Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Projective module
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Bass H. — Algebraic K-theory | 69-71 | Dummit D.S., Foote R.M. — Abstract algebra | 390ff, 400, 403ff, 761, 773, 786 | Lang S. — Algebra | 137, 168, 848, 850 | Brown W.C. — Matrices over communicative rings | 166 | Matsumura H. — Commutative ring theory | 9, 52, 80, 161, 166, 277 | Kobayashi S. — Differential geometry of complex vector bundles | 141 | Schenck H. — Computational algebraic geometry | 35 | Eisenbud D. — Commutative algebra with a view toward algebraic geometry | 136, 137, 265, 267, 364, 471, 615 | Kreuzer M., Robbiano L. — Computational commutative algebra 1 | 191 | Rosenberg J. — Algebraic K-Theory and Its Applications | 1.1.1 | Dummit D.S., Foote R.M. — Abstract Algebra | 585ff, 590 | Miyanishi M. — Algebraic Geometry | 37 | Hilton P.J., Stammbach U. — A course in homological algebra | 23 | Shafarevich I.R., Kostrikin A.I. (ed.) — Basic Notions of Algebra | 221, 235 | McCleary J. — A user's guide to spectral sequences | 51 | Stenstroem B. — Ring of quotients. Introduction to methods of ring theory | 19 | Lam T.Y. — A first course in noncommutative ring theory | 29, 145, 307, 353, 360 | Blackadar B. — K-theory for operator algebras | 1.7.1 | Van Oystaeyen F.M. — Prime Spectra in Non-Communicative Algebra | 7 | Higson N., Roe J. — Analytic K-Homology | 89, 381 | McConnell J.C., Robson J.C. — Noncommutative Noetherian Rings | 3.5.2 | Brown K.S. — Cohomology of Groups | 21, 26ff, 56 | Boffi G., Buchsbaum D. — Threading Homology through Algebra: Selected Patterns | 14 | Roggenkamp K.W., Huber-Dyson V. — Lattices Over Orders I | I 17 | Wilson J.S. — Profinite groups | 123 | Yam T.Y. — Lectures on Modules and Rings | §2 | Bourbaki N. — Algebra I: Chapters 1-3 | II, § 2, no. 2 | Havin V.P., Nikolski N.K. (eds.) — Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book 3 (part 2) | 2.1, 2.2 | Suzuki M. — Group Theory I | 229 | Beachy J.A. — Abstract Algebra II | 66 | Silvester J.R. — Introduction to Algebraic K-Theory | 5 | Drensky V., Formanek E. — Polynomial Identity Rings | 163, 164, 167 | Draxl P.K. — Skew fields | 16 | Jensen C.U., Lenzing H. — Model Theoretic Algebra with particular emphasis on Fields, Rings, Modules | 122, 227, 231, 234—235, 367 | Stenstrom B. — Rings of quotients: an introduction to methods of ring theory | 19 | Suzuki M. — Group Theory II | 340 | Faith C. — Rings and Things and a Fine Array of Twentieth Century Associative Algebra | 3.1As | Behrens E.-A. — Ring Theory: Volume 44 in Pure and Applied Mathematics | 166 | Hungerford T.W. — Algebra | 190ff | Ya Helemskii A., West A. — Banach and locally convex algebras | 339 | Dold A. — Lectures on Algebraic Topology | 149 | Milnor J., Husemoller D. — Symmetric Bilinear Forms | 2 | Cox D.A., Little J., O'Shea D. — Using Algebraic Geometry | 194, 230-233, 245 | Serre J.-P. — Local Fields | 110 | Lam T.Y. — Serre's Conjecture | 1 | Brewer J.W., Bunce J.W., Vleck F.S. — Linear systems over commutative rings | 36, 37, 39 | Bass H. — Algebraic K-theory | 69—71 | Dicks W., Dunwoody M.J. — Groups acting on graphs | 110 | Northcott D. G. — An introduction to homological algebra | 63 | Hartshorne R. — Algebraic Geometry | 238, 284 | Xue W. — Rings With Morita Duality | 2 | Serre J. — Local Fields (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) | 110 | Hazewinkel M. — Handbook of Algebra (часть 1) | 717 | Pier J.-P. — Mathematical Analysis during the 20th Century | 347 | Mcdonald B.R. — Linear algebra over commutative rings | 105, 128 | Greub W., Halperin S., Vanstone R. — Connections, curvature, and cohomology. Volume 1 | 7, 78, 86, 106 | Anderson G.A. — Surgery with Coefficients | 1 | Abhyankar S.S. — Lectures on Algebra Volume 1 | 312, 442, 620 | Milnor J.W., Stasheff J.D. — Characteristic Classes. (Am-76), Vol. 76 | 36 | Maclane S. — Homology | 20 | Brown K. — Cohomology of Groups (Graduate Texts in Mathematics) | 21, 26ff, 56 | Cohn P.M. — Free Rings and Their Relations (London Mathematical Society Monographs) | 10, 549 | Serre J. — Local Fields (Graduate Texts in Mathematics 67) | 110 | Griffiths P., Harris J. — Principles of algebraic geometry | 681 |