternating symbol 340 493
Amagat 372
Anderson, D. G. 486 550
Angular momentum, density 334 336 337
Angular momentum, flux tensor, definition of 336
Angular momentum, flux tensor, expression for polyatomic gas 346
Angular momentum, operator 335
Apse-line 357
Asymmetric potential, effect of, on transport properties 301-307
Attractive-repulsive model potential, -integrals for 252-259
Average molecular velocity 12 17
Average molecular velocity, distinguished from hydrodynamic velocity 12 17
Average value of a function of molecular velocity, definition of, for gas mixture 17
Average value of a function of molecular velocity, definition of, for polyatomic gas 335
Average value of a function of molecular velocity, definition of, for simple gas 13
Avogadro's number 16
Axial vector see "Pseudovector"
Barometric equation 85
Barua, A. K. 305 550
BBGKY-hierarchy 36—38 56 377
Beenakker, J. J. M. 7 351—353 375 550 552
BGK-model of collision operator, linearized 467 473
BGK-model of collision operator, non-linear 484
Bhatnagar, P. L. 467 550
Binary collisions see "Collisions"
Binary diffusion coefficient, thermal diffusion coefficient, etc. see "Diffusion coefficient" "Thermal etc.
Bird, G. A. 488 550
Bird, R. B. 176 207 233 238 251 253 256—259 262 304 371 372 554
Bogoliubov, N. N. 6 22 36 550
Boltzmann's constant 12
Boltzmann's equation, derivation of, classical 24—32
Boltzmann's equation, derivation of, from Liouville equation 32—56
Boltzmann's equation, for gas mixture 31
Boltzmann's equation, for ionized gas 430
Boltzmann's equation, for simple gas 31 59
Boltzmann's equation, generalized, for dense gas 380
Boltzmann's equation, linearized 87 465
Boltzmann's equation, relation with equations of fluid dynamics 153—162 see "Waldmann "Wang
Boltzmann's H-function, H-theorem see "H-function" "H-theorem"
Boltzmann, L. 4 22 69 550
Born, M. 36 550
boundary conditions 77—79 see
Boundary conditions, matching of, across boundary layer 159—162
Boundary layer 154 158
Bracket integrals, for gas mixture, definition of, in terms of partial bracket integrals 96
Bracket integrals, for gas mixture, partial, definition of 95
Bracket integrals, for gas mixture, partial, expression in terms of -integrals 209—212
Bracket integrals, for gas mixture, partial, reduction of 502—508
Bracket integrals, for polyatomic gas, approximate expression in terms of -integrals 325—326
Bracket integrals, for polyatomic gas, reduction of 321 322 324
Bracket integrals, for simple gas, definition of 94
Bracket integrals, for simple gas, expression in terms of -integrals 208—209
Bracket integrals, for simple gas, reduction of 202—207 508—509
Brokaw, R. S. 274 291 292 294 296 297 550 557
Bruch, L. W. 243 550
Brush, S. G. 4 550
Buddenberg, J. G. 292 551
Bulk viscosity, coefficient of, for dense gas, Choh — Uhlenbeck formula 416
Bulk viscosity, coefficient of, for dense gas, Enskog's formula 369 371
Bulk viscosity, coefficient of, for dense gas, general formula 401
Bulk viscosity, coefficient of, for polyatomic gas, quantum mechanical formula 345
Bulk viscosity, coefficient of, for polyatomic gas, quasi-classical formula 319 322 325
Bulk viscosity, coefficient of, for polyatomic gas, relation with relaxation time 323
Burgers, J. M. 483 551
Burnett equations 150—151
Burnett, D. 5 131 139 143 147 239 551
Caloric equation 390 391
Carleman, T. 5 153 154 551
Case, K. M. 474 551
Center-of-mass velocity 26
Cercignani, C. 97 154 465 472 474 551
Chahine, M. T. 486 555
Chaos, F. 6 387 390 395 396 398 553
Chapman — Cowling approximation 134—139 see "Thermal "Thermal "Viscosity"
Chapman — Enskog approximation see "Current density" "Diffusion "Heat "Velocity
Chapman — Enskog method, for solving Boltzmann's equation, for gas mixture 163—169
Chapman — Enskog method, for solving Boltzmann's equation, for ionized gas 429—440
Chapman — Enskog method, for solving Boltzmann's equation, for Lorentz gas 191—193
Chapman — Enskog method, for solving Boltzmann's equation, for simple gas 115—121
Chapman — Enskog method, for solving Boltzmann's equation, relation with Hilbert’s method 121—122
Chapman — Enskog method, for solving Enskog's equation 364—367
Chapman — Enskog method, for solving generalized Boltzmann equation 387—398
Chapman — Enskog method, for solving Waldmann — Snider equation 334—339
Chapman — Enskog method, for solving Wang Chang — Uhlenbeck equation 314—318
Chapman, S. 5 115 139 140 143 175 207 252 271 312 328 329 370 537 551
Charge density 431
Chmieleski, R. M. 458 551
Choh — Uhlenbeck theory, for moderately dense gas 408—417 422
Choh, S. T. 6 407 557
Cluster expansion method 39—46
Cluster property 41
Coefficient of thermal conductivity, of viscosity, etc. see "Thermal conductivity" "Viscosity" etc.
Cohen, E. G. D. 6 23 50 275 403 407 417 419 421 557 552
Collision cylinder 29
Collision frequency 19 20 199—200 468 484
Collision operator see "Linearized collision operator"
Collision operator, for Boltzmann's equation 49—56 62 164
Collision operator, for Enskog's equation 357—359
Collision operator, for generalized Boltzmann equation 377—380
Collision operator, for linearized Boltzmann equation 87—93 465—466
Collision operator, for Waldmann — Snider equation 333—334
Collision operator, for Wang Chang — Uhlenbeck equation 313—314
Collision variables, geometrical 26 see
Collisional (or summational) invariants 65 116 164 316 361
Collisional transfer 360 386
Collisions, binary, dynamics of 25—26 246—248
Collisions, direct and inverse 30 313 328
Collisions, elastic, Liouville's law for 27
Collisions, inelastic 313 325
Collisions, maximum number of, between three rigid spheres 403
Collisions, orbiting 52 255
Collisions, real, hypothetical, interacting and noninteracting 405
Collisions, sequences of binary collisions 402—406 417—418
Combination rules see "Mixing rules"
Compressibility, isothermal 373 393
Conduction of electricity, heat, etc. see "Electrical conductivity" "Heat etc.
Conductivity, electrical see "Electrical conductivity"
Conservation see "Collisional invariants"
Conservation equations, for dense gas 364 382—386
Conservation equations, for ionized gas 431—433 457
Conservation equations, for monatomic gas 66—67
Conservation equations, for polyatomic gas 314—315 335 337
Conservation, of angular momentum 334
Conservation, of mass, momentum, and energy 25
Constitutive equations 68 see Fourier's Newton's Ohm's
Contraction, of description of the state of a gas 56 108
Contraction, of tensor 495
Convergence, of Sonine polynomial expansions 195 270—274
Coope, J. A. R. 552
Coremans, J. M. J. 375 552
| Corngold, N. 467 557
Correlations, initial 47 52 407 419
Corresponding states, law of 259 276 281
Cotter, J. R. 116 552
Couette flow 473
Coulomb potential 252 429
Coulomb potential, transport integrals 451—453
Courant, R. 93 467 552
Covolume 370 373
Cowling, T. G. 139 140 143 207 251 252 271 290 312 328 329 370 537 557 552
Cross section see "Transport cross section"
Cross section, for elastic collisions 31
Cross section, for inelastic collisions 313
Cross section, quantum mechanical calculation of 260—263
Cross section, reciprocity relation for 313
Cross section, relation of, to quantum mechanical scattering operator 334
Current density, electric, Chapman — Enskog approximation 442 463
Current density, electric, definition of 432
Curtiss, C. F. 176 207 229 233 238 251 253 256—259 262 304 312 371 372 552 554 556
Curtiss, J. 176 552
Curve fitting procedures 266—267
Cut-off, angular and radial 93 429
Cyclotron frequency see "Gyrofrequency Cyclotron radius" "Gyromagnetic
Dahler, J. S. 312 350 370 552 556
Darrozes, J. S. 79 159 552
Davies, T. V. 159 552
De Boer, J. 7 256 314 552
de Groot, S. R. 176 340 349 351 450 552
Debye length 428 430
Debye shielding 425 427—429
Debye sphere 453
Deflection angle, definition of 28
Deflection angle, expressed in terms of intermolecular potential 248
Deflection angle, expressions for model potentials, attractive-repulsive model 254
Deflection angle, expressions for model potentials, point center of repulsion model 250
Deflection angle, expressions for model potentials, rigid sphere model 249
Deflection angle, expressions for model potentials, truncated Coulomb potential model 451 453
Dense gas, Choh — Uhlenbeck theory 407—417
Dense gas, Enskog's theory 356—375
Dense gas, general theory 377—401 417—422
density see "Mass density"
Density matrix 332
Diffuse reflection 469
Diffusion see "Thermal diffusion"
Diffusion coefficient, for binary gas mixture, calculated from mixture viscosity and thermal conductivity data 295—296 298
Diffusion coefficient, for binary gas mixture, Chapman — Cowling approximation 219—220
Diffusion coefficient, for binary gas mixture, comparison of theory and experiment 280—285
Diffusion coefficient, for binary gas mixture, convergence of Chapman — Cowling and Kihara approximations 280
Diffusion coefficient, for binary gas mixture, definition of 189
Diffusion coefficient, for binary gas mixture, Kihara approximation 220—221
Diffusion coefficient, for binary gas mixture, phenomenological formula 198
Diffusion coefficient, for binary gas mixture, sensitivity to potential parameters 269
Diffusion coefficient, for gas mixture, Chapman — Cowling approximation 187 217—219
Diffusion coefficient, for gas mixture, Chapman — Enskog formula 174
Diffusion coefficient, for ionized gas, Chapman — Enskog formula 442
Diffusion coefficient, for ionized gas, parallel and transverse diffusion 442
Diffusion coefficient, for Lorentz gas, Chapman — Enskog formula 194
Diffusion coefficient, for Lorentz gas, convergence of Chapman — Cowling and Kihara approximations 272 280
Diffusion coefficient, for self-diffusion, Chapman — Cowling approximation 221
Diffusion coefficient, for self-diffusion, comparison of theory and experiment 276
Diffusion coefficient, for self-diffusion, convergence of Chapman — Cowling approximation 271
Diffusion coefficient, for self-diffusion, definition of 190
Diffusion coefficient, for self-diffusion, Kihara approximation 221
Diffusion coefficient, for self-diffusion, phenomenological formula 198
Diffusion driving force 171 435 460
Diffusion heat flow 179
Diffusion velocity, Chapman — Enskog approximation, for binary gas mixture 189
Diffusion velocity, Chapman — Enskog approximation, for gas mixture 169 174
Diffusion velocity, Chapman — Enskog approximation, for ionized gas 442
Diffusion velocity, Chapman — Enskog approximation, for Lorentz gas 194
Diffusion velocity, definition of 18
Diffusion, phenomenological theory of 198
Diffusion, self-diffusion 190—191
Dilatation viscosity see "Bulk viscosity"
Dipole moment, induced and permanent 232 235
Direct collision see "Collisions"
Dispersion force 233
Distribution function, in -space 33
Distribution function, one-particle 36
Distribution function, reduced (or s-particle) 36 56
Distribution function, velocity see "Velocity distribution function"
Divergence, logarithmic, of density expansion 421—422
Divergence, of transport integrals, for Coulomb potential 252 451—452
Dootson, F. W. 175 557
Dorfman, J. R. 6 403 407 419 421 422 552 554
Dorfman, R. 93 552
Dyadic 497
Dymond, J. H. 241 552
Effect, electro-thermal or inverse thermo-electric see "Electro-thermal effect"
Effective potential 253
electric field see "Diffusion driving force"
Electric field, effect on transport properties of ionized gas 444
Electric field, effect on transport properties of polyatomic gas 352
Electric field, induced 232
Electrical conductivity, for ionized gas, Chapman — Cowling approximation for binary mixture 454
Electrical conductivity, for ionized gas, Chapman — Enskog formula 443
Electro-thermal coefficient, for ionized gas, Chapman — Cowling approximation for binary mixture 454—455
Electro-thermal coefficient, for ionized gas, Chapman — Enskog formula 443
Electro-thermal effect 443
Ellipsoidal molecule 312
Energy see "Internal energy" "Kinetic "Potential "Rotational
Enskog's equation, for dense gas 359
Enskog, D. 5 6 64 88 107 115 116 131 175 356 552 553
entropy 133 179
Entropy, connection with Boltzmann's H-function 75
Epstein, M. 470 553
Equation of state 16 391
Equations of change(or transfer) of molecular properties 64
Equations of continuity, motion, and energy see "Conservation equations"
Equilibrium solution, of Boltzmann's equation, for ionized gas 434 459
Equilibrium solution, of Boltzmann's equation, for monatomic gas 73—74 122 169
Equilibrium solution, of Enskog's equation 364
Equilibrium solution, of generalized Boltzmann equation 389
Equilibrium solution, of Waldmann — Snider equation 336
Equilibrium solution, of Wang Chang — Uhlenbeck equation 316
Equipartition of energy 75
Ernst, M. H. 390 421 553 554
Eucken correction 308—310
Eucken ratio see "Eucken's theory of heat conduction"
Eucken ratio, Chapman — Cowling approximation 216—217
Eucken ratio, comparison of theory and experiment 274
Eucken ratio, definition of 216
Eucken ratio, for polyatomic gas 327
Eucken's theory of heat conduction 307—311
Eucken, E. 7 307 553
Euler equations, for dense gas 391
Euler equations, for gas mixture 170
Euler equations, for simple gas 112 123
Existence theory, for Boltzmann's equation 153—154
Existence theory, for linearized Boltzmann equation 97—106
External force 24 35 377
External force, influence of, on diffusion see "Diffusion driving force"
Ferziger, J. H. 86 161 458 468 488 551 553 555 557
Fick's law, of diffusion 68
Fifth power law see "Maxwell molecules"
Fluid dynamics, connection with kinetic theory 153—162
Flux vector of molecular properties, for dense gas 361
Flux vector of molecular properties, for gas mixture 18
Flux vector of molecular properties, for simple gas 14
Fokker — Planck equation, for ionized gas 425
force see "External force" "Intermolecular "Lorentz
Ford, G. W. 23 252 558
Fourier's law, of heat conduction 68 131 399
Free energy 101
Free molecule flow 464
Frieman, E. A. 23 51 421 553
Functional assumption, Bogoliubov's 380 402
Functional assumption, Bogoliubov's, validity of 419—422
Functional relation, between one- and two- particle distribution functions 46—49 57 378—380
Furry, W. H. 226 553
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