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Keith Devlin — Mathematics: The New Golden Age |
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(aleph) 44—45
Abel, N.H. 101 112
Abelian group 112
Adleman, L.M. 8 26 197
al-Khowarizmi, a.J.M.i.M. 134
Alexander polynomial 246
Alexander, J.W. 241 246
Algorithm 134 136
Algorithm efficiency 262—265
Alternating group 125
Analytic continuation 211
Analytic number theory 53 202
Appel, K. 148 174—175
ARCL test 8
Argand diagram 66—67
Argand, J.-R. 67
Arithmetic, fundamental theorem of 4
Arithmeticae 130 179 178—199
Ars Magna 101
Aschbacher, M. 127—128
Associative law 30 32
Associativity (groups) 110 112
Atiyah, M. 259
Attractor 90 92
Axiom 30—31
Axis of symmetry 106
Bachet, C. 178
Backlund, R. 215
Baker, A. 71
Barlow, P. 20
Bernoulli number 194
Bernoulli, J. 177
BESK computer 12
Bieberbach conjecture 226 221—227
Bieberbach, L. 226
Bilateral symmetry 106
Birkhoff, G. 171
Bombelli, R. 63
Branch and bound algorithm 267
Brauer, R. 123 126
Brent, R.P. 17
Briggs, G.E. 241
Brillhart, J. 17
Burnside, W. 125
Caesar cipher 23
Caesar, J. 22
Cancellation law 32
Cantor's continuum problem 28 44—46
Cantor's proof 47
Cantor, G. 37—50
Cardano, G. 101
Casson, A. 256
Catastrophe theory 230
Cauchy, A.-L. 202
Cayley, A. 152
centralizer 126
Centralizer of involution 122
Chaotic dynamics 76 88
Charge method 172—174
Chevalier, A. 104
Church, A. 135
Cipher key 24
Cipher system 23—24
Class number 71
Class number problem 72 70—73
Classification problem (simple groups) 121—128
Classification theorem (simple groups) 100
Clock group 118
Closed surface 233
Cobham, A. 263
Codes, secret 21
Cohen, H. 8 218
Cohen, P.J. 28 46—47
Cole Prize in Algebra 126—127
Cole, F.N. 13
Commutative group 112
Commutative law 30—31
Complement of a set 139
Completeness of axiom system 35
Complex analysis 202—204
Complex dynamics 77
Complex function theory 202—204
Complex integration 204
Complex number 34 57 63—72
Complex plane 66—67
Composite number 4
Computable set 139
Computation, Turing machine 136
Computer 12
Consistency of axiom system 35
Continued fraction method 17
Continuous transformation 230
Continuum Hypothesis 46
Continuum problem 28 129
Conway, J.H. 127 241 247
Cook, S. 269
cos 203
Cosine function 203
Countable set 43
CRAY-1 computer 12 26 220
CRAY-XMP computer 12 21
Cross-cap 253—254
Crossing number 240—241
Crowder, H.P. 267
Cryptanalyst 22
Cubic equation 101
Cyber 174
Cyclic group 118
Cyclotomic integers 191
d'Alembert, J.B. 65
Dantzig, G. 267 275
Data Encryption Standard 24
Davis, M. 142—144
de Branges, L. 222
de Fermat, P. 8 14 16 177
de Fermat, S. 178
de Ferro, S. 101
de La Vallee Poussin, C. 209 211—212
De Morgan, A. 151 161
Decision problem 268
Degree of a vertex 172
Dehn, M. 240 244
DES system 24
Desargues, G. 178
Descartes, R. 60 177—178
Deuring, M. 72
Differentiable manifold 258
Differentiation structure 258
Diffie, W. 25
Digital root 21
Dimension, fractional 83
Diophantine equation 130
Diophantus 130 178
Dirichlet, G.L. 189—190
Discharging procedure 172—174
Discriminant 54
Disquisitiones Arithmeticae 18 72—74
Distributive law 32
Divisible 3
dodecahedron 114
Donaldson, S. 259
Duerre, K. 171
Dynamical law 88
Dynamical system 88
e 55—57 203
Ecole Poly technique 85 102
Edge (network) 158
| Edge (surface) 233
Edwards, H.M. 212
Edwards, J. 263
Efficiency of algorithms 262—265
Element of a set 38
Elements 4 20 133 182
Ellipsoidal method 276
Elliptic curve 73
Emel'anov, E.G. 222
Empty set 48
Encryption system 22
Escher, M.C. 249—250
Euclid 4 20 132—133 182
Euclidean algorithm 132
Euler characteristic 169 232 237 252—254
Euler — Maclaurin summation 214
Euler's formula 158—160
Euler, L. 16 20 53 60 65 101 158—159 187—188 208 229
Even permutation 124
Exponential 55—57
Exponential function 203
Exponential growth 88
Exponential time 264
Face (network) 158
Factoring 13 26
Factorization 4
Faltings, G. 177 197
Farey sequence 205
Farey, J. 205
Fatou dust 97
Fatou, P. 85 94
feedback loop 87
Feigenbaum number 91
Feit — Thompson theorem 126
Feit, W. 124 126
Fermat number 16
Fermat test 8
Fermat's factorization method 14
Fermat's last theorem 177
Ferrari, L. 101
Feustal, C. 245
Fibonacci numbers 145
Fibonacci sequence 144—145
Fibonnaci 144
Field 61
Fields medal 28 255
Figure-of-eight knot 238—239
First subcase (Fermat theorem) 187
FitzGerald, C. 222 227
Five-colour Theorem 162
Fontana, N. 101
Forcing 47
Four-colour Conjecture 148—152
Four-colour problem 148—152
Four-knot 239—240 246
Fourier, J.B.J. 102
Fouvry, E. 197
Fractal 84
Fractal geometry 84
Fraenkel, A.A. 40
Franel, J. 207
Franklin, P. 171
Freedman, M. 256 259
Frege, G. 37—39
French Academy 102—104 199
Freyd, P. 247
Friendly Giant Group 123
Fulkeston, D.R. 267
Fundamental theorem of algebra 65
Fundamental theory of arithmetic 4 69
Galois, E. 101—104
Garabedian, P. 226
Gardner, M. 153
Gauss, K.F. 18—19 52 65 67 69—73 133 209 229 240
Gaussian integer 69—70
Generalized Riemann hypothesis 72
Genus (knot) 245
Genus (surface) 245
Geometrical equivalence 236
Germain, S. 196
Gillies, D. 12
Girard, A. 65
Goedel, K. 29 35—36 45 135
Goldbach conjecture 6
Goldbach, C. 6
Goldfeld, D. 72
Gorenstein, D. 123 127
Gram, J.-P. 214
Granny Knot 246—247
Graph 156—157
Graph theory 156—157
Greek mathematics 58—59
Griess, R. 122
Gross, B. 52 73
Group 104 111—112
Group axioms 112
Group theory 114
Guthrie, F. 150—151
Hadamard, J. 211—212 218
Haken, W. 148 174—175 245
Hall, M., Jr. 122
Hamilton, W.R. 67 151 157
Handle 245 252—253
Hardy, G.H. 22 75 207 214
Haros, C. 205
Heath-Brown, D.R. 197
Heawood's formula 169
Heawood, P.J. 162 168—170
Hecke, E. 72
Heegner points 73
Heegner, K. 71
Heesch, H. 171—174
Heilbronn, H.A. 71—72
Heilman, M. 25
Held, M. 267
Hemion, G. 245
Herman ring 96
Hermite, C. 217
Higman, G. 122
Hilbert programme 35
Hilbert's Hotel 43
Hilbert's tenth problem 130—131 141
Hilbert, D. 35 45 49 129
Hindu mathematics 60
Homomorphic image (groups) 119
Homotopy 258
Horowitz, D. 227
Hoste, J. 247
Hurwitz, A. 12
Hutchinson, J.J. 215
Hutchison, F. 3
Hypercube 248—249
Hypersphere 251
i 57
IBM 360 computer 12 17 21 195
IBM 7090 computer 12 21
Ideal factor 192
Ideal number 192—193
Ideal theory 193
Identity (groups) 112
Identity matrix 117
Identity transformation 107
Identity, additive 32
Identity, multiplicative 32
ILLIAC-I computer 21
ILLIAC-II computer 12 21
Image under reflection 106
Imaginary number 57 63
Imaginary part 63
Incompleteness theorem, Goedel 36
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