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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)
Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)

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Íàçâàíèå: Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)

Àâòîð: Connolly J.F.


This 2-volume set covers the full range of common and uncommon fractures and dislocations in adults and children. It guides readers through diagnosis, including both clinical and radiographic methods, and then discusses mechanisms of injury and management. Sequential illustrations demonstrate fracture reduction, immobilization, and follow-up methods. Where operative treatment would be beneficial, indications and surgical options are discussed. Features over 2500 classic clinical illustrations from the above title.

ßçûê: en

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 29.11.2005

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Humerus, supracondyle of, fracture of      See Supracondylar fracture humeral.
Humerus, upper, fracture of      1159—1181
Humerus, upper, fracture of, bending      1163 1163
Humerus, upper, fracture of, direct mechanisms producing      1163 1163
Humerus, upper, fracture of, displaced, types of      1164 1164
Humerus, upper, fracture of, evaluation of      1165 1165
Humerus, upper, fracture of, external torsional      1160—1162 1160—1162
Humerus, upper, fracture of, indirect mechanisms producing      1160—1162 1160—1162
Humerus, upper, fracture of, internal torsional      1161 1162
Humerus, upper, fracture of, management of      1166—1168 1166—1168
Humpback deformity, in unstable scaphoid fracture      1416 1416 1417 1417
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, for anaerobic myonecrosis      48 777
Hyperextension injury, of proximal interphalangeal joint      1568 1568
Hyperextension injury, to elbow      137. See also Supracondylar fracture humeral.
Hyperextension injury, to elbow, anterior Monteggia lesion from      1292 1292
Hyperextension injury, to elbow, anterior Monteggia lesion from, in children      182 182
Hyperextension injury, to knee      666—667 666—667
Hyperextension injury, to knee, causing proximal tibial epiphyseal fracture      281—283 281—283
Hyperextension injury, to lower cervical spine      381—387
Hyperextension injury, to lower cervical spine, ankylosing spondylitis and      381—383
Hyperextension injury, to lower cervical spine, simulating hyperflexion deformities      386—387 386—387
Hyperextension injury, to lower cervical spine, with osteoarthritis, causing central cord syndrome      384—385 384—385
Hyperextension injury, to posterior cruciate ligament of knee      687 687
Hyperextension injury, to talus      919—921 926—936
Hyperextension injury, to talus, diagnosis of      926—927 926—937
Hyperextension injury, to talus, type I      920 920 928 928
Hyperextension injury, to talus, type II      920 920 929—931 929—931
Hyperextension injury, to talus, type III      920 920 932—934 932—934
Hyperextension injury, to talus, type IV      921 921 932—934 932—934
Hyperextension injury, to thoracolumbar spine      403—404 403^04
Hyperextension injury, to thoracolumbar spine, ankylosing spondylitis and      440—441 440—441
Hyperextension injury, to thoracolumbar spine, causing acquired spondylolysis      443—444 443—444
Hyperextension injury, to upper cervical spine      315—320 315—320
Hyperextension injury, to upper cervical spine, MRI studies of      320 320
Hyperextension injury, to upper cervical spine, without compressive force action      318 318
Hyperextension injury, with anterior dislocation of radial epiphysis      185 185
Hyperextension-compression injury, to axis      316 316
Hyperextension-shear injury, to lumbar spine      405 405 442 442
Hyperflexion deformity, cervical spine injury simulating      386—387 386—387
Hyperflexion injury      See also Wedge fracture.
Hyperflexion injury, to cervical spine      312—313 312—313
Hyperflexion injury, to posterior cruciate ligament of knee      687 687
Hyperflexion injury, to talus      922 922 937—941
Hyperflexion injury, to talus, diagnosis of      938 938
Hyperflexion injury, to talus, management of      939—941 939—941
Hyperflexion injury, to talus, types of      937 937
Hyperflexion injury, to thoracic spine, producing codfish-shaped vertebra or burst fracture      398 398
Hyperflexion injury, to thoracic spine, producing distraction fracture      399 399
Hyperflexion injury, to thoracic spine, stable      396 396
Hyperflexion injury, to thoracic spine, unstable      397 397
Hypertrophic zone, of growth center      92 92
Hypovolemic shock, with pelvic fracture, evaluation and management of      475—476
Iliac artery(ies), injury to      476 476
Iliac spine, avulsion fracture of      233 233 460 460
Iliac spine, avulsion fracture of, radiographic appearance of      466 466
Iliotibial tract      661
Ilium, dislocation of, mechanisms producing      498 498
Ilium, fracture of      461 461
Ilizarov fixator, for explosion fracture of tibia      894 894
Ilizarov fixator, for unstable open ankle fracture      910 910
Ilizarov lengthening technique, for malunion      650 650
Immobilization      79—85
Immobilization, by cast-splint      See Cast-splint.
Immobilization, by external fixation      85 85. external.
Immobilization, by plaster cast      80—81 80—81.
Immobilization, by spica cast      See Spica cast.
Immobilization, by traction      82—84 82—84.
Immobilization, for ankle dislocation, anterior      901 901
Immobilization, for ankle dislocation, posterior      899 899
Immobilization, for bimalleolar fractures, with medial displacement of talus      870 870
Immobilization, for calcaneal fracture      989 989 991 991
Immobilization, for calcaneal fracture, extra-articular      971 971 973 973
Immobilization, for calcaneal fracture, horizontal      976 976
Immobilization, for capitate fracture      1456 1456
Immobilization, for chip fracture of coronoid process      1275
Immobilization, for Colles' fracture      1364 1364
Immobilization, for Colles' fracture, with carpal scaphoid fracture      1379 1379
Immobilization, for Colles' fracture, with carpal tunnel syndrome      1469 1469
Immobilization, for condylar fracture, lateral      155 155
Immobilization, for condylar fracture, of distal end of proximal phalanx      1549 1549
Immobilization, for cuneiform fracture      1006 1006
Immobilization, for curbstone fracture of foot      886 886
Immobilization, for dislocated carpometacarpal joint, of finger      1519 1519
Immobilization, for dislocated carpometacarpal joint, of thumb, unstable      1493 1493
Immobilization, for dislocated hip      506 506
Immobilization, for dislocated interphalangeal joint, of thumb      1515 1515
Immobilization, for dislocated metacarpal bones on carpus      1449 1449
Immobilization, for dislocated metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger      1540 1540
Immobilization, for dislocated metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb      1504 1504
Immobilization, for dislocated talus      949 949
Immobilization, for displaced ankle fracture      859 859
Immobilization, for displaced epiphysis, in children      272 272
Immobilization, for displacement of medial epicondyle into elbow      162 162
Immobilization, for elbow dislocation, anterior      1235 1235
Immobilization, for elbow dislocation, divergent      1243 1243
Immobilization, for elbow dislocation, lateral      1238 1238
Immobilization, for elbow dislocation, medial      1241 1241
Immobilization, for elbow dislocation, posterior      1233 1233
Immobilization, for epicondylar humeral fracture, with gross displacement      160 160
Immobilization, for epicondylar humeral fracture, with minimal displacement      158 158
Immobilization, for epicondylar humeral fracture, without inclusion of fragment in elbow      166 166
Immobilization, for epiphyseal separation of lesser trochanter      254 254
Immobilization, for femoral epiphyseal fracture, distal      270 270
Immobilization, for femoral epiphyseal fracture, in infants      243 243
Immobilization, for femoral shaft fracture      261 261
Immobilization, for femoral shaft fracture, in child younger than 2 years      256 256
Immobilization, for femoral shaft fracture, in child younger than 8 years      258—259 258—259
Immobilization, for femoral shaft fracture, initial      602 602
Immobilization, for femoral shaft fracture, prevention and correction of deformity with      259 259
Immobilization, for forearm fracture, mid-third      204 204
Immobilization, for forearm fracture, proximal      199 199
Immobilization, for forearm fracture, proximal, in extension      201 201
Immobilization, for forearm fracture-dislocation, with rupture of orbicular ligament      1257 1257
Immobilization, for fracture of base of finger metacarpal      1537 1537
Immobilization, for fracture of base of thumb metacarpal, stable      1495 1495
Immobilization, for fracture of base of thumb metacarpal, unstable      1497 1497
Immobilization, for fracture of central acetabular wall      539 539
Immobilization, for fracture of inner acetabular wall      540 540
Immobilization, for fracture of neck of finger metacarpal, stable      1525 1525
Immobilization, for fracture of neck of finger metacarpal, unstable      1527 1527
Immobilization, for fracture of sesamoid bone      1040 1040
Immobilization, for fracture of shaft of finger metacarpal, stable      1529 1529
Immobilization, for fracture of shaft of finger metacarpal, unstable      1531 1531 1535 1535
Immobilization, for fracture of shaft of thumb metacarpal, stable      1499 1499
Immobilization, for glenohumeral dislocation, anterior, in elderly patients      1109 1109
Immobilization, for glenohumeral dislocation, anterior, in young patients      1108—1109 1108—1109
Immobilization, for greenstick fracture, of forearm      195 195
Immobilization, for humeral epiphyseal fracture      127 127
Immobilization, for humeral epiphyseal fracture, distal      171 171
Immobilization, for humeral shaft fracture      1183 1183 1184 1184 1185 1185
Immobilization, for humeral shaft fracture, with polytrauma      1193 1193
Immobilization, for humeral shaft fracture, with polytrauma, secondary      1194 1194
Immobilization, for humeral shaft fracture, with polytrauma, temporary      1193 1193
Immobilization, for interphalangeal joint of thumb, subluxed      1514 1514
Immobilization, for intertrochanteric fracture, undisplaced      252 252
Immobilization, for malleolar fracture, medial      864 864
Immobilization, for metatarsal bone fracture, with displacement      1027 1027 1028 1028
Immobilization, for metatarsal bone fracture, without displacement      1025 1025
Immobilization, for metatarsophalangeal joint dislocation      1034 1034
Immobilization, for midtarsal joint dislocation      1013 1013
Immobilization, for Monteggia lesion, anterior      187
Immobilization, for Monteggia lesion, lateral      190 190
Immobilization, for Monteggia lesion, posterior      188
Immobilization, for obturator dislocation      533 533
Immobilization, for olecranon fracture, with forward elbow dislocation      1253
Immobilization, for olecranon fracture, without displacement      1270 1270
Immobilization, for perilunate dislocation, uncomplicated      1431—1432 1431—1432
Immobilization, for phalangeal fracture, distal      1556 1556
Immobilization, for phalangeal fracture, epiphyseal      215 215
Immobilization, for phalangeal fracture, epiphyseal, distal      216 216
Immobilization, for phalangeal fracture, middle      1553 1553
Immobilization, for phalangeal fracture, proximal      1544 1544
Immobilization, for phalangeal fracture, proximal, displaced      1546 1546
Immobilization, for phalangeal fracture, proximal, impacted      1551 1551
Immobilization, for Pipkin injury, type II      517 517
Immobilization, for pisiform fracture      1461 1461
Immobilization, for radial fracture, distal      206 206
Immobilization, for radial fracture, epiphyseal      175 175 212 212
Immobilization, for radial fracture, proximal      1312 1312
Immobilization, for radial head fracture      1281
Immobilization, for radial head fracture, with dislocation of elbow      1250 1250
Immobilization, for rotator cuff disruption      1112 1112
Immobilization, for scaphoid fracture      1413 1413
Immobilization, for scaphoid fracture, after swelling subsides      1414 1414
Immobilization, for scaphoid fracture, unstable      1417 1417
Immobilization, for scapular dislocation      1081 1081
Immobilization, for sternoclavicular dislocation, anterior      119
Immobilization, for sternoclavicular dislocation, posterior      120—121
Immobilization, for subluxation of radial head      179 179
Immobilization, for subtalar dislocation, medial      947 947
Immobilization, for superior dome fracture, with displacement      550
Immobilization, for superior dome fracture, without displacement      546 546
Immobilization, for supracondylar humeral fracture      143 143
Immobilization, for supracondylar humeral fracture, with forward displacement      153 153
Immobilization, for swollen finger      1544 1544
Immobilization, for T-condylar fracture      1224 1224
Immobilization, for talar fracture, posterior      940 940
Immobilization, for talar neck fracture, type I      928 928
Immobilization, for talar neck fracture, types III and IV      934 934
Immobilization, for tarsal navicular fracture, undisplaced      1002 1002
Immobilization, for tarsometatarsal joint fracture-dislocation      1021 1021
Immobilization, for tibial condyle fracture-dislocation      745 745
Immobilization, for tibial epiphyseal fracture, proximal      282 282
Immobilization, for tibial plateau fracture, unstable      741 741
Immobilization, for tibial spine fracture      280 280
Immobilization, for Tillaux fracture      298 298
Immobilization, for toe fracture      1036 1036 1037 1037
Immobilization, for toe fracture, with displacement      1039 1039
Immobilization, for transcondylar fracture-dislocation of elbow      1259 1259
Immobilization, for triquetrum fracture      1459 1459
Immobilization, for ulnar dislocation or subluxation      1402 1402
Immobilization, for ulnar fracture, distal      206 206
Immobilization, for volar lunate dislocation      1438 1438
Immobilization, in extension, for boutonniere deformity      1586 1586
Immobilization, of finger joints, positions for      1478 1478
Immobilization, of injured hand      1479—1480 1479—1480
Immobilization, of swollen hand, by compression dressing      1482—1483 1482—1483 1497 1497 1537 1537 1565 1565
Immobilization, postreduction, for posterior glenohumeral dislocation      1121—1122 1121—1122
Immobilization, Velpeau, for clavicular fracture      1046 1046
Immobilizer, shoulder, for fracture of greater tuberosity associated with dislocation      1137 1137
Impacted fracture      7 7
Impingement, neurovascular, from displaced clavicular fracture      1056 1056
Impingement, neurovascular, from excess callus      1056 1056
Incomplete fracture      See Greenstick fracture.
Infant(s), clavicular injury in, x-ray appearance of      111
Infant(s), fracture in      See also Childhood fracture(s).
Infant(s), fracture in, femoral epiphyseal, distal, Bryant's traction for      269 269
Infant(s), fracture in, femoral epiphyseal, upper      242—243 242—243
Infant(s), fracture in, femoral epiphyseal, upper, management of      243 243
Infant(s), fracture in, femoral shaft, spica cast for      257 257
Infant(s), fracture in, healing of      27
Infant(s), fracture in, unique      108 108
Infant(s), humeral injury in, separation of epiphysis and      123 123
Infection(s), after reduction, causing nonunion of fracture      793 793
Infection(s), anaerobic, lethal, after open fractures      47—48 775—777 776—777
Infection(s), as complication of Colles' fracture      1382—1383 1382—1383
Infection(s), as complication of talar fracture      963 963
Infection(s), of femoral shaft fracture      644 644
Infection(s), of fracture site      46 46
Infection(s), of intertrochanteric fracture      595
Infection(s), of open fracture, treatment of      1352—1353 1352—1353
Inflammation, in fracture repair      16 17—19 17—19
Inflammation, in fracture repair, periosteal reaction during      17—18
Injection(s), technique of, into bone cyst      130 130
Injury      See Trauma; specific anatomic site.
Instability, ankle, long-standing, x-ray of      832 832
Instability, ankle, persistent, lateral ligament associated with      841—842 841—842
Instability, ankle, persistent, lateral ligament associated with, Chrisman and Snook reconstruction procedure for      842 842
Instability, associated with cervical spine injury      332—333
Instability, associated with cervical spine injury, in children      219
Instability, associated with cervical spine injury, radiographic signs of      332 332
Instability, associated with distal humeral fracture      1204
Instability, associated with radial head fracture      1251 1251
Instability, elbow, in athlete      1262 1262
Instability, knee      See Knee instability.
Instability, lateral, of proximal interphalangeal joint      1568 1568
Instability, rotational, classification of subcapital fractures according to      560—562 560—562
Instability, scaphoid, effect of, of carpus stability      1416 1416
Instability, shoulder, anterior, diagnosis of      1091
Instability, unrecognized, in recurrent traumatic hip dislocation      526 526
Intercondylar T fracture, humeral      1219—1222 1219—1222
Intercondylar T fracture, humeral, in elderly, flexion exercise and extension block splinting for      1223—1224 1223—1224
Intercondylar T fracture, humeral, management of      1220—1222 1220—1222
Intercondylar T fracture, humeral, types of      1219 1219
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, capsule and collateral ligaments of      1478 1478
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, distal, subluxation of      1582—1583 1582—1583.
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal      1568—1569
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, dislocation of, boutonniere deformity from      1567 1567
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, dislocation of, hyperextension      1574—1575 1574—1575
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, dislocation of, lateral      1572—1573 1572—1573
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, dorsal instability of      1568 1568
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, dorsal instability of, management of      1587 1587
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, fracture-dislocation of      1576—1580
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, fracture-dislocation of, extension-block splinting for      1578 1578
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, fracture-dislocation of, open reduction and fixation for      1579 1579—1580
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, fracture-dislocation of, percutaneous pinning for      1577 1577
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, fracture-dislocation of, x-rays of      1576 1576
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, functional stability testing of      1570 1570
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, hyperextension of      1568 1568
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, injury to      1566. See also Finger(s) jammed.
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, lateral instability of      1568 1568
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, mechanisms of injury to      1566—1568 1566—1568
Interphalangeal joint, of fingers, proximal, passive stress testing of      1571 1571
Interphalangeal joint, of thumb, dislocation of      1514—1515 1514—1515
Interphalangeal joint, of thumb, injury to      1513—1515
Interphalangeal joint, of thumb, subluxation of      1513—1514 1513—1514
Intertrochanteric fracture      587—595
Intertrochanteric fracture, complication(s) of      594—595
Intertrochanteric fracture, complication(s) of, from short nail      595 595
Intertrochanteric fracture, complication(s) of, infection as      595
Intertrochanteric fracture, complication(s) of, malreduction as, nail penetration from      594 594
Intertrochanteric fracture, in infants and children      252—254
Intertrochanteric fracture, in infants and children, displaced      253 253
Intertrochanteric fracture, in infants and children, undisplaced      252 252—253
Intertrochanteric fracture, type I: stable, undisplaced      588 588
Intertrochanteric fracture, type I: stable, undisplaced, management of      590—591 590—591
Intertrochanteric fracture, type II: displaced without comminution of medial cortex      588—589 588—589
Intertrochanteric fracture, type II: displaced without comminution of medial cortex, management of      592—593 592—593
Intertrochanteric fracture, type III: displaced with comminution of medial cortex      589 589
Intertrochanteric fracture, type III: displaced with comminution of medial cortex, management of      592—593 592—593
Intertrochanteric fracture, type IV: with subtrochanteric component      589 589
Intertrochanteric fracture, type IV: with subtrochanteric component, management of      592—593 592—593
Intervertebral disc, cross section of      307 307
Intervertebral disc, separation of, from hyperextension injury      318 318
Intra-articular hydrostatic pressure, negative, as stabilizing mechanism of shoulder      1084 1084
Intracompartmental pressure, measurement of, alternative technique for      58 58
Intracompartmental pressure, measurement of, Whitesides' technique for      57 57
Intramedullary nail(s)      See Nail(s) intramedullary.
Intramedullary rod(s)      See Rod(s) intramedullary.
Intramembranous ossification, in fracture repair      13—14 13—14
Intraspinatus repair, of anterior glenohumeral dislocation, chronic      1116—1117 1116—1117
Intrinsic-minus position, of injured hand      1480 1480
Intrinsic-plus position, of injured hand      1479 1479
Intussusception, spontaneous, wound healing by      772 772
Inversion injury, to talus      922—923 922—923 942—952
Inversion injury, to talus, associated with subtalar dislocation      923 923 943 943
Inversion injury, to talus, associated with subtalar dislocation, management of      945—947 945—947
Inversion injury, to talus, management of      944 944
Inversion injury, to talus, osteochondral fracture from      944 944
Inversion injury, to talus, osteochondral fracture from, management of      950—952 950—952
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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