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Wilansky A. — Modern Methods in Topological Vector Spaces
Wilansky A. — Modern Methods in Topological Vector Spaces

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Название: Modern Methods in Topological Vector Spaces

Автор: Wilansky A.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1978

Количество страниц: 278

Добавлена в каталог: 16.12.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$B_r$ complete      193 204 207 216 see 11
$C^{\infty}$      57
$C_0$      2 see
$c_0$, compact sets      29 106
$c_0$, Hamel basis      9
$c_0$, inclusion and maps      132 147 166
$c_0$, not dual      32 167 238
$c_0$, quotient and subsets      25 29 81 118 230
$c_0$, vs c      29 66
$C_A$      69 199 see
$G_{\delta}$      14 118
$lim_A$      36
$l^2$      36 81
$l^p$      2 22 see
$l^p$, $\omega$      251
$l^p$, basis      144
$l^p$, dual      24
$l^p$, inclusion      132 253
$l^p$, l      22
$l^p$, maps      246
$l^p$, Mazur      144
$l^p$, not reflexive      31 230
$l^p$, not separable      25 144 204
$l^p$, quasicomplement      239
$l^p$, quotient      257
$l^p$, representation      147
$l^p$, subsets      144 145 167 258
$l^{1,2}$      2 see 32
$l^{1,2}$ in l      59
$l^{1,2}$, $T_0$      140
$l^{1,2}$, barrelled      253
$l^{1,2}$, basis, dual      25
$l^{1,2}$, subsets      26 50 86
$m_0$      24 251 see
$P_n$, $P_s$      27 29
$S_{\sigma}$      221 223 see 14
$T^0$      179 183
$T^b$      117 153 see
$T_1$, $T_2$,etc      10
$T_a$      183
$T_c$      93 97 102 see 2}$"/>
$T_K$      123 133 179 190 see
$T_k$, $\beta$, $\tau$      155
$T_k$, compatible      134 179
$T_k$, complete      126
$T_k$, H-T      126
$T_{c_0}$      124 179 190
$T_{c_0}$, compatible      134 167
$T_{c_0}$, complete      124
$T_{c_0}$,H-T      169
$T_{\mathscr{A}}$      119 see
$\alpha$-dual      35 166
$\bar{T}$      152
$\beta$      see Strong; Stone — Cech
$\beta$-dual      35 69
$\Delta$      200
$\delta^2$      2 123
$\gamma$      174
$\gamma$-dual      35 36
$\mathscr{C}$      36 98 106 174 see
$\mathscr{K}$      1
$\mathscr{M}$      2 57
$\mathscr{M}$ basis      66
$\mathscr{M}$ dual      25
$\mathscr{M}$, not locally bounded      55
$\mathscr{M}$, not normed      25
$\mathscr{M}$, strictly hypercomplete      200
$\omega$      3 see
$\omega$, $K^N$      14
$\omega$, admissible      122 138
$\omega$, BTB      86
$\omega$, dual      24
$\omega$, FK      67
$\omega$, lc      97
$\omega$, map. quotient      199 200
$\omega$, subsets      18 53 76 90 200
$\omega$-barrelled      142 see 17 21
$\omega_1$      69 71
$\Psi$      32
$\Sigma$      38 39 108 see
$\sigma$ algebra      238
$\sigma$, bounded, BTB      49
$\sigma$, compatible      108
$\sigma$, complete      73
$\sigma$, continuous      164
$\sigma$, l      39 94
$\sigma$, Sup      97
$\sigma$, TB      85
$\sigma$, z      1 56
$\sigma$-Stonean      244 247
$\tau$      109 133 see esp
3 see 28;
$\varphi$, barrelled      221
$\varphi$, basis      9
$\varphi$, complete      32
$\varphi$, dual      136
$\varphi$, in $c_0$      28
$\varphi$, inductive limit      210
$\varphi$, subsets      9
$\varphi$, total      110
$|\sigma|$      see Normal
(DF) space      163
(LF)      222 223 see 14
Absolute, $G_{\partial}$      14
Absolutely convergent      56 57
Absolutely convex      9 133 135
Absolutely strong      121 138
Absorb(ing)      7 9 113
Additive family      40 92
Adjoint      see Dual
Admissible      121 123 see
Alaoglu — Bourbaki      130 154
Algebra      235
Algebraic dual      7 8 35 106 see
Algebraically complementary      61
All subspaces closed      55 110
Almost continuous      201 202
Almost open      57 139 195 196 198 207
Almost range closed      176 177
Amir, D.      29
Analytic functions (see Disc algebra)      57 98
aw*      184 185 190 192 see
b(X), b(X")      150 152 153 161 169 see
B(x, y)      2 28
Baire      see First; Second
Balanced      7 see
Banach algebra      71 106 148
Banach limit      25 147
Banach pair      125
Banach space      27
Banach — Alaoglu      130 192
Banach — Dieudonne      191
Banach — Mackey      158 see
Banach — Mazur distance      29
Banach — Saks      32 276
Banach — Sleinhaus closure      34 137 140 see
Barrel      32
Barrelled      136 251 see 8 12 21; Equivalence
Barrelled closed graph      201 205
Barrelled dual pair      125 139
Barrelled inclusion      252
Barrelled not complete      139 249 253
Barrelled open map      195
Barrelled vs quasibarrelled      160
Barycenter      266
Base of $\Gamma(X)$      12 see
Base of $\Gamma(X)$, $\sigma$      94 119
Base of $\Gamma(X)$, a.c. balanced open and closed      41 44 93
Base of $\Gamma(X)$, b(X)      150
Base of $\Gamma(X)$, inductive limit      211 214
Base of $\Gamma(X)$, polar      120
Base of $\Gamma(X)$, strong      119
BASIC      66
Basis      64 83 see
Batt, N.      251
Bennelt, G.      252
Berg, I.D.      231
bfa(N), bfa(H, A)      2
BH, BK      67
Bidual      149 162
Biorthogonal      64
Bipolar      112 113
Bornivore      48 50 213 see
Bornological      115 117 see 13 21
Bornological, associated      213
Bornological, dual complete      125 127 188
Bornological, dual pair      125
Bornological, inductive limit      211 212
Bornological, not      116
Bornological, sequentially continuous      116 117
Bounded function      47 see
Bounded function, continuous      21 48 49 116 117
Bounded function, sequentially continuous      47 118
Bounded multiplier summable      251 252
Bounded sets      47 33 95 see
Bounded sets, balanced closure      49
Bounded sets, Cauchy      49
Bounded sets, completion      57
Bounded sets, convex hull      50 86 93 116
Bounded sets, equicontinuous      129 130
Bounded sets, Finite dimension      49 50
Bounded sets, image      47 50 155
Bounded sets, sequential test      47
Bounded sets, strict inductive limit      219
Bounded sets, subspace      49
Bounded sets, sup      48
Boundedly complete      73 139 154 202 see 4 8
BTB space      85 86 88 see
bv      131
BX-, BY-subspace      252
C      242
C(H), $C_0(H)$, C*(H)      2 28 29 57 97 98 147 see 3 30;Complement;
c)      2 see
C* embedded      145
C-barrelled      142 208 see
C-sequential      118 see
Cardinality      66
Category      see First; Second
Cauchy      see Table 31
Cauchy sequence, net and filter      17 72
Cauchy sup, weak, product      76
Chain      6 55
Characteristic      263
Choquet, G.      265
Closed graph      60 see
Closed graph, converse      205 206 208
Closed graph, lemma      67
Closed graph, separation      217
Closed graph, theorem      60 200 201 203 204 230
Closed graph, X *      203
Closed map      14
Closed set      63 see
Closure      42 see
Closure, $\sigma$      97
Closure, bounded      49
Closure, equicontinuous      137
Closure, formula      41 43 44
Closure, sum      42
Closure, [0]      63
Cluster point      227
Cobase      14
Codimension      9 see
Coercive      34 176
Cofinal chain      55
Collecting technique      238
Compact convergence      40 57
Compact map      176 see
Compact set      29 102 155. 22 23;
Compact support      29
Compactification      145
Comparison      14 204 see
Comparison, $T_A$      120
Comparison, $\omega$      50
Comparison, $\sigma$      97
Comparison, bounded sets      47
Comparison, dense sets      106
Comparison, nets      11
Comparison, paranorms      16
Compatible      103 135 see
Complement      62 63 see
Complement, $c_0$      64 147 237
Complement, $l^p$      63 64 106 237
Complement, $\omega$      200
Complement, C(H)      64
Complement, FH      226
Complement, finite dimension and codimension      82 101
Complement, projection      61
Complement, quotient      80
complete      72 16 53 57 see 12;
Complete vs norming      264
Complete, closed graph      63
Complete, comparison      29 59
Complete, dual pair      125
Complete, filter      87 89
Complete, Grothendieck      187
Complete, norm      29
Complete, projection      73
Completely regular      10 13 53 145
Completion      31 57 76 186
Conditionally countably compact      227
conjugate      see Dual
Conservative      36 106
Consistent      106
containment      5
continuous      see Almost; Bounded function and set; Dual; Hellinger — Toeplitz; Weakly
Continuous addition      37
Continuous FH      65
Continuous inductive limit      210
Continuous multiplication      15 37 44
Continuous net      11
Continuous quotient      77
Continuous semi norm      49
Continuous sup, weak, product      11 13 94
Continuous zeros      54
Conull      36
Convergence      11 see
Convergence, $\sigma$      38
Convergence, filter      46
Convergence, Frechet      16
Convergence, lemma      35 189
Convergence, quotient      81
Convergence, sup, weak, product      11 12 13 114
Converse problem      204
Convex      7 9 44 50 76 111 see
Convex compactness      134 see 8 ;Duality
Convex compactness, $T_K$, $T_{c_0}$      1 34 179
Convex compactness, $\sigma$      135
Convex compactness, dual pair      134
Convex compactness, sequentially complete      135
coordinates      64 143
Coregular      36 98 226
Countable: cobase      55 93 152 163
Countable: codimension      222 252 see
Countable: dimension      29 83 see
Countable: inductive limit      212 213
Countable: subsets      49
Countably compact      see Table 31; Conditionally;Eberlein — Smulian
Crawford, J.P.      231
CS      2 63 66 132
1 2 3
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