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Silverman J.H. — The arithmetic of elliptic curves |
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m-torsion subgroup (E[m]), reduction map injects 176 179 193 196 222 282 298 310
Mahler, K. 244
Manin, Ju. 223 355
MAP see also Isogeny; Morphism; Rational Map
Map between curves 23—30 41 43
Map between varieties 15—18
Map constant 25
Map of degree one 25 53 64 105 290
Map, analytic 159 161
Map, continuous 187 334
Map, defined over K 15
Map, degree 25 42 76 246
Map, finite 25 75
Map, inseparable 25 70
Map, multiplication see Multiplication-by-m map
Map, ramification index 28 41 76 246
Map, separable 25 34 35 41 43 70 76 78 83
Map, translation 68 75 76 80
Map, unramified 28 76 79 107 251 252
Mass formula 145
Masser, D. 263
Maximal abelian extension 188 236
Maximal abelian extension of 338 341
Maximal abelian extension of a quadratic imaginary field 341 342
Maximal abelian extension, everywhere unramified 167 339 340 341
Maximal abelian extension, unramified outside S 194 196
Maximal real subfield 354
Maximal unramified extension of a local field 178 185
Mazur, B. 223 265 355
Mean value theorem 243 260
Measure 231 272
Mellin transform 361 362
Mestre, J.-F. 234
Minimal discriminant see Discriminant
Minimal field of definition 10 191 213
Minimal polynomial 243
Minimal scheme 358
Minimal Weierstrass equation see Weierstrass equation
Minkowski, H. 196 231 232
Modular curve 223 338 351—355
Modular curve, affine 354
Modular curve, cusps 354
Modular curve, genus 351 355
Modular form 344 345
Modular form for a congruence subgroup 350 351
Modular form, algebra of 347 348
Modular form, associated L-series 360—362
Modular form, Fourier series 344 345 348
Modular form, product expansion for 345
Modular function 3 147 161 338 339 342—351 355
Modular function for a congruence subgroup 350
Modular function, field of 347 348
Modular function, Fourier coefficients 345
Modular function, Fourier series 344 345 355
Modular function, weight of 344
Modular group 343 344 346 349—354 362
Moduli space 352 353
Modulus of an elliptic integral 168
Mordell conjecture 94 266
Mordell — Weil group 189 233 267
Mordell — Weil group over an infinite extension 236
Mordell — Weil group, computation of 276—323
Mordell — Weil group, computation of, via two-isogeny 302
Mordell — Weil group, computation of, via [2]-descent 281
Mordell — Weil group, computation of, via [m]-descent 305
Mordell — Weil group, examples 275 282 303 311 314 315
Mordell — Weil group, height of generators 235 263 269 305
Mordell — Weil group, rank of see Rank of an elliptic curve
Mordell — Weil group, torsion subgroup see Torsion subgroup
Mordell — Weil theorem 60 189 197 199 205 215 220 231 233 241 367;
Mordell — Weil theorem over 201—205
Mordell — Weil theorem, lack of effectivity 196 201 263 269 276 279 304
Mordell, L.J. 266 316 348
Morphism 16 19 68 288;
Morphism between curves 23 24 26
Morphism between projective spaces 17 208 217
Morphism, defined by a rational function 24 33 215 286
Multiplication-by-w map ([m]) 45 57 71 73 91 197 254 301 304
Multiplication-by-w map ([m]) in characteristic p 137
Multiplication-by-w map ([m]) is finite 71
Multiplication-by-w map ([m]) is separable 83
Multiplication-by-w map ([m]) is unramified 251 252
Multiplication-by-w map ([m]) on a formal group 116
Multiplication-by-w map ([m]), degree of 86 89 105 106 107 163
Multiplication-by-w map ([m]), dual of 86
Multiplication-by-w map ([m]), effect on height 219 229 239
Multiplication-by-w map ([m]), kernel of see m-torsion subgroup
Multiplicative reduction see Reduction of an elliptic curve
Nagell, T. 221
Negation formula 58
Neron model 184 357—359 361
Neron — Ogg — Shafarevich criterion 179 184 322 340
Neron — Tate height see Height canonical
Neron — Tate pairing (<,>) 229 232;
Neron, A. 183 184 227 229 234 358 364 367
Nevanlinna theory 268
Newton iteration 112
Node 48 50 60 61 104 180 240 357
Noether 321
Noetherian 42
Non-Abelian cohomology 335—336
Non-commutative formal group 129
Non-singular curve 21 25 26
Non-singular hypersurface 20
Non-singular part of 60—63 104 173 174 176 180 183
Non-singular point 8 9 14 20
Non-singular reduction see Reduction of an elliptic curve good
Non-singular variety 8 133
Non-singular Weierstrass equation 50 63 64
Non-split reduction see Reduction of an elliptic curve
Non-vanishing differential 36 52 159
Norm 101 257 258 274
Nullstellensatz 209 211 239
Number of points of bounded height 205 214 236
Number of points over finite fields 130—132 360
Number of points, integral points 250 251 272
Odd function 155 219;
Ogg's formula 361
Ogg, A. 184 361
One-coboundary 331
One-cochain 331
One-cocycle 20 190 197 236 258 331
One-cocycle, continuous 334
One-unit 118
Order in a field or algebra 100 102 108 137 145 164 165
Order of a differential 36
Order of a function 22 32 249
Order of a meromorphic function at a point 151
Order of an elliptic function 151 152
Order, associated to a valuation 189 195 255 280 361
Ordinary 137 144;
Orthogonal basis 274
p-torsion in characteristic p 64 137
parabola 1
Parallelogram law 229
Parallelogram law quadratic 230
Parametrized by modular functions see Weil curve
Parshin, A.N. 266
Perfect field 5
Period of a homogeneous space 321—322 362
Periods of an elliptic curve 149 162 168
Periods of an elliptic curve are independent 149 161
Picard group (Pic) 32 33 34 42 66 75 84
Picard group (Pic) of a homogeneous space 295 321
Picard group (Pic), K-rational subgroup 32 33 44
Picard — Fuchs differential operator 143
Pigeon-hole principle 242 270
Point of finite order see Torsion point
Point(s) at infinity 14 22 26 33 46 50 55 62 132 293 349
Pointed set 285 336
| Pole 22 24 38 64 151 152 154 155 157 246 249
Positive definite quadratic form 88 131 231 232 274
Positive divisor see Divisor
Potential good reduction see Reduction of an elliptic curve
Principal divisor 32 67
Principal divisor has degree zero 32
Principal homogeneous space see Homogeneous space
Principal ideal domain 194 205 206 227 255 267 275
Product formula 207 271
Profinite group 333
Profinite topology 333 334 336
Projective algebraic set 11
Projective closure 13 26 293
Projective space 10 20
Projective variety 12 13 132—134
Purely inseparable map 25 30 70 137;
q-expansion see Fourier series
Quadratic character 132 141 287
Quadratic form 88 131 219 227 231 232 233 239 274
Quadratic imaginary field 100 102 145 164 167 339—342
Quadratic imaginary field, abelian extension 339—342
Quadratic imaginary field, class field theory 339—342
Quadratic imaginary field, class number one 340
Quadratic imaginary field, order in 108 137 164 165
Quadratic real field 235
Quadratic reciprocity 2 317
Quadric surface 106
Quantitative estimate 235 250 254
Quartic residue 316 318
Quasi-minimal Weierstrass equation 238 251
Quasi-parallelogram law 365
Quasi-period 166 346 365
Quaternion algebra 100 102 108 137
Quaternion algebra, maximal order 108
Quaternion algebra, ramified 102
Quaternion algebra, split 102 108
Quaternion group 329
Quotient of a curve by a finite group 78 107 341
Ramanujan -function 345 348
Ramanujan, S. 345
Ramification index 28 41 76 246
Ramified quaternion algebra 102
Rank of an elliptic curve 189 233—235 255 362 363
Rank of an elliptic curve of a twist 323
Rank of an elliptic curve over an infinite extension 236
Rank of an elliptic curve, can be arbitrarily large? 234
Rank of an elliptic curve, examples with large rank 234 367
Rank of an elliptic curve, one 275 314 363
Rank of an elliptic curve, relation with integral points 251
Rank of an elliptic curve, upper bound for 235 277 311 323
Rank of an elliptic curve, zero 314 316
Rational map 15 16 19;
Rational map of smooth curves is a morphism 23 26 64 68
Rational map, defined at a point 16
Rational map, defined by a function 24 33 215
Rational map, defined over K 15
Rational map, need not be a morphism 17 237
Rational map, regular 16 23
Rational map, value at a point 16
Rational point group 305
Reduction map 173 176 194 358
Reduction map is injective on torsion 176 179 193 194 298
Reduction map, kernel of 174 194 357 358
Reduction modulo 171 173 174
Reduction of an elliptic curve 60 173 179—183 193 240 357
Reduction of an elliptic curve at 193 360
Reduction of an elliptic curve , additive (unstable) 180 181 186 359—361
Reduction of an elliptic curve , bad 179—181 192 193 198 240 278 281 299 357 360
Reduction of an elliptic curve , change under field extension 181
Reduction of an elliptic curve , everywhere good 238
Reduction of an elliptic curve , good (stable) 179—181 184—188 192 238 263 266 273 322 328 341
Reduction of an elliptic curve , good (stable), injective on torsion 176 179 193 196 222 282 298 310
Reduction of an elliptic curve , good (stable), finitely many with, outside S 263
Reduction of an elliptic curve , good (stable), for all but finitely many v 193
Reduction of an elliptic curve , isogenous curves 185
Reduction of an elliptic curve , multiplicative (semi-stable) 180 181 186 328 357 359—361
Reduction of an elliptic curve , non-singular part 173 174 176 180 183 358 360
Reduction of an elliptic curve , non-split 180
Reduction of an elliptic curve , none over Q 239 264
Reduction of an elliptic curve , potential good 181 186 187
Reduction of an elliptic curve , split multiplicative 180 183 328 357 359 360 366
Regular differential see Holomorphic differential
Regular function 9 15 22 35
Regular homomorphism 258
Regular of a number field 232 269
Regular rational map 23
Regular scheme 357 358
Regulator elliptic 233 234 362
Reichardt, H. 304
Relative Selmer group 305
Representation 90 92 134;
Residue of a differential 137
Residue of a function 151 152 154
Residue theorem 151
Restriction map on cohomology 297 320 332 334 337
Restriction map on cohomology, image of 337
Restriction map on cohomology, kernel of 337
Resultant 204
Riemann hypothesis 134 136 137
Riemann surface 146 148 149 158
Riemann zeta function 166 236 338
Riemann — Roch theorem 37 39 40 42 45 57 63—66
Riemann — Roch theorem, effective version 261
Rohrlich, D. 371
Roots of unity 91 95 98 194 258 277 338
Roth's lemma 270
Roth's theorem 3 244 254 269—272
Roth, K.F. 244
S-integers 194 227 241 248 251
S-integral points see Integral points
S-minimal Weierstrass equation 227
S-regulator homomorphism 258
S-unit equation 241 252—256 257 262 269
S-unit equation, effective bound 259
S-unit equation, number of solutions 254
S-unit group 194 241 249 261
S-unit theorem 195 253 255 258
Scalar multiplication 159 160 163
Schanuel, S. 214
Scheme 357—360
Schmidt, F.K. 370
Schmidt, W. 244 268
Schneider, T. 256 257
Schur's lemma 341
Secant line 14
Segre embedding 236
Selmer conjecture 315
Selmer group 296—306 311 316;
Selmer group is effectively computable 299
Selmer group is finite 298
Selmer group, examples 300 303 311 323
Selmer group, relative 305
Selmer, E. 12 304
Semi-stable reduction theorem 181 328
Separable degree 25 42 70 76
Separable extension 22 35 44 329
Separable map 25 34 35 41 43 70 76 78 85
Serre, J.-P. 144 184 265 366 370 371
Shafarevich — Tate group 276 296—306 311 315 316 322 362 363;
Shafarevich — Tate group is finite? 277 305
Shafarevich — Tate group, Cassels pairing 306 315 364
Shafarevich — Tate group, examples 300 303 311 314
Shafarevich — Tate group, non-trivial elements 316
Shafarevich's theorem 263—266
Shafarevich, I.R. 184 234 263 266 371
Sheaf cohomology 137
Shimura, G. 361 362
Siegel's identity 256
Siegel's theorem 60 241 247 252 254 264 265 266 273
Siegel's theorem is not effective 250
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