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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)
Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)

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Íàçâàíèå: Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)

Àâòîð: Connolly J.F.


This 2-volume set covers the full range of common and uncommon fractures and dislocations in adults and children. It guides readers through diagnosis, including both clinical and radiographic methods, and then discusses mechanisms of injury and management. Sequential illustrations demonstrate fracture reduction, immobilization, and follow-up methods. Where operative treatment would be beneficial, indications and surgical options are discussed. Features over 2500 classic clinical illustrations from the above title.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 818

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 29.11.2005

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Clavicle, fracture of, management of, in adolescents and adults      1046
Clavicle, fracture of, management of, Kenny Howard acromioclavicular support in      1047 1047
Clavicle, fracture of, management of, open reduction in      1050—1052
Clavicle, fracture of, management of, open reduction in, alternative method of      1052 1052
Clavicle, fracture of, management of, open reduction in, indications for      1051 1051 1053 1053
Clavicle, fracture of, management of, open reduction in, Knowles pinning in      1051 1051
Clavicle, fracture of, management of, open reduction in, problems of      1050—1051 1050—1051
Clavicle, fracture of, management of, plaster yoke in      1047 1047
Clavicle, fracture of, management of, spica cast in      1047—1048 1047—1048
Clavicle, fracture of, management of, Velpeau immobilization in      1046 1046
Clavicle, fracture of, mechanisms of      1043
Clavicle, fracture of, multiple injuries associated with, bed rest for      1049
Clavicle, fracture of, postreduction care for      1049
Clavicle, fragmentation of, Shumacker technique of      1059 1059
Clavicle, growth plate of, dislocation of      1069—1070 1069—1070
Claw toes, as residual deformity from compartment syndrome      806 806
Clay shoveler's fracture      312 372 366 366
Closed fracture      5 5
Closed reduction      See Reduction closed.
Clostridial myonecrosis      47 47
Clostridial myonecrosis, after open fracture      775—776 776
Clostridial myonecrosis, prevention of      48 48
Clostridial myonecrosis, treatment of      48 777
Clostridial myonecrosis, wounds at high risk for      776—777 776—777
Clostridium perfringens      47 775
Clostridium tetani infection      47 775
Clostridium tetani infection, prophylaxis guidelines for      47
Clostridium tetani infection, prophylaxis guidelines for, for previously immunized patient      775
Clostridium tetani infection, prophylaxis guidelines for, for unimmunized patient      775
Coccyx, fracture of      473 473
Collar-and-cuff sling, for glenohumeral dislocation      1109 1109
Collar-and-cuff sling, for scapular dislocation      1081 1081
Collateral ligament(s), fibular      661 662
Collateral ligament(s), of metacarpophalangeal finger joints      1478 1478
Collateral ligament(s), radial, injury to      1511—1512 1511—1512
Collateral ligament(s), tibial      659 659
Collateral ligament(s), ulnar, disruption of      1508—1509 1508—1509
Collateral ligament(s), ulnar, disruption of, complete      1510 1510
Collateral ligament(s), ulnar, disruption of, treatment for      1509 1509
Colles' fracture, carpal tunnel syndrome with      1469 1469
Colles' fracture, complication(s) of      1374—1385
Colles' fracture, complication(s) of, associated scaphoid fracture as      1379 1379
Colles' fracture, complication(s) of, compartment syndrome as      1375—1376 1375—1376
Colles' fracture, complication(s) of, disruption of radioulnar joint as      1380—1381 1380—1381
Colles' fracture, complication(s) of, infection and gas gangrene as      1382—1383 1382—1383
Colles' fracture, complication(s) of, joint pain and stiffening as      1374 1374
Colles' fracture, complication(s) of, malunion as      1384—1385 1384—1385
Colles' fracture, complication(s) of, median nerve injury as      1378 1378
Colles' fracture, complication(s) of, tendon rupture as      1377 1377
Colles' fracture, dinner-fork deformity of      1359 1360 1360
Colles' fracture, unstable      1366—1373
Colles' fracture, unstable, die-punch fracture causing      1373 1373
Colles' fracture, unstable, external fixation of      1370—1371 1370—1371
Colles' fracture, unstable, external fixation of, percutaneous fixation with      1372 1372
Colles' fracture, unstable, indications of      1366 1366
Colles' fracture, unstable, percutaneous pin fixation of      1367—1369 1367—1369
Colles' fracture, unstable, sugar-tong splint for      1369 1369
Colles' fracture, unstable, types of      1366 1366
Colles' fracture, without comminution      1360—1365
Colles' fracture, without comminution, anesthesia for      1361 1361
Colles' fracture, without comminution, closed reduction of      1362 1362
Colles' fracture, without comminution, correction of dorsal and radial angulation in      1364 1364
Colles' fracture, without comminution, postreduction management of      1365
Colles' fracture, without comminution, reduction by traction and manipulation of      1363 1363
Colles' fracture, without comminution, sugar-tong splint for      1362—1363 1362—1363
Colles' fracture, without comminution, x-ray appearance of      1360 1360 1364 1364
Collision injury, front-end, of tarsometatarsal joint      1017 1017
Comminuted fracture      11 11
Comminuted fracture, intertrochanteric, of medial cortex      589 589
Comminuted fracture, of carpometacarpal joint, of thumb      1490 1490
Comminuted fracture, of cuboid bone      1006 1006
Comminuted fracture, of distal tibia      897 897
Comminuted fracture, of humerus, associated with external torsion      1171 1171
Comminuted fracture, of humerus, associated with internal torsion      1172 1172
Comminuted fracture, of metacarpal      1536 1536
Comminuted fracture, of patella, fixation for      714 714
Comminuted fracture, of patella, severe      715 715
Comminuted fracture, of patella, without displacement      712 712
Comminuted fracture, of pisiform      1460 1460
Comminuted fracture, of radial head with dislocation of radioulnar joint, management of      1284 1284
Comminuted fracture, of radial head with dislocation of radioulnar joint, x-ray appearance of      1283 1283
Comminuted fracture, of radial head with dislocation, management of      1251 1251
Comminuted fracture, of superior dome of acetabulum      548—550 548—550
Comminuted fracture, of talus      925 925
Comminuted fracture, of tibial plateau, management of      745 745
Comminuted fracture, of trapezium      1466 1466
Comminuted fracture, with displacement, excision of olecranon for      1273—1274 1273—1274
Compartment syndrome(s)      56—61
Compartment syndrome(s), anterior      59 59
Compartment syndrome(s), as complication of Colles' fracture      1375—1376 1375—1376
Compartment syndrome(s), early findings in      56—57
Compartment syndrome(s), epimysiotomy for      60 60
Compartment syndrome(s), fasciotomy for      60 60 902 902
Compartment syndrome(s), fasciotomy for, double-incision      61 61
Compartment syndrome(s), from supracondylar humeral fracture      1206 1206
Compartment syndrome(s), intracompartmental pressure in, measurement of, alternative technique in      58 58
Compartment syndrome(s), intracompartmental pressure in, measurement of, following arterial injury      1208 1208
Compartment syndrome(s), intracompartmental pressure in, measurement of, Whitesides' technique in      57 57
Compartment syndrome(s), of foot, after ankle fracture      902 902
Compartment syndrome(s), of foot, after tibial fracture      803—806 902 902
Compartment syndrome(s), of foot, after tibial fracture, clinical features of      803
Compartment syndrome(s), of foot, after tibial fracture, diagnosis of      803
Compartment syndrome(s), of foot, after tibial fracture, management of      804—805
Compartment syndrome(s), of foot, after tibial fracture, management of, closure technique in      805 805
Compartment syndrome(s), of foot, after tibial fracture, management of, emergency fasciotomy in      804 804
Compartment syndrome(s), of foot, after tibial fracture, residual deformities from      806 806
Compartment syndrome(s), of hand, due to constrictive cast      1375—1376 1375—1376
Compartment syndrome(s), posterior vs. ankle sprain      937—941 937—941
Compartment syndrome(s), posterior with sprained ankle      844 844
Compartment syndrome(s), posterior with sprained ankle, management of      845
Compartment syndrome(s), posterior, deep      60 60
Complete fracture      1 1
Compression bandage, for dislocated knee      695 695
Compression bandage, for fracture-dislocation of fifth metacarpal      1521
Compression bandage, for immobilization of swollen hand      1482—1483 1482—1483 1497 1497 1565 1565
Compression bandage, for immobilization of swollen hand, after metacarpal fracture      1537 1537
Compression bandage, for open hand wound      1485 1485
Compression bandage, for scapular fracture      1072 1072
Compression bandage, for tibial condyle fracture, without fragmentation or depression      737 737
Compression fracture      346—349 347—349
Compression fracture of atlas      315 375
Compression fracture of distal tibial epiphysis, in children      292 292
Compression fracture of lower cervical spine      379 379—380 380
Compression fracture of pelvis      458—459 458—459
Compression fracture of pelvis, in children      235 235
Compression fracture of thoracic spine      398 398
Compression fracture of thoracic spine, associated with osteoporosis      419 419
Compression fracture of thoracic spine, management of      423—424 423—424
Compression fracture of thoracic spine, mechanism producing      398 399
Compression fracture of vertebrae      7 7 393
Compression fracture, producing incomplete paraplegia, cauda equina syndrome associated with      427—428 427—428
Compression fracture, producing incomplete paraplegia, flexion-distraction injury causing      429—430 429—430
Compression fracture, producing incomplete paraplegia, in thoracic and lumbar spine      425—430
Compression fracture, producing incomplete paraplegia, in thoracic and lumbar spine, management of      426 426
Compression fracture, producing incomplete paraplegia, in thoracic and lumbar spine, preoperative x-ray of      425 425
Compression injury, to nerves, after fracture-dislocation of hip      520 520
Compression injury, to talus      925 925 956 956
Compression plate, for nonunion of humeral fracture      1197 1197
Computed tomography (CT), of calcaneal fracture      968—969 968—969
Computed tomography (CT), of cervical spine injury      325 326 326
Computed tomography (CT), of dislocation of carpometacarpal joint      1517 1517
Computed tomography (CT), of high-risk pelvic fracture      475 476
Computed tomography (CT), of open reduction, of dislocated hip      512 512
Computed tomography (CT), of pelvis, in assessment of hip dislocation      503
Computed tomography (CT), of sacral fracture      472 472
Computed tomography (CT), of scaphoid fracture      1411 1411
Computed tomography (CT), of spinal instability      410
Computed tomography (CT), of sternoclavicular joint injury      117 117
Computed tomography (CT), of superior dome fracture, without displacement      546 546
Computed tomography (CT), of upper humeral fracture      1165 1165
Condylar fracture      See also Epicondylar fracture; Supracondylar fracture; Unicondylar femoral fracture.
Condylar fracture, humeral      1203 1203
Condylar fracture, humeral, in children      133 133
Condylar fracture, humeral, in children, lateral      154—157
Condylar fracture, humeral, in children, lateral, completely displaced      155 155
Condylar fracture, humeral, in children, lateral, complications of      156—157 156—157
Condylar fracture, humeral, in children, lateral, in two-year-old      169 169
Condylar fracture, humeral, in children, lateral, rotation of fragment in, simple displacement without      154—155 154—155
Condylar fracture, humeral, in children, medial, postreduction management of      165
Condylar fracture, humeral, in children, medial, with medial epicondylar fracture      163—164 163—165
Condylar fracture, humeral, in children, of distal end of proximal phalanx      1549 1549
Condyle(s), femoral, osteochondral fracture of      719 719
Condyle(s), femoral, supracondylar femoral fracture displacing      619—620 619—620
Condyle(s), femoral, supracondylar femoral fracture displacing, treatment of      621—622 621—623
Condyle(s), fracture of      See Condylar fracture.
Condyle(s), tibial      See Tibial condyle.
Congenital pseudoarthrosis, of bone      109 109
Coonrad fracture      851—852 852
Coracoid process, fracture of, and subcoracoid dislocation      1144 1144
Coronoid process, fracture of      1275—1276
Coronoid process, fracture of, posterior elbow dislocation and      1246—1247 1246—1247
Coronoid process, fracture of, with displacement of fragments      1276 1276
Coronoid process, fracture of, with minimal displacement      1275 1275
Corset, lumbosacral, for fracture of spinous process      447
Corset, lumbosacral, for fracture of transverse process      439
Coupled electric fields, noninvasive treatment of nonunion by      38 38
Coxa vara deformity, after femoral neck fracture, in children      248 248
Crawford's nonoperative management, of impacted subcapital fracture      576—577 576—577
Crosby and Fitzgibbons classification, of calcaneal fracture      993 993
Crosby and Fitzgibbons technique, for treatment of calcaneal fracture      992—994 992—994
Cross-union, fractures associated with      1354—1355 1354—1355
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee      663—664
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee, anterior      663 664 664
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee, anterior, deficiency of, augmentation or reconstructive procedures for      683 683
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee, anterior, disruption of, fracture of tibial spine associated with      691 691
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee, anterior, tear in, Lachman's test for      672 672
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee, anterior, tear in, surgical management in      679—681 679—681
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee, anterior, tear in, unrepaired, rehabilitation of      682 682
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee, disruption of, jerk test for      672 672
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee, mechanisms of injury to      665—668 665—668
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee, posterior      663 664 664
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee, posterior, injuries to, hyperextension and hyperflexion      687 687
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee, posterior, injuries to, hyperextension and hyperflexion, management of      690—691 690—691
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee, posterior, injuries to, tear in      687—689
Cruciate ligament(s), of knee, posterior, injuries to, tear in, diagnosis of      689 689
Crush syndrome(s), after tibial fracture      807 807
Crush syndrome(s), after tibial fracture, diagnosis of      807 807
Crush syndrome(s), after tibial fracture, management of, without fasciotomy      808
Crush syndrome(s), after tibial fracture, systemic complications of, management of      807
Crush syndrome(s), closed, management of      808 808
Crushing injury, multiple metacarpal fractures caused by      1523 1523
CT      See Computed tomography (CT).
Cubitus valgus deformity      134
Cubitus valgus deformity, lateral tilt leading to, anteroposterior view of      141 141
Cubitus valgus deformity, lateral tilt leading to, postreduction x-ray of      142 142
Cubitus varus deformity      134 138
Cubitus varus deformity, crescent sign of      142—143 142—143
Cubitus varus deformity, medial tilt leading to      140 140
Cubitus varus deformity, torsional deformity associated with      135 135
Cuboid bone      1006—1008
Cuboid bone, dislocation of      1008 1008
Cuboid bone, fracture of, associated with subluxation of midtarsal joint      1007 1007
Cuboid bone, fracture of, from direct injury      1006 1006
Cuboid bone, fracture of, medial midtarsal dislocation with      1010 1010
Cuneiform bone, dislocation of      1008 1008
Cuneiform bone, fracture of      1006 1006
Curbstone fracture      886 886
Cylinder cast, for acute dislocation of patella      703 703
Cylinder cast, for osteochondral fracture of patella      717 717
Cyst(s), bone, benign, causing pathologic femoral fracture      255 255
Cyst(s), bone, benign, humeral, fracture through      129 129
Cyst(s), bone, benign, humeral, fracture through, management of      130 130
Dameron and Riebel technique, of closed reduction, of humeral epiphyseal fracture      126—127 126—127
Debridement, of gunshot wounds to forearm      1348 1348
Debridement, of open ankle fracture wounds      908 908
Debridement, of open forearm fracture wounds      1347 1347
Debridement, of open hand wound      1564 1564
Debridement, of open pelvic fracture wounds      493
Debridement, of open radiohumeral joint      1227 1227
Debridement, of open tibial fracture wounds      770 770 778
Debridement, of open tibial fracture wounds, after Learmonth      779 779
Debridement, of open tibial fracture wounds, decontamination of bone in      779 779
Debridement, of open tibial fracture wounds, irrigation of fracture site in      779 779
Debridement, of open tibial fracture wounds, management of detached bone fragments in      780 780
Debridement, of open tibial fracture wounds, preparation of field in      778 778
Debridement, of open tibial fracture wounds, second look in      771 771
Debridement, of soft tissue wounds      782 782
Decompression, for anterior cord syndrome      380 380
Decompression, operative, of sacral fracture      470 470
Decompression, operative, of ulnar nerve, in fracture-dislocation of fifth metacarpal      1521 1521
Deltoid ligament      816 816 818 818
Deltoid ligament, injuries to      837 837
Diabetic patient(s), ankle fracture in, Charcot joint changes after      862 862 916 916
Diabetic patient(s), neurotrophic joint in, management of      1023 1023
Diabetic patient(s), nondisplaced calcaneal fracture in      974 974
Diabetic patient(s), nondisplaced calcaneal fracture in, management of      975 975
Diaphysis, humeral, fracture of      128—130
Diaphysis, humeral, fracture of, management of      129—130 129—130
Diaphysis, humeral, fracture of, prereduction x-ray of      128 128
Diaphysis, tibial, fracture of, extruded fragments in, management of      781 781
Die-punch fracture      1373 1373
Digital block, anesthesia via, technique of      1486 1486
Dingley and Denham technique, of reduction of fracture-dislocation of humeral head and neck      1141 1141
Dingley and Denham technique, of reduction of pubic dislocation      535 535
Dinner-fork deformity, of Colles' fracture      1359 1360 1360
Disease, fractures caused by      2 2
Dislocation(s)      2—4. See also Subluxation and under specific anatomic site.
Dislocation(s), anteromedial fracture of humeral head with      1177 1177
Dislocation(s), chronic, with acetabular fracture      525 525
Dislocation(s), definition of      2
Dislocation(s), ischemic necrosis after      41 41
Dislocation(s), mechanisms producing      3 3
Dislocation(s), neurotrophic joints causing      1023 1023
Dislocation(s), of acromioclavicular joint      See Acromioclavicular joint dislocation
Dislocation(s), of ankle      See Ankle dislocation.
Dislocation(s), of atlanto-occipital joint      344—345 344—345
Dislocation(s), of atlas, associated with rheumatoid arthritis      356 356
Dislocation(s), of atlas, forward, mechanism of      352 352
Dislocation(s), of atlas, forward, without fracture of odontoid process      352—353 352—353
Dislocation(s), of atlas, posterior, without odontoid fracture      354—355 354—355
Dislocation(s), of atlas, with congential abnormalities of odontoid      221—223 221—223
Dislocation(s), of calcaneus      995 995
Dislocation(s), of carpometacarpal joint, of finger      1517—1519 1517—1519
Dislocation(s), of carpometacarpal joint, of finger, diagnosis of      1517 1517
Dislocation(s), of carpometacarpal joint, of thumb, unstable      1492—1493 1492—1493
Dislocation(s), of cuboid, without fracture      1007 1007
Dislocation(s), of cuneiform      1008 1008
Dislocation(s), of distal ulna      1398—1402
Dislocation(s), of elbow      See Elbow dislocation
Dislocation(s), of foot, with posterior marginal fracture of tibia      882—886 882—886
Dislocation(s), of glenohumeral joint      See Glenohumeral joint dislocation
Dislocation(s), of growth plate of clavicle      1069—1070 1069—1070
Dislocation(s), of hip      See Hip dislocation
Dislocation(s), of humeral head, involuntary      1149 1149
Dislocation(s), of humeral head, involuntary, management of      1150
Dislocation(s), of humeral head, voluntary      1148 1148
Dislocation(s), of ilium, mechanisms producing      498 498
Dislocation(s), of interphalangeal joint of thumb      1514—1515 1514—1515
Dislocation(s), of ischium, mechanisms producing      498 498
Dislocation(s), of knee      692—700
Dislocation(s), of knee, peroneal nerve injury associated with      64 64
Dislocation(s), of knee, unreducible posterolateral      698—700 698—700
Dislocation(s), of lunate      See Lunate bone dislocation
Dislocation(s), of metacarpal bones on carpus      1448—1449 1448—1449
Dislocation(s), of metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger, complex      1539 1539
Dislocation(s), of metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger, complex, management of      1540 1540
Dislocation(s), of metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger, simple      1538 1538
Dislocation(s), of metacarpophalangeal joint, of thumb      1501—1507 1501—1507
Dislocation(s), of metatarsophalangeal joint      1033—1034 1033—1034
Dislocation(s), of metatarsophalangeal joint, irreducible      1035 1035
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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