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Connolly J.F. — Fractures and Dislocations (vol. 2) |
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Calcaneus, fracture of, management of, based on gait abnormalities 982 982
Calcaneus, fracture of, management of, based on peroneal spastic flat foot 981 981
Calcaneus, fracture of, management of, based on stiffness of foot 981 981
Calcaneus, fracture of, management of, early mobilization without reduction in 983—984 983—984
Calcaneus, fracture of, management of, reduction in 985—991
Calcaneus, fracture of, management of, reduction in, by ligamentotaxis 986 986
Calcaneus, fracture of, management of, reduction in, manipulative 990—991 990—991
Calcaneus, fracture of, management of, reduction in, with traction 987—990 987—990
Calcaneus, fracture of, mechanism of 967 967
Calcaneus, fracture of, nondisplaced, in diabetic patient 974 974
Calcaneus, fracture of, nondisplaced, management of 975 975
Calcaneus, fracture of, radiographic assessment of 968—969 968—969
Calcaneus, fracture of, radiographic assessment of, Broden's projection in 968 968
Calcaneus, fracture of, without implication of subtalar joint 970—976
Calcaneus, fracture-dislocation of, due to fibulocalcaneal ligament disruption 985 985
Calf-squeeze test, Achilles tendon rupture determination by 975 975
Callus, after epiphyseal fracture, in children 102 102
Callus, excess, at clavicular fracture site 1056 1056—1057
Callus, in fracture repair, external 21 22 22
Callus, in fracture repair, hard 16 20 20
Callus, in fracture repair, medullary 21 22
Callus, in fracture repair, primary 21
Callus, in fracture repair, soft 16 19—20 19—20
Canale and Belding technique, of management of osteochondral fracture of talar dome 952 952
Canale and Kelly technique, of diagnosis of talar neck fracture 926—927 926—927
Cannulated screw See Screw(s) cannulated.
Capitate bone, fracture of 1454—1457
Capitate bone, fracture of, anatomic considerations in 1454
Capitate bone, fracture of, associated with other carpal injuries, management of 1457
Capitate bone, fracture of, management of 1456 1456—1457
Capitate bone, fracture of, mechanism of injury in 1454—1455 1455
Capitate bone, fracture of, perilunate dislocation complicated by 1434—1435 1434—1435
Capitellum, fracture of 1203 1203 1225—1228
Capitellum, management of 1226—1228 1226—1228
Capitellum, shear 1225 1225
Capsule ligament(s) of metacarpophalangeal finger joints 1478 1478
Capsule ligament(s), deep 659
Carnesale type I fracture-dislocation, of acetabulum 543 543
Carnesale type II fracture-dislocation, of acetabulum 543 543
Carnesale type III fracture-dislocation, of acetabulum 543 543
Carnesale type III fracture-dislocation, of acetabulum, fixation of 551—552 551—652
Carpal arch, proximal, disruption of 1452 1452
Carpal bone(s) See also specific bone e.g. Lunate
Carpal bone(s), abnormal relationship of 1429 1429
Carpal bone(s), arthritis of, chronic post-traumatic 1425—1426 1425—1426
Carpal bone(s), dissociation of, post-traumatic 1427—1429 1427—1429
Carpal bone(s), dissociation of, x-ray findings in 1429 1429
Carpal bone(s), fracture of 1454—1466
Carpal bone(s), fracture-dislocation of 1404—1407
Carpal bone(s), fracture-dislocation of, radiographic diagnosis of 1406—1407 1406—1407
Carpal bone(s), normal relationship of 1429 1429
Carpal tunnel release, for swollen hand, with dislocated metacarpal 1519 1519
Carpal tunnel syndrome 1468
Carpal tunnel syndrome with Colles' fracture 1469 1469
Carpal tunnel syndrome, x-ray appearance of 1468 1468
Carpal tunnel view, x-ray technique for 1463 1463
Carpometacarpal joint, of finger 1517—1521
Carpometacarpal joint, of finger, dislocation of 1517—1519 1517—1519
Carpometacarpal joint, of finger, dislocation of, diagnosis of 1517 1517
Carpometacarpal joint, of finger, dislocation of, dorsal 1518 1518
Carpometacarpal joint, of finger, dislocation of, volar 1518 1518
Carpometacarpal joint, of finger, fracture-dislocation of 1520 1520
Carpometacarpal joint, of thumb, dislocation of, unstable 1492—1493 1492—1493
Carpometacarpal joint, of thumb, fracture of, comminuted 1490 1490
Carpometacarpal joint, of thumb, fracture-dislocation of 1487—1489 1487—1489.
Carpometacarpal joint, of thumb, subluxation of 1491 1491
Carpometacarpal joint, of thumb, subluxation of, unstable 1492—1493 1492—1493
Carpus See also Wrist.
Carpus, anatomic considerations of 1404—1405 1404—1405
Carpus, bones of See Carpal bone(s); specific bone e.g. Lunate
Carpus, dislocation of 1444—1453
Carpus, distal row of, disruption of 1452 1452
Carpus, injury to, neurologic complication(s) of 1467—1469
Carpus, injury to, neurologic complication(s) of, carpal tunnel syndrome as 1468 2468
Carpus, injury to, neurologic complication(s) of, carpal tunnel syndrome as, with Colles' fracture 1469 1469
Carpus, ligaments of 1405 1405
Carpus, metacarpal bones on, dislocation of 1448—1449 1448—1449
Carpus, proximal row of, disruption of 1451 1451
Carpus, stability of 1405 1405
Carpus, stability of, effect of instability of scaphoid on 1416 1416
Carpus, subluxation of 1444—1453
Carrying angle, in supracondylar humeral fracture, increase of 134
Carrying angle, in supracondylar humeral fracture, loss of 134 135 138.
Carrying angle, in supracondylar humeral fracture, normal 134 134
Carrying angle, in supracondylar humeral fracture, normal, variations of 135 135
Carrying angle, in supracondylar humeral fracture, radiologic assessment of 136 136
Cast sleeve, for humeral shaft fracture 1184 1184
Cast wedging, for unstable tibial fracture 786 786
Cast(s) See also specific type e.g. Body
Cast(s), constrictive, compartment syndrome due to 1375—1376 1375—1376
Cast-brace, for dislocated knee 696 696
Cast-brace, for dislocated knee, after repair 700
Cast-brace, for femoral shaft fracture 608 608
Cast-brace, for femoral shaft fracture, application of 609—610 609—610
Cast-brace, for femoral shaft fracture, in young child and adolescent 266—267 266—267
Cast-brace, for femoral shaft fracture, in young child and adolescent, healing following 267 267
Cast-brace, for proximal radial fracture 1312 1312
Cast-brace, for segmental ulnar fracture 1345 1345
Cast-brace, for subtrochanteric fracture, application of 600 600
Cast-brace, for torsional deformity with supracondylar femoral fracture 621—622 621—622
Cast-brace, for total knee arthroplasty, femoral fracture associated with 655 655
Cast-brace, for two-bone forearm fracture, in lower half 1330 1330
Cast-brace, for two-bone forearm fracture, in lower half, x-ray after 1331 1331
Cast-brace, for two-bone forearm fracture, in upper half, application of 1325 1325
Cast-brace, for two-bone forearm fracture, in upper half, removal of, follow-up x-ray after 1326—1327 1326—1327
Cast-brace, for type I supracondylar femoral fracture 619 619
Cast-induced open fracture 67 67
Cast-splint, for phalangeal or metacarpal fractures 1482 1482
Cast-splint, for stable fracture of neck of finger metacarpal 1525 1625
Cast-splint, for unstable fracture of neck of finger metacarpal 1527 1527
Castle technique, in treatment of infected forearm fracture 1352—1353 1352—1353
Cauda equina syndrome, associated with compression fracture 427—428
Cauda equina syndrome, cause of 427—428 427—428
Cauda equina syndrome, management of 428
Cavus deformity, from compartment syndrome 806
Central cord syndrome 341—342
Central cord syndrome, management of 342 342
Central cord syndrome, mechanism of 341 341
Central cord syndrome, osteoarthritis causing, hyperextension of lower cervical spine with 384—385 384—385
Central cord syndrome, prognosis for 342
Central cord syndrome, steroids for 328
Cervical spine injury 305—390
Cervical spine injury, anterior cord syndrome involving 343 343
Cervical spine injury, Brown — Sequard syndrome involving 342
Cervical spine injury, central cord syndrome involving 341—342 341—342
Cervical spine injury, emergency room treatment of 324
Cervical spine injury, from C3-C7 365—387
Cervical spine injury, from C3-C7, flexion mechanism of, bilateral or unilateral dislocation produced by 373—378 373—378
Cervical spine injury, from C3-C7, flexion mechanism of, bilateral or unilateral dislocation produced by, stable 365—366 365—366
Cervical spine injury, from C3-C7, flexion mechanism of, bilateral or unilateral dislocation produced by, unstable 370—372 370—372
Cervical spine injury, from C3-C7, flexion mechanism of, bilateral or unilateral dislocation produced by, unstable, potentially 367—369 367—369
Cervical spine injury, from C3-C7, flexion-compression mechanism of 379—380 379—380
Cervical spine injury, from C3-C7, hyperextension mechanism of 381—387
Cervical spine injury, from C3-C7, hyperextension mechanism of, in ankylosing spondylitis 381—383 382
Cervical spine injury, from C3-C7, hyperextension mechanism of, simulating hyperflexion deformities 386—387 386—387
Cervical spine injury, from C3-C7, hyperextension mechanism of, with osteoarthritis causing central cord syndrome 384—385 384—385
Cervical spine injury, in children 218—226
Cervical spine injury, in children, birth trauma causing 220 220
Cervical spine injury, in children, instability problems associated with 219
Cervical spine injury, in children, signs and symptoms of 219
Cervical spine injury, in children, with congenital abnormalities of odontoid 221—223 221—223
Cervical spine injury, in children, with torticollis, from atlanto-axial rotary displacement 224—226 224—226
Cervical spine injury, in children, x-ray diagnosis of, problems in 218
Cervical spine injury, incomplete cord lesion as 341—343 341—343
Cervical spine injury, management of 328—340
Cervical spine injury, management of, good prognostic signs in 330 330
Cervical spine injury, management of, methylprednisolone in 328
Cervical spine injury, management of, orthotic 339—340 339—340
Cervical spine injury, management of, poor prognostic signs in 331 331
Cervical spine injury, management of, rehabilitative 388—389 388—389
| Cervical spine injury, management of, skull traction in 334—338 334—338
Cervical spine injury, mechanisms of 311—322
Cervical spine injury, mechanisms of, flexion-compression 314 314
Cervical spine injury, mechanisms of, hyperextension 315—320 315—320
Cervical spine injury, mechanisms of, hyperflexion 312—313 312—313
Cervical spine injury, mechanisms of, iatrogenic 322 322
Cervical spine injury, mechanisms of, lateral flexion 321 321
Cervical spine injury, multilevel 327
Cervical spine injury, radiographic evaluation of 325—327 325—327
Cervical spine injury, unstable 332—333 332—333
Cervical spine injury, upper 344—364
Cervical spine injury, upper, atlas dislocation associated with rheumatoid arthritis as 356 365
Cervical spine injury, upper, occipito-atlantal dislocation as 344—345 344—345
Cervical spine injury, upper, odontoid lesion as 357—364 357—364
Cervical spine injury, upper, odontoid lesion as, atlanto-odontoid fracture-dislocation as 360—362 360—363
Cervical spine injury, upper, odontoid lesion as, congenital abnormalities and 357 357
Cervical spine injury, upper, odontoid lesion as, fracture as 358—359 358—359
Cervical spine injury, upper, odontoid lesion as, in elderly 364 364
Cervical spine injury, upper, of C1-C2 complex 346—353
Cervical spine injury, upper, of C1-C2 complex, bursting or Jeffersons's fracture as 346—349 347—349
Cervical spine injury, upper, of C1-C2 complex, dislocation of atlas without odontoid fracture as 352—353 352—353
Cervical spine injury, upper, of C1-C2 complex, hangman's fracture as 350—351 350—351
Cervical spine injury, upper, posterior dislocation of atlas without odontoid fracture as 354—355 354—355
Cervical spine, anatomic features of 306
Cervical spine, contents of 309 309
Cervical spine, emergency splinting of 73 73 323 323
Cervical spine, epidemiology of 305
Cervical spine, fracture of See also Cervical spine injury.
Cervical spine, fracture of, orthotic management of 339—340 339—340
Cervical spine, fracture of, radiographic examination of 71 71
Cervical spine, fracture of, skull traction for 334—338 334—338
Cervical spine, gunshot wound to 320 320
Cervical spine, instability of, iatrogenic causes of 322 322
Cervical spine, ligamentous apparatus of 308 308
Cervical spine, motion of 310 310
Cervical spine, stability of 306 306
Cervical spine, subluxation of, radiographic examination of 71 71
Cervicotrochanteric fracture, of femoral epiphysis, in children 246 246—247
Chance fracture (seat belt fracture), flexion-distraction injury causing, management of 430
Chance fracture (seat belt fracture), flexion-distraction injury causing, with incomplete paraplegia 429—430 429—430
Chance fracture (seat belt fracture), in children 230 230
Chance fracture (seat belt fracture), of thoracic spine 399 399
Chance fracture (seat belt fracture), visceral injuries with 66 66
Charcot foot, management of 1023 1023
Charcot joint, changes of, after ankle fracture in diabetic patient 862 862 916 916
Charnley method, of manipulative reduction of Bennett fracture 1488 1488
Chauffeur's fracture 1338. See also Radius distal fracture solitary.
Chest trauma, management of, in emergency department 1590
Child abuse, fractures from 110 110
Childhood fracture(s) See also under anatomic site and
Childhood fracture(s), clinical features of 104—106
Childhood fracture(s), common sites of 89 89
Childhood fracture(s), compression 7 7
Childhood fracture(s), from abuse 110 110
Childhood fracture(s), general features of 89—93
Childhood fracture(s), growth arrest after, mechanisms of 102—103 102—103
Childhood fracture(s), little leaguer's elbow and 172 172
Childhood fracture(s), of cervical spine 218—226 218—226.
Childhood fracture(s), of clavicle 111—112 111—113
Childhood fracture(s), of elbow, with inclusion of fragment 167 167
Childhood fracture(s), of elbow, without inclusion of fragment 166 166
Childhood fracture(s), of epiphyses 94—100 94—100.
Childhood fracture(s), of forearm 192—213
Childhood fracture(s), of forearm, deformities in 192—195 193—195 208 208
Childhood fracture(s), of forearm, involving distal radius and ulna 205—207 205—207
Childhood fracture(s), of forearm, involving middle third 202—204 202—204
Childhood fracture(s), of forearm, involving proximal third 198—201 198—201
Childhood fracture(s), of forearm, open, management of 209—210 209—210
Childhood fracture(s), of forearm, with separation of lower radial epiphysis 211—213 211—213
Childhood fracture(s), of hands and fingers 214—217 214—217
Childhood fracture(s), of humeral condyles 133 133
Childhood fracture(s), of humeral condyles, lateral 154—157 154—157
Childhood fracture(s), of humeral condyles, medial 163—164 163—165
Childhood fracture(s), of humerus 123—130 123—133 132—133
Childhood fracture(s), of humerus, apophyseal separation of epicondyle in 157—165 158—164
Childhood fracture(s), of humerus, avulsion of epicondyle in 166—167 166—167
Childhood fracture(s), of humerus, epiphyseal 168—169 168—169
Childhood fracture(s), of humerus, epiphyseal, types of 170—171 170—171
Childhood fracture(s), of humerus, supracondylar 134—153. See also under Supracondylar fracture humeral.
Childhood fracture(s), of humerus, unique 108—110 108—110
Childhood fracture(s), of leg 255—301
Childhood fracture(s), of leg, avulsion of tibial tubercle in 284—287 284—287
Childhood fracture(s), of leg, involving distal tibial epiphysis 290—293 290—293
Childhood fracture(s), of leg, involving distal tibial epiphysis, rotational displacement and 300 300—301
Childhood fracture(s), of leg, involving femoral shaft 255—267 255—267
Childhood fracture(s), of leg, involving growth plate 297—299 297—299
Childhood fracture(s), of leg, involving tibial shaft 288—289 288—289
Childhood fracture(s), of leg, involving tibial spine 278—280 278—280
Childhood fracture(s), of leg, malleolar 294—296 294—296
Childhood fracture(s), of leg, separation of distal femoral epiphysis in 268—277 268—277
Childhood fracture(s), of leg, separation of proximal tibial epiphysis in 281—283 281—283
Childhood fracture(s), of lumbar spine, causing spondylosis and spondylolisthesis 231—232 231—232
Childhood fracture(s), of lumbar spine, open 230 230
Childhood fracture(s), of pelvis 232—254
Childhood fracture(s), of pelvis, avulsion of ischial tuberosity in 234 234
Childhood fracture(s), of pelvis, avulsion of traction apophyses in 233 233
Childhood fracture(s), of pelvis, from direct injury 235 235
Childhood fracture(s), of pelvis, intertrochanteric 252—254 252—254
Childhood fracture(s), of pelvis, involving femoral epiphysis and femoral neck 239—251 240—246 248 250—251
Childhood fracture(s), of pelvis, traumatic dislocation in 236—238 236—238
Childhood fracture(s), of radius 205—207
Childhood fracture(s), of radius, dislocation in 180 180
Childhood fracture(s), of radius, epiphyseal 173—177 173—177
Childhood fracture(s), of radius, subluxation in 178—179 178—179
Childhood fracture(s), of sternoclavicular joint 114—120 114—122
Childhood fracture(s), of sternoclavicular joint, diagnosis of 116—117 116—117
Childhood fracture(s), of sternoclavicular joint, management of 118—120 118—122
Childhood fracture(s), of sternoclavicular joint, mechanisms of dislocation in 114—115 114—115
Childhood fracture(s), of sternoclavicular joint, pathology in 115 115
Childhood fracture(s), of thoracolumbar spine 227—229 227—229
Childhood fracture(s), of ulna, with dislocation of radial head 181—184 182—184
Childhood fracture(s), reduction techniques for, closed 186—190 186—190
Childress technique, of fixation of unstable open ankle fracture 911 911
Chinese method, of closed reduction of two-bone forearm fracture, in upper half 1324—1325 1324—1325
Chip fracture, of coronoid process 1275 1275
Chrisman and Snook procedure, for reconstruction of lateral ligament ankle instability 842 842
Circular cast See Plaster cast circular.
Circulation See also Blood supply.
Circulation, changes in, associated with femoral neck fracture 565 565
Circulation, effect of fracture on 26 26
Circulation, impairment of, after distal humeral fracture, management of 1209 1209
Circulation, in bone and fracture healing 25—27 25—27
Circulation, to epiphyseal-metaphyseal region 91 91
Clam shell plaster cast, for displaced fracture of proximal phalanx 1546 1546
Clam shell plaster cast, for fracture of middle phalanx 1553 1553
Clam shell plaster cast, for stable fracture of shaft of metacarpal 1529 1529
Clam shell plaster cast, for unstable fracture of shaft of metacarpal 1531 1531
Clam shell plaster cast, mechanism of stabilization with 1530 1530
Clavicle See also Shoulder.
Clavicle, articulations of, ligamentous injuries of 1060—1068 1060—1068
Clavicle, congenital pseudoarthrosis of 109 109
Clavicle, excision of portion of, stabilization following 1058—1059 1058—1059
Clavicle, fracture of 1043—1060
Clavicle, fracture of, at birth 108
Clavicle, fracture of, brachial plexus injury associated with 62—63 62—63
Clavicle, fracture of, classification of 1043—1045
Clavicle, fracture of, complication(s) of 1054—1059
Clavicle, fracture of, complication(s) of, excision of portion of clavicle as 1058—1059 1058—1059
Clavicle, fracture of, complication(s) of, neurovascular injuries as 1056 1056—1057
Clavicle, fracture of, complication(s) of, nonunion as 1054—1055 1054—1055
Clavicle, fracture of, deformity in, mechanism of 1046 1046
Clavicle, fracture of, displaced scapular neck fracture associated with 1074 1074
Clavicle, fracture of, displacement with, management of 1053 1053
Clavicle, fracture of, in children 112 112—113
Clavicle, fracture of, in infants 111 111
Clavicle, fracture of, involving inner third 1045 1045
Clavicle, fracture of, involving middle third 1043—1044 1044
Clavicle, fracture of, involving outer third 1044—1045 1045
Clavicle, fracture of, management of 1046—1053
Clavicle, fracture of, management of, closed reduction in 1046—1049
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