Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Stenstroem B. — Ring of quotients. Introduction to methods of ring theory |
Предметный указатель |
Morita, stable 109
Morphism 14 63
Nakayama lemma 179
Natural equivalence 15
Natural isomorphism 127
Natural transformation 15
Nil ideal 182
Nilpotent element 40
Nilpotent ideal 54
Nilpotent, T- 183
Noetherian lattice 67
Noetherian module 12
Noetherian object 123
Noetherian ring 12
Noetherian, - 263
Noetherian, - 266
Non-singular module 148
Opposite category 14
Opposite lattice 63
Opposite ring 7
Order 54 62
Order morphism 63
Ore domain 52
Perfect localization 229
Perfect ring 189
Perfect topology 231
Perfectly complete ring 235
Popescu — Gabriel theorem 220
Preadditive category 15
Preradical 136
Preregular set 287
Presheaf 97
Pretorsion 137
Priifer domain 61
Primary decomposition 163
Primary submodule 163
Prime ideal 160
Prime radical 283
Prime ring 54
Primitive idempotent 186
Principal domain 22
Product category 16
Projection 8 85
Projective coordinates 20
Projective cover 120
Projective dimension 282
Projective intervals 65
Projective limit 99
Projective module 19
Projective object 89
Pseudo-complement 74
Pseudo-complemented category 117
Pseudo-complemented lattice 74
Pullback 89
Pure 36 212
Pushout 92
Quasi-Frobenius ring 276
Quasi-injective module 158
Quorite ring 285
Quotient category 199
Quotient module 5
Quotient object 84
Radical 136
Radical, Jacobson 179
Radical, prime 283
Rank 127
Rational completion 205
Reduced module 141 159
Reduced ring 40
Reflective ring 284
Reflective subcategory 213
Regular 283
Regular ring 39
Regular ring, complete 78
Regular ring, continuous 252
Regular sequence 174
Regular, M- 172
Regularity condition 289
Representable functor 97
Reversible set 52
Ring of finite rank 54
Ring of fractions 50
Ring of fractions, total 52
Ring of quotients 53 196
Ring of quotients, classical 52
Ring of quotients, complete 200
Ring of quotients, flat epimorphic 229
Ring of quotients, maximal 200
Ring, a-quorite 285
Ring, a-reflective 284
Ring, arithmetical 71
Ring, Artinian 13
Ring, Baer 78
Ring, boolean 41
Ring, classical 170
Ring, Cohen — Macaulay 177
Ring, dominant 226
Ring, fully bounded 165
Ring, group 10
Ring, hereditary 22
Ring, Kasch 235
Ring, local 125
Ring, Noetherian 12
Ring, perfect 189
Ring, perfectly complete 235
Ring, prime 54
Ring, quasi-Frobenius 276
Ring, reduced 40
Ring, regular 39
Ring, self-injective 244
Ring, semi-artinian 183
Ring, semi-hereditary 22
| Ring, semi-local 182
Ring, semi-perfect 187
Ring, semi-primary 180
Ring, semi-prime 54
Ring, semi-simple 24
Ring, simple 25
Ring, skew polynomial 53
Ring, strongly regular 40
Ring, Utumi 252
Saturated submodule 62 77 207 283
Schreier refinement theorem 66
Schur's lemma 24
Self-injective ring 244
Semi-artinian module 182
Semi-artinian ring 183
Semi-hereditary ring 22
Semi-lattice 80
Semi-local ring 182
Semi-perfect ring 187
Semi-primary ring 180
Semi-prime ideal 283
Semi-prime ring 54
Semi-simple module 23
Semi-simple object 128
Semi-simple ring 24
Sheaf 215
Similar intervals 65
Simple module 13
Simple object 128
Simple ring 25
Simple torsion theory 179
singular 55 148
Small category 14
Small subobject 120
Small's theorem 289
Socle 25 185
Spectral category 128
Spectral category of a category 130
Spectral category of a ring 133
Spectral category, continuous 120
Spectral category, discrete 129
Split exact sequence 8 88
Splitting torsion theory 140
Stable 152 169
Standard representation 223
Stronger topology 147
Strongly regular ring 42
Subcategory 15
Subcategory, abelian 89
Subcategory, full 15
Subcategory, Giraud 214
Subcategory, reflective 213
Sublattice 64
Sublattice, complete 64
Submodule 5
Submodule, -pretorsion 145
Submodule, -saturated 207
Submodule, divisorial 267
Submodule, essential 76
Submodule, primary 163
Submodule, saturated 62 77 283
Submodule, singular 148
Submodule, small 120
Submodule, tertiary 161
Submodule, torsion 57 140
Subobject 83
Subobject, essential 117
Subobject, small 120
Subobject, torsion 140
SUM 88
Supplement 120
Support 172
T-nilpotent 183
Tensor product 26
Tertiary decomposition 162
Tertiary submodule 161
Topological group 143
Topological module 144
Topological ring 144
Topological, linearly 144
topology 145
Topology, - 145
Topology, 1- 48 237
Topology, a-adic 146 169
Topology, bounded 150
Topology, canonical 205
Topology, Gabriel 146
Topology, Goldie 148
Topology, perfect 231
Topology, separated 146
Torsion class 139
Torsion module 57 146
Torsion object 139
Torsion subobject 140
Torsion theory 139
Torsion theory, Goldie 148
Torsion theory, simple 179
Torsion theory, splitting 140
Torsion theory, stable 152
Torsion-free class 139
Torsion-free module 57
Torsion-free object 139
Torsionless module 94
Total ring of fractions 52
Trace ideal 108 113
Trivial extension 45
TTF-class 153
Upper bound 63
Upper continuous lattice 72
Utumi ring 151
Vector space 10
Weaker topology 147
Yoneda Lemma 96
Zero object 83
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