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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)
Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)

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Íàçâàíèå: Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2)

Àâòîð: Connolly J.F.


This 2-volume set covers the full range of common and uncommon fractures and dislocations in adults and children. It guides readers through diagnosis, including both clinical and radiographic methods, and then discusses mechanisms of injury and management. Sequential illustrations demonstrate fracture reduction, immobilization, and follow-up methods. Where operative treatment would be beneficial, indications and surgical options are discussed. Features over 2500 classic clinical illustrations from the above title.

ßçûê: en

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1995

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 29.11.2005

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Flexion-rotation injury, to thoracolumbar spine, instability resulting from      431—437
Flexion-rotation injury, to thoracolumbar spine, postural reduction methods for      433—434 433—434
Flexion-rotation injury, to thoracolumbar spine, prereduction x-rays of      432 432
Flexor digitorum profundus tendon, avulsion of      1566 1566
Flexor digitorum profundus tendon, avulsion of, with or without fracture      1585 1585
Floppy infant syndrome      220
Flynn, Matthews, and coworkers technique, of management of unstable supracondylar fracture      145—146 145—146
Foot      See also specific part e.g. Toe(s).
Foot, bones of      See specific bone e.g. Calcaneus.
Foot, Charcot, management of      1023 1023
Foot, compartment syndrome of      See also Compartment syndrome(s).
Foot, compartment syndrome of, after ankle and tibial fractures      802—806 902
Foot, dislocation of, with posterior marginal fracture of tibia      882—886 882—886. fracture
Foot, drop, as residual deformity from compartment syndrome      806
Foot, flat, peroneal spastic, after calcaneal fracture      981 981
Foot, function of, effect of torsional malalignment of talus on      961 961
Foot, stiffness of, after calcaneal fracture      981 981
Foot, stiffness of, as complication of calcaneal fracture      997 997
Force, transmission of, in pelvic fracture      456—457 456—457
Forearm      1289—1355. See also Radioulnar joint; specific bones
Forearm cast, application of      80 80
Forearm cast, application of, for two-bone forearm fracture, in upper half      1321 1321
Forearm cast, for Monteggia fracture      1309 1309
Forearm cast, for proximal radial fracture      1312 1312
Forearm cast, for segmental fracture of radius      1344—1345 1344—1345
Forearm cast, for two-bone forearm fracture, in lower half, application of      1329—1330 1329—1330
Forearm cast, fracture angulation in      1333 1333
Forearm cast, removal of      81 81
Forearm, emergency splinting of      74 74
Forearm, fracture of, bone loss associated with      1351 1351
Forearm, fracture of, bowing      1350 1350
Forearm, fracture of, closed reduction of      1298
Forearm, fracture of, complications associated with      1350—1355 1350—1355
Forearm, fracture of, cross-union of radius and ulna following      1354—1355 1354—1355
Forearm, fracture of, deformities resulting from      1296—1297 1296—1297
Forearm, fracture of, epidemiology of      1289—1292
Forearm, fracture of, factors affecting alignment following      1333 1333
Forearm, fracture of, in children      192—213
Forearm, fracture of, in children, deformities in      192—195 193—195
Forearm, fracture of, in children, deformities persisting after      208 208
Forearm, fracture of, in children, involving distal radius and ulna      205—207 205—207
Forearm, fracture of, in children, involving middle third      202—204 202—204
Forearm, fracture of, in children, involving proximal third      198—201 198—201
Forearm, fracture of, in children, mechanics of injury in      192—195 192—195
Forearm, fracture of, in children, open, management of      209—210 209—210
Forearm, fracture of, in children, plastic deformation in      196 196—197
Forearm, fracture of, in children, with separation of lower radial epiphysis      211—213 211—213
Forearm, fracture of, mechanism of injury in      1289—1292
Forearm, fracture of, mechanism of injury in, direct      1289—1290 1289—1290
Forearm, fracture of, mechanism of injury in, indirect      1290—1292 1290—1292
Forearm, fracture of, mechanism of injury in, indirect, from forceful pronation      1290 1290
Forearm, fracture of, mechanism of injury in, indirect, from forceful supination      1291 1291
Forearm, fracture of, mechanism of injury in, indirect, producing Galeazzi's fracture      1291 1291
Forearm, fracture of, mechanism of injury in, indirect, producing Monteggia fracture-dislocation      1292 1292
Forearm, fracture of, open      1347—1349
Forearm, fracture of, open, infected, Castle method of treatment of      1352—1353 1352—1353
Forearm, fracture of, open, treatment of, primary      1348 1348
Forearm, fracture of, open, treatment of, subsequent      1349 1349
Forearm, fracture of, open, types of      1347—1348 1347—1348
Forearm, fracture of, operative treatment of, indications for      1334—1335 1334—1335
Forearm, fracture of, operative treatment of, plate fixation in      1336—1337 1336—1337
Forearm, fracture of, segmented, arm cast for      1344—1345 1344—1345
Forearm, fracture of, segmented, closed reduction of      1344 1344
Forearm, fracture of, segmented, fracture-brace treatment of      1345 1345
Forearm, fracture of, segmented, open reduction and stabilization of      1345—1346 1345—1346
Forearm, fracture of, segmented, plate fixation of      1335 1335
Forearm, fracture of, single-bone      1298—1315
Forearm, fracture of, single-bone, management of      1301—1302 1301—1302
Forearm, fracture of, single-bone, mechanism of      1299 1299
Forearm, fracture of, single-bone, with dislocation of radial head      1303—1311. See also Monteggia fracture.
Forearm, fracture of, single-bone, without dislocation of radioulnar joint      1312—1315 1312—1315
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone      1316—1333
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in lower half      1328—1335
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in lower half, cast-brace treatment of      1330 1330
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in lower half, cast-brace treatment of, x-ray after      1331 1331
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in lower half, internal plate fixation for      1334—1335 1334—1335
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in lower half, postreduction x-ray of      1329 1329
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in lower half, prereduction x-ray of      1328 1328
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in lower half, reduction of, manipulative      1328 1328
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in lower half, reduction of, problems with      1332—1333 1332—1333
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in upper half      1317—1327
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in upper half, achievement of rotational alignment in      1320 1320
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in upper half, cast application for      1321 1321
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in upper half, cast-brace removal in, x-ray following      1326—1327 Forearm fracture two-bone in 1326—1327
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in upper half, postreduction management of      1326 1326
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in upper half, postreduction x-ray of      1321—1322 1321—1322
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in upper half, prereduction x-ray of      1317 1317
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in upper half, reduction of, Chinese method of      1324—1325 1324—1325
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in upper half, reduction of, evaluation of      1322—1323 1322—1323
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in upper half, reduction of, manipulative      1318—1319 1318—1319
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in upper half, reduction of, manipulative, under anesthesia      1318 1318
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in upper half, reduction of, plate fixation of      1334 1334
Forearm, fracture of, two-bone, in upper half, reduction of, treatment of, objectives in      1316 1316
Forearm, fracture-dislocation of, rupture of orbicular ligament of radius with      1256—1257 1256—1257
Forearm, mid-third of, fracture of, in children, with displacement      202—204
Forearm, mid-third of, fracture of, in children, with displacement, cast immobilization for      204 204
Forearm, mid-third of, fracture of, in children, with displacement, manipulative reduction of      202—203 202—203
Forearm, mid-third of, fracture of, in children, with displacement, postreduction management of      204
Forearm, mid-third of, fracture of, in children, with displacement, postreduction x-ray of      203 203
Forearm, mid-third of, fracture of, in children, with displacement, prereduction x-ray of      202 202
Forearm, postreduction position of, supracondylar fracture and      143 143
Forearm, proximal, fracture of, in children      198—201
Forearm, proximal, fracture of, in children, cast immobilization for      199 199
Forearm, proximal, fracture of, in children, immobilization for      201 201
Forearm, proximal, fracture of, in children, postreduction management of      199 199
Forearm, proximal, fracture of, in children, postreduction x-ray of      199 199
Forearm, proximal, fracture of, in children, prereduction x-ray of      198 198
Forearm, proximal, fracture of, in children, reduction of, correction of unacceptable angulation after      201 201
Forearm, proximal, fracture of, in children, reduction of, in bayonet apposition, remodeling after      200 200
Forearm, proximal, fracture of, in children, reduction of, under anesthesia      198 198
Forearm, rotation of, biomechanics of      1293—1295 1293—1295
Forearm, rotation of, effect of fracture reduction on      1332—1333 1332—1333
Forearm, skeletal anatomy of, alterations in, affecting function      1296—1297 1296—1297
Forearm, three-bone      1351 1351
Forearm, three-bone, creation of, contraindication to      1352 1352
Four-posted brace, for cervical spine fracture      339 339
Fracture distraction, causing nonunion of tibial fracture      793 793
Fracture distraction, of thoracic spine      399 399
Fracture healing, after internal plate fixation      23—24 23—24
Fracture healing, at six weeks      26 26
Fracture healing, blood supply in      25—27 25—27
Fracture healing, blood supply in, effect of intramedullary nail on      27 27
Fracture healing, conditions influencing, favorable      28—29 28—29
Fracture healing, conditions influencing, unfavorable      30—31 30—31
Fracture healing, cultivation of      772—773 772—773
Fracture healing, delayed union in      See Union delayed.
Fracture healing, malunion in      See Malunion.
Fracture healing, nonunion in      See Nonunion.
Fracture healing, normal, after talar injury      959 959
Fracture line, in subcapital fracture      559 559
Fracture repair      13—24
Fracture repair, endochondral ossification in      14—15 14—15
Fracture repair, internal plate fixation in, healing after      23—24 23—24
Fracture repair, intramembranous ossification in      13—14 13—14
Fracture repair, overview of initial injury in      15 15
Fracture repair, processes of      20—21 21
Fracture repair, processes of, biomechanical influences on      22 22
Fracture repair, stage(s) of      16 16—20.
Fracture repair, stage(s) of, hard callus as      20 20
Fracture repair, stage(s) of, inflammatory      17—19 17—19
Fracture repair, stage(s) of, remodeling as      20 20
Fracture repair, stage(s) of, soft callus as      19—20 19—20
Fracture site, irrigation of, in wound debridement      779 779
Fracture(s)      See also specific type and anatomic site
Fracture(s), childhood      See Childhood fracture(s).
Fracture(s), classification of      5
Fracture(s), clinical features of      70
Fracture(s), closed      5 5
Fracture(s), complete or incomplete      1 1
Fracture(s), complication(s) of      32—69
Fracture(s), complication(s) of, blood vessel injuries as      51—56
Fracture(s), complication(s) of, compartment syndrome as      56—61
Fracture(s), complication(s) of, delayed union and nonunion as      33—39
Fracture(s), complication(s) of, gunshot and shotgun injuries as      49—51
Fracture(s), complication(s) of, infection as      46—48
Fracture(s), complication(s) of, ischemic necrosis as      40—41
Fracture(s), complication(s) of, malunion and angular deformities as      42—43
Fracture(s), complication(s) of, nerve injuries as      62—64
Fracture(s), complication(s) of, shortening as      44
Fracture(s), complication(s) of, stimulation of growth or overgrowth as      45
Fracture(s), complication(s) of, tendon injuries as      65
Fracture(s), complication(s) of, visceral injuries as      66
Fracture(s), definition of      1
Fracture(s), disease-induced      2 2
Fracture(s), effect of, on circulation      26 26
Fracture(s), exposed bone in, fate of      773 773
Fracture(s), factors responsible for      1—2 1—2
Fracture(s), from direct trauma      445 445
Fracture(s), open      5 5
Fracture(s), open, types of      8—10 8—10
Fracture(s), pattern of      5 6—7 6—7
Fracture(s), radiographic features of      70—72 70—72
Fracture(s), sustained from gunshot wounds      12 12
Fracture(s), treatment of      See also specific treatment e.g. Traction.
Fracture(s), treatment of, complication(s) associated with      67—69
Fracture(s), treatment of, complication(s) associated with, cast-induced open fracture as      67 67
Fracture(s), treatment of, complication(s) associated with, ischemic muscle necrosis from traction as      68 68
Fracture(s), treatment of, complication(s) associated with, loose cast syndrome as      67 67
Fracture(s), treatment of, complication(s) associated with, nerve injury as      68 68
Fracture(s), treatment of, complication(s) associated with, operative pitfalls as      68—69 68—69
Fracture(s), treatment of, complication(s) associated with, tight cast syndrome as      67 67
Fracture(s), treatment of, general principles in      73—85
Fracture(s), treatment of, symptomatic      79 79
Fracture(s), types of      5—12
Fracture-dislocation      8 8.
Fracture-dislocation from direct trauma      445 445
Fracture-dislocation, Monteggia, torsional injury producing      1292 1292
Fracture-dislocation, of acetabulum      542—545 543—545
Fracture-dislocation, of ankle      904—919
Fracture-dislocation, of ankle, open      907—919 907—919
Fracture-dislocation, of ankle, posterior, irreducible      904—905 904—905
Fracture-dislocation, of ankle, posterior, vascular impairment with      906 906
Fracture-dislocation, of ankle, with shearing injury, traumatic arthritis from      852 852
Fracture-dislocation, of atlanto-odontoid joint      360—362 360—363
Fracture-dislocation, of calcaneus, due to fibulocalcaneal ligament disruption      985 985
Fracture-dislocation, of carpometacarpal joint, of finger      1520 1520
Fracture-dislocation, of carpometacarpal joint, of thumb      1487—1489 1487—1489.
Fracture-dislocation, of carpus      1404—1407 1404—1407
Fracture-dislocation, of elbow      See Elbow fracture-dislocation
Fracture-dislocation, of fifth metacarpal of finger      1521 1521
Fracture-dislocation, of glenohumeral joint, tendon injury with      65 65
Fracture-dislocation, of greater tuberosity of humerus      1135—1139 1135—1139
Fracture-dislocation, of hip      497—534
Fracture-dislocation, of hip, open reduction of      508—518
Fracture-dislocation, of hip, open reduction of, indications for      510—512 510—512
Fracture-dislocation, of hip, stable      508 508
Fracture-dislocation, of hip, stable, postreduction management of      509 509
Fracture-dislocation, of humeral head and neck      1140—1143 1140—1143
Fracture-dislocation, of knee      692—700
Fracture-dislocation, of knee, operative repair for      697 697
Fracture-dislocation, of lower cervical spine, management of      340
Fracture-dislocation, of metacarpophalangeal joint, of finger      1541 1541
Fracture-dislocation, of pelvis      483—489. See also Malgaigne fracture.
Fracture-dislocation, of proximal interphalangeal joint      1576—1579 1576—1580
Fracture-dislocation, of scaphoid, unstable      1409 1409
Fracture-dislocation, of sternoclavicular joint      See Sternoclavicular joint fracture-dislocation
Fracture-dislocation, of talus      957—965
Fracture-dislocation, of talus, arthritis due to      964—965 964—965
Fracture-dislocation, of talus, avascular necrosis due to      957—959 957—959
Fracture-dislocation, of talus, infection due to      963 963
Fracture-dislocation, of talus, nonunion and malunion after      960—962 960—962
Fracture-dislocation, of tarsal navicular, management of      1005 1005
Fracture-dislocation, of tarsometatarsal joint      1016—1019 1016—1019
Fracture-dislocation, of tarsometatarsal joint, management of      1020—1022 1020—1022
Fracture-dislocation, of thoracolumbar spine      431—437
Fracture-dislocation, of thoracolumbar spine, halo-femoral traction for      435—437 435—437
Fracture-dislocation, of thoracolumbar spine, internal stabilization techniques in      436—437 436—437
Fracture-dislocation, of thoracolumbar spine, postural reduction methods for      433—434 433—434
Fracture-dislocation, of tibial condyle      742—745 742—745
Fracture-dislocation, of tibial plateau      745 745
Fracture-dislocation, of upper cervical spine, hyperextension in      317 317
Fracture-dislocation, tear-drop      314 314 379—380 379—380
Frozen shoulder      See Shoulder frozen.
Fry exercise splint, for superior dome fracture, with displacement      550
Fusion      See Arthrodesis.
Gait, abnormalities of, after calcaneal fracture      982 982
Galeazzi's fracture, in children      181
Galeazzi's fracture, plate fixation of      1334 1334
Galeazzi's fracture, rotational injury to forearm producing      1291 1291
Gangrene, gas      47—48 47—48
Gangrene, gas, after open fracture      775—776 776
Gangrene, gas, as complication of Colles' fracture      1382—1383 1382—1383
Gangrene, gas, treatment of      48 777
Gangrene, gas, wounds at high risk for      776—777 776—777
Garden staging, of subcapital fractures      560—562 560—562
Garden-spade deformity, in Smith fracture      1386 1386
Gardner — Wells (spring-loaded) traction, application of      334 334
Gardner — Wells (spring-loaded) traction, frontal view of      335 335
Gas gangrene      47—48 47—48
Gas gangrene, after open fracture      775—776 776
Gas gangrene, as complication of Colles' fracture      1382—1383 1382—1383
Gas gangrene, treatment of      48 777
Gas gangrene, wounds at high risk for      776—777 776—777
Gastrocnemius muscle(s)      659—662
Gerdy's tubercle      661
Gilchrist stockinette      See Velpeau sling.
Glenohumeral capsule, redundancy of      1084 1084
Glenohumeral joint      1083. See also Shoulder.
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of      1103—1125
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior      1103—1117
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior, intraspinatus repair of      1116—1117 1116—1117
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior, irreducible      1113 1113
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior, luxatio erecta in      1111—1112 1111—1112
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior, old      1114—1115 1114—1115
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior, postreduction immobilization for, in elderly      1109. 1109
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior, reduction of      1105—1112
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior, reduction of, Hippocratic method of      1105 1105
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior, reduction of, Kocher's maneuver in      1106 1106
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior, reduction of, manipulative      1112 1112
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior, reduction of, Stimson's technique of      1105 1105
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior, reduction of, traction and countertraction in      1107 1107
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior, reduction of, Velpeau immobilization in      1108—1109 1108—1109
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, anterior, types of      1103—1104 1103—1104
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, complication(s) of      1126—1155
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, complication(s) of, axillary artery injury as      1126—1127 1126—1127
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, complication(s) of, fractures as      1132—1144 1132—1144
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, complication(s) of, nerve injury as      1128 1128
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, complication(s) of, posttraumatic frozen shoulder as      1151—1154 1151—1155
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, complication(s) of, recurrent dislocation as      1145—1147 1145—1147
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, complication(s) of, rotator cuff rupture as      1129—1131 1129—1131
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, complication(s) of, stability problems as      1148—1149 1148—1150
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, fresh, irreducible      1113 1113
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, posterior      1118—1125
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, posterior, mechanism of injury in      1118—1119 1118—1119
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, posterior, old      1123—1125
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, posterior, old, characteristic presentation of      1123 1123
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, posterior, old, obstacles to reduction of      1124—1125 1124—1125
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, posterior, old, postoperative management of      1125 1125
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, posterior, postreduction immobilization for      1121—1122 1121—1122
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, posterior, reduction of      1121 1121
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, posterior, x-ray assessment of      1120 1120
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, subclavicular      1103 1103
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, subcoracoid      1103 1103
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, subcoracoid, typical deformity in      1104 1104
Glenohumeral joint, dislocation of, subglenoid      1104 1104
Glenohumeral joint, fracture-dislocation of, tendon injury with      65 65
Glenohumeral joint, ligaments of      1084 1084
Glenohumeral joint, muscles of, functional mechanism of      1086
Glenohumeral joint, neurovascular structures near      1087 1087
Glenohumeral joint, normal motion of      1088
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
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