Авторизация |
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Fuch L. — Partially ordered algebraic systems |
Предметный указатель |
-group 39
-cut 173
-cut 173
-groupoid, -groupoid 153
-semilattice, -semilattice 3
-prime, -primary, -primal 195
-system 101
Absolute 44 74
Absolutely convex 210
Aczel, J. 182 186 188
Albert, A.A. 110 115 126 131
Algebraic structure 4
Algebraic system 4
Alimov, N.G. 161 162 163 167
Almost ordered group 10
Anomalous pair 162
Antisymmetry 1
Antitone 4
Archimedean 12 126 162 182
Archimedean classes 44 128 171
Archimedean complete 65
Archimedean equivalence 44 171
Archimedean extension 55
Artin, E. 117 119 120 121 192
atom 71
Autodistributive law 182
Baer, R. 33 46 94 117 129
Banaschewski, B. 60 99 127 129
Birkhoff, G. viii 1 3 11 13 14 16 23 29 49 66 67 68 71 74 78 79 80 82 87 91 109 115 128 141 143 144 145 148 149 150 155 157 189 208 209 212
Bisymmetric law 182
Bounded 2
Bourbaki, N. 118
Britton, J.L. 10
Brown, B. 111
Bruck, R.H. 14 48 49
Burgess, D.C.J. 1
Busulini, B. 76
Cantor extension 96
Cardinal product 22
Carrier 72
Cartan, H. 46
Cernikov, S.N. 54
Certaine, J. 189
Chain 2
Chehata, C.G. 19 39 46 161
Clifford, A.H. 10 13 19 43 60 82 89 95 155 156 163 165 173 176 178 180 181
Closed 30 90
Closure operation 93
Closure operator 195
Cofinal 30
Cohen, L.W. 33 96
Cohn, P.M. 10 21 47
Complete l.o. group 89
Complete l.o. groupoid 191
Completely integrally closed 12
Conditional lattice 93
Conditionally complete 89
Conic semiring 106
Conrad, P. viii 10 21 22 37 47 60 61 81 82 83 84 86 117 161 172 175
Convex 2
Convex subgroup 18
Croisot, R. viii 157 191 192 193 204 205 208
Cut 58 173 181
Cyclically ordered 62
Dedekind extension 95
Diagonal l.o. group 97
Dickson, L.E. 115
Dieudonne, J. 43 117
Dilworth, R.P. 189 204
Direct product 22
Directed 3
Directed group 10
Directed ring 105
Disjoint 70
Division-closed 107
Domain of integrity 110
Dual 1
Dual isomorphism 2
Dubreil, P. 72 139 155 156 193 194
Dubreil-Jacotin, M.-L. viii 72 157 191 192 193 208
Endpoint 1
Equationally definable 66
Equivalence of Artin 192
Erdoes, J. 60
Etherington, I.M.H. 182
Even product 117 123
Everett, C.J. 12 39 49 67 94 95 96 97 98
Extension of partial order 2
F-ring 143
f.o.=fully ordered 2
f.o.=fully ordered group 11
f.o.=fully ordered ring 105
f.o.=fully ordered semigroup 162
Fan, K. 47
Field 105
Filet 72
Finer ideal system 100
Formal power series 134
Formally real 117
Freudenthal, H. 87
Full order 2
Fully ordered set 2
Function ring 143
Fundamental sequence 96
g.l.b. 3
Generalized periodic 15
Gerbier 191
Goffman, C. 33 73 96 148
Graetzer, G. 110 210 212
Gravett, K.A.H. 60
Hahn, H. 25 55 59 60 137
Harvey, J. 60
Hausner, M. 57 60
Hilbert, D. 126 137
Hion, Ya.V. 46 126 130 156 170 171
Hoelder, O. 45 164 165
Holland, Ch. 60 133
Homogeneity law 9
Hosszu, M. 187
Huntington, E.V. 167
Immediate extension 55
Incomparable 1
Incomparably smaller 44
Induced order 1 18 20
Infinitely small 44
integral 12
Integral part 12
Integrally closed 193
Intersection 3
interval 1 2
Invariant carrier 74
Irredundant intersection 197
Iseki, K. 33 46
Isolated partial order 15
Isomorphism 2
Isotone 2 4
Iwasawa, K. 49 53 91
Jaeger, A. 140
Jaffard, P. 12 22 72 73 82 83 89 102
Jakubik, J. 24 88 89
Johnson, D.G. 111 132 133 146 147 149 150
Johnson, R.E. 117
Join 3
Jump 50
Kalman, J.A. 77
Kantorovitch, L.V. 74 78 90
Kerstan, J. 208
Klein-Barmen, F. 173
Klingenberg, W. 211
KontoroviC, P.G. 74
| Krasner, M. 54
Krishnan, V.S. 178 181 208
Krull, W. 20 95 117 146 195
KuroS, A.G. 28 54
Kutyev, K.M. 70 74
l-directed 3
L-group 11
L-ideal 78
l-negative 154
l-positive 154
L-product 142
L-radical 149
l.o.=lattice-ordered group 11 66
l.o.=lattice-ordered groupoid 153 191
l.o.=lattice-ordered ring 105 141
l.o.=lattice-ordered vector group 88
l.u.b. 3
Lattice 3
Left-residual 189
Lesieur, L. viii 157 191 192 204 205 208
Levi, F.W. 20 36 37 38 46
Lexicographic extension 20
Lexicographic extension, -product 25
Linear closure operator 195
Linear order 2
Lines Escardo, E. 67
Loonstra, F. 22 33 45 47
Lorenz, K. 80 88
Lorenzen, P. 36 39 41 42 68 88 95 99
Los, J. 36
Lower bound 2
Lower semi-continuous 176
m-direct product 23
MacNeille, H. 93
Magnus, W. 49
Mal'cev, A.I. 25 26 28 40 53 138 161
Mallol Balmana, R. 67
Matsushita, S. 10 50
Maximally valued 55
McCoy, N.H. 111
Mean groupoid 182
Meet 3
Meet-irreducible 201
Michiura, T. 47 67
Minimal prime 202
Molinaro, I. 194
Monotony domain 5
Monotony law 5
Moore — Smith property 3
Moufang, R. 138
Murata, K. 208
Nakada, O. 154 161
Natural valuation 55 129
Naturally ordered groupoid 154
Negative 12 105 154
Negative cone 157
Negative part 74
Negatively ordered groupoid 154
Neumann, B.H. viii 19 35 36 37 38 48 49 110 137 138 140 210 211
Nilpotent L-ideal 148
Non-degenerate operation 5
Normal completion 178
o-automorphism 21
o-complete 96
o-convergent 29
o-epimorphism 21
O-group 35
o-homomorphism 20
o-ideal 20
o-isomorphism 21
o-limit 29
O-ring 114
o-simple group 19
o-simple group ring 132
Ogasawara, T. 91
Ohnishi, M. 36 39
Open-interval topology 33
Operator 195
Operator group 12
Order topology 29
Order-convergence 29
Order-convergence-isomorphism etc. 2 21
Order-preserving 2
Ordinal sum 173
Ordinally irreducible 173
Ore, O. 110
Orthogonal 70 81
p.o.=partially ordered 1
p.o.=partially ordered algebraic system 5
p.o.=partially ordered group 9
p.o.=partially ordered groupoid 153
p.o.=partially ordered ring 105
p.o.=partially ordered semigroup 153
Partial order 1
Partially ordered set 1
Pickert, G. 46 117 126 127
Pierce, R.S. 73 79 109 115 141 143 144 145 147 148 149 150
Podderyugin, V.D. 40 51 114 117
Positive 12 105 154
Positive cone 12 105 157
Positive part 74
Positively ordered groupoid 154
Preorder 1 10
Primal 196
Primary 196
Prime 195
Prime L-ideal 146
Principal automorphism 52
Principal l-ideal 78
Pruefer, H. 99
Quasiorder 1
r-ideal 100
r-ideal system 100
r-negative 154
r-positive 154
Radical 202
Real closed 119
Real group 53
Redei, L. viii 111
Reduced intersection 197
Refiexivity 1
Regular l.o. group 88
Residuated p.o. groupoid 189
Ribenboim, P. 55 60 73
Rieger, L.S. 19 22 46 51 62 64
Riesz, F. 68 74 78 90 91
Right -primal 196
Right-residual 189
Right-residuated groupoid 189
Ring 105
Ring of quotients 109
s-system 100
Sade, A. 182
Schilling, O.F.G. 46
Schmidt, E.T. 110
Schreier, O. 117 119 120 121
Secondary radical 204
Semi-prime 202
Semi-simple ring 115
Semigroup of quotients 160
Serre, J.-P. 117 118
Shepperd, J.A.H. 10 37 65
Short decomposition 198
Sik, F. 35 80 88 89
Simbireva, E.P. 20 22 23 37 39 42 43 48
Simple order 2
Skeleton 55
Steinfeld, O. 208
Stelleckii, I.V. 208
Stone, M.H. 66
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