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Milnor J.W., Stasheff J.D. — Characteristic Classes. (Am-76), Vol. 76 |
Предметный указатель |
89 143 157ff
, , L-genus 224ff 231 239ff
, , , , 3 62 105 266f 270ff 278f
-bundle 14 39 43
-bundle, topological 251
-isomorphism 207 233
Adams, J.F. 134 286
Alexander duality 280
Alexandroff line 23
Algebraic hypersurface 196
Almost complex structure 151
Associated bundle 139 195
Base space 13 27
Basis 10 23 95f 128
Bernoulli numbers 225 230 281ff
BF 252
Bianchi identity 297
Bilinear 21 31 48
Binomial coefficients 45f 94 184f
BO(n), BSO(n) 145 179 250ff see
Bockstein homomorphism 182 253
Bordant, bordism group 255
Borel, A. 134 189
Bott periodicity 244 255
Boundary 53 78 186 199 224
Boundary homomorphism 112 258 262
BU(n) 163
Bundle homotopy 65
Bundle map 26 37 42 61 65 98
Bundle of finite type 71
Canonical line bundle 16 43 71 93
Canonical n-plane bundle 59—71 141f
Canonical n-plane bundle , complex 152 159—163 227f
Canonical n-plane bundle , oriented 145
Cap product 113 135 233 276ff
Cartan formula 91
Cartesian product 3 27 34 54 64 92 100
Category 8 32 34
Cauchy — Riemann equations 150 153
Cayley numbers 48 134
Cell, cell structure see "CW-complex"
Chain complex, mapping 111ff 182
Characteristic class 37 68f 250f 298
Characteristic map 73
Chern character 195f 296
Chern class 38 155ff 174—177 182 189ff 220 243 299 306
Chern number 183ff 191ff
Chern product theorem 164
Chern — Weil theorem 311
Chern, S.-S. v
Christoffel symbol 301
Classifying space 163 250ff 255 see "B()"
Closure finiteness 74
Cobordism 53f 197—203 211ff 223 253 256
Coboundary 258
Cohomology 89 257—280
Cohomology of 69 83—88 140 182 250
Cohomology of 102 189
Cohomology of 42 84
Cohomology of 159ff
Cohomology of 243
Cohomology of 146 179ff
Cohomology of B Top 251
Cohomology of BF 252f
Cohomology of BPL 250 252f
Cohomology with compact support 275
Cohomology, generalized 254
Cohomotopy groups 208 233f 236 238f
Collar neighborhood 200
Combinatorial Pontrjagin classes 231—248
Complex analytic function 150
Complex manifold 150f 159
Complex n-plane (or vector) bundle 149
Complex structure J 149 173
Complexification 153 173ff
Conjugate bundle 167 170 173 176f
Connection 289—295 298ff 305ff 308 312
Connection , Levi — Civita 300—302
Connection , symmetric 301
Continuous functor 31
Coordinate neighborhood 4
Coordinate space 3
Coordinate system, local 4 19
Covariant derivative 289 301
Covering homotopy 70 206 252
Covering space 145 182 312 314
Cross product 92f 105 164 237
Cross-section 16ff 22ff 36 39 101f 139 142 152 289
Cup product 38 54 263ff
Curvature 31 293—300 306ff 310
Curvature, Gaussian 303 305
CW-complex 73—81 139—148 165 171 260ff 268ff
De Rham cohomology 289 298
Dependent cross-sections 18
Derivative 8ff 34 44
Derivative, covariant 289 301
Derivative, directional 9
Derivative, exterior 292
Determinant 295 299 309
df 8ff 34 44
Diagonal 93 100 121 123
Diagonal cohomology class 124 127ff
Diffeomorphism 7 9ff 14 42 48 115f 151 248 250
Differential form 253 290f 293ff 303f
Differential operator 9 153 290
Direct limit 63 108f 114 262 277ff
Division algebra 47ff
Dual bundle 33 35 152 168
Dual cohomology class 120 196 273
Dual vector space 9 31 169
Dyer — Lashof algebra 253
Embedding 10 70 81 115 120 135 148 196 211 215
Euclidean vector bundle or metric 21ff 28 35f 39 46 52 89 102 244 300 309ff
Euclidean vector space 21
Euler characteristic or Euler number 15 129f 148 170 184 186 313f
Euler class e 98ff 119f 123f 143—148 155 158 179f 243—247 309 311ff
Exponential map 116 124
Exterior derivative 292
Exterior form 295
Exterior power 31 70 148
Fiber 13f
Fiber bundle 14
Fibration 229 252 256
Flat connection 291 294 308 312
Foliation 253
Formal power series 221 224f
Frame 56 76 139
functor 8 32 34
Functor, continuous 31f
Fundamental class, cohomology 90—92 95 100 106ff 118f 123
Fundamental class, homology 50—52 126f 184 235 251 270 273
Gauss map 55 60 70
Gauss — Bonnet theorem 303ff 310f
Generalized cohomology theory 254
Generalized homology theory 255
Genus, K- or L- 223f
Geodesic coordinates 304
Girard's formula 195
Gram — Schmidt process 23 29 57 59
Grassmann manifold , 55—65 68—88 102 245 250
Grassmann manifold , complex 102 152 159 163 171
Grassmann manifold , oriented , 145 179ff 214f 245f
Gysin sequence 143ff 157 160ff 180 243 245 247
Half space 75ff 199
Hermitian metric 156f 161 168
Hirzebruch, F. 38 219ff 224 231 241
Holomorphic 150—152
Hom 31 35 43 45 58 70 87 169f 248
Homology 257—263
| Homology manifold 234—239
Homotopy class 69
Homotopy groups 206ff 212ff 245 250f 255 284
Homotopy type 223 226 229 245
Hurewicz homomorphism 207 246 252
Immersion 30f 49f 54 121
Implicit function theorem 209f
Index theorem 226
Induced bundle 25f 149
Inner product 21
Invariant polynomial 295
Inverse function theorem 5 116
Inverse limit 108f 110f
Isometry 24
Isomorphic (vector bundles) 14 18 35f 38
J-homomorphism 284
Jacobian 8 30
jet 24
K-theory 254
Kronecker index 50 148 232 259
Kuenneth theorem 88 128 165 207 224 268f
Leibniz formula 289 292
Lens space 245
Linear group , , 14 22 34 155
Local coefficients 140
Local coordinate system 4 13
Local operator 290
Local parameterization 4 199
Local triviality 13 149 152 249
Long line 23
Mapping cone 112
Mayer — Vietoris sequence 102 271f 278
Microbundle 250
MO(k), MSO(k) 215
Moebius band 17 94 120
Multiplicative characteristic class 227ff
Multiplicative sequence 219ff 224f 227ff
n-frame 56 76 139
n-plane 56 60
n-plane bundle 14 37
Naturality 37
Newton's formula 195
Normal bundle 15 23 29f 41 115ff 121 210 215 232 252
Obstruction 139ff 171 251
Oriented bundle 95ff 110 155 178f
Oriented cobordism 199ff 216
Oriented manifold 55 122 185f 200f 234 256 273ff
Oriented simplex 95
Oriented vector space 95
Orthogonal complement 28f 35 43 70f 157 169
Orthogonal group 22 253
Pairing 21
Paracompact 23 28 62 65ff 71 74 240 291
Parallelizable 15 20 23 47f 148
Parameterization 4
Partition 80f 85 171 183—197 202 216 222
Partition of unity 23 210
Pfafian 309ff
Piecewise linear 235 237 249
Piecewise linear bundle 249
Piecewise linear manifold 239 247 249 252
Poincare complex 251f
Poincare duality 127ff 131 135 224 235 239 251 276ff
Poincare hypothesis 247
Pontrjagin classes 173—182 197 220 223ff 243f 308
Pontrjagin classes , combinatorial 231—248
Pontrjagin numbers 183 185f 193f 202 217 223f 226 247f 256
Pontrjagin, L. v 52 186 202
Power series 40 221 224f 281 296
Product formulas 37f 100 164 175 190 227f
Projective module 36
Projective space, Cayley 134
Projective space, complex 133 152 159f 167 169f 177f 184f 189 192ff 202f 216 225 234
Projective space, quaternion 33 186 243 248
Projective space, real 11 15 42ff 49ff 55 70 80 94 120f 142 144
Quadratic function 21
Quaternions 20 48 243 248
Quotient bundle 35
Rank 4 85 181 216
Real vector bundle 13
refinement 183 195
Regular value 208ff 217 232 241
Representation ring 256
Restriction 25 270
Riemann surface 312
Riemannian connection 302
Riemannian manifold or metric 22 29f 35 115 121 253ff 300ff
Ring of smooth functions 10f
Sard's theorem 209 232
Schubert cell, Schubert variety 75 171
Schubert symbol 75—80
Second fundamental form 35 70
Serre, J.-P. 207 233
Sign conventions 258 304
Signature 224 232f 235ff 247
Signature theorem 224ff
Simplex 95f 234ff 257
Simplicial complex 234 237ff 249
Simplicial map 235ff
Singular homology and cohomology 37 258
Skeleton 260
Slant product 125f 131
Smooth function 4 7 34 70
Smooth manifold 3 4 9f 12 25 53 70 139
Smooth manifold with boundary 52 186 199ff 255 279f
Smooth path 5
Smooth vector bundle 14f 26 34 243
Smoothness structure 10f 248 250
Sphere bundle 38
Spinor group 253
Stable homotopy group 255
Steenrod reduced powers 228
Steenrod squares 90ff 130ff 182
Stiefel manifold 56 68f 139 145 171
Stiefel — Whitney class 37—50 54 83 119ff 130ff 140 171 181
Stiefel — Whitney class , axioms 37f 92
Stiefel — Whitney class , dual 49 87 136
Stiefel — Whitney class , existence 89—94
Stiefel — Whitney class , total 39f
Stiefel — Whitney class , uniqueness 86f
Stiefel — Whitney number 50ff 81 130 136 197 217 256
Stiefel, E. v 38 47f
Stokes theorem 304
Structural group 14 22 34 253 294 312
Sub-bundle 27f 54 103
Sub-division 235 237
Submanifold 29f
Submersion 35
Symmetric function 84 87 186—191 222 230 299
Symplectic group 253
Tangent bundle 14 21f 25 27 29f 41ff 70 87 121f 199f 243 251 249ff
Tangent bundle , complex 151 169 289
Tangent manifold DM 7ff 44
Tangent space 3 5 7ff 30 200 209f
Tangent vector 5 9f
Tensor product 31—36 87 149 173 289
Thom Isomorphism 90ff 97 99 105ff 119 207
Thom space 205—208 211ff 252
Thom, R. 53 91 193f 199ff 224 231
Todd genus 229
Topological manifold 57 251
Topology, direct limit 63f 74
Topology, direct limit, fine=large=Whitehead 63 74
Topology, weak 63
Total differential 9
Total space E( ) 13 115 243
Trace 295 306
Transversality 205 208—215
Triangulation 139 143 240 247 251
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