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Keith Devlin — Mathematics: The New Golden Age |
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Infinite descent 184—185
Infinite number 41
Infinite series 203
Infinite sets 41
infinity 41
Ingham, A.E. 219
Integral domain 34
Introductio Arithmeticae 20
Inverse (groups) 111—112
Inverse, additive 32
Invertible matrix 117
Involution 126
Ionian school 58
Irrational number 55 62
Irreducibles 70
Irregular prime 194
Isomorphism 244
Isosceles triangle 104
Janko, Z. 121—122
Jensen, K.L. 195
Johnson, S. 267
Jones, J. 146
Jones, V.F.R. 247
Joukowski, N.Y. 202
Judin, D.B. 276
Julia set 94 91—94
Julia, G. 85 94
Jurkat, W.B. 218
Karmarkar, N. 277
Karp, R. 267
Kempe, A.B. 162 166—168
Key, cipher 24
Khachian, L.G. 276
Kirkman, T.P. 240
Kleene, S.C. 135
Klein bottle 169 233 254
Knot 240 238—248
Knot diagram 239
Knot equivalence 240
Knot group 242—243
Knot invariant 240
Knot polynomial 246—248
Knot theory 230 238—248
Koch curve 80
Koch's island 78—80
Koch, H.V. 78
Koebe function 225
Kronecker, L. 3
Kummer, E.E. 192—193 195—196
Kuz'mina, G.V. 222
Laff, M. 85
Lagrange, J.L. 101
Lame, G. 190—192
Landau, E. 207
Landry, F. 17
Legendre, A.-M. 189 196 209
Lehman, R.S. 210 215
Lehmer, D.H. 12 17 195 197 215
Leibnitz, G. 60 177
Lenstra, A.K. 220
Lenstra, H.W., Jr. 8 220
Levin, L.A. 276
Liber Abaci 144
Lickorish, W.B.R. 247
Line integral 204
Linear programming 2 72
Liouville, J. 104 191—192
Listable set 139 146
Little, C.N. 240
Little, J.D.C. 267
Littlewood, J.E. 210 227
Loewner, C. 226—227
Logarithmic integral 209
Logic 37
Lorenz, E.N. 89
Lovasz, L. 220
Lucas — Lehmer test 12 21
Lucas, E. 12
Mandelbrot set 94—98
Mandelbrot, B. 77 84—86 91 98
Manifold 248 257
Manifold theory 230 257—260
MAP 154
Mathieu, E. 121
Matrices 115—116
Matrix 115—116
Matyasevich, Y. 131 141 144
McKay, J. 122
Menger, K. 267
Mersenne number 10 14 21
Mersenne prime 11 20 197
Mersenne, M. 10
Mertens conjecture 218 216—221
Mertens, F. 218
Milin, I.M. 222 227
Millett, K. 247
Milnor, J. 258
Minimal normal map 167
Mirimanoff, D. 197
Mod, a mod b 9
Moebius band 233 253—254
Moebius function 216
Moebius, A.F. 216 233
Moldave, P. 86
Monster group 123
Monte Carlo methods 17
Mordell conjecture 197
Mordell, L.J. 72 197
Morehead, J.C. 17
Morrison, M.A. 17
Multiplication (group) 112
Murty, K.G. 267
Myrberg, P.J. 91
n-sphere 255
Natural number 3 58
Negative number 60
Neighbouring network 155
Nemirovski, A.S. 276
Network 155
Newton, I. 177
Nichomachus 20
Nickel, L. 12
Node of a network 155
Noll, c. 12
Non-deterministic computation 268—269
Non-invertible matrix 117
Non-orientable surface 234
Non-singular matrix 117
Normal map 167
NP problem 268—269
NP-complete problem 269—271
Null set 48
Number theory 18
Ocneanu, A. 247
Octonions 68
Odd permutation 124
Odlyzko, A. 218—221
One-one function 224
Order of a matrix 115
Ordered dynamics 88
Ore O. 171
Orientable surface 234
Overhand Knot 238—239
Ozawa, M. 226
P problem 268
Padberg, M.W. 267
Pascal, B. 60 177—178
Pederson, R.N. 226
Perfect number 19
| Perko, K.A. 241
Permutation 124
Poincare conjecture 255—256
Poincare, H. 230 255
Point image (groups) 120
Poisson, R. 103
Pollard's factorization method 17
Pollard, J.M. 17
Poly tope 251—252 275
Polygon 19 274—275
Polynomial time 263
Post, E.L. 135
Postulates 30
Power set 48
Powers, R.E. 17
Predicate logic 37
Primality testing 7
Prime factor 4
Prime factorization 4
Prime generating formula 146—147
Prime knot 240
Prime number 3 53
Prime number theorem 211
Primes, distribution of 209—213
Primes, infinitude of 5
Primes, record 12
Primitive Pythagorean triple 182
Product (group) 112
Projective plane 253
Proper fraction 205
Proth's Theorem 16
Pseudoprimes 9
Public key cryptography 25
Public key system 25
Putnam, H. 144
Pythagaros 19
Pythagoras theorem 59
Pythagorean school 58
Pythagorean triangle 184
Pythagorean triple 181
Pythagoreans 19
Quadratic equation 53 100—101
Quadratic reciprocity law 69 193
Quartic equation 101
Quaternions 67—69
Quintic equation 101 125
Quintic polynomial 114
Rabbits 144
Radical 101 114
Radicals, solution by 125
Rational number 34 58
Real line 45 66—67
Real number 34 61—62
Real part 63
Record prime 197
Recursively enumerable set 139
Reducibility 168
Reduction process (for maps) 163
Ree, R. 122
Reef Knot 246—247
reflect 104
Reflection 105—106
Regular polygon 19
Regular polyhedron 251
Regular prime 193—194
Reidemeister, K. 241
Reynolds, C.N. 171
Riemann hypothesis 207 212 214—215 221
Riemann problem 129
Riemann zeta function 208 211—212
Riemann, B. 202 211
Riesel, H. 12
Rigid transformation 235
Ring 34 191
Ringel, G. 170
Rivest, R. 26
Robinson, J. 143
Robinson, R. 12
Rosser, J.B. 215
Rotational symmetry 106
RSA system 26
Rule and compass construction 19
Rumely, R.S. 8
Russell's paradox 39
Russell, B. 39 49 75
Sato, D. 146
Schiffer, M. 226
Second subcase (Fermat theorem) 187
Secret codes 21
Seed value 87
Seifert, H. 245
Set 38
Set theory 37—50
Shamir, A. 26
Shor, N.Z. 276
Side (surface) 233
Siegel disc 96
Siegel, C. 96 195 215
Sierpinski carpet 83—84
Sierpinski sponge 83—84
Sieving 15
Simmons, G. 26
Simple group 114 119—121
Simplex algorithm 275—276
sin 203
Sine function 203
Singular matrix 117
Skewes number 210 212
Skewes, S. 210
Slowinski, D. 12
Smale, S. 255
Smooth manifold 258
Solomon, R. 100 127
Sporadic group 121
Square matrix 115
Square-divisible number 216
Square-free number 216
SRS-181 electronic sieve 15
Stafford, E. 195
Standard surface 252—253
Stark, H. 71
Steinmetz, C. 65
Stemple, G.J. 171
Stieltjes, T.J. 217—218
Subgroup 114
Subset 47
Surgery 252
SWAC computer 12
Sweeney, D.W. 267
Symmetrical 106
Symmetry 104—106
Symmetry group 107—114
Tait, P.G. 240
Taubes, C.H. 260
te Riele, H.J.J. 210 215 218—221
Telescopic image (groups) 119
Thales 58
Thom, R. 230
Thompson, J. 124 126
Titchmarsh, E.C. 215
Topological equivalence 231 236
Topological invariant 169 237
Topological transformation 230
topology 145—155 229—260
Travelling-salesman problem 265—268
Trefoil knot 239—240 246
Trial division 7
Triangular number 20
Truth in mathematics 34—35
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