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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2) |
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Plaster cast, for tibial fracture, patellar tendon-bearing 759—760 759—760
Plaster cast, for uncomplicated perilunate dislocation 1432
Plaster cast, forearm See Forearm cast.
Plaster cast, immobilization by 80—81. See also Immobilization.
Plaster cast, leg See Leg cast.
Plaster cast, removal of 81 81
Plaster cast, short-arm See Short-arm cast.
Plaster cast, use of, caution with 81
Plaster cast, weight-bearing, for calcaneal fracture 984 984
Plaster of Paris, casts from 80
Plaster splint, for uncomplicated perilunate dislocation 1432
Plaster splint, in management of talar neck fracture, types III and IV 934 934
Plaster yoke, for unstable clavicular fracture 1047 1047
Plastic deformation, of radius and ulna, in children 196—197 196—197
Plate fixation, healing after 23—24 23—24
Plate fixation, of Barton's fracture 1393 1393
Plate fixation, of clavicular fracture 1052 1052
Plate fixation, of distal radial fracture 1340—1342 1340—1343
Plate fixation, of fibular fracture proximal to syndesmosis 784 784 786 786
Plate fixation, of open forearm fracture, after soft tissue healing 1349 1349
Plate fixation, of proximal radial fracture 1336—1337 1336—1337
Plate fixation, of unstable Smith fracture 1390 1390
Pneumatic counter-pressure device 1591—1596
Pneumatic counter-pressure device, application of 1592—1595 1592—1595
Pneumatic counter-pressure device, gradual deflation of 1595—1596 1595—1596
Pneumatic counter-pressure device, use of, contraindications to 1592 1592
Pneumatic counter-pressure device, use of, indications for 1591 1591
Polytrauma, humeral shaft fracture in 1193—1194 1193—1194
Popliteal artery, injury to, after knee dislocation 692
Popliteal artery, laceration of 51 51
Popliteal ligament, oblique, of knee 659 662 662
Popliteus muscle 661 661—662
Posterior drawer sign, in evaluation of ligamentous knee injury 671 671
Posterior drawer sign, of cruciate ligament tear 689 689
Postural reduction, for thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation 433 433
Preadolescent(s) See also Adolescent(s).
Preadolescent(s), three-fragment fracture in 297 297
Progressive injury, subtalar, from forced inversion 942—943 942—943
Proliferation zone, of growth center 92 92
Pronation injury, to forearm 1290 1290
Pronation injury, to forearm, in children 193 193
Pronation injury, to forearm, preoperative x-ray of 1340 1340
Pronation, of forearm 1294 1294
Pronation, of forearm, loss of 1295 1295
Pronation-dorsiflexion injury(ies) See also specific injury e.g. Pilon
Pronation-dorsiflexion injury(ies)to ankle 887—898 887—898
Prosthesis, for femoral neck fracture, in Paget's disease 579 579
Prosthesis, for femoral neck fracture, indications for 568
Prosthesis, for femoral neck fracture, stage IV 569 569
Prosthesis, for Pipkin injury, type III 518 518
Prosthesis, Neer 1180 1180
Pseudoarthrosis, congenital, of bone 109 209
Pseudoarthrosis, congenital, of distal ulna, with arthrodesis of radioulnar joint 1381 1381
Pseudoboutonniere deformity 1567—1568 1567—1568 1581 1581
Pubic ramus, fracture of 461 462
Puncture wound(s), in open forearm fracture 1347 1347
Puncture wound(s), incomplete debridement of 1382 1382
Puncture wound(s), into suprapatellar pouch 728 728
Quadriceps angle (Q-angle), increased, in dislocation or subluxation of patella 704 704
Quadriceps exercise(s), for stiff knee 652 652
Quadriceps exercise(s), for supracondylar fracture type III 626 626
Quadriceps muscle(s) 662
Quadriceps tendon, realignment of, in dislocating and subluxating patella 707 707
Quadriceps tendon, rupture of 721—722
Quadriceps tendon, rupture of, clinical presentation of 721 721
Quadriceps tendon, rupture of, management of 722 722
Quadriceps tendon, rupture of, x-ray appearance of 722 722
Quadricepsplasty, for post-traumatic extension contracture of knee 653 653
Quigley traction, for displaced ankle fracture 858 858
Quigley traction, for posterior elbow dislocation 1232 1232
Radial head, dislocation of, anterior 1285 1285
Radial head, dislocation of, evaluation of 1310 1310
Radial head, dislocation of, fractures not recognized in 185 185
Radial head, dislocation of, fractures with, in children 185 185
Radial head, dislocation of, isolated 180 180
Radial head, dislocation of, management of 191 191
Radial head, dislocation of, posterior 1286 1286
Radial head, dislocation of, ulnar fracture with 181—184. See also Monteggia fracture.
Radial head, fracture of 1277—1284
Radial head, fracture of, comminuted, with dislocation of radioulnar joint 1283—1284 1283—1284
Radial head, fracture of, diagnosis of 1277—1278 1277—1278
Radial head, fracture of, dislocation of elbow with 1248—1251
Radial head, fracture of, dislocation of elbow with, immobilization for 1250 1250
Radial head, fracture of, dislocation of elbow with, manipulative reduction of 1248—1249 1248—1249
Radial head, fracture of, dislocation of elbow with, manipulative reduction of, stability following 1249 1249
Radial head, fracture of, dislocation of elbow with, pitfalls of excising tissue in 1251 1251
Radial head, fracture of, dislocation of elbow with, postreduction x-ray of 1250 1250
Radial head, fracture of, dislocation of elbow with, prereduction x-ray of 1248 1248
Radial head, fracture of, management of 1279—1282
Radial head, fracture of, management of, excision of radial head in 1281—1282 1281—1282
Radial head, fracture of, management of, immediate 1280 1280
Radial head, fracture of, management of, immobilization in 1281
Radial head, fracture of, management of, trial of motion in 1279 1279
Radial head, reduction of, x-ray determination of 184 184
Radial head, subluxation of, in children 178—179 178—179
Radial neck, fracture of, in adults 1277—1284 1277—1284
Radial nerve, injury to, associated with humeral fracture 63 63 1190 1190
Radial nerve, injury to, associated with humeral fracture, management of 1196 1196
Radial nerve, injury to, associated with Monteggia fracture 1311 1311
Radiography, following bone marrow injection 38
Radiography, of acromioclavicular joint, arthritic 1068 1068
Radiography, of advanced arthritis, in lax ankle 841 841
Radiography, of ankle dislocation 898 898 900—901 900—901
Radiography, of ankle sprain 824—825 824—825 832 832
Radiography, of atlas dislocation, without odontoid fracture 354 354 355 355
Radiography, of atlas fracture, postreduction 348 348
Radiography, of atlas fracture, prereduction 347 347
Radiography, of Barton's fracture 1392 1392
Radiography, of base of finger metacarpal fracture 1536 1536
Radiography, of base of thumb metacarpal fracture, stable 1494 1494 1495 1495
Radiography, of base of thumb metacarpal fracture, unstable 1496 1496
Radiography, of basilar fracture of femoral neck 583 583
Radiography, of Bennett fracture, postreduction 1489 1489
Radiography, of Bennett fracture, prereduction 1487 1487
Radiography, of bimalleolar fractures, with medial displacement of talus 869—870 869—870
Radiography, of Bosworth fracture 904 904
Radiography, of calcaneal fracture 968—969 968—969
Radiography, of calcaneal fracture, postreduction 976 976 988 988
Radiography, of calcaneal fracture, prereduction 975 975 987 987
Radiography, of capitellar fracture, postreduction 1226 1226 1227 1227
Radiography, of capitellar fracture, prereduction 1225 1225 1226 1226
Radiography, of carpal bone fracture-dislocation 1406—1407 1406—1407
Radiography, of carpometacarpal joint dislocation 1518 1518
Radiography, of carpometacarpal joint fracture-dislocation 1520 1520
Radiography, of carpometacarpal joint of thumb dislocation, unstable 1492 1492
Radiography, of carpometacarpal joint of thumb suluxation 1491 1491
Radiography, of carpus, distal row of, disruption of 1452 1452
Radiography, of carpus, proximal row of, disruption of 1451 1451
Radiography, of cervical spine injuries 325—327 325—327
Radiography, of cervical spine injuries, flexion-compression type 379 379
Radiography, of cervical spine injuries, in children 327 327
Radiography, of cervical spine injuries, in children, problems in 218 218
Radiography, of cervical spine injuries, involving bilateral and unilateral subluxed or dislocated facets, postreduction 377 377
Radiography, of cervical spine injuries, involving bilateral and unilateral subluxed or dislocated facets, prereduction 374 374
Radiography, of cervical spine injuries, unstable flexion type 368 368
Radiography, of cervical spine injuries, unstable flexion type, postreduction 372 372
Radiography, of cervical spine injuries, unstable flexion type, prereduction 370 370
Radiography, of clavicular fracture, in infant 111
Radiography, of Colles' fracture 1360 1360
Radiography, of Colles' fracture, postreduction 1364 1364
Radiography, of Colles' fracture, unstable 1369 1369
Radiography, of condylar fracture of humerus, lateral 154 154
Radiography, of coronoid process fracture with posterior elbow dislocation, postreduction 1247 1247
Radiography, of coronoid process fracture with posterior elbow dislocation, prereduction 1246 1246
Radiography, of cuboid dislocation 1007 1007
Radiography, of cuneiform dislocation 1008 1008
Radiography, of delayed union 33 33
Radiography, of elbow dislocation, postreduction 1233 1233 1238 1238 1240 1240
Radiography, of elbow dislocation, prereduction 1230 1230 1234 1234 1236 1236 1239 1239
Radiography, of elbow, with displaced medial epicondyle, postreduction 162 162
| Radiography, of elbow, with displaced medial epicondyle, prereduction 161 161
Radiography, of epicondylar fracture, with inclusion of fragment in elbow 167 167
Radiography, of epiphyseal fracture of malleolus, type III 294 294
Radiography, of epiphyseal fracture of malleolus, type IV 295 295
Radiography, of extension fractures, in ankylosed spine 440 440
Radiography, of femoral epiphyseal fracture, in children, type I 244 244 245 245
Radiography, of femoral epiphyseal fracture, in infants 243 243
Radiography, of femoral epiphyseal fracture, in older children 273 273
Radiography, of femoral epiphyseal fracture, type IV 276 276
Radiography, of femoral neck fracture, anteroposterior alignment in 563 563
Radiography, of femoral neck fracture, evaluation techniques in 567 567
Radiography, of femoral neck fracture, with femoral shaft fracture 637 637
Radiography, of femoral shaft fracture 603 603 604 604 605 605
Radiography, of femoral shaft fracture, with femoral neck fracture 637 637
Radiography, of fibular fracture, postreduction 876 876
Radiography, of fibular fracture, proximal to tibiofibular syndesmosis 873 873
Radiography, of forearm fracture, postreduction 199 199 200 200 203 203
Radiography, of forearm fracture, prereduction 198 198 202 202
Radiography, of forearm fracture-dislocation, with rupture of orbicular ligament 1256 1256
Radiography, of fractures, importance of 70
Radiography, of fractures, problems associated with 71—72 71—72
Radiography, of glenohumeral dislocation 1120 1120
Radiography, of glenohumeral dislocation, postreduction 1107 1107
Radiography, of glenoid fracture 1078 1078 1079 1079
Radiography, of greater tuberosity fracture, associated with dislocation 1135—1136 1135—1136
Radiography, of greenstick fracture, postreduction 195 195
Radiography, of greenstick fracture, prereduction 194 194
Radiography, of hip dislocation 499 499
Radiography, of hip dislocation, postreduction 505 505
Radiography, of hip dislocation, unrecognized, with femoral shaft fracture 636 636
Radiography, of hip dislocation, with acetabular fracture 503 503
Radiography, of hip dislocation, with femoral shaft fracture 521 521
Radiography, of hip fracture-dislocation, Pipkin type I 514—515 514—515
Radiography, of hip fracture-dislocation, Pipkin type III 517 517
Radiography, of humeral epiphyseal fracture, postreduction 125 125
Radiography, of humeral epiphyseal fracture, prereduction 124 126 126
Radiography, of humeral fracture, upper 1165 1165
Radiography, of humeral metaphyseal and diaphyseal fractures, postreduction 129 129
Radiography, of humeral metaphyseal and diaphyseal fractures, prereduction 128 128
Radiography, of humeral neck fracture 1178 1178
Radiography, of hyperextension dislocation of interphalangeal joint, postreduction 1575 1575
Radiography, of hyperextension dislocation of interphalangeal joint, prereduction 1574 1574
Radiography, of interphalangeal joint dislocation 1514 1514 1572 1572
Radiography, of interphalangeal joint fracture-dislocation, proximal 1576 1576
Radiography, of interphalangeal joint subluxation 1513 1513
Radiography, of intertrochanteric fracture 252 252 253 253 588—589 588—589
Radiography, of Jones fracture 1030 1030
Radiography, of Jones fracture, postoperative 1032 2032
Radiography, of knee injury 673 673
Radiography, of knee instability 685 685
Radiography, of lumbar spine injury, in children 231 231
Radiography, of lumbar spinous process fracture 447 447
Radiography, of lumbar whiplash 442 442
Radiography, of lunate dislocation, volar 1436 1436 1437 1437
Radiography, of Maisonneuve fracture of fibula, without ankle diastasis 881 881
Radiography, of Malgaigne fracture, group I 484 484
Radiography, of Malgaigne fracture, group II 486 486
Radiography, of malleolar fracture, lateral, with displacement 855 855
Radiography, of malleolar fracture, lateral, without displacement 854 854
Radiography, of malleolar fracture, medial 863 863 864 864
Radiography, of malleolar fracture, medial, with rupture of lateral ligament 866 866
Radiography, of malunion of Colles' fracture 1385 1385
Radiography, of metacarpal fracture-dislocation 1521 1521
Radiography, of metacarpophalangeal joint dislocation, of thumb 1503 1503 1507 1507
Radiography, of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger, dislocated 1538 1538 1539 1539
Radiography, of metatarsal bone fracture, with displacement 1026 1026 1027 1027
Radiography, of metatarsal bone fracture, without displacement 1024 1024
Radiography, of middle finger, postreduction 1553 1553
Radiography, of middle finger, prereduction 1552 1552
Radiography, of Monteggia lesion 188 188
Radiography, of Monteggia lesion, lateral 189 189
Radiography, of Monteggia lesion, postreduction 187 187 1307 1307
Radiography, of Monteggia lesion, prereduction 186 186 1306 1306
Radiography, of neck of finger metacarpal fracture, stable 1524 1524
Radiography, of neck of finger metacarpal fracture, unstable 1526 1526 1527 1527
Radiography, of nonunion 34 34
Radiography, of nonunion, of femoral shaft fracture 646 646
Radiography, of nonunion, of scaphoid fracture 1422 1422
Radiography, of obturator dislocation, postreduction 533 533
Radiography, of obturator dislocation, prereduction 530 530
Radiography, of occipito-atlantal dislocation, postoperative 345 345
Radiography, of occipito-atlantal dislocation, preoperative 344 344
Radiography, of odontoid fracture 358 358
Radiography, of odontoid fracture, with displacement, postreduction 362 362
Radiography, of odontoid fracture, with displacement, prereduction 361 361
Radiography, of olecranon fracture, with displacement 1271 1271 1273 1273
Radiography, of olecranon fracture, without displacement 1270 1270
Radiography, of ossification centers, in elbow 132 132
Radiography, of osteoporotic fractures 419 419
Radiography, of patellar dislocation, recurrent 705—706 705—706
Radiography, of patellar fracture 711 711
Radiography, of patellar fracture, with separation of fragments 713 713
Radiography, of pelvic avulsion 466 466
Radiography, of pelvic fracture, minor 464 464
Radiography, of pelvic fracture, open 493 493
Radiography, of pelvic fracture, unstable 477 477
Radiography, of pelvic ring instability 464 464
Radiography, of perilunate dislocation 1430 1430 1431 1431
Radiography, of phalangeal epiphyseal fracture, postreduction 215 215
Radiography, of phalangeal epiphyseal fracture, prereduction 214 214
Radiography, of phalangeal fracture, displaced, postreduction 1546 1546
Radiography, of phalangeal fracture, displaced, prereduction 1545 1545
Radiography, of phalangeal fracture, distal 1555 1555
Radiography, of pilon fracture 851 851
Radiography, of pilon fracture, unstable 887 887
Radiography, of post-traumatic arthritis, following nonunion of scaphoid fracture 1425 1425
Radiography, of pubic dislocation, prereduction 530—531 530—531
Radiography, of radial and ulnar fractures, postreduction 206 206
Radiography, of radial and ulnar fractures, prereduction 205 205
Radiography, of radial collateral ligament injury 1511—1512 1511—1512
Radiography, of radial epiphyseal fracture, postreduction 175 175 212 212
Radiography, of radial epiphyseal fracture, prereduction 174 174 211 211
Radiography, of radial fracture, postoperative 1341—1342 1341—1342
Radiography, of radial fracture, preoperative 1340 1340
Radiography, of radial head fracture 1277—1278 1277—1278
Radiography, of radial head fracture with dislocation of elbow, postreduction 1250 1250
Radiography, of radial head fracture with dislocation of elbow, prereduction 1248 1248
Radiography, of Rolando fracture 1490 1490
Radiography, of ruptured quadriceps tendon 722 722
Radiography, of sacroiliac joint, postreduction 491 491
Radiography, of scaphoid fracture 1411 1411 1413 1413
Radiography, of scapular dislocation 1080 1080
Radiography, of shaft of finger metacarpal fracture, stable 1528—1529 1528—1529
Radiography, of shaft of finger metacarpal fracture, unstable 1530 1530 1532 1532 1534 1534
Radiography, of shaft of thumb metacarpal fracture, stable 1498 1498 1499 1499
Radiography, of shaft of thumb metacarpal fracture, unstable 1500 1500
Radiography, of shoulder, unstable 1093 1093
Radiography, of slipped capital femoral epiphysis 250—251 250—251
Radiography, of Smith fracture, prereduction 1389 1389
Radiography, of spinal dislocation, lateral 446 446
Radiography, of spinal instability 410
Radiography, of sternoclavicular joint injury 116 116—117 111
Radiography, of subtalar dislocation, postreduction 946 946
Radiography, of subtalar dislocation, prereduction 945 945
Radiography, of subtrochanteric fracture 598 598 601 601
Radiography, of superior dome fracture of acetabulum, with displacement 549 549
Radiography, of superior dome fracture of acetabulum, without displacement 546 546
Radiography, of supracondylar humeral fracture 146 146
Radiography, of supracondylar humeral fracture, displaced 140—141 140—141 142 142 152 152 153 153
Radiography, of talar fracture, postreduction 940 940
Radiography, of talar fracture, prereduction 939 939
Radiography, of talar neck fracture 926—927 926—927
Radiography, of tarsal navicular fracture, displaced 1003 1003
Radiography, of tarsal navicular fracture, undisplaced 1002 1002
Radiography, of tarsometatarsal joint injuries 1018—1019 1018—1019
Radiography, of thoracic spine, with lateral shear 406 406
Radiography, of thoracolumbar fracture-dislocation 432 432
Radiography, of thoracolumbar injury 410
Radiography, of thoracolumbar injury, in children 227 227 228 228
Radiography, of thoracolumbar injury, producing incomplete paraplegia 425 425
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