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Havin V.P., Nikolski N.K. (eds.) — Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book 3 (part 2) |
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Lindenstrauss, J. 1.1 1.10 1.12 1.14 7.2
Linearly convex set 1.18
Linnik, I.Yu. 7.17
Lions, J.-L. 14.8
Liouville number 11.9
Lipkin, L. 16.16
Lipschitz condition 3.2 10.23
Lipschitz domain 14.7 16.15
Little Bloch space 7.5 S.7.22 10.16
Littlejohn, L.L. 13.2
Littlewood conjecture 10.15 18.15
Littlewood's subordination theorem 18.3
Littlewood, J.E. 10.6
Litvinchuk, G.S. 7.12 7.20
Livshic, M.S. 4.2 7.13 9.2
Lizorkin — Triebel space 12.31
Local description 11.1 11.2 11.4 11.5
Local Frechet space 12.1
Local operator 14.10
Local ring S.11.27
Local theory of normed spaces 1.1
Local Toeplitz operator 7.8
localization S.7.23 11.4
Locally analytic equivalence 4.9
Locally compact group 2.3 2.4 2.23
Lodkin, A.A. 5.10
Loewner theory 18.5
Lofstrom, J. 7.3
Logarithmic capacity 2.14 10.16 12.0 12.3 12.21 12.23 13.3 14.3 14.5 18.1 19.8
Logarithmic coefficients 18.7 18.13
Logarithmic convexity S.14.19
Logarithmic potential 13.5 16.10
Lomonosov's theorem 5 2
Lomonosov, V.I. 2.20 5.0 5.2
Long-range potential 6.10
Lopez, G.L. 13.0
Lorentz group 17.8
Lorentz scale 6.2
Lorentz space 1.5 1.12 1.13
Lotto, B.A. 2.27
Lowdenslager 2.15
Lower density of zeros 16.5
Lower indicator of entire function 16.0 16.4 lfi.o
Lower triangular operator 7.13
Loy, R.J. 2.1 2.5
Lozanovskii, G.Ya. 3.5
Lu, Y. 19.9
Lubinsky — Mhaskar — Rahmanov — Saff's number 13.4
Lubinsky, D.S. 13.0 13.3 13.4 13.6
Luecking, D. 12.19 12.20 18.3
Lukacs, E. 14.14 20.4
Lukes, J. 10.3
Lundin, M. 14.11
Lupacciolu, G. 17.6
Luzzaik, A. 18.1
Lversen's theorem 2.14 16.12
Lyapunov curve 8.10 10.6
Lyapunov theorem 20.1
Lykova, Z.A. 2.1 2.2
Lyubarskii, Yu.I. 1.8 16.10
Lyubic, Yu.I. 5.19 14.8
Lyubich, M.Y. 12.9 19.0 19.6 19.7 19.9 19.10
Ma, W. 18.5
Macaev ideal see “Matsaev ideal”
MacCluer, B. 12.3 14.2
Macintyre, A.J. 16.3
MacLane, G.R. 2.4 16.21
Magenes, E. 14.8
Magnus, A.P. 13.0 13.4
Magnus, W. 6.3
Makai, E.Jr. 2.10 2.30
Makarov, B.M. 1.10 1.11
Makarov, N.G. 16.12 8.11 9.1 9.3 12.9 14.4 S.14.19 18.1
Makarova, L.Ya. 1.18
Malamud, M.M. 14.8
Malgrange, B. 11.2 11.3
Malliavin's functional 11.19
Malliavin, P. 3.1 11.0 14.3 14.11 15.1
Mandelbrojt, S. 11.8 12.4 14.9 14.12
Mandelbrot set 12.9 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.6 19.7 19.9
Mane, R. 19.2 19.7
Manfredi, J. 14.15
Mapping universal covering 2.25
Marcellan, F.J. 13.0
Marcinkiewicz theorem 14.14
Marcoux, L. 5.1
Marginal 3.6
Markov operator 3.5
Markov process 3.5
Markus, A.S. 2.20 3.7 5.14
Markushevich, A.I. 7.22
Marshall, D.E. 10.14 10.17 12.23 12.24 18.14
Marstrand, J.M. 12.23
Martin's boundary 10.20
Martin, M. 8.6
Martin, R. 18.2
Martineau, A. 1.17 1.18 1.19 11.3 17.10
MASA 5.3
Maslov, V.P. 5.17
Mate, A. 13.0 13.3
Mating of polynomials 19.1 19.3
Matrix function 4.3 4.5 7.20
Matsaev ideal 6.1 6.2 7.13 9.1
Matsaev's conjecture 5.12 5.13
Matsaev, V.I. 5.9 5.12 11.4
Matveev, V.B. 6.9
Maurey, B. 1.1 1.4 1.10 1.13
Maximal function 10.5 S.10.25
Maximal ideal space 2.5 2.9 2.14 2.16 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.26 2.27 7.8 S.7.23 11.16 12.22 17.13
Maximum principle 14.0
Maz'ya, V.G. 12.9 12.10 12.30
McCullough, S. 8.5
McDonald, G. 7.10
McEachin, R. 5.1
McGuire, P.J. 8.0 8.1
Mcintosh, A. 5.1 10.2
McKean, H.P. 3.1 6.3 12.4
McMillan, J.E. 12.8
McMullen, C. 19.2 19.9
Measure algebra 2.0 2.21 2.22
Median 1.10
Megretski, A. 20.1
Meia, D. 18.5
Meiman, N.N. 20.4
Meise, R. 11.7 15.1
Meixner polynomials 13.6
Meixner — Pollaczek polynomials 13.6
Mel'nik, Yu.I. 16.8
Mel'nikov, M.S. 12.9 12.14 12.25 12.27 12.29
Melamud, E.Ya. 4.3
Mellin convolution 13.6
Mellin transform 1.7
Mergelyan set 12.11
Mergelyan's theorem 12.19
Mergelyan, S.N. 11.2 12.3 12.8 12.9 12.10
Meromorphic continuation 11.15
Merzlyakov, S.G. 11.6
Metzger, T.A. 12.9
Meyer, M. 1.17
Meyer, Y. 10.2
Meyers, N.G. 12.14 12.20 12.31
Mhaskar, H.N. 13.4 13.5 13.6
Michael, E. 17.18
Michlin, S.G. 5.14 7.19
Miiller, P. 1.0 1.4 10.11
Miintz condition 14.11
Mikaelyan, L.'V. 7.16
Miklyukov theorem 14.15
Miklyukov, V.M. 10.1 14.15
Milin conjecture 18.7
| Milin's constant 18.7
Milin, I.M. 18.7 18.13
Miller's conjecture 2.22
Miller, J.B. 2.10
Miller, K.S. 13.0 14.18
Milman, V. 1.1 1.10
Milnor, J. 12.9 19.0 19.3 19.6 19.7 19.9
MindaD. 18.5 18.10
Minimal family S.9.5 15.3
Minimal subharmonic function 16.9
Mirsky, L. 5.1
Misiurewicz 19.5
Misiurewicz point 19.5
Mitiagin, B.S. 1.12 1.17
Miyachi, A. S.10.25
Mobius transformation 2.9 S.7.22 10.15 17.2 18.12 19.4
Model space 9.2 15.3
Module 2.1 2.2 17.13
Modulus of an operator 3.3 8.9
Modulus of continuity S.6.11
Modulus of quasitriangularity 8.8
Mogilevskaya, R.L. 4.4
Mogul'skii, E.Z. 11.4
Moment problem 7.17 14.0 14.1 S.14.20 15.12
Momm, S. 11.3 11.7
Montgomery, H. 18.10
Moore, C.N. 10.7
Moran, W. 2.1 2.22
Morrel, B. 8.6
MorrellJ.S. 1.10
Morse, H.S. 2.27
Mortini, R. 2.24 2.26 2.27 S.10.24 S.11.27
Mortola, S. 1.4
MoserJ. 10.17
Muckenhoupt condition 7.9 10.7 10.14
Muckenhoupt weight 15.4
Muckenhoupt, B. 7.11 10..5 10.14 10.15 15.4
Mulla, F. 12.31
Muller, V. 2.30 2.33
multi-valued function 12.17
Multiplication operator 5.8
Multiplicative commutator 5.7
Multiplier 2.22 2.27 5.12 7.2 10.9 10.23 15.1 15.10
Mumford, D. 7.4
Murai, T. 12.27 12.28
NabokoS.N. 6.10 6.11 9.2
Naimark theorem 3.3
Napalkov, V.V. 11.3 11.7 14.13 15.1
Narasimhan, M.S. 12.8 14.8
Natanson, I.P. 16.11
Nazarov, S.A. 12.30
Nehari problem 4.3
Nehari's theorem 3.3 7.1 7.2
Nelson, D. 11.25
Nersesyan, A.A. 12.8
Nevai — Ullman density 13.6
Nevai, P. 13.0 13.3
Nevalinna, R. 4.1
Nevanlinna counting function 18.3
Nevanlinna exceptional values S.16.19 S.16.20
Nevanlinna extremal measure 12.5
Nevanlinna theory S.14.19 16.0 16.12
Neville, C. 10.21
Newman, D. 9.1 17.17
Newton's method 19.9 19.11
Newtonian capacity 12.15
Nguen Thanh Van 1.15
Nielsen, J.P. 2.1
Nikolski, N.K. 2 27 2.29 3.3 4.11 7.1 7.3 7.18 8.11 9.1 S.9.5 S.9.6 10.6 11.4 11.5 11.11 11.14 11.15 11.17 12.3 15.0 15.3 15.4
Nirenberg, L.I. 7.19 12.27
Nirenberg, R. 17.6
Noether normalization 11.8
Non-dissipative operator 9.2
Non-negative invariant subspace 5.9
Non-quasianalyticity 11.16
Nordgren, E. 5.2 9.4
Normal extension 8.10
Normal family 2.12 14.0 14.4
Normal matrices 5.1
Normal operator 2.13 3.4 5.7 5.15 S.5.18 8.0 8.2 8.7 8.10 8.11 9.4
Normal path inequality 5.1
Norrie, D.H. 7.19
Norsett, S.P. 13.2
Norvidas, S.T. 20.4
Novikov, R.G. 17.1
Nowak, K. 7.3
Nuclear algebra 2.1 2.2
Nuclear operator 2.13 3.2 4.4 5.14 6.4 S.6.11 S.6.12 8.8 8.11
Nuclear space 5.4
Nullstellensatz theorem 11.8 11.9
Numerical range 5.6 7.11 20.1 20.4
Nyman, B. 11.16 11.17 11.22
O'Brian, N.R. 4.10
O'Farrell, A. 10.7 12.1 12.15
Oberlin, D. 1.2 11.20 11.24
Ogneva, O.S. 2.1
Ohno, S. 2.9
Oka — Cartan theory 11.1
Oksendal, B.K. 8.10
Ol'shanskii, A.Yu. 2.1
Olin, R.F. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.6 9.4 12.3
Operator algebra 2.20 7.2
operator function 4.2 4.6 S.4.11 S.6.11 7.11
Operator stably regular from the left (right) 1.11
Opposite algebra 2.1
Optimization problem 20.2
Orbit 19.6 19.10 19.11
Orlicz space 1.5 1.12
Orthogonal polynomials 7.17 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.4 13.6
Osadchii, N.M. S.12.33
Osgood, B. 18.10
Ostrovskii, I.V. 14.1 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 16.8 S.16.20 S.16.21
Ostrovskii, M.I. 2.33
Oum, Ki — Choul 16.20
Outer function 3.1 3.3 4.3 5.8 7.7 7.9 7.20 10.21 11.12 13.1 14.6 17.11
Ouzomgi, S. 2.5
Ovcharenko, I.E. 15.12
Over-saturation 11.4
Oversteegen, L.A. 19.9
Ovserpian, R.I. 1.9
P-regular Stein manifold 1.15
p-semidiagonal operator 2.13
Paatashvily, V.A. 10.1
Pade approximation 12.0 12.17 12.18
Painleve null set 12.23 12.24
Painleve problem 12.25
Painleve, P. 12.23
Palamodov, V.P. 11.2 15.1
Paley projection 1.9
Paley — Wiener algebra 11.9
Paley — Wiener space 7.6
Paley — Wiener theorem 14.1 15.1
Paraska, V.I. 5.14
Parfenov, O.G. 13.3
Parreau — Widom surface 2.25 10.20
Parreau, M. 10.21
Parrot, S, K. 2.1
Parseval — Plancherel's theorem 1.7
Partial fraction expansion 12.5
Partial indices 4.6 7.11
Pasnicu, C. 8.8
Past and Future 3.3
Pastur, L. 5 17 6.10
Patterson measure 3.8
Paulsen, V. 2.30 7.2 8.5 8.7
Pavlov, B.S. 6.11 7.1 14.6 14.12 15.0 15.3 15.4
Peak point 2.16
Peak set 2.22 8.10 14.0 14.6
Pearcy, C. 5.0
Pearcy, K. 5.7 8.8 11.24 18.15
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