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Roggenkamp K.W., Huber-Dyson V. — Lattices Over Orders I
Roggenkamp K.W., Huber-Dyson V. — Lattices Over Orders I

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Название: Lattices Over Orders I

Авторы: Roggenkamp K.W., Huber-Dyson V.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1970

Количество страниц: 290

Добавлена в каталог: 18.09.2008

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Abellan Category      II 13
Acyclic complex      II 32
Additive category      II 3
Additive functor      II 3
Algebra      I 39
Algebraic integers      IV 32
Algebraic number field      IV 32
Artlnlan module      I 29
Artlnlan ring      I 34
Augmentation ideal      III 20
Augmentation map      III 20
Baer sum      II 53
Balanced map      I 21
Blmodule      I 3
Boundaries      II 17
Caley — Hamilton theorem      III 15
Canonical homomorphlsm      I 9
Category      II 1
Central conductor      V 18
Central simple algebra      III 39
Chain map      II 17
Characteristic polynomial      III 14
Characteristic submodule      I 35
Chinese remainder theorem      I 47
Codlagonal map      II 15
Cohomology group      II 22 III
Cokernel      I 12 II
Colmage      II 13
Compagnlon matrix      IV 59
Completely primary      I 3.1
COMPLEX      II 17 21
Composition series      I 30
Conductor      IV 33 34 V
Connecting homomorphlsm      II 19
Coproduct      I 8 II
Crossed homomorphlsm      III 20
Cycles      II 17
Decomposable lattice      IV 7
Dedeklnd domain      I 45
Derivation      III 20
Derived functor      II 33
Diagonal map      II 15
Different      V 1
Differentiation      II 17
Direct sum      I 5 8 II
Discriminant      III 14
Discriminant matrix      III 14
Divisible group      II 11
Dlrected set      I 55
Dual basis      III 17
Dual of a module      I 17 IV
Elsensteln polynomial      IV 54
Enveloping algebra      III 20
Eplmorphlsm      I 2
Essential eplmorphlsm      III 50
Exact functor      II 6
Exact homology sequence      II 23 38
Exact sequence      I 9
Extension (of modules)      II 49
Extension functor (Ext( , ))      II 34
Faithful functor      II 7
Faithful lattice      IV 33 36
Faithful module      I 39
Faithfully projective module      III 6
Fiber coproduct      II 9
Fiber product      II 8
Field of Inertia      IV 46 54
Finite algebra      I 40
Finite length      I 31
Finite type      I 4
Fractional ideal      I 45 IV
Free module      I 7
Frobenlus algebra      III 18
Frobenlus automorphism      IV 49 V
functor      II 2
Galois extension      IV 49
Gaschiitz — Caslmlr operator      III 45 V
Gauss’ Lemma      I 49
Generator (element)      I 4
Generator (modules)      III 6
Graded module      II 21
Group algebra      III 22
Hasse invariant      IV 55
Hausdorff module      I 57
Hensel’s Lemma      IV 41
Hereditary order      IV 22
Hersteln’s lemma      I 63
Hlgman ideal      V 11
Homologlcal dimension      II 45
Homology group      II 18 22
Homomorphlsm      I 1
Homotoplc      II 18
Ideal      I 2 IV
Ideal-adic completion      I 56
Ideal-adic topology      I 57
Idempotent      III 30
Image      I 2 II
Indecomposable module      I 31 IV
Injectlve limit      I 64
Inner derivation      III 20
Integral closure      I 41
Integral domain      I 43
Integral element      I 40
Integral ideal      I 45
Inverse different      V 1
Invertlble Ideal      IV 27 28
Isomorphism      I 2
J-ideal      V 17
Kernel      I 2 II
Krull — Sohmldt theorem      I 32 IV
Lattice      I 45 IV
Local ring      I 31
localization      I 42
Maximal order      IV 22
Minimum polynomial      III 14
Module      I 1
Monic polynomial      I 39
Monomorphlsm      I 2
Morlta equivalence      III 9
Morphlsm      II 1
Multiplicative system      I 42
Nakayama’s Lemma      I 36 III
Natural equivalence      II 8
Natural homomorphlsm      I 3
Natural transformation      II 7
Nil ideal      I 37
Noetherlan module      I 29
Noetherlan ring      I 34
Norm      III 14
Normal field extension      IV 49
Opposite ring      I 2
Order      IV 1
Pare submodule      I 46
Primary component      I 53
Prime ideal      I 43 IV
Primitive polynomial      I 49
Principal ideal domain      I 46
Principal ideal ring      IV 37
Prism theorem      II 20
Products      I 7 II
Progenerator      III 6
Projective cover      III 50
Projective homomorphlsm      V 6
Projective limit      I 55
Projective module      I 17
Projective resolution      II 31
Projective system      I 55
Pullback      II 8
Pushout      II 9
Quotient field      I 43
Radical      I 35
Ramification index      IV 40 44
Rank of a lattice      IV 7
Reduced characteristic, polynomial      III 40
Reduced norm      III 40
Reduced trace      III 41
Reducible lattice      IV 7
Regular module      I 2
Residue class degree      IV 40
Ring      I 1
Ring of multipliers      IV 2
Schanuel’s Lemma      V 8
Schur’s lemma      I 37
Semi-exact category      II 14
Semi-local ring      I 48 IV 39
Semi-perfect order      IV 10
Semi-perfect ring      III 52
Semi-primary      III 52
Seml-slmple      I 35 III
Separable algebra      III 22 27
Separable field extension      IV 49
Serpent lemma      II 25
Simple algebra      III 39
Simple field extension      IV 49
Simple module      I 30
Splitting field      III 35
Still t exact sequence      I 10
Subdlrect sum      II 10 V
Tensor product      I 21
Topologlcally complete      I 57
Torsion functor      II 34
Torsion module      I 45
Torsion part      I 53
Torsion-free module      I 45
Totally ramified      IV 46
Trace      III 14
Unramlfied extension      IV 46
Wedderburn’s structure theorem      III 28
X-lemma      I 38
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