Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Bruce C.Berndt — Ramanujan's Notebooks (part 3) |
Предметный указатель |
Roy, R. 29
Russell, R. 315 364 377 400 416 435 439 444
Schlaefli, L. 5 315 364 377 400 416
Schoeneberg, B. 328 342 368 484
Schoissengeier, J. 142
Schroeter's formulas 6—7 11 66—74
Schroeter, H. 5—7 66 72 315 364 411 439—440
Schur, I.J. 77
Schwarz, H.A. 83
Scoville, R. 79
Sears, D.B. 83
Selberg, A. 79 347
Selmer, E.S. 146—147 150
Septic algorithm for calculating pi 305
Singh, S.N. 79
Sipos, P. 147 150
Slater, L.J. 78
Sohncke, L.A. 5 315 364 377 400 416
Somashekara, D.D. 39 73 79
Squaring the circle 193—195
Srivastava, H.M. 18
Stanton, D. 32
Stark, H.M. 337 339
Stieltjes, T.J. 144 163 166—168 207
Stolarsky, K. 10
Stroke operator 326
Stubban, J.O. 146
Subbarao, M.V. 83
Summation by rows or columns 113—114
Svrakic, N.M. 80
Swinnerton — Dyer, P. 83
Szekeres, G. 79
Tannery, J. 6 45 72
Tartaglia 354
Tasaka, T. 6 72 366
Tata Institute 10
| Taxi cab story 199
Theta-function transformation formulas 36 43—44 102 208—209
Theta-functions 3—7 11—12 34 98—104 114—125 139—141 218—219 221—238 249—297 302—324 330—334 337—488
Theta-functions, basic identities 39—41 43—52
Theta-functions, logarithms of 38
Theta-functions, values 103—104 210
Theta-functions, values in terms of elliptic function parameters 122—125
Thiruvenkatachar, V.R. 8 32 34 104
Triplication formula 238—241
University of Illinois 10
University of Madras 2
University of Mysore 86
Valence formula 329 334 336
Vaughn Foundation 10
Venkatachaliengar, K. 8 18 32 34 104
Verma, A. 78—79
Vidyasagar, M. 83
Viete, F. 197
Villarino, M. 10 150 184 190
Waadeland, H. 10 92 146
Wall, H.S. 28
Wallis, J. 200
Watson, G.N. 6 10—11 16 19 24 30 77 83—84 162 194 198 244 346
Weber, H. 5 385 416 425—426 440 444
Weierstrass, K. 83
Weight of a modular form 328
Wetzel, J. 10
Width of a subgroup of the modular group at a cusp 328
Wilf, H.S. 79
Wilson, J. 29
Wilson, R.L. 78
Wolfram, J. 151
Woyciechowsky, J. 147
Wright, E.M. 36 39 197
Zeilberger, D. 78
Zhang, L.-C. 347
Zucker, I.J. 6 10 140 142 262
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