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Wilson A.H. — Thermodynam Mechanics |
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a priori probability 90 109 115
Absolute entropy 189
Absolute temperature 4 17 23 31 79 244 311
Absolute temperature, negative temperatures of nuclear spin systems 85 312
Absolute zero, extrapolation of thermodynamic functions to 271 390
Absolute zero, extrapolation of thermodynamic functions to, unattainability of 191
Acids, definition of 429
Ackerman, P.G. 247
Activity 431
Adiabatic vessel 6 65
Adiabatic, process 6
Adsorption 116
Affinity 373
Allotropy of ice 260
Allotropy of sulphur 203 261
Allotropy of tin 202
Allotropy, of carbon 202 260 261
Alloys, ferromagnetic 330
Alloys, order-disorder in 457 ff.
Alloys, phase diagrams 411 412 416 417
Altman, W.H. 158
Ammonia synthesis 382
Anharmonic forces 164 297
Anharmonic forces, isotropy constants of ferromagnets 325 326
Antiferromagnetism 309 310 311 333
Antisymmetrical wave functions 95 123 129 329
Antoine's equation 267
Antoine, C. 267
Aropholytes 436
Arrhenius, S. 423
Assemblies, canonical 109
Assemblies, grand canonical 110
Assemblies, microcanonical 110
Atkins, K.R. 281
Available energy 26
Average values in statistical mechanics 90 128
Avogadro's number 113
Ball, A.F. 165
Band structure of metals 170 331
Barium titanate 296 300
Barritt, R.J. 380
Barron, T.H.K. 159
Bartholme, E. 200
Bases, definition of 429
Beattie, J.A. 369 384
benzene 237
Berman, R. 261
Berthelot's equation 196 211 215
Berthelot, D. 211
Bethe, H. 330 475
Bijl, D. 159
Binary mixtures 399 408
Bird, R.B. 225
Bitter, F. 334
Bizette, H. 333
Black body 182
Blackman, M. 157 162
Bleaney, B. 308
Bloch, F. 329
Bloembergen, N. 311
Boiling point of solutions 404
Boltzmann statistics 99
Boltzmann's constant 113
Boltzmann, L. 99 115
Borelius, G. 459
Born, M. 64 150 151 153 157 161 251
Bose, S.N. 128
Bowers, K.D. 308
Boyle point 209 213
Boyle's law 27 209
Boyle, R. 27
Bragg, W.L. 459 461
Bridgman, P.W. 261 263
Broensted, J.N. 429
Buckingham, R.A. 225
Bundy, F.P. 264
Burnett, F 8. 242
Burton, E.F. 274 345
Busse, W.F. 447
Butane 393
Cailletet, L. 220
Callendar's equation 211 234
Callendar, H.L. 211 234
Calorie 9
Camot's theorem 17ff. 24ff. 77ff.
Canonical assembly 109
Caratheodory's principle 78 81
Caratheodory, C. 64
Carbon, allotropy of 202 260 261
Carnot's cycle 19
Carnot, S. 17 64
Carpenter, L.G. 165
Casimir, H.B.G. 311 348
Chemical constant 388 389
Chemical constant for hydrogen 272 390
Chemical constant, relation to vapour pressure constant 270 389 440
Chemical equilibrium for heterogeneous reactions 384
Chemical equilibrium for imperfect gases 381
Chemical equilibrium for isomerisation reactions 393;
Chemical equilibrium for perfect gases 375
Chemical equilibrium for solutions 430
Chemical equilibrium, condition for 371 ;
chemical potential see Thermodynamic potential
Chemical reactions, adiabatic 378
Chemical reactions, maximum extent of 379 see
Clapeyron's equation 258 276
Clapeyron, E. 258
Classical statistics, as the limit of quantal statistics 96 114 119 121
Clausius's equation 264
Clausius's inequality 23 26
Clausius's principle 18 22 25 315
Clausius, R. 17 64 221 264
Clayton, J.O. 196
Clusius, K. 164 200
Clusters of molecules 247
Cobalt, ferromagnetic properties of 326
Complexions 91 97 115 117 123 127 129 386 466 475 477
Compressibility factor of gases 225
Compressibility of solids 152 155 157ff.
Compressibility, adiabatic 40
Compressibility, isothermal 39
Condensation of an Einstein — Bose gas 174ff. 280
Condensation, of a classical imperfect gas 250 252
Conservation of energy 5 70ff.
Continuity of state 209 239 259
Cooperative phenomena 199 461
Corresponding states 213 368
Critical constants 213 229
Critical point of gas mixtures 413
Critical point, of a single gas 208 218;
Crystal dynamics 152ff.
Crystalline fields, calculation of 291;
Crystalline fields, Lorentz field 290
Crystalline fields, quenching of orbital angular momentum by 307;
Crystalline fields, splitting of energy levels by 201 272 309
Curie temperature 319 329 335 343 344
Curie's law 193 304 311 320
Curie, P. 304
Curtis, C.F. 225
Cyclic process 18 ff. 22
Czerlinski, E.C. 323
d'Or, L. 146
Dalton's law of partial pressures 357
Dalton, J. 357
Daniell cell 438
Darwin — Fowler method 109
Darwin, C.G. 109
Daunt, J.G. 281 351
Dauphinee, T.M. 165
De Boer, J. 228
| de Donder, T. 373
de Groot, S.R. 176
de Klerk, D. 311
Debye temperature 154 158
Debye, P. 150 153 288 308 427
Defay, R. 375
Deformation coordinates 64 87
Degeneracy temperature 168
Degenerate gas 168
Degrees of freedom of a gas 136 145
Degrees of freedom, of an elastic solid 150
Dehlinger, D. 459
Demagnetization, cooling by adiabatic 308 ff.
Demagnetizing field 285
Demagnetizing, coefficient 318 353
Deming, W.E. 235
Dennison, D.M. 140
Density matrix 120
Density of states in a metal 171 172
Deuterium, chemical constant 390 ;
Deuterium, residual entropy 199
Deuterium, specific heat 141
Deuterium, vapour pressure constant 272
Devonshire, A.F. 296 300 302
Diamagnetism 303 317
Diathermal vessel 6 65
Diatomic molecules, constants of 145
Dielectric constant, Debye's formula 288
Dielectric constant, Lorentz's formula 291 295;
Dielectric constant, Onsager's formula 295
Dieterici's equation 211 216 239
Dieterici, C. 211
Dingle, R.B. 281
Dipole moments 288
Dirac, P.A.M. 124 327
Dissociation of a gas 377
Dissociation, of an electrolyte 423
Distribution functions, Duhem — Margules equation 420
Distribution functions, Einstein — Bose 128 172ff.
Distribution functions, Fermi — Dirac 124 167ff.;
Distribution functions, Maxwell — Boltzmann 99
Doborzynski, D.W. 205
Dodge, B.F. 225
Dodge, R.L. 383
Dolley, L.G.F. 366
Douglas, T.B. 165
Dugdale, J.S. 275
Duhem, P. 399 420
Dulong and Petit's law 149
Dulong, P.L. 149
Easthope, C.E. 472
Eastman, E.D. 203
Edwards, W.A.M. 273
Effective mass of electrons in a metal 171 331
Ehrenfeat, P. 276
Ehrenfest-Afannassjewa, T. 25
Einstein — Bose condensation 174ff. 280
Einstein — Bose statistics 128 172ff.
Einstein, A. 128 150
Elasticity of rubber 446ff.
Electric cells 437ff.;
Electric cells with transference 442
Electric cells without transference 442
Electric fields In crystal lattices 289 ff.
Electrical conductivity of solutions 424 432
Electrical conductivity, of metals 169 346
Electrolytes, conductivity of 424
Electrolytes, strong electrolytes 426
Electrolytes, weak electrolytes 425
Electron gas, degenerate 168
Electronic partition function 146 310
Electronic specific heat 146 169ff. 310
Electrostatic energy 282 ff.
Electrostriction 286
Empirical entropy 83
Empirical temperature 4 8 68 86 97 311
Endothermic reaction 377
Entropy constant 30 49 114 168 194 267 270 389
Entropy in statistical mechanics 100 190
Entropy of mixing 190 198 199 359 360 368 402
Entropy, absolute 189
Entropy, calorilnetric 194 389
Entropy, defined in thermodynamics 17 22
Entropy, empirical 83
Entropy, increasing property of 23 81 105 315
Entropy, spectroscopic 148 194 391
Equation of state of a gas, empirical 209 ff.
Equation of state of a gas, general theory of 246 ff. ;
Equation of state of a gas, quantum effects 227
Equation of state, defined 4 68
Equation of state, of a crystal 151 ff.
Equilibrium constant 376 378 380 382 385 390ff. 424 426 431
Equilibrium diagrams 409 410 412 413 416 417 418 472;
Equipartition of energy 122 150
Eucken, A. 146
Euler — Maclaurin sum-formula 113 138 177
Eulerian angles 143
Eutectic point 409 416 417
Ewald, P. 293
Exchange forces 310 311 319 323 325 327 329 334 341
Exothermic reaction 377
Expansion coefficient, Grueneisen's formula for low temperatures 156 158
Extensive variables 37 44
Eyring, H. 448
Fairweather, A. 345
Falkenhagen, H. 427
Fermi — Dirac statistics 124 165ff.
Fermi, E. 124
Ferrar, W.L. 62
Ferrimagnetism 333 342
Ferrites 344
Ferroelectricity 296 ff.
ferromagnetism 309 311 317ff.
First law of thermodynamics 1 11 70ff. 73
Flory, P.J. 448
Fluctuations 104 112 128ff.
Fourier transform 454
Fowler, R.H. 109 176 427 475 476
Free energy in an electric or magnetic field 286
Free energy of a perfect gas 114 147 363;
Free energy, definition and properties 33ff.
Free energy, relation to partition function 103 105 125
Freezing point of solutions 402 ff. 426
Friedman, A.S. 229
Froehlich, H. 296
Frozen equilibrium 195 197
Fuchs, K. 251
Fugacity 231 365 368
Fundamental equations 2 44
Fundamental equations of a perfect gas 49 ff.
Gans, R. 323
Garrett, C.G.B. 311 338 341
Gas constants 28 113
Gases see Imperfect gases Perfect.
Generalized coordinates and forces 6 10 11 32 35 43 48 99 133
Giauque, W.F. 196 198 200 204 308
Gibbs — Duhem equation 399
Gibbs — Helmholtz equation 34 35 437 439
Gibbs — Konowalow rules 409
Gibbs, J.W. 34 35 43 109 110 361 362 399 409
Gibby, C.W. 366
Gibson, G.E. 204
Gillespie, L.J. 384
Ginnings, D.C. 165
Glasses, entropy of 204
Glasstone, S. 432
Gloag, T.F. 380
Glycerine 204
Glycine 436
Gorsky, W. 459
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