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Schwartz N., Madden J.J. — Semi-algebraic Function Rings and Reflectors of Partially Ordered Rings |
Предметный указатель |
, preordered ring 21
, value of the ring element a at a point of the real spectrum 46
, totally ordered residue domain 46
, canonical homomorphism between totally ordered residue domains 46
, weak order of a weakly real ring 22
, weak preordering of a ring 24
, positive cone of the reflection 40
, real algebraic numbers 43
, Brumfiel spectrum of an f-ring 49
, support of a prime cone 46
, epireflective subcategory generated by a class of objects 85
, convex hull of in 46
, totally ordered residue field 46
, canonical homomorphism between totally ordered residue fields 46
, canonical homomorphism into 46
, von Neumann regular f-ring reflector 103
, convex hull of in 46
, complete ring of functions functor 55
, complete ring of functions over a preordered ring 55
, canonical homomorphism into 46
, real closure reflector 135
, real closed residue field 46
, canonical homomorphisms between real closed residue fields 46
, canonical homomorphism into 46
, semi-algebraic functions reflector 74
, semi-algebraic functions on 64
-extendible object 85
-injective object 85
, reduced f-ring reflector 61
(A,P), preordered ring 21
Absolute property of a reflective subcategory 125
Affine real scheme 179
Almost real closed field 197
Archimedean f-ring 192
Archimedean poring 192
Arity of a reflector 161
Bounded inversion property, preordered rings with 41
Brumfiel spectrum of an f-ring, 49
Closed under extremal subobjects 82
Closed under formation of products 82
Closed under strengthening of the partial order 108
Closure operation 35
co-wellpowered 21
Compatible function 141
Complete ring of functions functor, 55
Complete ring of functions over a preordered ring, 55
Concrete category 21
Construct 21
Constructible sections, ring of 63
Constructible subset of the real spectrum 45
Constructible topology of the real spectrum 45
Continuous piecewise polynomial functions 156
Continuous piecewise rational functions 155
Continuous semi-algebraic functions (abstract case) 135
Continuous semi-algebraic functions (geometric case) 122
Convex ideal 25
Differentiable semi-algebraic function 122
Discontinuity, types of 242
Elementary equivalence 44
Elimination of quantifiers 44
Embedding 28
Epicomplete object in a category 75
Epireflection 37
Epireflective subcategory 37
Epireflective subcategory generated by a class of objects, 85
Epireflector 37
Essential monoreflector 183
Euclidean f-ring 159
Euclidean field 196
Explicit operation 64
Extension 28
Extension of the base field 65
Extremal subobject 82
F(n), free object over n elements 24
F(S), free object over the set S 24
F-ring 31
Factor poring 25
Factor porings, existence in a reflective subcategory 107
Fan in a real spectrum 170
Fan in a space of orderings 170
Formally real field 43
Free functor 21
Free object 21
Function 55
Functional formula 64
Functorial extension operator 37
H-closed reflector 107
H-closed subcategory 107
Harrison topology 170
Hilbert's Problem 59
HRC-field 197
Idempotent functorial extension operator 37
Implicit operation 64
Injectivity class of 86
Intersection of subobjects 39
Inverse topology of a spectral space 219
Irreducible l-ideal 33
Keimel spectrum, SpeK(A,P) 218
L-homomorphism 31
L-ideal 32
| Language of porings 27
Lattice of epireflective subcategories 85
Lattice of monoreflective subcategories 88
Lattice of monoreflectors 88
Lattice-ordered ring 31
Monoreflection 37
Monoreflective subcategory 37
Monoreflector 37
n-ary operation on a reduced poring 65
n-ary operation on a ring of semi-algebraic functions 64
Nash function 122
Nash reflector 122
Nontrivial fan in a real spectrum 170
Nontrivial fan in a space of orderings 170
Partially ordered ring 22
Pierce — Birkhoff Conjecture 157
Pierce — Birkhoff ring 223
Podomain 48
Poring 22
Pos(a), set of positivity 45
Positive cone 21
Preordered ring, (A,P), 21
Preordering 21
Prime cone in a preordered ring 45
Proconstructible subset of the real spectrum 45
Pythagorean field 196
Quotient poring 31
Quotient-closed monoreflective subcategory 125
Real algebraic numbers, 43
Real closed field 43
Real closed fields as cogenerating class 51
Real closed local ring 179
Real closed residue field, 46
Real closed ring 135
Real closure 135
Real closure of a totally ordered field 43
Real closure reflector, 135
Real ideal 22
Real radical, 24
Real ring 22
Real spectrum of a preordered ring, 45
Real spetrum of a ring, 45
Reflection morphism 35
Reflective subcategory 35
Reflector 35
Relative property of a reflective subcategory 126
Rep(A,P), representable reflection 58
Representable poring 58
Ring of constructible sections 63
Ring of definable functions 63
Ring of Nash functions over a ring 122
Ring of semi-algebraic functions, 74
SAP-field 170
Semi algebraic function over a preordered ring 65
Semi-algebraic function (geometric case) 63
Semi-algebraic set 44
Semireal ideal 22
Semireal ring 22
Separating ideal 224
Sheaf of Nash functions 179
Space of orderings 170
Spectral space 45
Spectral topology of the real spectrum 45
SpeK(A,P), Keimel spectrum 218
Sper(A), real spectrum of a ring 45
Sper(A,P), real spectrum of a preordered ring 45
Sper(f), functorial map between real spectra 45
Strict real localization 180
Strictly real local ring 179
Strong amalgamation property of real closed fields 43
Stronger, relation between reflectors 81
Strongly archimedean porings 193
Strongly cocomplete 21
Strongly complete 21
Sub-preordered ring 28
Subobject 28
Subobject generated by a subset 39
Subporing 28
supp(P), support of a preordering 21
Support of a preordering P, supp(P) 21
Support of a prime cone, 46
Theory of porings 27
Theory of preordered rings 27
Theory of real closed fields 44
Theory of reduced porings 27
Theory of totally ordered fields 44
Total order 22
Totally ordered residue domain, 46
Totally ordered residue field, 46
Univalence of a formula 64
Universal property of a reflection morphism 35
Universal theory 27
Von Neumann regular f-ring 102
Von Neumann regular, f-ring reflector, 103
Weak bounded inversion, rings with 40
Weak order of a weakly real ring, 22
Weak preordering of a ring, 24
Weaker, relation between reflectors 81
Weakly real ideal 22
Weakly real radical, 23
Weakly real ring 22
Wellpowered 21
X-reflective subcategory 37
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