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Glaser L.C. — Geometrical Combinatorial Topology. Volume I |
Предметный указатель |
-simplex 3
-simplex, barycenter of a 4
-simplex, boundary of a 6
-simplex, face of a 4
-simplex, geometrical realization of a 3
-simplex, interior of a 3
-simplex, space of a 3
-simplex, standard 4
-simplex, TOP 56
-ball 1
-ball, combinatorial 18
-ball, stellar 22
-cell 1
-cube 1
-manifold, combinatorial 18
-manifold, stellar 22
-manifold, with boundary 1
-sphere 1
-sphere, combinatorial 18
-sphere, stellar 22
-th barycentric subdivision ( ) 7
-th derived ( ) 7
Algebraically -connected 111
Ball 1
Barycenter 4
Barycentric coordinates 4
Barycentric map 12
Barycentric subdivision ( ) 7
Bing’s house with two rooms 51
Boundary of a complex 17
Boundary of a manifold 2 21
Boundary of a simplex 17
Boundary, mod 2 17
Cartesian product neighborhood 92
cell 1
Cellular 91
Collapsible 49
Collapsible neighborhood 55 72
Collapsing, elementary 49
Collapsing, geometrical 57 73
Collapsing, regular 73
Collapsing, simplicial 49
Combinatorial -ball 18
Combinatorial -manifold 18 19
Combinatorial -sphere 18
Combinatorial equivalence ( ) 41 (see also Piecewise linear homeomorphism)
Combinatorial subspace 111
Complementary complex 8
Complementary domain 2
Complete (or full) 55
Complex, barycentric coordinates of a 4 12
Complex, boundary of a 17
Complex, convex linear cell 9
Complex, dimension of a 4
Complex, geometrical realization of a 5
Complex, homogeneous 17
Complex, simplicial 4
Convex linear cell 9
cube 1
Derived (subdivision, ) 7
Dunce hat 50 53 90
Elementary collapsing (simplicial) 49
Elementary geometrical collapsing 57
Elementary geometrical expansion 57
Elementary move 22
Elementary starring 8 22
Elementary welding 22
Engulfing lemma 128
Equivalence, combinatorial ( ) 13 41
Equivalence, of stellar and combinatorial theory 41
Equivalence, stellar ( ) 22 41
Euclidean -space 1
Flat sphere 92
Full (or complete) 55
General position 2
General Position Lemma 104 124
General position, ratio changing 154
Generalized Schoenflies theorem 79 92
| Geometrical collapsing 57 73
Geometrical expansion 57
Geometrically -connected 112
Homogeneous (complex) 17
Interior (int) 1
Isomorphism ( ) 12
Isotopy of polyhedra 145 147
Isotopy of pwl balls 143
Isotopy of pwl spheres 142
Isotopy PL 135
Join of balls and spheres 18
Join of complexes 6
Join of polyhedra 137
Join of simplexes 6
Lebesgue number 95
Linear map 14
Link of a simplex lk ( , ) 6
Linked complexes 88
Manifold see -manifold
Map, 13
Map, 12
Map, 22
Map, barycentric 12
Map, linear 14
Map, normal 123
Map, piecewise linear (piw, PL) 13 14
Map, simplicial 12
Mesh (of a complex) 95
Normal map 123
Open simplicial neighborhood ( ( , )) 73
Open star 6 73
Orientation 135
Piecewise linear homeomorphism ( ) 13 (see also Combinatorial equivalence)
Piecewise linear map (pwl, PL) 13
Piping 120
Piping, zero-dimensional 125
PLI 134
PLO 134
Poincar conjecture, -dimensional 112 133
Poincar conjecture, three-dimensional 52 78
Point-like 91
Polyhedron 98 134
Prismatic triangulation 147
Ratio changing general position 154
Regular (in a complex) 19
Regular collapsing 57 73
Regular neighborhood 77
Relative simplicial approximation theorem 97
simplex see -simplex
Simplicial approximation theorem 95
Simplicial map 12
Simplicial neighborhood, ( ( , )) 73
Simplicial neighborhood, ( ( , )) 58
Sphere see -sphere
Standard -simplex 4
Star of a simplex (st( , ) 6
Starring of a stellar ball 23
Starring, elementary 8 22
Starring, internal 23
Stellar ball 22
Stellar equivalence ( ) 22
Stellar manifold 22
Stellar sphere 22
Stellar subcomplex 4
Stellar subdivision ( ) 8
Subdivisions 7
Subdivisions, arbitrary ( , ) 7
Subdivisions, barycentric ( ) 7
Subdivisions, derived ( ) 7
Subdivisions, stellar ( ) 8
Subpolyhedron 98
Tame arc 2
TOP simplex 56
Triangulation 49
Unknotting (of in ) 110
Vertex admissible function 12
Welding, elementary 22
Welding, internal 23
Whitehead’s regular neighborhood theorems 77
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