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Bruce C.Berndt — Ramanujan's Notebooks (part 3) |
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Adiga, C. 7 18 24 28 32 39 49 73 79 86 115 142
Agarwal, A.K. 78
Al-Salam, W.A. 79
Alder, H.L. 78
Almkvist, G. 10 147 149—150 456
Andrews, G.E. 10 13—15 18 28—29 32 36—37 77—80 83 347 398
Askey, R. 2 10 14 29 32 77—79 149
Atkin, A.O.L. 83
Ayyar, M.V. 140
Bailey, D.H. 6
Bailey, W.N. 15—17 83 89 111 120 181 262
Base (of an elliptic function) 5 102
Basic hypergeometric series 12
Baxter, R.J. 78
Berndt, A. 2 5 7 24 29 44 79 111—112 140—141 147 150 172 197 326 456
Bernoulli numbers 42 61—64 97
Berry, A. 440
Bhagirathi, N.A. 28
Bhargava, S. 7 10 18 24 28 32 39 49 73 79 115 142
Biagioli, A.J. 7 10 326 346
Blecksmith, R. 73 83
Borwein, J.M. 6 78 269 305 346 355 456
Borwein, P.B. 6 78 269 305 346 355 456
Bressoud, D. 78 398
Brillhart, J. 10 83
Brouncker, Lord 200
Burnside, W. 240
Byrd, P.F. 113
Carlitz, L. 18 79 83
Catalan's constant 154—155
Cauchy, A. 14 140
Cayley, A. 2—3 5 106—107 135 138 218 220 232 241
Change of sign 126 130 132 178
Chudnovsky, D.V. 168
Chudnovsky, G.V. 168
Churchhouse, R.F. 79
Clausen transformation 114
Cohn, H. 6
Column-row method of summation 114
Complementary modulus 4 102
Complete series 42 455
Consistency condition 327
Continued fraction, geometric and arithmetic mean arguments 164
Continued fractions 19—29 92 146 151 163—168 185—187 206—208 221—222 345—347
Cosine identity 345 347—348
Court, N.A. 245
Coxeter, H.S.M. 245
Cusp 328
Cusp parameter 328
Darling, H.A. 261
Dedekind eta-function 37 44 330—338
Degree of a modular equation 4
Degree of a modulus 229
Degree of series 42
Denis, R.Y. 28 78—79
Deutsch, J. 6
Dickson, L.E. 197 200
Digby, K. 200
Dimidiation 126 178
Diophantine equations 197—200
Divisor functions 62 64—65
Duplication 125 127—128 178
Dyson, F.J. 10 83
Eccentricity of an ellipse 145
Ehrenpreis, L. 78
Eisenstein series 7 65 121—122 126—139 144—145 175—177 454—488
Eisenstein series, values in terms of elliptic function parameters 126—129
Eisenstein, G. 28
Ellipse, approximations to the perimeter of 145—150 180—189
Elliptic curve 6
Elliptic functions 2—3
Elliptic functions, notation 101—102
Elliptic integral of the first kind 4 102
Elliptic integral of the second kind 176—177 303—304
Elliptic integrals 104—113 238—243 297—298
Elliptic integrals, addition theorem for elliptic integrals of the first kind 106—108
Elliptic integrals, addition theorem for elliptic integrals of the second kind 303
Elliptic integrals, duplication formula 106
Enneper, A. 5 72 220
Euler numbers 61 63
Euler's diophantine equation 197—199
Euler's partition theorem 37
Euler's pentagonal number theorem 36—37
Euler, L. 14 37 147 150 196—197 199
Evans, R.J. 7 83 274 276 337 352 373 375
Fergestad, J.B. 146
Fermat, P. 200
Fiedler, E. 5 315 364 416 444
Fine, N.J. 32
Fixed point of a modular form 328
Flajolet, P. 80
Forrester, P.J. 78
Forsyth, A.R. 242
Francon, J. 168
Frenicle 200
Fricke involution 216 404
Fricke, R. 5 83 364 416
Friedman, M.D. 113
Frobenius, G. 1
Fundamental set 328
Garsia, A.M. 78
Gauss' transformation 113
Gauss, A.F. 14 28 36 89 147 151 181
Geometrical problems 190—196 211—213 243—249 298—302
Gerst, I. 73 83
Ghosh, S. 488
Glaisher, J.W.L. 169 242 303
Glasser, M.L. 80 110 113
Gordon, B. 78—79 83 347
Gosper, R.W. 13
Gray, J.J. 28
Greenhill, A.G. 2 400 439
Guetzlaff, C. 5
Gustafson, R. 32
Hahn, W. 32
Halphen, M. 62
Hancock, H. 212
Hanna, M. 5 440 444
Hard hexagon model 78
Hardy, G.H. 2 6 9 11 29—32 36 39 45 77 79 84 86 126 162—164 197 199 262 326 346 385 426 450
Hecke operator 373
Hecke, E. 398
Heine's continued fraction 21
Heine, E. 11 14—15 18 21
Hermite, C. 135
Hirschhorn, M. 11 28 31 79 83 347
Hoppe, R. 196
Hovstad, R.M. 79
Hurwitz, A. 5 444
Hyperbola, perimeter of 180
Hyperbolic function series evaluations in closed form 140—141 157—162
Hyperbolic function series evaluations in terms of elliptic function parameters 132—139 153—157 172—178
Hyperbolic function series identity 162
Hypergeometric differential equation 120—121
Hypergeometric functions 3 5 88—104 120—122 144—150 153—155 185—186 213 238—239 289—290 455—456
Invariant order of a modular form 328
Inversion formula for base q 100
Ismail, M.E.H. 32 42 79
Ivory, J. 146—147
Jackson, F.H. 14—15
Jackson, M. 32
Jacobi triple product identity 11—12 32 35—36
Jacobi's identity 39
Jacobi's imaginary transformation 106 154
Jacobi, C.G.J. 3 5 11 14 36 39 54 87 115—116 123 126 135 143 165—166 169 173 176—177 207 218 220 232 234 239—241
Jacobian elliptic functions 3 54 87 107—108 135—136 138—139 143 162—163 165—180 207—208 227 242 304
Jacobian elliptic functions, conversions of old formulas into new formulas 173—174
Jacobsen, L. 10 20 22—24 26—27 79 84 146
Jain, V.K. 78
| Journal of the Indian mathematical society 9 11 77 190 246
Joyce, G.S. 6
Kac, V.G. 398
Kepler, J. 147 150
Kiper, A. 169
Kleiber, J. 89
Klein, F. 5 315 377 444
Knopp, M.I. 42 44 327 330
Koblitz, N.I. 29
Koehler, G. 6
Kondo, T. 6 72 366
Koornwinder, T.H 13
Kumbakonam 2
Lamphere, R. 10 29 79
Landen's transformation 113 126 146—147 213
Landen, J. 5 146 181
Langebartel, R. 169
Lattice gases 6
Legendre functions 89
Legendre — Jacobi symbol 329
Legendre's relation 455—456
Legendre, A.M. 5 107 181 220 232 234 244
Lepowsky, J. 78
Lie algebras 78
Ling, C.-B. 140 142
Littlewood, D.E. 311
Littlewood, J.E. 2
Macdonald identities 32
Macdonald, I. 32
Maclaurin, C. 146
MacMahon, P.A. 113
Macsuma 10 312 369 372 377 400 408 416—417 425 430 488
Mathematica 10
Medial section 298
Mehler — Dirichlet integral 89
Mermin, N.D. 151
Metius, A. 194
Milne, S. 32
Mimachi, K. 32
Mittag — Leffler theorem 144
Mixed modular equation, defintion 325
Mixed modular equations, table of degrees 325—326
Moak, D.S. 29
Modular equation, definition 213
Modular equations 3—8
Modular equations of degree 11 363—372
Modular equations of degree 119 430—435
Modular equations of degree 13 376—377
Modular equations of degree 135 430—435 449—453
Modular equations of degree 143 430—435
Modular equations of degree 15 383—397 435—439
Modular equations of degree 16 216
Modular equations of degree 17 397—400
Modular equations of degree 175 449—453
Modular equations of degree 19 416—417
Modular equations of degree 2 214
Modular equations of degree 207 449—453
Modular equations of degree 21 400—408
Modular equations of degree 23 411—416
Modular equations of degree 231 449—453
Modular equations of degree 247 449—453
Modular equations of degree 25 290—297
Modular equations of degree 255 449—453
Modular equations of degree 27 360—362
Modular equations of degree 3 230—238 352—353
Modular equations of degree 31 439—444
Modular equations of degree 33 408—411
Modular equations of degree 35 423—426 430
Modular equations of degree 39 426—430 435—439
Modular equations of degree 4 214—215
Modular equations of degree 47 444—449
Modular equations of degree 5 280—288
Modular equations of degree 55 426—430 435—439
Modular equations of degree 63 426—435 435—439
Modular equations of degree 7 314—324 435—437
Modular equations of degree 71 444—449
Modular equations of degree 8 216—217
Modular equations of degree 87 449—453
Modular equations of degree 9 352—358
Modular equations of degree 95 430—435
Modular equations, table 8 325—326
Modular form, definition 328
Modular forms 7 326—345 366—376 399—408 415—417 423—425 430 484—488
Modular group 327
Modulus 4—5 102
Molk, J. 6 45 72
Mordell, L.J. 2 83 261
Moreau, C. 200
Mueller, R. 10
Muir, T. 147 150
Multiplier 5 214 230
Multiplier system 7 328—329
Multiplier system of Dedekind eta-function 330
Multiplier systems for theta-functions 330—332
National Science Foundation 10
Notation 10 12 88—89 230—231 326—329
Nyvoll, M. 147
Odlyzko, A.M. 79
Order of a modular form 328
Orders of theta-functions at rational cusps 333
Partial fraction expansions 200—206
Partition function 262
Paule, P. 78
Peano, G. 147 150
Pendulum 212—213 243—244 246 299—301
Perfect series 42
Perron, O. 166—167 186 208
Peterson, D.H. 398
Petersson, H. 326
Pfaff's transformation 17
Pi, approximations to 151—152 194—196
Playfair, J. 146
Preece, C.T. 163—164
Privman, V. 80
Proceedings of the London mathematical society 77
Psi function 88
Pure series 42
Purtilo, J.M. 7 10 326
q-analogue of Dougall's theorem 15
q-analogue of Gauss' theorem 14
q-beta integral 11
q-binomial theorem 14 32
q-gamma function 13
q-series 11—12 14—19 21—34
Quintic algorithm for calculating pi 269
Quintuple product identity 11 32 56—57 59 80—83 338
Rademacher, H. 218 273 330
Raghavan, S. 7 113 262—263 324
Rahman, M. 29
Rama Murthy, C. 10
Ramamani, V. 18 31 54
Ramanathan, K.G. 4 7 10 20 28 79 82 84 86 221—222 262 265 274 276 324 347
Ramanujan Centenary prize competition 246
Ramanujan's summation 11 31—34
Ramanujan's quarterly reports 29
Ramanujan's theta-function 18
Rangachari, S.S. 7 113 263 324
Rankin, R.A. 326 328—329 332—333 342 370 373 484
Rao, K.S. 79
Rao, M.B. 140
Reciprocal of a modular equation 216
Reciprocal relation 334
Riesel, H. 140
Rogers — Ramanujan continued fraction 11 30—31 79—80 267
Rogers — Ramanujan continued fraction, combinatorial interpretation 79—80
Rogers — Ramanujan continued fraction, finite form 31
Rogers — Ramanujan identities 11 77—79
Rogers, L.J. 14 18 30 77—79 144 163 166—168 207 398
Rothe, H.A. 14
Row-column method of summation 114
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