Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Anderson G.A., Granas A. — Fixed Point Theory |
Предметный указатель |
-spanning set 490
-simple covering 554
-simple set 554
-cohomology system 509 515
-isolating nbd 272
-isolating nbd, system 273
iri , L.B. 20
-map 368
-structure 368
- Cauchy sequence 594
-finitely homotopic fields 563
-cohomology 560
-compact field 560
-compact homotopy 560
-compactly homotopic fields 560
-finite field 502
-equivalent fixed points 487
-category 492
-dominated set 360
-equivalent objects 492
-equivalent sets 360
-function 406
-functor 492
-invertible morphism 492
-subcategorv 492
-deformation 407
-set contraction 336
-essential map 136
-homotopic maps 136
- Carath odory function 115 183
- Carath odory solution 183 184
-special ANR 297
-acyclic functor-chain 404
-boundary 612
-chain 612
-cycle 215 612
-dimensional vector space 600
-locally connected space 301 436
-simplex 214
-skeleton 475
-saturated set 293
-critical level 407
-skeleton 250
-type number 407
-domination 280
-homotopy 367
-map 367
-skeleton 198
-map 550
-Space 137
-admissible homotopy 553
-admissible map 553
-equivariant degree 557
-invariant set 553
-slice 318 339
-close maps 134 282 467
-contractive family 33
-contractive family, map 12
-contractive family, set-valued ma 28
-dominated space 134 468
-field 494
-fixed point 134 467
-homotopic -fields 494
-homotopic -fields, maps 282 467
ech cohomology 495
ech homology 411
ech, E. 222
stiinel, A. 586
-based -map 129
-orbit 22
-slice 351
-map 176
-familv 177
-map 142
-map 142
-map 166
-map 566
(compact)-map 180
-invariant set 44
-map 567
(compact metric)-map 465
(compact)-map 486
(eompact metric) space 540
-homotopy 488
-map 488
-invariant set 172
-map 176
-approximation 309
-chainable space 19
-coincidence point 537
-displacement 102
-fixed point 119
-map 102 129 540
-map, in the narrow sense 129
-net 595
-normal map 556
a priori bounds 346
Abbondandolo, A. 523 573 575 584
Abelian group 608
Absolute neighborhood retract 279 304
Absolute retract 8 162 194 280 304
Absorbing set 426 601
Abstract complex 203 477
Acyclic decomposition 548
Acyclic decomposition, map 545
Acyclic decomposition, model theorem 404
Acyclic decomposition, set 35
Acyclic decomposition, set-valued map 542
Acyclic decomposition, space 421 531
Adams, F. 246
Additivity 270 308 335 357 361 363 414 463 521
Adjoint functor 402
Admissible class 80 361 463
Admissible class, endomorphism 416
Admissible class, homotopy 5 291 552
Admissible class, Lefschetz space 572
Admissible class, map 552
Admissible class, space 141 470
Admissibly homotopic maps 120 291
Affine map 250
Affinely independent points 85
Alexander Kolmogoroff cohomology 412
Alexander Pontrjagin duality 509
Alexander Pontrjagin duality, invariance 513
Alexander Spanier cohomology 412
Alexander, J.C. 335
Alexander, J.W. 107 109 221 222
Alexandroff theorem 204
Alexandroff, P. 101 105 107 193 221 222 246 256 333 458 461 530
Alexiewicz, A. 84
Algebraic multiplicity 327 606
Allgower, E. 108
Allowable extension 271
Allowable extension, map 339 367
Allowable extension, pair 485
Allowable extension, set 553
Almost periodic 48
Alon, N. 192
Alspach, D. 78
Altman 35 124 135 138 141
Amann, H. 18 35 275
Ambrosetti, A. 84
Amenable group 50
ANR 279 304
ANR, for normal spaces 357
ANR, of type ( ) 578
Anselone, P. 185
Antipodal map 87
Antipodal map, points 87
Antipodal map, theorem 14 93 99 104 106 135 191 269 321 352 358 525
| Antipodal map, theorem for coincidences 136
Antipode-collapsing map 236
Antipode-preserving ma 93 236
Approximate (compact)-map 186
Approximate (compact)-map, (compact metric)-map 466
Approximate (compact)-map, (compact)-map 487
Approximate (compact)-map, extensor space 186
Approximate (compact)-map, neighborhood extensor space 472
Approximating family 468
Approximating family, sequence 100 185 500 563
Approximating family, system 501 563
Approximation theorem 135 354
ar 8 162 194 280 304
Arason, J.K. 105
Arbitrarily small tails 32
Arens - Eells theorem 597
Arens theorem 194
Arino, O. 137
Arnold, V.I. 579
Aronsajn- Borsuk theorem 284
Aronszajn, N. 161 193 300 304
Arzel - Ascoli theorem 607
Asakawa, H. 48
Asplund, E. 196
Associated Galerkin equation 158
Associated Galerkin equation, map and field 127 242
Asymptotic derivative 132
Asymptotically compact map 427
Asymptotically linear map 132
Asymptotically regular map 570
Atiyah 581 582
Attaching to by 294
Attracting set 426
Attractive fixed point 455
Attractor 22 77 426
Aubin, J.P. 196
Augmented functor-chain 404
B r ny, I. 192
Baclawski, K. 35
Bacon, P. 248
Bailey, D.F. 20
Baillon, J. - B. 81
Baire theorem 595
Baker's transformation 78
Balanced set 601
Balanov, Z. 573
Banach - Mazur limit 50
Banach Alaoglu theorem 605
Banach Contraction Principle 10
Banach contraction principle, space 603
Banach contraction principle, theorem 603
Banach contraction principle, theorem, parametrized version 18
Banach, S. 23 70 83 84 192
Banach- Steinhaus theorem 604
Barycenter 200
Barycentric coordinate 86
Barycentric coordinate system 477
Barycentric refinement 597
Barycentric subdivision 200
Base of neighborhoods 591
Base of topology 590
Basic class 425
Basic class, -cycle 208
Basic class, map 425
Basic class, triangulation 87
Basis of of free group 610
Basis of vector space 600
Beals, R. 77
Beauzamy, B. 193
Begle, E.G. 547
Ben - El - Mechaiekh, H. 176 177
Benci, V. 460
Berge, C. 48
Berger 84 275
Berline, N. 582
Bernstein theorem 158
Bernstein, S. 82 192 365
Bers, L. 272
Berstein, I. 245 439
Bessaga, C. 24 82 83 108 194
Bethuel, F. 585
Betti number 222 373 376 405 565
Betti. E. 221
Bicontinuous map 591
Bielawski, R. 550
Bielecki, A. 2
Bifurcation index 340
Bifurcation point 273 338 339
Bijective map 589
Bing, R.H. 111
Birkhoff - Kellogg theorem 126 139 194
Birkhoff, G.D. 82 107 109 137 139 578
Bishop, E. 35 36
Bishop- Phelps theorem 27 32 35 36
Bj rner, A. 35
Blackwell, D. 22
BMO 583
Bogoliouboff, N. 48
Bohl, E. 35 95 106 242
Bohnenblust, H.F. 195 196
Bonsall, F.F. 21
Border, K. 196
Borisovich, Yu.G. 337 366 368 548
Borsuk - Dugundji theorem 569
Borsuk - Ulam theorem 93 106
Borsuk - Ulam theorem, generalized 243 358 546
Borsuk extension theorem 287
Borsuk fibration theorem 296
Borsuk fixed point theorem 94 119
Borsuk homology embedding theorem 567
Borsuk metric 103
Borsuk presentation 566
Borsuk theorem, see antipodal theorem Borsuk theorem, generalized 545
Borsuk trace lemma 568
Borsuk, K. 95 100 102 104 105 107-109 111 119 132 138 140 191 194 237 246 295 296 300-302 304 489 524 525 576
Bothe embedding theorem 301 437
Bothe, H.G. 437
Bott, R. 362 461 581 582
Boundary map 612
Boundary of set 590
Boundary of simplex 86
Boundary operator 205 373
Boundary point 590
Boundary value problem 115 345 346
Bounded map 112
Bounded mean oscillation 582
Bounded set 594 601
Bounding cycle 215 219
Bourbaki, N. 84
Bourgin, D.G. 245 247 366 439 462
Bowszyc theorem 230 432 451
Bowszyc, C. 103 245 360 436-437 439 458-460 486 576
Br zis H. 35 82 84 583 584 586
Br ndsted, A. 33 35 36
Brahana, T.R. 550
Bredon, G. 109 440
Brodskii, M.S. 77 81
Brouwer degree 234 246 363
Brouwer theorem 95 106 108 137 138 140 186
Brouwer theorem, generalized 545
Brouwer, L.E.J. 106 140 221 222 246 275 276
Browder - Caccioppoli theorem 361
Browder - G hde - Kirk theorem 52 67
Browder map 176
Browder, F.R. 19 24 35 48 76 79 81 82 84 176 191 333 361 366 367 425 430 439 459 462
Brown, A.L. 192
Brown, R.F. 111 245 333 364 458 488 578
Bruhat - Tits theorem 50 80
Bruhatn F. 50 81
Bundle 614
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