Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Anderson G.A., Granas A. — Fixed Point Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Excisive family 450
Excisive pair 384
Existence axiom 270 308 361
Expanding map 18 32
Expanding set-valued ma 32
Exponent of characteristic value 606
Extendable ma 7 92
Extension object 529
Extension of ma 589
Extension of orientation 514
Extensor space 185 303
Extreme point 603
F esz 607
F-concave family 42
F. Hahn theorem 173
F. Riesz theorem 606
F.C. Liu minimax inequality 145
Face 86 373
Factorization 6
Fadell, E. 111 245 247 440
Fan Browder theorem 143
Fan coincidence theorem 143
Fan family 177
Fan intersection theorem 150
Fan Iokhvidov theorem 189
Fan ma 142
Fan matching theorem 177
Fan minimax inequality 145
Fan Theorem 146
Fan, K. 47 48 49 104 139 141 177 189 193 195 196 244
Fenske, C.C. 275 460 576
Fet, A.I. 248
Fiber 37 580 598
Fiber product 534
Fiber space 586
Fibration 296
Field associated with map 11
Fiihrer, L. 275
Finite covering 593
Finite intersection property 39 593
Finite type pair 406
Finite type vector space 418
Finite-codimensional cohomology 491 505
Finite-dimensional map 112
Finite-dimensional set-valued map 166
Finitely closed set 39
Five-lemma (-lemma) 610
Fixed point 1
Fixed point class 487 577
Fixed point fiat 600
Fixed point for family 44 171
Fixed point for semiflow 234 457
Fixed point free homotopy 120
Fixed point index 305 308 317
Fixed point of set-valued map 37 598
Fixed point property 108
Fixed point space 2 102 108
Floer, A. 580
Florenzano 196
Flores, A. 192
Floyd, E.E. 246 247 582
Fonseca. I. 586
Forced oscillation 580
Forgetful functor 403 618
Fort, M.K. 329 550
Fournier, G. 137 430 439 459 460 489 573
Frankl, FM 222
Franks, J. 440 461 578 579
Fredholm alternative 130 135
Fredholm index 605
Fredholm map 367 605
Free Abelian group 610 611
Free group functor 403
Free presentation 611
Freudenthal, H. 222 277
Frigon 24 34 36 81 184 196
Froloff, S. 524
Frum - Ketkov and Nussbaum theorem 100
Frum - Ketkov, R.L. 100
Fuchssteiner, B. 35
Fukaya, K. 581
Full subcategory 493
Fuller, F.B. 245 433
Functor-chain 403
Fundamental theorem of algebra 243
Furi 138
G rniewicz, L. 547 550
G hde, D. 76 77 81 194 439
G ba, K. 138 139 272 274 275 337 368 523 526 528 573 575
G-hereditary property 484
Gale - Debreu theorem, generalized 180
Gale, D. 191
Game theory 192
Gangbo, W. 586
Gauss, G.F. 221
Gauthier, G. 186 304 487 489 576
Gautier, S. 137
Gel'man, B.D. 523
General homotopy invariance 363
General homotopy invariance theorem 318
Generalized degree 527
Generalized homotopy invariance theorem 351
Generalized image 438
Generalized kernel 327
Generalized Lefschetz number 418 421 537
Generalized limit 47 50
Generated by metric, topology 594
Generic map 252 552
Genus 247 248
Geometric KKM-principle 40 48
Geometric KKM-theory 48
Georg, K. 108
Geraghty, M.A. 248
Getzler. E. 246 248 582 586
Gilbarg, D. 82 365
Girolo, J. 138
Glicksberg, I.L. 195
Goebel, K. 81 108
Graded abelian group 612
Graded cohomology group 613
Graded homology group 613
Graded singular homology grou 374
Granas, A., passim Greco, L. 585
Graph of set-valued ma 37 598
Grassmannian 558
Greenleaf, F.P. 50
Griffel, D.H. 82 365
Groger, K. 187
Group of -boundarios 206
Group of -cycles 206 375
Group of -dimensional chains 205
Group of bounding -cycles 376
Group of coefficients 386 410 528
Group of singular -boundaries 373
Group of singular -cvcles 373
Guennoun, Z. 81
Guenther, R.B. 136 138 181 182 184 192 193
Gwinner, J. 191
H jek, O. 245
H lder continuous function 607
H lder norm 345
H lder space 345 607
Haar measure 50
Had i , O. 141
Hadamard, J. 83 106 246 277
Hahn - Banach principle 602
Hahn - Banach theorem 73 84 602
Hahn, F. 196
Hahn, S. 141
| Haj asz, P. 585
Hale, J. 134 364 438
Halkin, H. 193
Halpern, B. 245 440
Hamiltonian map 579
Hammerstein operator 114
Hanner 0 300 302 304 484
Hanner - Dugundji domination theorem 301
Hanner theorem 286 484
Hansel, G. 196
Hansen 108
Hardy - Littlewood - P lya theorem 49
Hartman Stampacchia theorem 49 67 75
Hartman theorem 80
Hartman, P. 79 80 84 182
Hausdorff metric 28
Hausdorff space 591
Hausdorff theorem 595
Heegard, P. 222
Heinz, E. 274
Hemicontinuous map 67 78
hessian 460
Hewitt, E. 50
Hibert cube 4 7 109
Hibert space 606
Hilton, P. 412
Himmelbcrg, C.J. 190 195
Himmelberg theorem 190
Hirsch 107 221
Hirsch, G. 237 246 248
Hirzebruch, F. 458
Hofer, H. 579 580
Holm, P. 247
Holszty ski, W. 102 108 109 193
Homeomorphic spaces 591
Homeomorphism 591
Homological degree 400
Homologically trivial ma 421
Homologous chains 219
Homologous cycles 206 373
Homology class 206 373
Homology functor 613
Homology group 206 215 376 403 613
Homology of finite type 565
Homology sequence of pair 216 376
Homology sequence of triple 217 377
Homology theory 386
Homomorphism 609 612
Homotopic fields 128
Homotopic in . maps 552
Homotopic in ., maps 553
Homotopic in ., maps 556
Homotopic maps 92 367
Homotopically nontrivial map 299
Homotopy 5 92
Homotopy axiom 270 308 335 358 361 410 463 491 495 521
Homotopy class 92
Homotopy equivalent objects 492
Homotopy equivalent pairs 387
Homotopy extension lemma 554
Homotopy extension property for compact maps 300
Homotopy in -category 492
Homotopy in VMO 583
Homotopy invariance 405
Homotopy invariant functor 492
Homotopy invertible morphism 492
Hopf - Lefschetz theorem 35
Hopf Hurewicz map 528
Hopf index theorem 458
Hopf Rothe theorem 358
Hopf theorem 241
Hopf, H. 193 222 245 246 248 256 276 333 458 461
Horstmann, W.G. 550
Horvath, C.D. 35 191 300 301 194 304
Hukuhara 135 337 366
Hurewicz - Dugundji - Dowker theorem 412
Hurewicz, W. 44 49 100 107 412 439 462
Hurwitz, A. 246
Husseini, S.Y. 109 247
Hutchinson, J.E. 22
Hyperbolic isomorphism 22
Identification 293
Identification ma 293
Identification topology 292
Identity ma 589
IF-system 22
Image of homomorphism 609
Image of map 589
Image of operator 600
Image of set-valued map 37 598
Image, generalized 438
Implicit function theorem 13 79
inclusion 589
Indecomposable element 391
Index for -maps of compact ANRs 550
Index for -acyclic maps of ENRs 550
Index of critical point 460
Index of fixed point class 577
Index of Fred holm map 367
Index pair 575
Induced homomorphism 209 372 504 545
Inductive topology 592
Inessential field 128 358 522
Inessentialfixed point class 577
Inessentialmap 5 103 121
Infinite polyhedron 475
Injective map 589
Inner product 606
Integrably bounded function 183
Interior 590
Intersection of set-valued maps 598
Intersection property 65 78
Intersection theorem 132 176
Invariance of dimension 99 275
Invariance of domain 11 82 135 140 275 547
Invariance of domain, generalized 360
Invariant direction 125 322
Invariant dmean 47 50
Invariant dmeasure 48
Invariant dset 426
Invariant dsubspace 160
Invariant dsubspace problem 193
Inverse acyclic map 531
Inverse function theorem 59
Inverse limit group 615
Inverse of morphism 370 617
Inverse of set-valued map 37 598
Inverse system of groups 615
Involution 553
Inward directed vector 460
Inward in the sense of Fan, map 170
Inward map 149
Ioffe, A. 36
Iokhvidov, I.S. 189 191
Isnard, C. 368
Isometric embedding 594
Isometric spaces 594
Isometry 594
Isomorphic groups 609
Isomorphism 601 609
Isomorphism in category 370 617
Isotone map 25
Iterate 10
Iterated function system 22
Iwaniec 584 585
Ize, J. 274 364 573
Izydorek 575
Jachymski, J. 22
James, R.C. 36 587
Jankowski, A. 132 139 549
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