Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Stenstroem B. — Ring of quotients. Introduction to methods of ring theory |
Предметный указатель |
-generated object 134
-injective module 264
AB 5 condition 114
Abelian category 87
Abelian subcategory 89
Additive functor 15
Adjoint functor 103
Algebra 44
Annihilator 13 52
Arithmetical ring 71
Artin — Rees module 169
Artinian lattice 67
Artinian module 13
Artinian object 123
Artinian ring 13
Ascending chain condition 12 67
Associated prime ideal 128 160
Associated prime ideal, weakly 268
atom 73
Automorphism 7
Automorphism category 111
Baer ring 78
Basis for a module 9
Basis for a topology 145
Bezout Domain 53
Bicommutator 7
Bimodule 7
Bimorphism 233
Boolean algebra 70
Boolean ring 41
Boolean subalgebra 71
Bounded topology 150
Brouwer lattice 76
Canonical topology 205
Category 14
Category, abelian 87
Category, automorphism 111
Category, cocomplete 99
Category, complete 99
Category, diagram 97
Category, dual 14
Category, endomorphism 111
Category, functor 95
Category, Grothendieck 114
Category, locally coirreducible 133
Category, locally finitely generated 122
Category, locally noetherian 123
Category, locally small 94
Category, preadditive 15
Category, quotient 199
Category, small 14
Category, spectral 128
Central idempotent 40
Centrally splitting 140 154
Classical noetherian ring 170
Classical ring of quotients 52
Closed module 198
Closure operator 76
Closure operator, finitary 77
Closure system 65
Cocomplete category 100
Codivisorial module 267
Cogenerate a module 94
Cogenerate a torsion theory 139
Cogenerator 93
Cohen — Macaulay ring 177
Coherent module 42
Coherent ring 43
Coirreducible 119
Cokernel 84
Colimit 99
Compact 73
Compactly generated lattice 73
Compatible 98
Complement 65
Complemented lattice 65
Complete category 99
Complete lattice 64
Complete regular ring 78
Complete ring of quotients 200
Complete sublattice 64
Completion 64
Completion of boolean algebra 79
Completion, Dedekind — MacNeille 65 79
Completion, rational 204
Completion,ideal 80
Composition chain 67
Composition factor 183
Continuous lattice 72
Continuous regular ring 252
Continuous spectral category 129
Coproduct 85
Copure sequence 212
Cotertiary module 161
Countercyclic module 206
Countermodule 206
Critical ideal 212
Dedekind — MacNeille completion 65 79
Dedeking domain 61
Denominator set 52
Dense 149
Depth 174
Descending chain condition 54 67
Diagram category 97
Direct family of subobjects 102
Direct limit 17
Direct product 8
Direct sum 8 85 88
Direct summand 10
Direct system 17 98
Direct union 19 114
Directed set 17
Discrete spectral category 129
Distributive lattice 69
Divisible module 22 58 141 155
Divisorial submodule 267 269
Dominant dimension 211
Dominant ring 226
Dominated element 225
Dominion 225
Endomorphism 7
Endomorphism category 111
Endomorphism ring 7
Envelope, -injective 201
Envelope, injective 118
Epimorphism 6 45 83
Epimorphism of rings 225
Equivalent idempotents 193
Equivalent monomorphisms 83
Essential 54 75 76 117
Essential extension 75
Essentially closed 75
Exact functor 16 89
Exact sequence 6 88
Faithful functor 15
Faithful module 44
Faithfully flat 48
Filter 64
Finitary closure operator 77
Finite length 67 68 92
Finite localization 239
Finite rank 54 126
Finitely generated 10 121
Finitely presented 11 122
Flat epimorphic ring of quotients 229
Flat module 33
Flat module, - 212
Flat, faithfully 48
Free module 9
| Free on a set 10
Frobenius algebra 278
Fully bounded ring 165
functor 14
Functor category 95
Functor, additive 15
Functor, adjoint 103
Functor, contra variant 15
Functor, exact 16 89
Functor, faithful 15
Functor, full 15
Functor, Horn 16
Functor, left exact 16 89
Functor, representable 97
Gabriel topology 146
Gabriel — Oberst theorem 245
Galois connection 77
Generate a module 94
Generate a torsion theory 139
Generators of a category 93 94
Generators of a module 9
Giraud subcategory 214
Goldie theorem 54
Goldie topology 148
Grothendieck category 114
Height 175
Hereditary class 138
Hereditary ring 22
Hereditary torsion theory 141
Hilbert basis theorem 12
Homomorphism of boolean algebras 71
Homomorphism of modules 5
Ideal 64 80
Ideal completion 80
Ideal, principal 64
Idempotent 10
Idempotent lifting 186
Idempotent preradical 136
Idempotent, primitive 186
Image 6 88
Imbedding 97
Indecomposable 10 119
Independent family 88
Independent, linearly 9
Inductive limit 99
Injection 8
Injective cogenerator 21
Injective envelope 118 201
Injective module 20
Injective object 89
Injective, - 198
Injective, - 264
Injective, S- 58
Intersection 88
interval 64
Inverse limit 99
Inverse system 98
Invertible ideal 59
Invertible module 209
Irreducible decomposition 69
Irreducible element 69
Irreducible subobject 119
Irredundant decomposition 69
Isomorphism 6 14 82
Isomorphism, natural 27
Isotypic module 164
Jacobson radical 179
Join 63 64
Jordan-Holder Theorem 67 68 92
Kasch ring 235
Kernel 6 84
Krull dimension 175
Krull domain 269
Krull intersection theorem 171
Krull — Remak — Schmidt — Azumaya theorem 126
Lattice 63
Lattice anti-morphism 64
Lattice morphism 63
Lattice of finite length 67
Lattice, big 89
Lattice, Brouwer 76
Lattice, compactly generated 73
Lattice, complemented 65
Lattice, complete 64
Lattice, continuous 72
Lattice, distributive 69
Lattice, locally atomic 73
Lattice, modular 65
Lattice, opposite 63
Lattice, upper continuous 72
Length 67
Limit, direct 17
Limit, inductive 99
Limit, inverse 99
Limit, projective 99
Linearly topological 144
Local ring 125
Localization, finite 239
Localization, perfect 229
Lower continuous lattice 72
Maximal ring of quotients 200
Meet 63 64
Minimal ideal 24
Modular lattice 65
Module 5
Module of finite length 68
Module of fractions 57
Module of quotients 197
Module reduced 141
Module, -closed 198
Module, -discrete 145
Module, -divisible 155
Module, -flat 212
Module, -injective 198
Module, -noetherian 263
Module, -reduced 159
Module, -torsion 146
Module, -injective 264
Module, absolutely pure 48
Module, Artin — Rees 169
Module, Artinian 13
Module, codivisorial 267
Module, coherent 42
Module, cotertiary 161
Module, countercyclic 206
Module, cyclic 10
Module, divisible 22 58 141
Module, faithfully flat 48
Module, finitely generated 10
Module, finitely presented 10
Module, flat 33
Module, FP-injective 48
Module, indecomposable 10
Module, injective 20
Module, isotypic 164
Module, Noetherian 12
Module, projective 19
Module, pure-injective 48
Module, quasi-injective 158
Module, S-injective 58
Module, semi-artinian 182
Module, semi-simple 23
Module, simple 13
Module, torsion 57
Module, torsionless 94
Monoid 15
Monomorphism 6 45 83
Morita context 112
Morita equivalence 106
Реклама |