Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
van der Dries L. — Tame topology and O-minimal structures |
Предметный указатель |
-cell 116
-cell decomposition 116
-map 116
-cell 114
-cell decomposition 115
-map 111 114
Additive complexity 151 152
Affine coordinates 120
Affine definable space 157
Affine function 26
Affine independent 119
Affine map 126
Affine span 119
Affine subspace 119
Artin, E. 8 21
Aschenbrenner, M. vii
Asymptotic direction 118
atom 12
Attaching 165
Barycenter 120
Barycentric coordinates 120
Barycentric subdivision 123 129
Basic function 21
Basic relation 21
Basic semilinear set 26
Benedetti, R. vii 7 8 41 141 150—152 154
Bierstone, E. 8
Bochnak, J. 8 41 106
Boolean algebra 2 12
Borel set 1 16
Boundary x 18
Bounded 95
Bourbaki, N. 106
box 17
Brown, A. 8 41 118
Brumfiel, G. 8 106 118 155 168
Cantor set 1
Cantor space 1
Cantor's paradise 1
Caratheodory, C. 126
cell 3 50 51
Cell decomposition theorem 4 49—57
Chart 156
Chevalley's constructibility theorem 13 34 76
Closed complex 121
Closed multivalued function 128
Closure x 2 15 17
Codomain ix
Compatible ix 127
Completable 102 159
Completion 163
Cone 149
Conjunction 11
Constant 21
Constant symbol 22
Constructible set 13 76
Continuity of roots 32
Convex 17 120
Convex hull 120
Conway's field of surreal numbers 8
Curve selection 93 94 97
Decomposition 51 52
Decomposition above 38
Decreasing 16
Definable additive map 28
Definable atlas 156
Definable choice 94
Definable collection 5
Definable connected component 57
Definable connected set 19 51
Definable contractible 134
Definable contraction 134 135
Definable curve 102 159
Definable equivalence relation 94 97
Definable equivalent sets 7 132
Definable family 5 59
Definable function 3 19 156
Definable homeomorphic sets 133
Definable homeomorphism type 133
Definable homotopy 134
Definable identifying map 104
Definable map 3 18 22 158
Definable partition of unity 102
Definable path 100
Definable point 22
Definable proper map 104
Definable proper over 166
Definable proper quotient 162
Definable quotient 161—168
Definable retraction 135
Definable set 3 18 22 43 156
Definable set of representatives 94 106
Definable Skolem functions 94 106
Definable space 155—161 168
Definable strong deformation retraction 135
Definable subspace 158
Definable trivialization 142 147
Definable using constants 22
Definable using parameters 22
Definably trivial map 7 142
Definably trivial over 142 147
Delfs, H. 7 8 106 138 154 168
Delzell, C. 41 106
Denef, J. 8 77
Dense 17
Dependency index 83
Dependent 82 84
Derivative 12 107 108
Descriptive set theory 16
Dieudonne, J. 138
Differentiable 107 108
Disjoint sum 164
Disjunction 11
Division ring 20 28
Domain ix
Dudley, R. 84 91
Efroymson, G. 8 41 173
Embedded definable homeomorphism type 149
Embedded homeomorphism type 149
Equivalence of definable atlases 156
Esquisse d'un Programme vii 8 9
Euler characteristic 5 69—76
Existential quantification 11
expansion 23
Extreme point 120
Face 120 128
Family ix 5
Fewnomial 150
Fiber 59
Fiber wise properties 98
Finiteness lemma 46—49
Finkler, J. vii
Fixed point theorem 97
Flag 123
Formula 11
Fourier — Motzkin elimination 29
Frontier x 66
Fuchs, L. 27 29
Full multivalued function 128
Function ix
Function symbol 22
Gabrielov, A. 8
Generic triviality 148
Giesecke, B. 138
Gluing 156 168
Good direction 6 117 131 142
Graph ix
| Grothendieck, A. vii 8 9
Hardt, R. 141 154
Hausdorff space x 95 106 159
Henson, C.W. vii
Hironaka, H. 8 138
Holly, J. vii
Implicit function theorem 113
Increasing 16
Independent 82 84
Interior x 2 17
Interpretation 22
interval 2 17
Interval topology 17
Inverse function theorem 112
Iovino, J. vii
Jacobian matrix 108
Kechris, A. 16
Keisler, H. 8 29
Khovanskii, A. 9 77 141 168
Knebusch, M. 7 8 106 138 139 154 168
Knight, J. 61
Koopman, B. 8 41 118
Kreisel, G. vii
l'Hopital's rule 114
L-structure 22
Language 22 23
Laskowski, C. 85 91
Lewenberg, A. vii
Lifting of a triangulation 129
LIMIT x 15 46
Line 119
Local dimension 69
Locally bounded 97
Locally closed 51
Lojasiewicz property 37
Lojasiewicz, S. 8 31 33 34 41 138
Macintyre, A. vii 9 91
MacPherson, R. 8
MAP ix
Marker, D. vii p
Matyasevich’s theorem 16
Miller, C. vii 8 9 41
Milman, P. 8 173
Model completeness 13
Model-theoretic structure 21
Monotone 16
Monotonicity theorem 3 43—46
Morphism of definable spaces 157
Multivalued function 128
Negation 11
Nesin, A. vii
No ether normalization 6 39 138
o-minimal structure 2 6 16 17 23
Open cell 50
Ordered division ring 27 28
Ordered F-linear space 25
Ordered field 21
Ordered field of real numbers 37
Ordered group 19
Ordered ring 20
Partition ix 51 52
Peterzil, Y. 3 106
Pfaffian functions 9
Pillay, A. vii 8 29 61 77 91 168
Plane 119
Poincare, H. 1
Polyhedron 121 170
Polynomially bounded 41
primitive 21
Projective space 157
Proper map 106
Pukhlikov, A. 77
Quantifier elimination 13 29
Ramsey's theorem 86
Real closed field 7 21 76
Real closure 8
refinement ix
Regular space 158
Relation symbol 22
Restriction ix 15
Ring viii 15
Risler, J.-J. vii 7 8 41 141 150—152 154
Robson, R. 155 159 168
Roy, M.-F. 8 41 106
Schanuel, S. vii 77
Schreier, O. 8 21
Scowcroft, P. 106
Semialgebraic cell decomposition 33 35
Semialgebraic map 40
Semialgebraic set 1 2 24 31—41
Semianalytic set 8
Semilinear map 119
Semilinear set 1 2 25 26
Sheaf 15 156
Shelah, S. 79 85 91
Shiota, M. 9 154
Sign condition 32
Simple function 24
Simple set 24
simplex 119
Sontag, E. 29 91
Speissegger, P. vii 106
Star 135
Starchenko, S. 8 29
Steinhorn, C. vii 8 29 61 91 106
Stengle, G. 91
Stratification 68
Strebonski, A. 77
Strictly decreasing 16
Strictly increasing 16
Strictly monotone 16
Structure 13
Subanalytic set 2 8
Subcomplex 121
Sussmann, H. 8 118 138
Swierczkowski, S. vii
Tame topology 8 9
Tarski — Seidenberg theorem 2 31 37 41
Tarski, A. 8 21
Taylor's formula 114
Teissier, B. 9
Thom's lemma 31
Thom's lemma with parameters 38
Tietze extension lemma 7 138
Triangulation 127
Triangulation set 127
Triangulation theorem 7 122 130
Trivial map 141
Trivialization theorem 7 147
Underlying set 21
Uniform continuity 97
Uniform finiteness property 53
Universal quantification 12
Van den Dries, L. vii 8 9 61 106
Vapnik — Chervonenkis class 6 81
Vapnik — Chervonenkis index 81
Vapnik — Chervonenkis property vii 79—91
Vapnik, V. 91
VC-class 6 81
Vertex map 122
Vertices 120
Viro, O. 77
Whitney, H. 41
Wilkie's Theorem vii 3 7 8 9 37 141 154
Wilkie, A. vii 2 9 91 150
Woerheide, A. vii 138
Yukich, J. 91
Zil'ber Principle 29
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