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Havin V.P., Nikolski N.K. (eds.) — Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book 3 (part 2) |
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-condition see “Muchenhoupt condition”
-property S.10.24
-topology 5 12
-dimensional measure 18.1
-sectoriality 7.16
-stable inner function 10.23
-subharmonic function 16.15
-set 10.12 15.10
-convex domain 17.10
-differential form 11.2
-equation 11.2 11 10 17 7
-capacity 1.9
-entropy 5.10
-algebra 2.1
class 16 11
-contraction 3.5 7.7 9.4 S.9.6
2.16 7.7 7.8 7.18 S.7.23
-space 1.9 1.14
-selfadjoint operator 20.3
(DFN)-space 11.7
(homological) bidimension of an algebra 2.1 2.2
(left) global homological dimension of an algebra 2.1 2.2
(LN*)-space 11.5
(q, 1)-summing operator 1.13
(two-sided) stably regular operator 1.11
*-residual part 9.4
2-trivial Banach space 1.10
A-singular -inner function 4.7
A-support 1.19
Aaronson, J. 19.8
Aarts, J. 19 9
Abakumov, E. Ack.
Abel — Poisson mean 7.18
Abi — Khuram, F. 16.7
Abrahamse, M.B. 8.4 8.7
Abramov, Ju.Sh. 20.1
Abrosimov, A. 17 5
Absolute basis 11.7
Absolute contraction 5.12
Absolutely continuous contraction 9.4
Absolutely continuous spectrum 5.17 6.9 7.7 8.9
Absolutely continuous subspace 6.10 9.2
Absolutely summing operator 1.9 1.10 1.11 7.2
Absolutely-pure dimension 1.14
Absolutely-pure resolution 1.14
Abu — Muhanna, Y. 18.11
Adamian — Arov — Krein theorem 3.3 7.3 7.4 7.20
Adams, D.R. 12.30 12.31
Adamyan, V.M. 3.3 4.1 4.2 4.3 7.4 7.20
Admissible complex 2.1
Admissible morphism 2.1
Admissible vector 18.7
AF-algebra 5.10
AFI-algebra 5.10
Agler, J. 8.5 8.7
Aharonov, D. 11.12 11.14
Ahem, P. 10.19 10.22 12.31 17.13
Ahiezer, N.I. 6.10 12.5 16.22 20.4
Ahlfors domain 10.1
Ahlfors function 12.28
Ahlfors — Bers theorem 19.1
Ahlfors, L.V. 10.1 12.23 12.25 12.28
Aikawa, H. 1.7
Ailing, N. 2.26
Aizenberg, L.A. 1.8 17.4 17.10
Aizerman, M.A. 20.1
Akcoglu, M.A. 5.12
Akemann, Ch.D. 2 2
Aleksandrov, A.B. 10.10 S.10.25 11.15 14.3 17.1
Aleksandrov, A.D. 17.1
Alekseev, R.B. 10.10
Alexander theorem 17.5
Alexander, H. 12.8 12 20 12.22 17.1 17.6 17.22
Alfaro, M. 13.0
Algebra defined by growth condition 11.1 11.9
Algebraic curve 17.12 20.5 20.6
Algebraic equation 2.12
Algebraic function 12.17 20.5
Algebraic manifold 2.12 20.5
Algebraic number 11.9
Algebraic variety 11.8
Algebraically split extension 2.1
Allan, G.R. 2.10 2.30
Almost isometric operator 9.3
Almost normal operator 8.8
Almost periodic function 7.12 15.11 16.11 17.9
Amar, E. 10 14
Amenable algebra 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.4 5.10
Amenable group 2.3
Analysis-synthesis problem 11.0
Analytic algebra 2.24
Analytic capacity 8.10 12.21 12.23 12.24 12.25 12.26 12.27 12.28 12.29
Analytic curve 17.12
Analytic disc 2.14 2.22 2.26
Analytic family of operators 2.19
Analytic functional 1.19 17.10
Analytic Gevrey class 11.26
Analytically hyponormal operator 8.5
Analytically negligible curve 8.10
Anderson, J, -E. 10.1
Anderson, J.H. 5.6
Anderson, J.M. 3.0 3.7 10.16 S.10 24 12.6
Ando, T. 2.14 5.2
Andreev, E.M. 18.12
Angle between subspaces 9.2 S.9.5
Angular density 16.5
Annihilator submodule 11.6
Antisymmetry set 2.16 7.8
Antonevich, A.B. 2.9
Antonovskaya, C. Ack.
Apostol — Foias — Voiculescu theorem 8.8
Apostol, C. 4.9 5.10 8.8 9.4 11.24
Approximable family of operators 5.10
Approximate identity 2.1 2.3
Approximation problem 14.0
Approximation property 1.6 2.2
Approximative synthesis 11.11
Apresyan, S.A. 11.11
Arakelyan, N.U. 12.5 12.8 16.20
Arazy, J. 5.12 6.4 7.3 7.5 7.22
Archimedean classes 2.7
Arens — Michael algebra 2.1
Arens, R. 2.15 12.22
Aristov 2.1
Arnold, D.N. 7.19
Arnold, V.I. 20.5
Arocena, R. 10.8
Aronszain, N. 12.31 16.16
Arov, D.Z. 3.3 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.7 7.4 7.20
Artemenko, A, P. 15.11
Artin braid group 2.12 20.5
Arveson, W. 4.11 8.8
Arzumanyan, V.A. 5.10
Askey, R. 13.0
Astala, K. 10.3 18.14
Asymptotic expansion 13.4
Atomic Hardy space 1 .4
Atzmon, A. 5.4 7.7 11 19
Aupetit, B. 2.6
Automatic continuity 2.0 2.6
Automorphic function 2.25
Automorphism of an algebra 2.9
Avron, J. 5.17
Axiom A 19.2
| Axler — Chang — Sarason — Volberg theorem 7.18
Axler, S. 2.16 2.17 7.9 7.18 7.22
Azarin, V.S. 16.8 16.9 16 10
Azizov, T.Ya. 5.9 20.3
Azoff, E. 5.1 9.4
Babenko, K.I. 11.16
Bachar, J.M. 2.5 11.17
Bachelis, G.F. 2.3 11.20
Backward shift 11.15
Bade, W.G. 2.1 2.3 2.7 2.8 11.17 Ack.
Badkov, V.M. 20.7
Badly approximable function 12.19
Baernstein, A. 10.15 16.22 18.10 18.16
Bagby, T. 12.8 12.14 12.33
Baillette, A. 14 11
Baker, G.A. 12.17 12.18
Baker, H.F. 7.4
Baker, I.N. 19.9 19.10
Ball algebra 1.3 17.11
Banach B-algebra 2.2
Banach H-unital algebra 2.4
Banach — Mazur distance 1.1
Bandman, T.M. 20.5
Bar complex 2.4
Bargmann space 7.15
Bargmann — Hall — Wightman theorem 17.8
Bargmann — Segal space 7.0
Barher, J.N. 11.4
Barnsley, M. 7.17
Barth, K.F. 12 6
Barton, T.J. 6.4
Basis of exponentials 15.2 15.3
Basor, E. 7.16
Beardon, A. 12.9 18.12 19.0
Bedford, E. 17.2
Behrens, M, F. 2.0
Bekolle, D. 7.5
Belavin, A.A. 7.21
Belitskii, G.R. 16.13
Bell, S.R. 17.1
Beloshapka, V.K. 7.22
Beltrami equation 12.7 14.18
Belyi, V.I. 10.1 12.7 18.9
Ben Artzi, M. 6.7 6.8
Benedicks, M. 16.22
Benzinger, H. 19.11
Bercovici, H. 4.1 5.0 9.4 11.24
Berenstein, C.A. 1.17 11.7 11.8 11.9 15.1 17.15
Berezanskii, Yu.M. 5.17 14.8
Berezin symbol S.7.22
Berezin transform 7.0 7.5
Berg, Ch.S. 14.20
Berger, C. 7.5 7.15
Bergh, J. 7.3
Bergman distance (metric) 7.5 17.3
Bergman kernel 1.7 7.5
Bergman projection 7.5
Bergman space 1.7 2.17 7.0 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.9 7.10 S.7.22 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.24 12.12 12.13 14.2 18.2 18.3
Bergman — Selberg space 1.7
Berndtson, B. 2.27 15.7
Bernoulli convolution 2.21 3.8
Bernstein inequality 20.4
Bernstein, S.N. 3.3 12.10 17.16 20.4
Bers, L. 19.2
Besicovitch covering lemma 18.1
Besicovitch, A. 12.23 12.24 12.25
Besov class 6.4 7.2 7.3 7.5 10.19 12.31 S.12.33
Bessel potentials (functions) 12.31 S.12.33 20.4
Bessis, D. 7.17
Best approximation 16.11
Beta density 13.6
Betti numbers 10.20
Beurling — Carleson conditions 6.12 11.13 11.14 11.24 12.3 14.4
Beurling — Carleson set see “Beurling — Carleson condition”
Beurling — Carleson theorem 14.3
Beurling — Malliavin theorem 14.10
Beurling's theorem 3.3 7.1 12.9. 19.8
Beurling, A. 3.1 11 12 11 16 12.10 12 23 12.33 14.3 14.10 14.15
Bezout equation 11.8
Bhatia, R. 5.1
Bicommutant 9.3
Bicommutant property 9.3
Bieberbach conjecture 10.15 18.7 18.15
Bieberbach, L. 12 17 17 18
Bielefeld, B. 19.0 19.6
Biflat algebra 2.1
Big Hankel operator 7.3 S.7.22
Biharmonic operator 12.13 12.30
BiLipshitz homeomorphism of the line 10.7
Biprojective algebra 2.1 2.2
Birkhoff, G.D. 4.6
Birman, M.S. 5.15 5.16 6.4 6.5 6.10
Bishop decomposition 2.17
Bishop's operator 2.13
Bishop, C.J. 10.7 10.16 14.4 16.15 18.1 18.14
Bishop, E. 2.16 2.17
Bistochastic measure 3.5
Bjork, J.-E. 1.19 2.32
Blanc — Lapierre, A. 3.4
Blanchard, P. 12.9 19.0
Blaschke factor 7.9 18.2
Blaschke product 2.4 2.17 2.27 2.29 7.1 9.1 S.9.5 10.16 10.19 10.21 10.22 10.23 S.10.24 11.25 15.3 15.9 17.1 19.2
Blaschke sequence 12.3
Blaschke — Potapov factor 4.3
Bloch space 3.7 7.5 10.16 10.23 S.10.24
Bloch's constant 18.10
Bloch, A. 19.7
Blumenthal, R 2.32
BMO 3.3 7.2 7.5 10.7 10.8 10.11 10.14 10.15 10.18 10.23 S.10.24 12.16 12.32
BMOA 3.7
Board group 2.12
Boas, R.P. 20.4
Bochkarev, S.V. 1.3
Bochner, S. 13.2 15.11
Bognar, J. 5.9 20.3
Bogolubov, N.N. 17.8
Boichuk, V.S. 16.7
Boivin, A. 12.8
Bollobis, B. 2.33
Bonan, S.S 13.0
Bonsall, F.F. 2.0 2.1
Borel transform 15.2
Borichev, A.A. 11.16 11.17 S.14.19 Ack.
Borisevich, A.I. 15.1
Borogovac, M. 4.8
Bottcher, A. 2 27 7.8 7.16 7.18 7.23
Bottclier equation 12.9
Bound state 14.12
Boundary spectrum 10.23
Boundary value problem 7.20
Bounded approximation identity (unit) 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.4 2.5
Bounded separation property 2.23
Bourgain, J. 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.9 1.14 6.7 10.12 18.1
Bowen's theorem 19.8
Bowen, R. 19.8
Boyarskii, B.V. 7.20
Braess, D. 13.3
Bram, J. 8.2
Branch points 10.22
Brannan, D.A. 12.6
Branner, B. 19.1 19.7
Bratischev, A, V. 16.8
Braun, R.W. 11.7 15.1
Brelot — Choquet problem 10.20
Brelot — Choquet theorem 14.16
Brelot, M. 14.16
Brennan, J.E. 11.12 12.3 12.9 12.10 12.11
Brezinski, C. 13.0
Brodskii, A.M. 6.10
Brodskii, M.S. 4.4 6.9
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