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van der Dries L. — Tame topology and O-minimal structures120
Gray R.M. — Probability, Random Processes and Ergodic Properties187, 192
Meirovitch L. — Methods of analytical dynamics414
Alexandroff P. — Elementary Concepts of Topology37
Allgower E.L., Georg K. — Introduction to numerical continuation methodscf. (12.1.5)
Miller E., Sturmfels B. — Combinatorial Commutative Algebra112
Lee J.M. — Introduction to Topological Manifolds110
Mill J.V. — The Infinite-Dimensional Topology of Function Spaces125, 126, 128, 129, 138, 139
Eilenberg S., Steenrod N. — Foundations of Algebraic Topology61
Hatcher A. — Algebraic Topology119
Winkler G. — Choquet Order and Simplices13
Rockafellar R.T. — Convex analysis12
Alfsen E.M. — Compact Convex Sets and Boundary Integrals11
Vick J.W. — Homology theory. An introduction to algebraic topology211
Wilansky A. — Modern Methods in Topological Vector Spaces266
Singer I.M., Thorpe J.A. — Lecture Notes on Elementary Topology and Geometry76
Berger M., Pansu P., Berry J.-P. — Problems in Geometry3.A
Bratteli O., Robinson D.W. — Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics (vol. 1)318—350, 359—390, 424, 426,431,433,440,450,458
Gallier J. — Geometric Methods and Applications: For Computer Science and Engineering3, 7, 16, 72, 77
Dieudonne J.A. — Treatise on Analysis, Vol. 213.10, prob. 2
Sugiyama K. — Graph Drawing and Applications for Software and Knowledge Engineers70
Beckenbach E.F. (editor), Polya G., Lehmer D.H. and others — Applied combinatorial mathematics428
Burnell J., Berry R. — Handbook of Astronomical Image Processing216
Berger M., Cole M. (translator) — Geometry I (Universitext)3.4.1, 3.4.5, 9.7.6,,
Rushing T.B. — Topological Embeddingssee “Simplex”
Granas A., Dugundji J. — Fixed Point Theory200
Grünbaum B. — Convex Polytopes315a
Farin G., Hansford D. — Practical Linear Algebra: A Geometry Toolbox301
Bratteli O., Robinson D.W. — Operator Algebras and Quantum Statistical Mechanics (vol. 2)318—350, 359—390, 424, 426, 433, 440, 450, 458, 117, 119, 135, 306
Greenberg M.J., Harper J.R. — Algebraic Topology42
Whitehead G.W. — Elements of Homotopy Theory10
Anderson G.A., Granas A. — Fixed Point Theory200
Moise E.E. — Geometric topology in dimensions 2 and 345
Cairns S.S. — Introductory topology73, 83
Bourgin R.D. — Geometric Aspects of Convex Sets with the Radon-Nikodym Property178, 182, 183, 204, 205, 216, 218, 225, 239, 306
Glaser L.C. — Geometrical Combinatorial Topology. Volume I4
Audin M. — Geometry26
Audin M. — Geometry26
Glaser L.C. — Geometrical Combinatorial Topology. Volume I4
Beckenbach E.F. (ed.) — Applied Combinatorial Mathematics428
Meyer R.X. — Elements of Space Technology6, 63
Zeidler E. — Applied Functional Analysis: Applications to Mathematical Physics47
Pier J.-P. — Mathematical Analysis during the 20th Century108
Gullberg J. — Mathematics: from the birth of numbers838
Natterer F., Wubbeling F. — Mathematical methods in image reconstruction139
Greenberg M.J., Harper J.R. — Algebraic topology: a first course42
Odifreddi P., Sangalli A., Dyson F. — The Mathematical Century: The 30 Greatest Problems of the Last 100 Years130
Klein E. — Mathematical methods in theoretical economics130
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