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Higson N., Roe J. — Analytic K-Homology |
Предметный указатель |
-algebra 8
-algebra, abstract 16
-algebra, Real 387
-identity 2
, full group -algebra 72
, reduced group -algebra 8
, T an operator 2
, X a coarse space 149
, Kasparov K-homology group 205
, analytic K-homology 128 215
, relative K-homology group 131 216
, K-theory group 86
, relative K-group 92
, J non-unital 90
, in terms of unitaries 106
, higher K-group 98
, K-homology group of a space 305
, algebra of matrices over A 9
-structure 315
-structure, on boundary 316
, model index one Predholm module 251
, Schrbdinger pairing 226 229
, algebra of bounded operators 1
, algebra of compact operators 8 29
, Calkin algebra 29
, equivalence modulo compacts 63
, reduced analytic K-homology 125
*-homomorphism 3
Adjoint of bounded operator 1
Adjoint of unbounded operator 20
Admissible see “Projective resolution admissible”
aligned 240 243 291 293
Amenable 61 164 267 374
ample 124 149 173 184 199 213
Ample, very 358
Approximate unit 18 41 48 115
Approximate unit, quasicentral 57—60 66 76 273
Aspherical 289 349 350 357 365
Assembly map 347 364 389
Assembly map, classical 364—366
Assembly map, coarse 354 355 357
Atiyah — Singer index theorem vii 48 239 305—341 349
Atiyah — Singer Index Theorem, for hypersurfaces 324
Atkinson's Theorem 30 54 240
B(X), algebra of Borel functions 15
Baum — Connes conjecture x 366—373
Baum — Connes conjecture, coarse 357
Bergman space 51 139 197 333
Block-diagonal 66
Bott generator 94 108 323
Bott Periodicity Theorem 46 54 110—113 118 178 253—258 388
Bott Periodicity Theorem, Cuntz's proof 118—120 197
Boundary map 99 259—264 301 317 354 369
Boundary map, explicit formulae 109 113 218
Boundary map, uniqueness of 261
Bounded set (in coarse geometry) 142
Brown — Douglas — Fillmore Theorem vii 37 167—188
Busby invariant 54
C(X), , algebras of continuous functions 8
Calkin algebra 29 40 92 108 196
Cap product 267
CAR algebra 52 82 90 198
Cartan — Hadamard theorem 144 350
Cauchy's integral formula 301
Cayley transform 21 108
Chern character 186 325 366
Clifford algebra 312 378
Clifford multiplication 306 312
Closable operator 20 272
Close (in coarse geometry) 141 142
Cluster axiom 180 183—185
Coarse map 144
Coarse structure 142 233 352
Coarse structure, associated -algebra 149 285
Coarse structure, comparison of 145 289
Coarse structure, metric 143 152—157
Coarse structure, proper 143
Coarse structure, separable 144
Coarse structure, topological 143 157—160
Coarsely equivalent 144
Cobordism invariance 343
Cohen Factorization Theorem 12 25
Cohomology 325 366 373
Cohomology, for planar sets 186
Commutator 34 60 135 243
Commutator, graded 378
Compact operator 8 29
Compact perturbation 204
Compactification 24 143 351
Compactification, coarse 288 329
complete 274
Completely positive 55 79
Concordance 315
Cone 97 260
Contractible 97
Contractive 208 219
Controlled operator 148 285
Controlled Riemannian metric 329
Controlled set 142
Covering isometry 126 149 357
covers 126 149
Covers, uniformly 357
Cuntz algebra 53 82 115 198
Cup product 105
Cyclic 13 15
de Rham operator 307
Degree 378
Denning function 333
Derives 60 76 243
Diagonal operator 33
Difference bundle construction 94
Differential operator 269
Dirac bundle 306
Dirac class 253 254
Dirac connection 309
Dirac operator 306
Dirac operator, on the line 314
Dirac — Toeplitz operator 331
Direct product 183
Direct sum 7 183
Dolbeault operator 308 326
Domain 19
Domain, of an unbounded operator, invariant 278 297
Dual algebra 123
Dual algebra, relative 130
Dual algebra, unreduced 128
Eilenberg swindle 102 116 154 206 360
Elliptic operator 279
Elliptic operator, homology class of 288 294
Elliptic regularity 283
Endomorphism carried by an ideal 384
Energy estimate 275
Exact -algebra 82
Excision map 93 216
Excision Theorem and mapping cone 98
Excision Theorem for K-homology 133—137 216
Excision Theorem for K-theory 92—96 114
Ext (A) 41
Ext (X) 36
Extension 36 38 125
Extension, isomorphic 39
| Extension, local, of a differential operator 299
Extension, of an unbounded operator 20 300
External product on K-homology see “Kasparov product”
External product on K-theory 103—105
Faithful representation 12
Fiasque 164
Finite-rank operator 8 280
Five lemma 171
Formal adjoint 271
Formal periodicity 207 234
Fredholm index 29 93 108—110 200 305
Fredholm module viii-ix 199
Fredholm module, balanced 210
Fredholm module, degenerate 205
Fredholm module, graded 200
Fredholm module, involutive 209
Fredholm module, multigraded 203
Fredholm module, non-degenerate 209
Fredholm module, relative 215
Fredholm module, selfadjoint 208
Fredholm module, summable 235
Fredholm module, unbounded 301
Fredholm module, unital 209
Fredholm operator 29 93
Fredholm operator, graded 240
Free group 62 82 115 201 235 267
Free resolution 190
Friedrichs' mollifier 273 297
Functional calculus 5 22
Functional calculus, Borel 15 135 151
Functoriality of coarse K-theory 151
Functoriality of index pairing 174 325
Fundamental K-homology class 315
Garding's inequality 280—282
Gelfand transform 3
Gelfand — Naimark theorem 10 16
Gelfand — Naimark — Segal construction 12 56
Generalized homology theory 168
Glimm's Lemma 68 69
Graded, algebra 377
Graded, Hilbert space 377
Graded, vector space 377
Grading operator 377
Graph norm 21
Graph of an operator 20
Group -algebra, full 72 374
Group -algebra, reduced 8 61 201 347 363—373
Group von Neumann algebra 236
Half-exact 96 98 119 176 259
Hardy space 34
Hawaiian earring 180
Hermitian metric 308
Hermitian module 225 381
Hermitian module, graded 384
Higher signature 366
Hilbert transform 54
Hilbert — Schmidt operator 50 74
Homogeneous element (of a graded algebra) 378
Homological algebra 188 190 372
Homotopic 86 249
Homotopic, homomorphisms 97
Homotopic, stably 86 207
Homotopy equivalence 97
Homotopy invariance of K-homology 160—162 249—252
Homotopy invariance of K-theory 97
Homotopy, uniform 359
Hyperbolic group 363
Ideal 17
Ideal supported near a coarse subspace 155
INDEX function 37
Index pairing 173 174
Index, analytic 321
Index, coarse 354
Index, topological 324 328 340
Induced homomorphism 127
Inner automorphism 101
Inner product 1 12
Inner product module 381
Internal product see “Cap product” “Cup
Inverse limit 182
Isometry 2 101
K-homology 125—133 204—215 305
K-homology, reduced 125
K-homology, relative 131 215—219
K-homology, unreduced 128
K-theory 85—113
K-theory, Kasparov's definition 116
K-theory, of planar sets 186—187
Kadison — Kaplansky conjecture 235
Kahler metric 336
Kasparov group 205
Kasparov product viii 239 247 249 252 253 259
Kasparov product and elliptic operators 290—293 296
Kasparov product, definition of 243—248
Kasparov product, equivariant generalization of 326
Kasparov product, in KK-theory 268
Kasparov's lemma 135 287 289
Kasparov's Technical Theorem 76—77 135 239 245
Kazhdan projection 73 374
KK-theory, x 237 267 389
Lichnerowicz' theorem 349
Liftable 58 62
Lifting, completely positive 56 58 62 130
Lifting, multiplicative 42
Locally compact operator 130 147 255
Long Exact Sequence 99 129 168
Mapping cone 98
Maximal domain 20 272
Mayer — Vietoris sequence 117—118 157 168 363 371
Milnor — Wolf Theorem 163
Minimal domain 20 272
Multigraded operator 380
Multigrading 203 311 379
Murray — von Neumann equivalent 88 123
Near (in coarse geometry) 154 163
Non-degenerate representation 12 26
Norm topology 6
normal 2
Normal, essentially 36
Normalization of KK(A) 209 255
Normalized loop of projections 100
Normalizing function 286
Novikov conjecture 365—366 369
Nuclear -algebra 60 82
Operator homotopy 204
Operator norm 1
Opposite grading 377
Over Fredholm module over a representation 200
Over projection over an algebra 86
Over unitary over an algebra 106
Partial isometry 2 88 230
Partially bounded from below 330
Partition of unity 244
Partition of unity, adapted 245
Partitioned space 233
Path-lifting property 95
Perturbation series 27 293
Poincare duality 343
Point-norm topology 57 97
Poisson summation formula 367
Ponzi scheme 164
Positive element of a -algebra 16 24
Positive modulo an ideal 212 239
Positive operator 6—7
Projection 2 85
Projective module 89 381
Projective resolution 189
Projective resolution, admissible 189
Propagation 152
Propagation speed 274 284 288
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