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Berndt B.C., Evans R.J., Williams K.S. — Gauss and Jacobi Sums |
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Abe, M. 387
Abel-Plana summation formula 51
Acharya, V.V. 98 152 209 211
Adleman, L. 97
Adolphson, A. 387
Agrawal, M.K. 99 210 232 292 497
Aigner, A. 99 231—232 267
Airy integral 386
Akiyama, S. 385—386
Aladov, N. 210
Alderson, H.P. 99 232
Andrews, G.E. 51 209 385
Ankeny, N.C. 99 232
Aoki, N. 336
Apery number 467
Apostol, T.M. 8 29 52
Artin's reciprocity law 494 495
Artin, E. 494
Askey, R. 385
Auslander, L. 52
Autocorrelation 439
Automorphism 26
Automorphism, Frobenius 387
Autuore, J. 385
Averbukh, I.SH. 3 54
Ayoub, R. 8 51
Babaev, G. 173
Bach, E. 339
Bachmann, P. 97 171 338
Bailey, D. 293
Bambah, R.P. 52
Barkan, P. 164
Barrucand, P. 50 231
Basse's conjecture 385
Baumert, L.D. 3 150 152 174 179 181—182 385 439
Beeger, N.G.W.H. 232 482
Bellman, R. 52
Benkoe, I. 51
Berndt 6
Berndt, B.C. 6 51—52 54—56 98 151 169 171—172 181 195 209 211 338 377 387 396 438—439 465—467 496—497
Berry, M.V. 3 54—55
Bessel function 386
Beukers 293
Beukers, F. 293
Beyer, G. 160
Bickmore, C.E. 231—233
Binomial coefficients 18 268
Binomial coefficients, Cauchy — Whiteman congruences for 292
Binomial coefficients, congruences (mod ) for 211 268 280—286290 293 498
Binomial coefficients, congruences (mod p) for 200—202 211 268—274 288—292 417—419 435 437
Binomial coefficients, relationship with Jacob sums 66 268 279 6
Bochner, S. 52
Bombieri, E. 183
Borevich, Z. 53—54
Boyarsky, M. 388
Brauer, A. 210
Bremser, P.S. 55
Bressoud, D.M. 51
Brewer sum 5 440
Brewer sum, generalized 440 458 466
Brewer sum, generalized, 464 464
Brewer sum, generalized, 464 466
Brewer sum, generalized, 466
Brewer sum, generalized, 466
Brewer sum, generalized, 460
Brewer sum, generalized, 461
Brewer sum, generalized, 461
Brewer sum, generalized, 463
Brewer sum, generalized, 464—466
Brewer sum, generalized, 463 466
Brewer sum, generalized, 466
Brewer sum, generalized, 464 466
Brewer sum, generalized, 466
Brewer sum, generalized, , 440 458—459 466
Brewer sum, generalized, relationship with Jacobsthal and Eisenstein sums 459
Brewer sum, ordinary 440 443 466
Brewer sum, ordinary, 456
Brewer sum, ordinary, 450
Brewer sum, ordinary, 450
Brewer sum, ordinary, 450—451 466
Brewer sum, ordinary, 452 466
Brewer sum, ordinary, 454 465—466
Brewer sum, ordinary, 453
Brewer sum, ordinary, 457 467
Brewer sum, ordinary, , 440 444—445 447 450 453 456 458 466
Brewer sum, ordinary, relationship with Jacobsthal and Eisenstein sums 445 450
Brewer, B.W. 3 5 53 211 440 466—467
Brillhart, J. 249
Brinkhuis, J. 384 387—388
Bruckner, H. 494
Bruedern, J. 340
Brumei — Stark element 495
Brumer — Stark conjecture 387
Buck, N. 152
Buell, D.A. 210 292
Burde, K. 209—211 232 266—267 498
Burgess, D.A. 5 55
Burnside, W. 338
Bushnell, C. 55
Caragiu, M. 210
Carey, F.S. 338
Carlitz 1
Carlitz, L. 1 51—52 54 336 340 384—387
Cassels, J.W.S. 158—160 494—495
Cauchy 1
Cauchy, A. 1 51 97 291—292
Cayley, A. 338
Chalk 6
Chalk, J.H.H. 6
Chandrasekharan, K. 52
Character sum 28 58 173 183 198 206—208 210 385 387 400 449 453 467;
Character, biquadratic 241
Character, conductor of 28 45 380 387 495
Character, cubit 235
Character, Dinchlet 28 379
Character, Hecke 387 495
Character, k-power residue see “Power residue symbol”
Character, lift of 342 356 385
Character, primitive 29 45 49—50 53—54
Character, quadratic 12 29 54 379 382
Character, quart it 241
Character, restriction of 355
Character, trivial 9
Chowla 1
Chowla — Mordell theorem 53
Chowla, I. 336
Chowla, P. 466
Chowla, S. 1—2 31 52—54 171—172 181 209—211 231 268 293 336 338 340 386
Chung, F.R.K. 387
Class number 54 164 377
Coates, J.H. 384
Code word 368—369;see also “Weight”
Cohen, E. 337
Cohen, H. 97
Cohen, S.D. 98 174 211
Cohn, H. 231
Coleman, R.F. 350 3&8
Collison, M.J. 264
Congruences see also “Diagonal equations”
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type 292
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 310 321 324—325 327
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 307 337
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 317 321 333 337
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 314—315
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 337
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 331
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 320—321
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 340
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 294—295
| Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 320—321
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 334
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 46
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 306
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 2 325
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 323
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 310
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 313 335
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 312
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 323
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 317 335
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 332
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 337
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 323
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 322
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 339
Congruences, Cauchy — Whiteman type, 339
Conrad, K. 293 384
Continued fraction 164
Cooke, G. 265—266 494
Corson, H.H. 341
Coster, M.J. 293
Cowles, J. 338 340
Cowles, M. 338 340
Cox, D.A. 53 157 494—495
Crandall, R. 4 164 284 482
Cunningham 99
Cunningham, A. 99 231—232
Curtis, C.W. 385—386
Cyclic code 368
Cyclotomic field 26
Cyclotomic matrix 68
Cyclotomic matrix of older 8 95
Cyclotomic matrix of order 2 70
Cyclotomic matrix of order 3 70
Cyclotomic matrix of order 4 70
Cyclotomic matrix of order 5 93
Cyclotomic matrix of order 6 94
Cyclotomic matrix of order 7 95
Cyclotomic number 3 4 68 81 98—99 181—182 365
Cyclotomic number of of order 12 152
Cyclotomic number of of order 14 152
Cyclotomic number of of order 15 152
Cyclotomic number of of order 16 152 229
Cyclotomic number of of order 18 152
Cyclotomic number of of order 20 152
Cyclotomic number of of order 24 152
Cyclotomic number of of order 32 496
Cyclotomic number of order 10 152
Cyclotomic number of order 11 152
Cyclotomic number of order 2 69 80—81 152
Cyclotomic number of order 3 70—71 74 149 152
Cyclotomic number of order 4 70 74 78 149 152
Cyclotomic number of order 5 93—94 99 149 152
Cyclotomic number of order 6 94 149 152
Cyclotomic number of order 7 149 152
Cyclotomic number of order 8 149 152
Cyclotomic number of order 9 152
Cyclotomic number relationship with f-normal periods 328—329 437—438
Cyclotomic number relationship with Jacobi sums 79 95 98 365
Cyclotomic number, generalized 87 322
Cyclotomic period see “Period f-normal”
Cyclotomic polynomial 62
Dabrowski, R. 387
Dantscher, V. 265
Darmon, H. 338
Davenport 1
Davenport — Haase product formula 4 59 342 351 355 384—386 497
Davenport — Hasse theorem on lifted Gauss sums 4 342 358 360 392 492
Davenport, H. 1 4 50—51 53 209—210 384—385
Davis, K. 293
Desarmenien, J. 293
Deuring's theorem 210
Deuring, M. 210
Diagonal equations 3—4 294 336 340;
Diagonal equations, 338
Diagonal equations, 340 437
Diagonal equations, 340
Diagonal equations, 305
Diagonal equations, 394 303—304 319—320 339—340
Diagonal equations, 340
Diagonal equations, system of 340—341
Diamond, H.G. 55 241
Dickson polynomial 386 440 443
Dickson's Diophantine system for p=5f+1 94 131 151
Dickson's Diophantine system for p=5f+1, analogue for p=7f+1 143
Dickson, L.E. 5 97 131—132 150—152 336—338 384
Dieudonne, J. 56
Difference set 174 181—182
Difference set, Abelian 174
Difference set, cyclic 174
Difference set, modified power residue 174 497
Difference set, planar 174
Difference set, power res due 174—175 181 497
Difference set, supplementary 181
Dilcher, K. 4 164 284 482
Dimitrakoudis, D. 55
Dirichlet 1 54
Dirichlet character 26 379
Dirichlet's class number formula 54 377
Dirichlet's L-function 54; see also “L-function”
Dirichlet, G.L. 1 51 53—54 99 231 264
Discrete Fourier Transform 47 01—52
Discriminant of period polynomial 155—339
Disquisitiones Arithmeticae 1 97
Doerge, K. 210
Drmota, M. 3 172
Du, D.Z. 99
Duke, W. 386
Dunton, M. 338
Dwork, B. 2 211 268 293
Eichler, M. 52
Eigenspace 51
Eigenvalue 47—48 51
Eigenvector 51
Eisensrein prime 234
Eisenstein 1
Eisenstein integer 234
Eisenstein integer primary 236
Eisenstein integer prime 234
Eisenstein sum 389—400 438
Eisenstein sum (over ) 396—399 438
Eisenstein sum , congruence for 394 414—415 419
Eisenstein sum , of order 10 435
Eisenstein sum , of order 12 433
Eisenstein sum , of order 16 430
Eisenstein sum , of order 2 393
Eisenstein sum , of order 20 428
Eisenstein sum , of order 24 435—436
Eisenstein sum , of order 3 400—101 435
Eisenstein sum , of order 4 402 435
Eisenstein sum , of order 5 403—404
Eisenstein sum , Of order 6 405—406
Eisenstein sum , of order 7 412—413 416
Eisenstein sum , of order 8 407—406 416
Eisenstein sum , order of 390
Eisenstein sum , relationship with Gauss sums 391 393 421
Eisenstein's congruences for binomial coefficients 5 414 417—419
Eisenstein's reciprocity law 5 234 267 468 474 494
Eisenstein's reciprocity law for Gauss sums 493—495
Eisenstein, G. 1—5 53 97 264—266 336 338 438 468 494
Elliptic curves 210—211 266 387 466
Equations see “Diagonal equations”
Error correcting code 369 371
Estenuann, T. 24 52 386
Estermaun's evaluation of a quadratic Gauss sum 24
Euclidean Domain 240 250
Euler, L. 231
Evans 6
Evans, R.J. 2 4—5 51 53 55—56 63 98—99 151—152 171—173 181—182 195 209 211 229 232—233 267—268 293 338—339 385—388 396 400 438—439 453 465—467 494 497—498
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