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Burris S., Sankappanavar H.P. — A Course in Universal Algebra |
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2-design 118
2/3-minority term 90
3-permutable 46
Abelian group 26
Absorption laws 6
Algebra(s) 26 218
Algebra(s), automorphism of an 47
Algebra(s), binary 117
Algebra(s), binary idempotent 117
Algebra(s), Boolean 28 129
Algebra(s), Brouwerian 28
Algebra(s), center of an 91
Algebra(s), congruence on an 38
Algebra(s), congruence-distributive 43
Algebra(s), congruence-modular 43
Algebra(s), congruence-permutable 43
Algebra(s), congruence-uniform 213
Algebra(s), cylindric 29
Algebra(s), demi-semi-primal 199
Algebra(s), direct power of 59
Algebra(s), direct product of 56 58
Algebra(s), directly indecomposable 58
Algebra(s), embedding of an 32
Algebra(s), endomorphism of an 47
Algebra(s), finite 26
Algebra(s), finitely generated 34
Algebra(s), finitely subdirectly irreducible 266
Algebra(s), functionally complete 199
Algebra(s), generating set of an 34
Algebra(s), hereditarily simple 196
Algebra(s), Heyting 28
Algebra(s), homomorphic image of an 47
Algebra(s), isomorphic 31
Algebra(s), isomorphism 31
Algebra(s), K-iree 73
Algebra(s), language of 26 217
Algebra(s), locally finite 76
Algebra(s), maximal congruence on an 65
Algebra(s), monadic 136
Algebra(s), mono-unary 26
Algebra(s), n-valued Post 29
Algebra(s), over a ring 28
Algebra(s), partial unary 120
Algebra(s), polynomially equivalent 93
Algebra(s), primal 169
Algebra(s), quasiprimal 196
Algebra(s), quotient 39
Algebra(s), semiprimal 199
Algebra(s), semisimple 207
Algebra(s), simple 65
Algebra(s), subdirectly irreducible 63
Algebra(s), term 71
Algebra(s), trivial 26
Algebra(s), type of 26
Algebra(s), unary 26
Algebraic closed set system 24
Algebraic closure operator 22
Algebraic lattice 19
All relation 18
Almost complete graph 233
Arens, R.F. 129 159 287 288
Arguesian identity 45
Arithmetical variety 88
Arity of a function symbol 26
Arity of an operation 25
Atom of a Boolean algebra 135
Atomic Boolean algebra 280
Atomic formula 218
Atomless 135
Automorphism 47
Axiom 243
Axiomatized by 82 243
Baker, K.A. 5 195 259 261 269 270 290
Balanced identity 107
Balbes, R. 9
Baldwin, J.T. 259
Basic Horn formula 235
Bergman, G.M. 162
Berman,J. 259
Binary algebra 117
Binary idempotent algebra 117
Binary idempotent variety 117
Binary operation 26
Binary relation 17 217
Binary relation, inverse of 18
Biregular ring 185
Birkhoff, G. 5 9 14 17 25 26 44 62 64 65 72—74 77 83 84 105 108 185 259 270
Block of a 2-design 118
Block of a partition 19
Boole, G. 5 28 129
Boolean algebra 28
Boolean algebra of subsets 131
Boolean algebra, atom of a 135
Boolean algebra, atomic 280
Boolean algebra, filter of a 142
Boolean algebra, ideal of a 142
Boolean algebra, maximal ideal of a 148
Boolean algebra, prime ideal of a 150
Boolean algebra, principal ultrafilter of a 151
Boolean algebra, ultrafilter of a 148
Boolean pair 280
Boolean power (bounded) 159
Boolean product 174
Boolean product representation 178
Boolean ring 136
Boolean space 152
Boone, W.W. 286
Bose, R.C. 115
Bound greatest lower 7
Bound least upper 6
Bound lower 7
Bound occurrence of a variable 220
Bound upper 6
Bounded lattice 28
Brouwerian algebra 28
Bruck, R.H. 115
Brzozowski, J. 127 289
Buchi, J.R. 19
Bulman-Fleming, S. 129 187 288
Burris, S. 208 211 215 283—285 287—289
Cancellation law 251
Cantor discontinuum 158
Cayley table 114
Center of an algebra 91
Central idempotent 142
Chain 6
Chain of structures 231
Church, A. 271
Clark, D.M. 212 288 289
Class operator 66
Closed interval 7
Closed set system 24
Closed set system, algebraic 24
Closed subset 21
Closed under unions of chains 24
Closed under unions of upward directed families 24
Closure operator 21
Closure operator, algebraic 22
Closure operator, n-ary 35
Cofinite subset 135
Cohn, RM. 23 30
Comer, S.D. 129 287 289
Commutative group 26
Commutator 283
Compact element of a lattice 19
Compactly generated lattice 19
Compactness Theorem 241
Compactness theorem for equational logic 109
| Compatibility property 38
Complement 30
Complement in a Boolean algebra 129
Complemented lattice 30
Complete graph 233
Complete lattice 17
Complete poset 17
Complete sublattice 17
Completely meet irreducible congruence 66
Completeness theorem for equational logic 105
Congruence(s) 38
Congruence(s), 3-permutable 46
Congruence(s), completely meet irreducible 66
Congruence(s), extension property 46
Congruence(s), factor 57
Congruence(s), fully invariant 99
Congruence(s), lattice 40
Congruence(s), permutable 43
Congruence(s), principal 41
Congruence(s), product 200
Congruence(s), restriction of a 52
Congruence-distributive 43
Congruence-modular 43
Congruence-permutable 43
Congruence-uniform 213
Conjunction of formulas 226
Conjunctive form 226
Constant operation 25
Contains a copy as a sublattice 11
Correspondence theorem 54
Coset 18
covers 7
Crawley, P. 9
Cylindric algebra 29
Cylindric ideal 152
Dauns, J. 129 185
Day, A. 90 207
Decidable 271
Dedekind — MacNeille completion 24
Dedekind, J.W.R. 5 14 38
Deduction, elementary 109
Deduction, formal 105
Deduction, length of 105
Deductive closures of identities 104
Definable principal congruences 254
Defined by 82 243
Defining relation 286
Degree 228
Deletion homomorphism 122
Demi-semi-primal algebra 199
Diagonal relation 18
Dilworth, R.R. 9
Direct power of algebras 59
Direct product of algebras 56 58
Direct product of structures 232
Directly indecomposable algebra 58
Directly representable variety 212
Discrete topological space 157
Discriminator, formula 289
Discriminator, function 186
Discriminator, term 186
Discriminator, variety 186
Disjointed union of topological spaces 156
Disjunction of formulas 226
Disjunctive form 226
Distributive lattice 12
Distributive laws 12
Dual lattice 9
Dwinger, P. 9
Eilenberg, S. 289
Elementary class of structures 243
Elementary deduction 109
Elementary embedding of a structure 228
Elementary relative to 229
Elementary substructure 227
Embedding of a lattice 11
Embedding of a structure 228 231
Embedding of an algebra 32
Embedding, semantic 272 279
Embedding, sub direct 63
Endomorphism 47
Epimorphism 47
Equalizer 161
Equational class 82
Equational logic 99
Equational logic, compactness theorem 109
Equational logic, completeness theorem 105
Equational theory 103
Equationally complete variety 107
Equivalence, class 18
Equivalence, relation 18
Erdos, P. 257
Ershov, Yu.L. 271 276 279 285
Euler, L. 111 115
Evans, T. 116 119 286
Existential quantifier 219
Extensive 21
F.s.a. 120
Factor congruence(s) 57
Factor congruence(s), pair of 57
Feferman, S. 289
Field of subsets 134
Filter of a Boolean algebra 142
Filter of a Heyting algebra 152
Filter of a lattice 175
Filter, generated by 147
Filter, maximal 175
Filter, proper 175
Filtered Boolean power 287
Final states of an f.s.a. 120
Finitary operation 25
Finitary relation 217
Finite algebra 26
Finite presentation 286
Finite state acceptor 120
Finite state acceptor, final states of a 120
Finite state acceptor, language accepted by a 120
Finite state acceptor, partial 120
Finite state acceptor, states of a 120
Finitely based identities 259
Finitely generated 23
Finitely generated algebra 34
Finitely generated variety 67
Finitely presented 286
Finitely subdirectly irreducible 266
First-order class of structures 243
First-order language 217
First-order relative to 229
First-order structure 217
Fleischer, I. 191
Formal deduction 105
Formula(s), atomic 218
Formula(s), basic Horn 235
Formula(s), conjunction of 226
Formula(s), discriminator 289
Formula(s), disjunction of 226
Formula(s), Horn 232 235
Formula(s), in conjunctive form 226
Formula(s), in disjunctive form 226
Formula(s), in prenex form 225
Formula(s), length of 224
Formula(s), logically equivalent 223
Formula(s), matrix of 225
Formula(s), of type 218
Formula(s), open 225
Formula(s), principal congruence 254
Formula(s), satisfaction of 221
Formula(s), spectrum of a 233
Formula(s), universal 245
Formula(s), universal Horn 245
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