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Baker A. — Transcendental number theory |
Предметный указатель |
-number 87
-function 57
-function 57
A-number 85 87—88
Abelian function 55 57
Abelian integral 10 55 57
Adams, W.W. 130
Algebraic criterion 124—125
Algebraic integer 7
Algebraic number 1
Anferteva, E.A. 48 130
Armitage, J.V. 130
Auxiliary function 9 10 13—20 24 28—34 58—60 62 64 125 126 127
Ax, J. 54 120 131
Babaev, G. 131
Bachet, C.G. 37
Baker, A. 10 24 45 46 48 52 53 61 64 68 95 96 103 104 108 131
Balkema, A.A. 132
Baron, G. 132
Basis for polynomial space 26
Belogrivov, I.I. 132
Besicovitch, A.S. 96
Bessel function 10 103 109
Birch, B.J. 132
Boehle, K. 132
Bombieri, E. 56 132
Borel, E. 103 132
Borevich, Z.I. 129
Borosh, I. 134
Boyd, D.W. 132
Brauer, A. 92 132
Brauer, K. 47
Braune, E. 132
Brownawell, W. 118 124 132
Brumer, A. 54 132
Bundschuh, P. 132
Cantor, G. 3 133
Cassels, J.W.S. 69 129
Catalan equation 46
Cauchy's intogral forrnulao 18 20 126
Cauchy's reHidue thoorom, ID 31 113 00
Chovalloy, C 43
Chowla, P. 133
Chowla, S. 48
Chudakov, N.G. 48 130 133 136
Chudnovsky, Y.V. 133
Cijsouw, P.L. 133
Class numbers of quadratic fields 47—54
Coates, J. 45 46 63 64
Complex multiplication 55 63
Conductor of elliptic curve 46
Conjugate of algebraic number 5
Continued fractions 1 3 8 110
Cugiani, M. 133
Curves of genus 0 44
Curves of genus 1 43—44
Davenport, H. 46 73 79 132 133
Davis, M. 36
Degree of U-number 86
Demjanenko, V.A. 133
Deuring, M. 47
Dickson, L.E. 36
Diophantine analysis 36
Diophantine equations 36—46
Dirichlet's box principle 13 103
Dirichlet, P.G.L. 48 51 53
Division values of elliptic functions 62 64
Dyson, F. 66 69 133
E-functions 109—117 118
ellipse 57 61
Elliptic curve 64
Elliptic equation 41 45
Elliptic functions 55—65
Elliptic integral 57
Elliptic modular function 48 55
Ellison, W.J., et al. 46 133 134
Erdoes, P. 54 134
Eulor's oquation 5
Eulor, L. 1 3 9 48
Exponential function 103—108
Exponential polynomials 120—122
Exterior algebra 81—82
Faddeev. D.K. 134
Feldttmti. N.I. 211 46 104 129 134 135 136
Fermat's last theorem 9
Fourier series 49
Fraenkel, A.S. 134
Galoickin, A.I. 134
Gauss' lemma 2 71 72
Gauss, C.F. 47
Gaussian sums 51
Gelfond, A.O. 9 10 22 47 52 61 66 69 118 120 122 124 129 135
Gelfond—Schneider theorem 10 119
Genera 47 53
Generic character 53
Geometry of numbers 67 76 108
Goldstein, L.J. 135
Gordan, P. 3 135
grid 74—75
Gunther, A. 135
Guting, R. 92 135
Hadamard's inequality 123
Haneoke, W. 135
Hausdorff dimension 95
Hecke, E. 47 129
Heegner, K. 47
Height of algebraic number 2 22 24
Height of polynomial 70 85 89—90 122—123
Heilbronn, H. 47 52
Hermite, Ch. 3 8 103 135
Hilbert's seventh problem 10 61
Hilbert's tenth problem 36
Hilbert, D. 3 9 135
Hilliker, D.L. 135
Hock, A. 133
Hurwitz, A. 3 135
Hyperelliptic equation 40—43 45
Hypergeometric function 46 68 109
Hyyro, S. 135
Icen, O.S. 135
Index of polynomial 69—72
Integral integer-valued functions 9
Irrationality of 1
Irrationality of e 1
Jarnik, V. 96
Kappe, Luise-Charlotte 104 136
Kasoh, F. 95 136
Kaufman, R.M. 136
Keates, M. 136
Klein four-group 54
Koksma, J.F. 87 95 129 136
Kroneoker, L. 48 53
Kubilyus, I.P. 95
Kummer theory 24
Kuzmin, R.O. 9 136
| L-functions 48
Lambert, J.H. 1 136
Landau, E. 40
Lang, S. 55 56 117 119 129 132 136
Laplace's identity 81 82
Law of Large Numbers 73
le Veque, W.J. 86 95 129 136
Legendre relation 63
Leibnitz's theorem 21 32
Leopoldt, problem of 54
Levin, B.V. 136
Limit formula 50—51
Lindemann's theorem 6—8 111
Lindomann, F. 3 6 8 136
Linear equations 58
Linear forms in logarithms 9—35 45 54 61
Linfoot, E.H. 52
Linnik, Yu. V. 47 48 52 129 135 136
Liouville number 2 86 87
Liouville's theorem 1—3 46 66
Liouville, J. 1 3 136
Littlewood's problem 104
Logarithms of algebraic numbers 6 9—35
Machine computation 46
Mahler's classification 85—94
Mahler's conjecture 95
Mahler's decimal 86 87
Mahler, K. 24 68 69 73 81 85 86 87 95 103 104 129 134 136 138
Maier, W. 138
Maillet, E. 3 85 129 138
Masser, D.W. 63 64 138
Matijasevic, Y.V. 36
Maximum-modulus principle 17 18 62 120 128
Measure of irrationality 24
Measure of transcendence 24 103
Mendes France, M. 138
Meromorphic function 55
Metrical theory 3 95—102
Meyer, Y. 138
Minimal polynomial of algebraic number 5
Minkowski's linear forms theorem 84 95
Mordell equation 37 45
Mordell — Weil theorem 37
Mordell, L.J. 41 47
Morduchai — Boltovskoj, D. 22 85 138
Morita, Y. 138
Multiply-periodic functions 10
Nesterenko, Ju. V. 138
Newton's interpolation formula 121
Nivcn, I. 129
Norm form equation 67 68
Norm of algebraic number 16
Null sets 98—99
Numeri idonei 48
Nurmagomedov, M.S. 138
Oleinikov, V.A. 110 139
Order of meromorphic function 56
Osgood, C.F. 139
Parry, C.J. 139
Peck, L.G. 139
Periods and quasi-periods 61—65
Perna, A. 85
Perron, O. 129
Pershikova, T.V. 139
Popken, J. 86 103 104 136 138 139
Primitive prime factors 54
Putnam, H. 36
Quadrature of the circle 3
Ramachandra, K. 54 119 129 140
Rational approximations to algebraic numbers 37 46 66—82
Rauzy, G. 140
Regulator, p-adic 54
Reuter, G.E.H. 73
Ridout, D. 68 140
Riemann hypothesis 9
Riemann — Roch theorem 43 44
Robinson, J. 36
Roth's lemma 70
Roth's theorem 77
Roth, K.F. 66 68 69 70 73 133 140
S*-number 87
S-number 85 90 95
Schanuel's conjecture 120
Schinzel, A. 48 54 132 140
Schmidt, W.M. 66 67 68 70 73 74 81 86 96 129 132 133 140
Schneider, Th. 9 10 55 61 66 73 118 119 129 140
Schwarz, W. 141
Serre, J.P. 64
Shafarevich, I.R. 129
Shidlovsky, A.B. 110 111 117 129 136 141
Shorey, T.N. 54 140 141
Siegel, C.L. 9 37 41 43 47 55 61 66 69 103 109 110 129 141
Siogol — Shidlovsky theorems 109—117
Size of algebraic integer 38 58
Skolom, Th. 37 68 129
Slesoraitene, R. 96 142
Smolov, A.A. 118 142
Spira, R. 142
Sprindzuk, V.G. 86 87 95 129 142 143
Stark, H.M. 45 47 51 52 54 132 143
Stepanov, S.A. 143
Straus, E.G. 143
Successive minima 76—81
Sylvester determinant 123
Szekeres, G. 138
T* -number 87
T-number 85 92—94
Tartakovsky, V.A. 143
Thue's equation 38—40 43 45 46 67
Thue, A. 36 37 46 66 69 143
Tijdeman, R. 46 54 118 120 132 133 143
Transcendence degree 55 56
Transcendence of e 3—6
Transcendence of e" 9
Transcendence of n 3 5
Transcendental number 1 2
Type of S-number 86
U*-number 87
U-number 85 90—92
Uchiyama, S. 143
Units of algebraic number field 38 42
Van der Poorten, A.J. 139
Veldkamp, G.R. 143
Vinogradov's notation 79
Vinogradov, A.I. 143
Volkmann, B. 95 136 143
von Neumann, J. 138
Waldschmidt, M. 118 124 129 144
Wallisser, R. 144
Weierstrass -function 57
Weierstrass -function 55
Weierstrass, K. 3 6 144
Whitaoker, E.E. 54
Wintner, question of 54
Wiraing, E. 73 86 87 132 144
Wronekians 69
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