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Поиск книг, содержащих: Total order
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Кормен Т., Лейзерсон Ч., Ривест Р. — Алгоритмы: построение и анализ | 84 | Гудрич М.Т., Тамассия Р. — Структуры данных и алгоритмы в Java | 312 | Grimaldi R.P. — Discrete and combinatorial mathematics. An introduction | 374—376, 394 | Nathanson M.B. — Elementary methods in number theory | 10 | Mughal K., Rasmussen R. — A Programmer's Guide to Java Certification: A Comprehesive Primer | | Cameron P.J. — Combinatorics : Topics, Techniques, Algorithms | 36, 188 | Reid M. — Undergraduate commutative algebra | 116—117 | Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume II: Geometry | 645 | Lawvere F.W., Rosebrugh R. — Sets for Mathematics | 223 | Hazewinkel M. (ed.) — Handbook of Algebra, Volume 4 | 441 | Velleman D.J. — How to Prove It: A Structured Approach | 190, 269—270, 275 | Burris S., Sankappanavar H.P. — A Course in Universal Algebra | 6 | Sketches — A supplement for Category theory for computing science | 16 | Ellis G. — Rings and Fields | 11 | Hein J.L. — Discrete Mathematics | 216 | Milewski E.G. — Topology Problem Solver | 7—8, 7—10, 7—12, 7—13, 7—15 | Purdom R.W., Brown C.A. — The analysis of algorithms | 42 | Szekeres P. — A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics: Groups, Hilbert Space and Differential Geometry | 9 | Semple Ch., Steel M. — Phylogenetics | 1 | von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra | 570, 576, 577, 594 | von zur Gathen J., Gerhard J. — Modern computer algebra | 570, 576, 577, 594 | Sagan B.E. — The Symmetric Group: Representations, Combinatorial Algorithms, and Symmetric Functions | 58 | Hein J.L. — Discrete Structures, Logic, and Computability | 211 | Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (vol. 3 Sorting and Searching) | 4 | Hein J.L. — Theory of Computation: An Introduction | 82 | Mirsky L. — Transversal theory. An account of some aspects of combinatorial mathematics | 17 | Herzog B. — Kodaira-Spencer Maps in Local Algebra | 76 | Bridges D.S. — Foundations Of Real And Abstract Analysis | 6 | Lewis H.R., Papadimitriou C.H. — Elements of the Theory of Computation | 18 | Browder A. — Mathematical Analysis: An Introduction | 3 | Hayes D.F. (ed.), Shubin T. (ed.) — Mathematical Adventures for Students and Amateurs | 115 | Spanier E.H. — Algebraic Topology | 2 | van Lint J.H., Wilson R.M. — Course in Combinatorics | 42 | Dolev S. — Self-Stabilization | 7, 86 | Gries D. — A Logical Approach to Discrete Math | 287, 307 | Fuch L. — Partially ordered algebraic systems | 2 | Daepp U., Gorkin P. — Reading, writing and proving. Close look at mathematics | 143 | Partee B.H., Meulen A.T., Wall R.E. — Mathematical Methods in Linguistics | 51, 53 | Tourlakis G.J. — Lectures in Logic and Set Theory: Set Theory | see "Order" | Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J. — Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction | 359—361, 377 | Spencer J. — The Strange Logic of Random Graphs | 40 | Elliott Mendelson — Introduction to mathematical logic | 9, 183, 184 | Grimaldi R.P. — Student Solutions Manual for Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics | 359—361, 377 | Schwartz N., Madden J.J. — Semi-algebraic Function Rings and Reflectors of Partially Ordered Rings | 22 | Knuth D.E. — Selected papers on discrete mathematics | 396, 400, 484, 649 |