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Manin Y.I. — Cubic Forms: Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic |
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(birational map) 14 53
(reflection in a symmetric quasigroup) 11
(composition in a symmetric quasigroup) 6
(composition of classes of points) 45 55
(composition of points) 55
Abelian (symmetric) quasigroup 7 11ff
Admissible equivalence relation 43ff
Artin, E. 181 187
Artin, M. 105
Associative centre 9
Associator 23
Azumaya algebra 221 229ff
B-equivalence 223 227 234ff
Becken, S. 187
Belousov, V.D. 10 39
Birational map 47 100ff
Birational triviality 48
Blowing up of a point 78
Bombieri, E. 59
Bourbaki, N. 116 128 129 133 139 220
Brauer equivalence 44 220ff 234ff
Brauer group 220ff
Brauer — Grothendieck group 220ff
Brauer, R. 39
Bruck, R.H. 8 10 39 40
Bubble space 195ff
C(X) 51
Cartan, H. 180
Cartier divisor 90
Cartier, P. 125 152
Cassels — Tate form 227ff
Cassels, J.W.S. 3 167 189 224 254 269 280 283
Cebotarev, N.T. 220 230
Centre of a CML 9
CH-quasigroup 8 15ff
Chatelet surface 255
Chatelet, F. 5 255
CML 8 21ff
Collapsing of a curve 78
Collinearity 6 7 42
Commutative Moufang loop 8 21ff
Conical singular point 48
Del Pezzo surface 117ff
Deligne, P. 189
Dickson, A. 1
Dieudonne, J. see "Grothendieck A."
Distributive (symmetric) quasigroup 10 30
Divisor 94
Dominating map 47
Effective (Cartier) divisor 90
Effective (Weil) divisor 91
Eilenberg, S. see "Cartan H."
Exceptional class 134
Exceptional curve 78 106
Exceptional subset 140
f*(D) 91
Fano, G. 189
Fisher group 20 34ff
Fisher's theorems 34 37
Fisher, B. 10 19 39
Frame, J.S. 152
Fundamental birational invariant 189ff
General position, points in 54
| General type, point of 51
Good point (pair of points) 185
Greenberg, M. 174
Grothendieck, A. 5 147 222 229 283
Guy, M.J.T. see "Cassels J.W.S."
Hall, M. 10 21 35 39 40
Hartshorne, R. 81 111
Hasse principle 165 166 171 172 224 276ff
Height 267ff
Henderson, A. 112 182 183
Index of a morphism 77
Index of a surface 165
Intersection number 90 96
Jordan, C 182
k-topology 70
Kleiman, S. 182
Lang, S. 267
Lipman, J. 111 182
Manin, Yu.I. 39 57 76 111 138 147 179 182 183 203 219 267 283
Meyer, W.F. 183
Minimal model 80
Minimal surface 79 107 184ff 218
Model of a field 79
Monoidal transformation 78 82ff 85
Mordell, L.J. 224 276
Moufang's theorem 22
Multiplicity of a point on a divisor 92
Mumford, D. 5 90 91 96 97 270
N(V) 112
Nagata, M. 111
Ono, T. 166 171
Picard group 77 95 126
Point in general position 54
Point of general type 51
Point over a surface 196
Principal homogeneous space 167
Proper inverse image of a divisor 92
R(-equivalence) 61
R-equivalence 44 61
Rational map 46
Reflection 133 187
Resolution of singularities of a map 82ff 100ff
Roquette, P. 159
Roth, L. 189
s-exceptional set 152
Safarevic — Tate group 228
Safarevic, I.R. 5 102 104 105 110 111 117 183 247
Schanuel, S. 270
Schlaeffli sixfold 173
Segre, B. 5 110 112 114 117 182 219
Sermenev, A.M. 162
Serre, J.P. 112 116 117 127 132 133 139 175 220 240
Severi — Brauer surface 159 169
Special variety 61
Suzuki, M. see "Brauer R."
Swinnerton — Dyer, H.P.F. 152 174 175 182 224 278 see E."
Symmetric quasigroup 6
T(E) 11
Tate, J. 181
Todd, J.A. 117
Torus 166
Unirationality 46ff 50 154ff
Universal equivalence relation 43 44 54ff 69ff
Voskresenskii, V. 172 166
Walker, R. 15
Weil divisor 91
Weil height 268
Weil, A. 112 182 242
Weyl group 133ff 151ff
Zariski, O. 111
Zeta function 143
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