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Wilson A.H. — Thermodynam Mechanics
Wilson A.H. — Thermodynam Mechanics

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Название: Thermodynam Mechanics

Автор: Wilson A.H.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1957

Количество страниц: 512

Добавлена в каталог: 23.03.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Gorter, C.J.      311 338 348
Graf, L.      459
Grand canonical assembly      110
Grand partition function      107
Grilly, E.H.      229
Gruneisen's constant      156 158
Gruneisen, E.      158
Guggenheim, E.A.      227 285 369 428 475 476
Guth, E.      448 453
Gwinn, W.D.      146
Haanties, J.      338
Hall, H.T.      264
Hamilton's principle      1
Hamiltonian function      119 120
Hammel, E.F.      228 229
harmonic oscillator      144 150
Harrison, S.F.      247
Haughton, J.L.      473
heat capacity      see Heat function and Specific heat
Heat function      32
Heat of fusion      401 403
Heat of mixing      366 372 401
Heat of reaction      371 377 391
Heat of solution      401
Hebb, M.H.      311
Heisenberg, W.      319
Heitler, W.      185
Helium      272ff.
Helium, $He^3$      228 281
Helium, critical constants      229;
Helium, liquid      69 181 203
Helium, phase diagram      273
Helium, solid      272 274
Helium, virial coefficient      228
Henry's law      400 414 421
Henry, W.      400
Herzberg, G.      137
Heterogeneous equilibrium, examples of      259 261 263
Heterogeneous equilibrium, general conditions for      52ff.; see also Equilibrium diagrams and Phase rule
Heteronuclear molecules      141
Hildebrand, J.H.      420
Hill, R.W.      201
Hirschfelder, J.O.      225
Holland, F.A.      273
Homonuclear molecules      140
Hooyman, G.J.      176
Howe, J.P.      482
Huang, K.      150 157 162
Hueckel, E.      427
Hugill, J.A.W.      273
Hydrogen ion concentration      432
Hydrogen, chemical constant      390
Hydrogen, critical constants      229
Hydrogen, free energy      148
Hydrogen, residual entropy      199
Hydrogen, rotational specific heat      139 200
Hydrogen, vapour pressure constant      271
Ice, entropy of      198
Ice, melting under pressure      260
Ideal gas      see Perfect gas
Ideal solution      see Perfect solution
Imperfect gas mixtures, chemical reactions in      381
Imperfect gas mixtures, equation of state      365 369
Imperfect gas mixtures, thermodynamic functions of      364 ff.
Imperfect gases, empirical equations of state      209
Imperfect gases, general theory of equation of state      246 ff.
Imperfect gases, thermodynamic functions of      229
Imperfect gases, virial coefficients of      220ff.
Integral functions      108
Integrating factor      29 74 78 100 124 387
Intensive variables      38 44 107
Internal energy      5ff. 28 32 37 72
Internal rotations in rubber      446
Internal rotations, in polyatomic molecules      145
Inversion temperature      239
Iona, M.      163
Ionic strength of electrolyte      428
Iron, ferromagnetic properties of      318 324
Irwin, J      0. 454
Ising, F.      477
Isobars      217 279
Isochores      217 278
Isomerisation reactions      393
Isotherms      69 181 207
Jacobians      14ff. 85 119 130 143
James, H.M.      448 453
Johansson, C.H.      457 459
Johnston, H.L.      158 196 198 229
Jones, G.O.      204 273
Jones, H.      176
Joule — Thomson effect      238 ff.
Joule, J.P.      5 28 2:38
Kahn, B.      122 251
Kassel, L.S.      137
Kay, H.F.      296
Keenan, J.P.      234 235
Keesom, W.H.      170 205 223 272 273 274 276 351 354
Kellermann, E.W.      163
Kelvin's principle      18 22 25 315
Kelvin, Lord      18 23 64 238
Keyes, F.G.      234 235
Kilpatrick, J.E.      391
Kirkwood, J.G.      121 296 475
Kok, J.A.      176 352 354
Konowalow, D.      409
Kornfeld, H.      294
Kramers, H.A.      482
Kubo, R.      340
Kuhn, W.      448
Lambda transition in liquid helium      273 276
Lambda transition in solid hydrogen      201
Lambda transition in superconductors      350
Lambda transition, in alloys      468
Lange, F.      203 204
Langevin, P.      288
Langmuir's adsorption isotherm      118
Langmuir, I.      118
Laplace transform      106
Larson, A.T.      383
Lassettre, E.N.      482
Latent heat      258 264
Latent heat of expansion      12 37
Lawton, H.      326
Leighton, R.B.      163
Lennard-Jones, J.E.      223 231
Lewis, G.N.      188 231
Li, Y.-Y.      472
Lidiard, A.B.      340
Linde process      243
Linde, J.O.      457 459
Linear chain, magnetic properties of      330 476
Linear chain, vibrations of      152 160
Linear differential forms      74 ff.
Liouville's theorem      115
Liquefaction of gases      242
liquid helium      69 181 192 203 273ff.
Localized elements or particles      116
London, F.      175 281
Lorentz force      290
Lorentz, H.A.      290 291
Lorenz — Lorentz formula      291 295
Lorenz, L.      291
Lunbeck, R.J.      228
Luttinger, J.M.      301
MacDonald, D.K.C.      165
Magnetic energy      282ff.
magnetic susceptibility      302ff.
Magnetic susceptibility at low temperatures      245
Magnetic susceptibility in very high fields      305
Magnetic susceptibility of ferromagnets at high temperatures      320 332
Magnetic susceptibility of metals      316
Magnetic susceptibility of salts      305
Magnetic susceptibilityof antiferromagnets      333 ff.
Magneto-caloric effect      322
Magneton number      306 330 344 345
Manganese oxide      333 340
Margules, M.      420
Mark, H.      448
Martin, D.L.      164
Mass action, law of      376 384 387 475
Masson, I.      366
Mathias, E.      320
Maxwell statistics      99
Maxwell's thermodynamic equations      36ff.
Maxwell, J.C.      36 99 115
Mayer, J.E.      247 250 254 255
Mayer, M.G.      247 255
McDougall, J.      169
McGavock, W.C.      203
McGlashan, M.L.      369
McKeehan, L.W.      294 301
Meissner, W.      348
Melting of helium      273 275
Melting, effect of pressure on      260
Mendelssohn, K.      201 351
Merz, W.      296
Metals, electron theory of      3 169ff. 271 316 330
Meyer, K.H.      447
Microcanonical assembly      110
Millar, R.W.      333
Milner, S.R.      427
Mixing, entropy of      190 198 199 359 360 368 402
Mixing, heat of      366 401
Mole fraction      358
Molecular weight      28 358 407 423 453
Mollier diagram      237 244
Mollier, R.      237
Montroll, E.W.      482
Moser, H.      468
Mueller, H.      294
Nagamiya, T.      340
Neel, L.      326 333 334 342 344
Nernst's theorem      187ff.
Nernst's theorem, apparentexceptions to      197 204
Nernst's theorem, relation between chemical and vapour pressure constants      270 389
Nernst's theorem, unattainability of the absolute zero      191
Nernst, W.      187 188 191 270
Neumann, H.F.      149
Neutralization curves of acids and bases      432 ff.
Neutron diffraction      339
Newell, G.F.      482
Newton, R.F.      204
Newton, R.H.      231
Nickel, ferromagnetic properties of      318 325 331
Nitrogen peroxide, dissociation of      378
Nix, F.C.      459
Normal modes of a crystal lattice      150ff.
Nuclear spins at negative absolute temperatures      85 312
Nuclear spins, effect on the entropy and the free energy      147ff. 199
Nuclear spins, effect on the rotational specific heat      139
Oblad, A.G.      204
Ochsenfeld, R.      348
Onnes, H.Kamerlingh      209 272 305 346 347
Onsager's formula      295
Onsager,.L.      295 482
Opechowski, W.      300
Orbital angular momentum quenched by crystalline fields      307 324
Order, long range      459
Order, short range      475
Order-disorder in alloys      280 457
Orthohydrogen      140 199
Osmotic coefficient      419
Osmotic coefficient of electrolytes      427
Osmotic pressure      405
Osterberg, H.      240 241
Ostwald, W.      425
Owen, J.      308
Paine, R.J.M.      473
Parahydrogen      140 199
Paramagnetic resonance      308
Paramagnetic susceptibility      see Magnetic susceptibility
Partial differentiation, theorems on      13 ff.
Partial pressure      357
Partition function for a harmonic oscillator      144
Partition function for a perfect gas      113
Partition function for a system of elements      104
Partition function for an element or particle      99 103
Partition function for an imperfect gas      246ff.
Partition function for radiation      183
Partition function for rubber      450
Partition function, electronic      146 310
Partition function, for crystals      150ff.
Partition function, rotational      138ff.
Pauling, L.      196
Peierls, R.E.      353
Perfect gas in the wide sense      29 37
Perfect gas mixtures      357 ff.
Perfect gas mixtures, entropy of      359
Perfect gas mixtures, fundamental equations of      361
Perfect gas, definition      27
Perfect gas, entropy of      29 114
Perfect gas, fundamental equations of      49ff.
Perfect gas, partition function of      106 113;
Perfect gas, quantum theory of      112 122
Perfect gas, specific heat of      29 40ff.
Perfect gas, thermodynamic functions of      49ff. 114
Perfect solutions      401 ff.
Petit, A.T.      149
Phase diagrams      260 261 263 348;
Phase rule      56
Phase space      115 119
photons      185
Pitzer, K.S.      146 227 391 393 395
Planck's law      184
Planck, M.      183
Polyatomic molecules, constants of      145
Pound, R.V.      315
Pressure of radiation      183
Preston-Thomas, H.      165
Prigogine, I.      375
Producer gas      385 392
Prosen, E.J.R.      393 395
Pullan, H.      159
Purcell, E.M.      311 315
Quantal statistics      123ff.
Quasi-chemical method      475
Quasi-static process      9ff.
Radiation      173 182
Ramsay, W.      217
Ramsey, N.F.      312
Randall, H.M.      188
Raoult's law      413
Raoult, F.M.      413
Rayleigh, Lord      454
Reciprocal lattice      292
Rectilinear diameters, law of      220
Reduced equation of state      213 225
Reduced equation of state in quantum theory      228
Regnault, H.V.      149
Regular solutions      420
Rehner, J.      448
Residual entropy      198 199 202 271
Ricketson, B.W.A.      201
Roberts, F.F.      345
Roebuck, J.R.      240 241 246
Rossini, F.D.      391 393 395
Rotational partition function      138 140 143 269
Rotational specific heat      136ff. 268
Ruark, A.E.      25
Rubber      446ff.
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