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Dolev S. — Self-Stabilization |
Предметный указатель |
10 14
Abello, J. 186
Abu-Amara, H. 172
Adaptive self-stabilization 97
Adjustment 143 148
Afek, Y. 55 119 120 134 172
Aggarwal, S. 120
Aggregate step 16 22
Agreement 143 147
Alphabet 180 181 184
Alternating-bit algorithm 47 49—51 53 57 58 119
Anagnostou, E. 120 158
Anonymous processors 71 110
Anonymous system 11 38 120 123
Antonoiu, G. 54
Aperiodic sequence 119 184 185
Arora, A. 54 55 134 157 172
arrow 144 145
Asynchronous round 9
Asynchronous system 5 8 9 28 73 82 98 106 121 137 155 158
Atomic step 7 21 26 27 31 40 41 45 81
Attiya, H. 69
Attractor 34 35
Average convergence time 168 169
Awerbuch, B. 55 120 134 158 172 186
Baratz, A. 68
Barbosa, V.C. 69
Bartlett, K. 55 119
Bastani, F.B. 158 172
Beauquier, J. 54 134 158
Behind relation 145
Broadcast 97
Brown, G.M. 55 119
Bums, J.E. 55 120
Byzantine faults 63 135—137 146 147 150 153 157
Central daemon 16 20—22 27 32 33 38 39 71—74 91 92 120 173
Chen, N.S. 54
Chinese remainder counter 154
Chinese remainder theorem 154
Cidon, I. 69
Circular execution 79 81
Client algorithm 23 24 27 131 153
Coan, B. 172
Coarse atomicity 39 40
Cobb, J.A. 69
coin toss 39 40
Coin-toss 11
Collin, Z. 54
Combined probability 37 40
Communication deadlock 75
Communication graph 5 10 12 14 24 27—29 42 44 55 72 107 111 115 119 128 140 148 166
Communication link 5 6 27 47 48 63 73 75 92 124 126
Communication operation 7 10 14
Communication register 6 7 10—12 16 21 23 42 44 72 110 121 132 147 175 178
Communication-adaptive 97
Complexity measures 9
Computation power 173
Computation step 7 14 17 19 71 75 77 78 121 122
Computational model 5
Computer 5 6 21 45
Computer program 5 6
concurrent 7 78 81
Configuration, initial 10
Configuration, non-legal 67
Configuration, pseudostabilized 84 183—185
Configuration, safe 9
Connected component 90
Consistency monitoring 123 128 129
Convergecast 87 96 97
Convergence stairs 34 35 55
Corruption of a region 170
Corruption of bit 49
Corruption of frame 57 61
Corruption of information 57
Corruption of memory 66 169
Corruption of memory device 66
Corruption of message 8 47
Corruption of program code 66
Corruption of state 164
Corruption of system consistency 125
Corruption of variable 150
Costello, A. 69
Couvreur, J.M. 120
Data-link algorithm 24 47 49 58 61 62 64 68 74 76 82 99—102 104 124 132
Data-link layer 49 57 59
Data-link procedure 49
Data-link service 24 104
Data-link task 53 74
Datta, A.K. 55 69
Debest, X.A. 69
Delaet, S. 134
Deliver 49
Diameter 29 42 89 90 97 98 110 120 122 126—129 138 140 167 170 173
Digital clock 4 137—142 147 151 157 158
Dijkstra, E.W. 1 3 4 16—21 55 71 72 76 90 91 119 173
Distributed daemon 71 72 119
Distributed input 27 121
distributed system 5—7 12 28 90—92 128 135 156 157 170 173
Dolev, D. 157
Dolev, S. 4 54 55 69 119 120 134 157 158 172 186
Dynamic algorithm 159 160
Dynamic networks 172
Dynamic system 90 97 110 159—161 164
El-Yaniv, R. 120
Environment step 8
Error-detection code 8 47 49 57 61 168—170 172
execution 7
Execution, circular 80
Execution, fair 8 9 17—19 23 26 35 36 39 45 76 77 81 89 91 100 101 104 105 108 130 156 175 177 178
Execution, legal 78
Execution, synchronous 9
Fair composition 22—24 27 55 72 107 130 131 133 153
Fair execution 133
Fairness 8 102 175
fault 1 57 67 68 135
Fault containment 159 166 172
Fault models 135
Fault tolerance 3
Fault types 63
Fault, crash model 135
Fault, detection 126 128 129 134
Fault, transient 1 3 4 42 72 82 124 125
Fine atomicity 41
Fischer, M.J. 157
Flatebo, M. 55 69
Floating distance 14
Floating identifier 34 35
Floating output 27—31 55 122 123 180
Floating output variables 28
Floating tuple 94 96 114
Frame 47—19
Francez, N. 120
Frequently Asked Questions 66
Fujiwara, H. 172
Gafni, E. 172
Gallager, R.G. 120
General stabilizer 123
Ghosh, S. 69 157 172
Goldberg, J. 157
Gopal, A.S. 158
Gopal, I. 69
Gouda, M.G. 54 55 69 119 120 134 157 172 186
Green, M.W. 157
Gupta, A. 172
Hadzilacos, V. 120 158
Halpern, J.Y. 157
Herman, T. 55 157 172
| Hopcroft, J.E. 173 181
Howell, R.R. 186
Hsu, S.C. 55
Huang, S.T. 54 55
Identical processors 11
Initial state 1
Input register 178
Interleaving 7 11 36 71 121
Israeli, A. 54 55 119 120 172 186
Itkis, G. 134 186
Jayaram, M. 69
Johnen, C. 54
Kanevsky, A. 172
Katayama, Y. 172
Katz, S. 172
Kekkonen-Moneta, S. 158
Kessels, J.L.W. 55
Knuth, D.E. 154 155
Kruijer, H.S.M. 120
Kulkarni, S.S. 172
Kutten, S. 55 69 120 134 158 172
Lamport, L. 3 4 55 69 157
Legal behavior 9 22 37 45
Legal configuration 54
Legal execution 9 23 30 32 45 46
Levin, L. 134 186
Levitt, K.N. 157
Lin, C. 157
Linearize 86
Local computation 7 10 11 13 14 78
Local stabilization 159 168
Local stabilizer 172
Lock step 137
Loss of frame 57
Loss of message 8 47
Luck’s strategy 36 37 40 41 84 113 115 152
Lynch, N. 157
Malicious adversary 136
Malicious fault 168
Mansour, Y. 55 120 158
Masuzawa, T. 158 172
Maximal matching 32
Mayer, A. 186
Melliar-Smith, P.M. 157
Memory-adaptive 97
Merritt, M. 157
Message corruption 160
Message delivery, at least once 68
Message delivery, at most once 65
Message delivery, exactly once 65
Message passing 5—8 10 24 28 42 71 73 74 85 93 98 99 119 124 132 147
Miller, R.E. 55
Missing label concept 18 65 108
Moran, S. 54 55 119 120 172 186
Multari, N. 55 119
Mutual exclusion 1 3 4 9 16 17 20—22 24—27 54 55 67 72 73 76 90—92 119—121 172 173
Napping faults 143 144
Neighborhood resemblance 41 42 55
Network layer 49 51 57—60 74
Non-malicious fault 168 169
Ofek, Y. 186
Ostrovsky, R. 134 186
Outley, E. 69
Output register 178
Pachl, J. 120
Papatriantafilou, M. 158
Parallel composition 153
Parlati, G. 55
Passage predicate 159 161 163 171
Patt-Shamir, B. 55 120 134 158 172
Pease, M. 157
Pemmaraju, S.V. 172
Periodic sequence 184
Perry, K.J. 158 172
Physical layer 49
Pingpong execution 58
Potential function 31
Pradhan, D.K. 69
Probability of configuration 168
Process 5 21 125
Processor 5—7
Processor, speed 6
Processor, state 14
PROGRAM 5 13 17
Program counter 5 13 14 26 29 66 176 177
Program flaws 136
Program statements 7
Program, corrupted 66
Program, hardwired 66
Program, uncorrupted 66
Pseudo-self-stabilization 46 47 84
Pulse of global clock 8
Pumping technique 59 60 62
Pyramid 129 134 169 170
Pyramid, corruption 170
QUEUE 6 8 49 51 59 65 75 77 82 111 114 115 118
Queue controller 182 184 186
Queue machine 181 186
Queue, FIFO 5 6
RADIUS 126—128 134
Random function 11 36 37 39 54 114 122
Random-access memory 66
ranking 87 119 123
Read only memory 66
Read/write atomicity 21 24 25 72 73
Repair 123 164 167—169 171
Reset 102 123 124 128 130 148 150 151 169 171 179—181
Resynchronous stabilizer 121 122
Rosen, A. 172
Rosier, L.E. 186
round 9
Round, asynchronous 9
Safe configuration 9
Scantlebury, R. 55 119
Schedule, fair 41
Scheduler 11 16 20 24 27 37 38 41 71 152
Scheduler, fair 11
Scheduler-luck game 36 41 55 84 152
Schneider, M. 55 69
Scissors, paper, stone 145
Segall, A. 68 120
Self-stabilization composition 22
Self-stabilization in applications 69
Self-stabilization motivation 57
Self-stabilization paradigm 1
Self-stabilization property 1
Self-stabilization requirements 9 54
Self-stabilization, pseudo 45
Self-stabilization, randomized 11
Self-stabilizing algorithm 1 3
Self-stabilizing BFS 12
Self-stabilizing computing 173
Self-stabilizing definition 9
Self-stabilizing distributed algorithm 1
Self-stabilizing end-to-end 24
Self-stabilizing first algorithm 4
Self-stabilizing fixed output 28 31
Self-stabilizing for systems 4
Self-stabilizing paradigms 5
Self-stabilizing property 10
Self-stabilizing solution 2
Self-stabilizing synchronizer 31
Self-stabilizing system 1
Self-stabilizing, non-terminating 10
Self-stabilizing, randomized 42
Server algorithm 23 24 26 27 131 153
Shared memory 5—8 10 12 38 42 71 73 85 93 98 119
Shostak, R.E. 157
Silent self-stabilization 42 54 55 98 125
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