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Havin V.P., Nikolski N.K. (eds.) — Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book 3 (part 2) |
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Browder, A. 2.15 2.16 2.17
Brown — Douglas — Fillmore Theorem 8.8
Brown, G. 2.22
Brown, J.E. 18.15
Brown, L. 5.15 12.16
Brown, L.G. 8.8
Brownawell, D.W. 11.8
Brownian motion 18.1 18.12
Brownian traveller 18.14
Brudnyi, Yu.A. 15.8 20 4
Bruijn conjugate for slowly varying function 13.6
Bruna, J. 11 26 15.5 15.7
Bryskin, I, B. 1.5
Budde, P. 2.26
Buffon needle probability 12.27
Bugaev, A.I. 2.2
Bunce, J.W. 2.1 5.6
Burenkov, V.I. 12.14
Buslaev, V.S. 6.9
C*-algebra 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.17 2.18 2.27 3.5 5.10 6.4 7.14 S.7.23
c-hyperbolic domain 17.3
C-support 1.19
Cafarelli, L. 1.4
Calderon — Vaillancourt theorem 7.6
Calderon — Zygmund kernel 10.8 10.12
Calderon's theorem 12.23
Calderon, A.P. 10.9 12.23 12.24 12.25 12.26 12.27 15.13
Calkin algebra 2.13 5.10 5.15
Cantor bouquet 19.9
Cantor set 13.5
Cantor set of curves 19.9
Capacity 8.10 10.19 12.0 12.1 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.23 12.27 12.30 12.31
Caratheodory (pseudo)distance 17.3
Caratheodory class 4.3
Caratheodory type problem 15.0
Caratheodory — Fejer problem 18.8
Carding, L. 5.14
Carey, R.W. 6.4 8.8
Carleman class 14.9 14.11 14.12 S.14.19
Carleman formula 3.1 17.4
Carleman method 14.18
Carleman, T. 12.8
Carleson curve 10.19
Carleson interpolation condition 2.26 2.27 10.21
Carleson measure 6.4 11.10
Carleson set see “Beurling — Carleson condition”
Carleson theorem 14.3
Carleson — Newman theorem 2.9
Carleson, L. 2.27 6.7 8.11 10 14 10.21 11.10 11.14 12.9 12.10 12.24 14.3 14 15 15.9 19.0 19.5 19.10
Carrier of analytic functional 1.19
Carrier of circle packing 18.12
Cartan domains 7.14
Cartan, H. 11.4
Casazza, P.G. 10 21
Cassels, J.W.S. 18.10
Cauchy integral 7.9 10.1 10.2 10.4 12.10 12.23 12.26 S.14.19
Cauchy kernel 11.15
Cauchy problem 14.4
Cauchy — Bochner integral operator 17.7
Cauchy — Bochner kernel 17.7
Cauchy — Fantappie formula 1.18
Cauchy — Green formula 16.18
Cauchy — Read theorem 18.4
Cauchy — Riemann operator 2.13 12.1 12.16 20.4
Caughran, J.G. 11.25
Cayley transform 17.13
CCR-algebra 2.1 2.2
Cegrell, U. 16.17
Center of an algebra 7.8
Central bidimension of an algebra 2.2
Central biprojective algebra 2.2
Central global homological dimension of an algebra 2.2
Cereteli, O.D. 20.7
Cesaro's lemma 13.6
Chang, S, -Y.A. 2.16 2.17 7.9 7.18 10.17 10.18
Characteristic function of an operator 3.5 5.10. 9.2 9.3 S.9.5
Charpentier, P. 7.2
Chaumat, J. 2.14
Chebotarev, G.N. 7.12
Chebyshev constant 12.21
Chebyshev polynomials 13.4 19.8
Chebyshev's recursion 15.12
Chernyavskii, A.G. 14.8
Chihara, T.S. 13.0 13.1
Chin, R, C.Y. 13.0
Chirka, E.M. 12.22 17.4
Choi — Effros theorem 8.8
Choi, M.D. 2.1 5.2
Choquet boundary 2.25
Choquet, G. 12.14 14.16
Chord-arc curve 10.4
Christensen, E. 2.1
Christensen, J.P.R. 2.5 12.5
Christoffel functions 13.0 13.4
Clancey, K.F. 8.1 8.6 8.8 8.9 8.10
Clark, D.N. 5.11 6.12 7.1 7.7 15.3
Clary, S. 12.3
Clunie, J. 3.7 10.16 S.10.24 18 11
Cluster set 2.26 16.8
Cnop, I. 11.1
Coburn's lemma 7.1 7.8
Coburn, L. 5.10 7.5 7.14 7.15
Cochran, W.G. 10.16
Coding map 19.8
Coefficient problem 18.5 18.7 18.8
Cohen's factorization theorem 2.0 2.5
Cohen, P.J. 2.5
Coherence 13.2
Coherent state 7.0
Cohesive function 14 9
Cohomology equation 19.8
Cohomology group 2.1 2.5 2.12 20.5
Coifman, R.R. 1.4 5.12 7.22 10.2 10.8 10.14 11.15
Cole, B. 2.16
Combinatorial rotation number 19.1
Commutant 8.2 9.3
Commutative subspace lattice 5.3
Commutator 5.7 10.2 10.8
Commutator Ideal 7.8
Compactification of the open disc 2.21
Comparative asymptotics 13.0
Complete operator S.9.5
Completely reducible polynomial 2.12
Completeness of translates 11.16 11.26
COMPLEX 2.1 4.10
Complex interpolation 12.32
Complex manifold 2.29
Composition operator 14.2 18.3
Conformal mapping 7.20 10.1 12.0 12.8 12.9 12.10 12.23 S.16.21 S.16.22 18.9 18.16
Conjugacy 19.2 19.3
Conjugate diagram 16 3
Conjugate Fourier series 20.7
Conjugate set 1.18
Connes, A. 2.1 5.10 8.4
Conservative map 19.7
Constantin, P. 6.7 6.8
Continuity ideal 2.6 2.7
Continuity modulus 10.23
Continuous analytic capacity 8.10 12.16 12.25 12.26
Continuous spectrum 8.11 9.2
Continuum eigenfunction expansion 5.17
Continuum Hypothesis 2.7
Contractible algebra 2.1
Contraction 2.28 2.29 3.5. 5.12 5.13 7.2 8.7 9.3
Contractive divisor 12.13
Contractive substitution property 18.8
Control theory 20.1
Convex analysis 16.14
Convolution 3.8 14.9 14.14 S.14.20 20.4
Convolution algebra 2.5 2.8 11.10 11.18 11.21
| Convolution operator 10.13 11.7 11.8 11.0 16.3 20.1
Conway, J.B. 8.0 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.7
Coresolution 2.1
Corona problem 2.14 2.27 7.8
Corona theorem 2.14 2.27 S.4.11 9.2 10.20 11.10
Cotlar, M. 10 5
CoType 1.1 1.2 1.13
Coulomb problem 6.9
Courant, R. 14.8
Couture, R. 14.11
Cowen, M.J. 5.11 8.2
CR-manifold 17.5
Creese, T. 16.16
Cremer point 19.6 19.7
Cremer polynomials 19.6
Cremer, H. 19.6
Critical point 2.22 19.1 19.5 19.6 19.7 19.8 19.11
Critical values S.16.21
Critically finite map 19.4
Crofton, M.W. 12.23
Crum, M.M. 15.11
Cumulant of a function 14.14
Curtis, P.C.Jr. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.7 11.17 Ack.
Curto, R. 2.11 8.5
Cusp 19.2
Cut-off S.7.22
Cyclic (co)homology of an algebra 2.1
Cyclic module 2.1
Cyclic operator 2.13 8.2 20.3
Cyclic vector (function) 9.1 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 11.17 11.19
da Silva Dias, C.L. 1.18
Dahlberg, B.E.J. 6.7 16.15
Dales, H.G. 2.0 2.1 2.3 2.6 2.7 2.8 11.17
Daletskii, Yu.L. 6.4
Dang, D.Q. 7.19
Danilyuk, I.I. 10.1
Dautov, Sh.A. 17.7
David, G. 10.1 10.4 10.7
Davidson, K.R. 5.1 5.3
Davie, A.M. 5.10 8.10 12.23 12.24 12.25 12.27
Davis, Ch. 5.1 5.18 9.2
Davis, P.J. 13.1
Davis, W.J. 1.10
Dawson, D.W. 2.24
de Branges space 2.27 15.12
de Branges theorem 18.7
de Branges, L. 2.31 5.4 6.1 14.10 15.12 18.7 18.8
de Montessus de Ballore, R. 12.18
de Snoo, H.S.V. 4.8
de Vore, R. 12.32
Decomposable semigroup of operators 5.2
Deddens, J.A. 5.6 9.4
Defect index 9.4
Defect numbers 7.20
Defect space 4.2
Degree of approximation 13.3
Degree of contact (at a set) 11.25
Dehesa, J.S. 13.0
Deift, P. 6.3
Delbaen, F. 1.9
Delsarte, J. 11.0
Denjoy class 14.9
Denjoy — Carleman theorem S.14.19
Denjoy, A. 12.23 12.24
Denjoy;s condition 12.0 12.23 12.24 12.27
Denker, M. 19.8
Deny, J. 12.16 12.33
Derivation 2.1 2.3 2.8 2.13 2.19 5.6
Determinant 4.4 5.14 18.10
Determinate measure S.14.20
Determined moment sequence 15.12
Deterministic process 3.5
Devaney, R. 19.9
Devinatz — Widom condition 15.3
Devinatz, A. 6.7 6.8 7.11 7.16 S.14.20
Diaconis, P. S.14.20
Difference equation 13.0 16.13
Differential operator 6.10 11.2 11.3 11.6 12.1 14.0
Differential operator of infinite order 16.3
Differentiation invariant subspaces 5.4
Dijksma, A. 4.8
Dilation 3.5 5.12 6.9 8.7 18.11
Dines' theorem 20.1
Dini-continuous function 12.16
Diophantine condition 19.6
Dirac equation 6.9
Dirac's measure 13.1
Dirichlet algebra 2.27
Dirichlet integral 10.17 12.30 14.3
Dirichlet problem 10.20 12.20 12.30 15.7
Dirichlet series 11.8
Dirichlet space 11.14 14.15 18.8
Disc-algebra 1.0 1.2 2.4 2.9 2.19 2.26 2.32 4.1 10.21 12.19 S.14.20 17.13
Discrete analytic function theory 18.12
Discrete spectrum 6.3 13.0
Discriminant 20.5
Dissipative operator 5.9 9.2
Distinguished homomorphism 2.1 1
Distortion coefficient 5.11
Division problem 11.9
Divisor 15.3
Divisorial ideals 11.0
Divisorial submodule 11.4 11.11
Dixmier decomposition 2.14
Dixmier, J. 5.10
Dixon, M. 14.11
Dixon, P.G. 2.1 2.5 16.18
Djrbashyan, A.E. 14.3
Djrbashyan, M.M. 9.1 11.6 12.9 14.1
Dodds, P. 1.11
Dollord, J. 6.9
Dolzhenko, E.P. 8.10 12.26
Domain of Dyson type 17.8
Domain of holomorphy 19.2
Domar, Y. 2.8 11 17 11.19 12.10
Dominated contraction 5.12
Domination in Bergman space 12.13
Donchev, T. 12.30
Doner, J.E. 2.2
Doob, J.L. 16.15
Doran, R.S. 2.5
Douady, A. 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 19.6 19.7 19.10 19.11
Douglas algebra 2.27 7.18 10.18
Douglas, R.G. 2.14 5.11 5.15 7.8 7.14 8.2 8.4 8.8 9.1
Dovbysh, L.N. Ack.
Doyle, J.C. 4.1
Dragilev, M.M. 1.15
Draux, A. 13.0
Drinfel'd, V.G. 7.21
Dual module 2.1
Duality theorem 20.2
Dubinsky, E. 1.10
Dubovoj, V.K. 4.7
Duchamp, T. 17.6
Dudziak, J.J. 8.7
Dufresnoy, A. 11.2
Duncan, J. 2.0 2.1
Dunford — Schwartz ergodic theorem 3.4
Dunford, N. 4.9
Duren — Loeng conjecture 18.7
Duren, P.L. 3.7 10.1 11.14 18.7 18.15
Duval, J. 17.6
Dvoretzky theorem 1.10
Dyakonov, K.M. 10.19 10.23 S.10.24 15.3
Dym, H. 3.1 12.4
Dyn'kin's theorem 15.5
Dyn'kin, E.M. 10.1 11.19 14.6 15.5
Dynamical system 5.10 12.9 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.9 19.10 19.11
Dzhvarsheishvily, A.G. 10.1
Earl, J.P. 15.9
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