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Silverman J.H. — The arithmetic of elliptic curves |
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cohomology group see
cohomology group see
183—185 187 358 359
-pairing see Weil pairing
acting on 40
acting on affine coordinate ring 7 20
acting on affine space 6
acting on an algebraic group 295 333 336
acting on Aut(E) 103
acting on divisor group 31
acting on function field 7 32
acting on maps 15 20 284—286
acting on Picard group 32 295
acting on projective space 10 20
acting on Tate curve 356 357
acting on Tate module 91 94 95 109 178 179 188 273 341 366
acting on torsion points 90 178 179 265
acting on twisted function field 286 287 309
acting on varieties 6
acting on vector space 40
-module 197 198 295 298 333—337 356 357
-module, invariant elements 334
-module, unramified at v 198
3 330—337
3 197 198 330—337
= Horn if trivial action 331 334
of 296—300; see also Selmer group
of 336
of 20 43 198 277 279 321 335 336
of 335
of 198 199 277 300 308 320 335
of Aut(E) 307—309 319 322 329
of E 197 287 291 294 296 297 307;
of E[m] 197 287 320;
of Isom(E) 285 292 306 307
, unramified outside S 299
94 102 108
see Absolute values
343 344 346 349—354 362
, l(D) see Divisor associated
-function of Ramanujan 345 348
-approximable 272
-Selmer group see Selmer group
-function see Weierstrass -function
32 37 39 42 53 65 358
Abelian extension 95 188 193 194 196 236 299 338 339 341 342
Abelian group 4 55 88 131 174 197 199 323 330 333
Abelian variety 2 94 295 342 358 363
Absolute values 189 243 277
Absolute values , archimedean 189 250
Absolute values , non-archimedean 189
Absolute values , standard 190 206
Absolute values , valuation associated to 189 195
Addition formula 58 80 81 82 106 110 187 202 216
Addition formula, formal 114
Addition law see Group law
Additive reduction see Reduction of an elliptic curve
Affine algebraic set 6
Affine coordinate ring 7 20
Affine n-space 5 8
Affine variety 7 13 26 44
Affine Weierstrass equation 46 241
Algebraic group 333 336 358
Algebraic set see Affine algebraic set; Projective algebraic set
Analytic continuation 361 362
Analytic map see Complex analytic map; v-adic analytic map
Approximation exponent 243 244
Arclength of a lemniscate 169
Arclength of an ellipse 146 149 169
Arithmetic intersection theory 366
Arithmetic-geometric mean 169—170
Artin map 340 342
Artin — Schreier extension 329
Artin, E. 130
Artin, M. 134
Associative law for a formal group 115 120
Associative law for a homogeneous space 288
Associative law for an elliptic curve 55 57
Automorphism group (Aut) 71 103 107 284 306—309 325 329 341
Automorphism group (Aut) as a -module 103 308
Automorphism group (Aut), action on WC group 319
Automorphism group (Aut)of Tate module 95 366
Auxiliary polynomial 270
Bad reduction see Reduction of an elliptic curve
Baker's theorem 257 260
Baker's theorem, p-adic version 261
Baker, A. 257 261 340
Basepoint of an elliptic curve 42 45 46 306
Bernoulli polynomial 366
Bezout's theorem 55
Big-O notation 166 215
Bilinear pairing 88 131 191 229 232 278 306 319 323 364
Birational 53
Birch and Swinnerton — Dyer conjecture 234 315 362 363
Branch cut 148 149 168 346
Brauer group 102 108
Brauer — Hasse — Noether theorem 102 321
Brauer — Siegel theorem 269
Bremner, A. 235
Canonical divisor 37—40
Canonical height see Height; see also Neron — Tate pairing
Cassels' pairing 306 315 363
Cassels, J.W.S. 177 231 235 306 363 364
Cauchy sequence 228
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 131
Central simple algebra 102
Chain rule 120
Character, sum over a finite field 132 141
Characteristic p 89 126—128 130—145
Characteristic polynomial 135
Characteristic two and three 49 52 53 72 103 324—329
Characteristic zero 83 89 102 105 121 122 125 146 164 165 177 194
Chatelet, F. 371
Chinese remainder theorem 225
Class field theory 188 338 370
Class number 167 194 238 269
Class number, one 226 227 238 264 265 321 340
Coates, J. 261 363
Cohomologous one-cocycles 285 331 334 336
Cohomology class 198 199 285 331
Cohomology class, unramified 198 236
Cohomology group 291 330—337
Cohomology set 285 306 336
Complementary modulus 168
Complete elliptic integral 168—170
Complete ring 112 117—119 123 125
Complex analytic isomorphism 105 150 158 161 162 262 340 342 346 349 353 354
Complex analytic map 159 161 163
Complex Lie group see Lie group
Complex multiplication 73 95 109 144 168 263 265 273 338—342 361 362 363 366 370 371
Complex multiplication potential good reduction 181 188
Complex multiplication for curves over Q 340
Composition law 55 60
Conductor of an elliptic curve 358 359 361 362
Conductor of an order 108
Congruence subgroup 350—351 353 354 362
Connecting homomorphism 197 198 199 277 278 300 319 332 334
Constant map 25
Continuous map 187 334 336
Continuous one-cocycle 334 336
Convex set 231
Coordinate functions see Weierstrass coordinate functions
Coplanar points 106
Cotangent space 159
Curve 21—44
Curve, distance function on 245—247
Curve, hyperelliptic 26 44 255 293
Curve, maps between 23—30
| Curve, modular see Modular curve
Curve, smooth see Non-singular curve
Curve, twists of 284—287
Cusp 49 50 60 61 104 180 240 349 350
Cusp form 344 345 347 348
Cusp form for a congruence subgroup 350 351
Cusp form of weight two 350 351 362
Cusp of a congruence subgroup 350 354
Cyclotomic representation 92
d-uple embedding 237
Davenport, H. 268
Decomposition group 296
Dedekind -function 346 350
Dedekind sum 346
Defined at P 9 15 16 22 35
Defined over K 6 11 14 15 21 31 40 46 57 60 63 71 94 208 287 289 300
Definite quaternion algebra 100
Degree see also Inseparable degree; Local degree; Separable degree
Degree map, is positive definite 88 131
Degree of a curve 106
Degree of a divisor 31 32 152
Degree of a homogeneous polynomial 10
Degree of a map 25 42 246
Degree of a morphism 208
Degree of an algebraic number 242 243
Degree of an endomorphism 134 265
Degree of an isogeny 70 76 88
Degree of multiplication-by-m map 86 89 105 106 107 163
Degree of the zero isogeny 70
Degree, one 25 53 64 105 290
Dehomogenization 13 27 62
Deligne, P. 134 348
Dem’janenko, V. A. 371
Descent 189 199
Descent theorem 199 205 206
Descent via two-isogeny 302 303 311
Descent via [2]-map 281 282
Determinant 134
Deuring normal form 109 327
Deuring, M. 102 144 145 361
Differential form 34—37
Differential form, associated divisor 36
Differential form, associated to a cusp form 350 362
Differential form, holomorphic 36 37 39 44 52 159 329 350
Differential form, invariant 48 52 65 79—84 85 113 149 172 362
Differential form, non-vanishing 36 52 159
Differential form, order at P 36
Differential form, regular see Differential form holomorphic
Differential operator 143 270
DIMENSION 8 14 18 21 133 295
Dimension of a hypersurface 20
Dimension Theorem 19
Diophantine approximation 241 242—245 247 251—254 265 274
Diophantine equation 1 12 241 244 249 257 291
Diophantine geometry 1 6 17 45
Diophantine inequality 245
Dirichlet series 234 240;
Dirichlet's S-unit theorem 195 253 255 258
Dirichlet, G.L. 242
Discrete -module see -module
Discrete topology 333 334 336 364
Discrete valuation 192
Discrete valuation, ring 21 22 42 123—126 171
Discriminant as a modular form 343 345 347 348 356
Discriminant of a lattice 158 167 342 343 365
Discriminant of a number field 232 235 269
Discriminant of a polynomial 26 44 51 158 273
Discriminant of a Weierstrass equation see Weierstrass equation discriminant
Discriminant, minimal 172 183 186 224 227 233—235 239 264 358 359 361
Disjoint support see Support of a divisor
Distance function 245—247 248 250 251
Distance function, effect of a finite map 246
Distributive law 71
Divisible element 306 364
Division polynomial 105 177
Divisor 31—34
Divisor class group 32; see also Picard group
Divisor function 345
Divisor group (Div) 31 37 44 66 68 84 152 295 321
Divisor inequality 38
Divisor of a differential 36
Divisor support 43 108
Divisor, associated to a differential 36
Divisor, associated to a function 32 153 280 295
Divisor, associated vector space 38 40 42 64 66 104 106
Divisor, canonical 37—40
Divisor, defined over K 31 40 44 68
Divisor, degree 31 38 152
Divisor, degree 0 31 32 152
Divisor, evaluated at a function 43 108
Divisor, linear equivalence 32 38 65
Divisor, positive (effective) 37 322
Divisor, principal 32 67
Dual isogeny 73 74 84—90 168 301 302 310
Dual isogeny is adjoint for Weil pairing 98
Dual isogeny of Frobenius 137
Dual isogeny of multiplication-by-m 86
Dual isogeny, definition 86
Duality 364
Duplication formula 59 72 104 203 217 221 222 310
Dwork, B. 134
Dyson, F. 244 270
Effective divisor see Divisor
Effectivity 196 201 241 245 248 250 252 254—263 271 276 279 304
Eichler, M. 145 361
Eigenfunctions 348 351
Eisenstein series 153 342—345 347
Elimination theory 211
ellipse 1 146 149 169
Elliptic curve 2 14 21 45—368
Elliptic curve in characteristic two and three 49 52 53 72 324—329
Elliptic curve, 48 167 275 362
Elliptic curve, defined over K 46 63 71 307
Elliptic curve, definition 63
Elliptic curve, finite fields 60 130—145 323
Elliptic curve, group of rational points is a subgroup 57
Elliptic curve, group of rational points over 146—170
Elliptic curve, integral points 59 241—275
Elliptic curve, K-isomorphism classes 308
Elliptic curve, local fields 171—188 355—357
Elliptic curve, number fields 189—240 276—323
Elliptic exponential 262
Elliptic function 3 146 150—159 161 346 355;
Elliptic function as function of and 154
Elliptic function, as product of -functions 156
Elliptic function, field 76 150 154
Elliptic function, no poles constant 151 160
Elliptic integral 146 147—150 168—170 370
Elliptic logarithm 262—263
Elliptic regulator 233 234 362
Elliptic regulator is positive 233
Elliptic surface 143 368
Endomorphism ring (End) 71 100—102 103 109 134 163 168 339—341
Endomorphism ring (End) is an integral domain 72 88 100
Endomorphism ring (End), -pairing 107; see also Weil pairing
Endomorphism ring (End), classification of 102 137 145 164 165
Equivalence of categories 26 162
Equivalence of homogeneous spaces 290 291
Euclidean algorithm 1 204
Euler characteristic 134 136 144
Euler product 240 361
Even function 59 154 155 216 218—220 227—229 247 248
Evertse, J.-H. 254
Exponent m, Galois group with 193 194 196 236 299
Exponent of the conductor of an elliptic curve 358 359 361
Exponential of a formal group 121
Extended upper half-plane 349—351 353 354;
Extension formula 206
Faltings, G. 94 266 366
Families of elliptic curves 223 234 238 276 309 323
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