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Поиск книг, содержащих: Mordell, L.J.
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Чеботарев Н.Г. — Теория Галуа | 146, 147 | Bruce C.Berndt — Ramanujan's Notebooks (part 3) | 2, 83, 261 | Bruce C.Berndt — Ramanujan's Notebooks (part 5) | 89 | Bruce C.Berndt — Ramanujan's Notebooks (part 1) | 4 | Ribenboim P. — My numbers, my friends: popular lectures on number theory | 42, 108, 159, 262 | Silverman J.H. — The arithmetic of elliptic curves | 266, 316, 348 | Baker A. — Transcendental number theory | 41, 47 | Bateman P.T., Diamond H.G. — Analytic Number Theory: An Introductory Course | 260 | Bellman R. — A brief introduction to theta functions | 3, 9, 23, 36, 40, 47, 48, 52, 53, 68, 71 | Sandor J. — Selected Chapters of Geomety, Analysis and Number Theory | 1.9, 8.6 | Shafarevich I.R., Danilov V.I., Iskovskih V.A. — Algebraic Geometry II : Cohomology of Algebraic Varieties. Algebraic Surfaces (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences) | 6, 197 | Allouche J.-P., Shallit J. — Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations | 477 | Erdos P. — Old and new problems and results in combinatorial number theory | 46 | Alaca S., Williams K.S. — Introductory Algebraic Number Theory | 402, 411, 412 | Rouse Ball W.W. — Mathematical Recreations and Essays | 41 | Finch S.R. — Mathematical constants | 50, 178 | Jones J.A., Jones J.M. — Elementary Number Theory | 235 | Bashmakova I.G. — Diophantus and Diophantine Equations | 77, 80, 82 | Bottemi O., Djordjevic R.Z., Janic R.R. — Geometric inequalities | 12.13, 12.28, 15.13, 16.9 | Coxeter H.S.M. — Introduction to Geometry | 9, 392, 419 | Milovanovic G.V., Mitrinovic D.S., Rassias T.M. — Topics in Polynomials: Extremal Problems, Inequalities, Zeros | 431, 519 | Berndt B.C., Evans R.J., Williams K.S. — Gauss and Jacobi Sums | 1, 51—53, 211, 255, 336 | Manin Y.I. — Cubic Forms: Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic | 224, 276 | Dickson L.E. — History of the Theory of Numbers, Volume ll: Diophantine Analysis | 274, 303, 317, 318, 538—539, 571, 592, 643 (266, 581, 593) | Silverman J.H. — Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves | 61, 79 | Zong Ch. — Sphere packings | 31 | Young R.M. — Excursions in Calculus: An Interplay of the Continuous and the Discrete | 55 | Eichler M. — Introduction to the Theory of Algebraic Numbers and Functions | 203, 204 | Mitrinovic D.S., Pecaric J.E., Volenec V. — Recent Advances in Geometric Inequalities | 313, 317, 422, 424, 495 | Hartshorne R. — Algebraic Geometry | 335 | Urbanowicz J., Williams K.S. — Congruences for L-Functions | 6, 43, 45, 52, 241 | Niven I., Zuckerman H.S. — An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers | 238 | Kuczma M. — Functional equations in a single variable | 193, 194, 349 | Klee V., Wagon S. — Old and New Unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry and Number Theory (Dolciani Mathematical Expositions Series #11) | 132, 204 | Dickson L.E. — History of the theory of numbers. Volume 3: quadratic and higher forms | 53, 91, 113, 115, 160, 188, 190—195, 197, 213—214, 223—224, 257 | Guggenheimer H.W. — Plane geometry and its groups | 186 | Shafarevich I.R. (ed.) — Algebraic Geometry II: Cohomology of Algebraic Varieties. Algebraic Surfaces (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences. Volume 35) | 6, 197 | Keith Devlin — Mathematics: The New Golden Age | 72, 197 | Eves H. — Mathematical Circles Adieu | 104, 123, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 150, 155, 323 |