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Wilson A.H. — Thermodynam Mechanics |
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Rubin, T. 158
Ruhemann, M. 201 273
Rule of equal areas 214 463
Rutgers's formula 350
Rutgers, A.J. 350
Salts, paramagnetic 305 308
Schottky, W. 146
Second law of thermodynamics 1 17ff. 77ff. 100 312
Second order transitions 272 276 321 350 468
Seitz, F. 157
Semi-permeable membrane 55 359
Shaw, A.N. 40
Shockley, W. 459 472
Shoenberg, D. 345
Shull, C.G. 339
Shupe, L.E. 235
Simon, F.E. 188 191 201 204 261 273 275
Simple system 32 64
Slater, J.C. 227 296 300 329
Smith, H.G. 274 345
Smith, H.J.M. 163
Smith, R.L. 231
Solutions 397 ff.
Solutions of electrolytes 423 ff.
Specific heat at constant volume 12 28 37 136ff.
Specific heat of a saturated vapour 237 265
Specific heat of hydrogen 139 200
Specific heat of nitric oxide 146
Specific heat of nitrogen 236
Specific heat of oxygen 146
Specific heat of the electrons in a metal 169ff. 332 350 352
Specific heat of the lattice vibrations in a solid 149ff. 352
Specific heat of water 235
Specific heat, at constant pressure 12 38
Specific heat, difference of specific heats 13 29 39 160 235
Specific heat, magnetic 158 321 332
Specific heat, ratio of specific heats 29 41
Squire, C. 333
Stability conditions 56ff. 82
Steenland, M.J. 311
Stefan's constant 183 184
Stefan's law 183
Stefan, J. 183
Stevens, K.W.H. 308
Steward, C.J. 165
Stewart, K.H. 326
Stockmayer, W.H. 369
Stoner, E.C. 169 285 305 318
Strauser, W.A. 339
Strong, H.M. 264
Sulphur trioxide synthesis 379
Sulphur, allotropy of 56 203 261
Super-exchange forces 340
Superconductivity 345ff.
Superlattices 457 ff.
Sydoriak, S.G. 229
Sykes, C. 468
Symmetrical wave functions 95 127 129
Symmetry number 142 143
Symmetry properties of wave functions 94 123 127 129 139ff.
Tammann, G. 261 457
Tanner, G.C. 366
Taylor, W.J. 391
Temperature, absolute 5 17 23 31 79 311
Temperature, critical 201
Temperature, empirical 4 8 68 86 97 311
| Temperature, negative 85
ten Seldam, C.A. 176
Thermal expansion of solids 156 157 164 192 205
Thermodynamic functions see Free energy Heat Internal
Thermodynamic potential 43 102 124 397 403 407 443
Theta function transformation 113 293 294
Third law of thermodynamics 1 187ff. 260 262 270 275 339 350 351 472 473 474
Thomson, W. see Kelvin
Throttling process 33 238
Tin, allotropy of 202
Tin, superconducting properties 351 354
Tisza, L. 300
Titchmarsh, E.C. 108 252 454
Tolman, R. 91
Treloar, L.R.G. 448 453
Triple point 259 260 261 see
Tsai, B. 333
Two-dimensional lattice 330 482
Uhlenbeck, G.E. 251
Unlocalized elements or particles 94 104 115
Unsymmetrized wave functions 94 122 129
Ursell, D.H. 247
Valiron, G. 108
Valko, E. 447
van der Waals's equation 210 211ff. 239 369
van der Waals, J.D. 210
van Laer, P.H. 351
van San ten, J.H. 300
van Vleck, J.H. 288 296 305 310 323 334
van't Hoff, J.H. 377
Vapour pressure constant 267 269 389;
Vapour pressure constant of hydrogen 271
Vapour pressure curve 257
Vapour pressure equation 266ff. 269
Vapour pressure of a solution 404
Velocity of sound in solids 154 156
Velocity of sound, in gases 41
Vibrational partition function 144
Vibrational specific heat 144
Vibrations of molecules, numerical values 145
Virial coefficients 209 220ff. 241 369
Virial theorem 221
von Helmholtz, J. 34 35
von Hippel, A. 302
von Karman, T. 150 153
von Linde, C. 243
von Neumann, J. 91
von Susich, G. 447
Vousden, P. 296
Wagman, D.D. 391
Wall, F.T. 448 449
Wannier, J.H. 482
Watson, K.M. 231
Weiss, P. 318
Welch, A.J.E. 345
Wentorf, R.H. 264
White, D. 229
Wilhelm, J 0. 274 345
Wilkinson, H. 468
Williams, E.J. 459 461
Wilson, A.H. 157 170 172 317 331
Wilson, E.B. 137
Wolfke, M. 273 .
Wollan, E.Q. 339
Woltjer, H.R. 305
Yosida, K. 340
Young, S. 217
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